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Over the past two decades, the mobile communications industry has seen a considerable drop in the consumer switching charges made by service providers in order to promote effective competition and ensure a level playing field for new market entrants. Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is an important regulatory measure taken to reduce switching costs, and it is believed to play an important role in fostering competition in the mobile market. MNP implementation has varied significantly across European Union countries, particularly with respect to porting time and customer fees, both of which are important factors when deciding whether to switch to another provider. The research examines the effects of MNP implementation on competition in the European mobile communications industry. The study findings indicate that subscriber churn rates are negatively affected by both the level of charges levied on subscribers wishing to maintain their current number (porting) when switching mobile providers and the length of time required to switch. The implications of the effectiveness of MNP regulation for competition in the mobile communications industry are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to review the process of mobile phone operators agreeing to introduce mobile number portability (MNP) in Japan. A study group formed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications estimated the proportion of MNP users and analyzed the user benefits and associated costs to introduce MNP. Owing to the particular market structure and technology available, MNP was expected to yield a larger benefit in the Japanese mobile market than that seen in other countries. Based on the results of the research reviewed with respect to the market situation one year after introducing MNP, the increased competition in the mobile phone market was onfirmed by decreasing call charges and a reduction in the share of the dominant operator.  相似文献   

Combining the FDI spillover literature with a competitor analysis framework, we examine the relative size of spillover and competition effects in China between foreign entrants and local firms, among foreign entrants, and among local firms. Our results show that the increased presence of foreign entrants has generally benefited local firms nationally, but has negatively affected the survival rates of local firms in regional markets. Surprisingly, foreign entrants are crowded out not only by their peers, but also by reformed local firms at both the national and regional levels. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interconnection is necessary for competition in telephony, but interconnection agreements are difficult to negotiate. With local service competition, entrants usually cannot duplicate the local loop, so interconnection also involves ‘renting’ the incumbent's local loops. An incumbent may object to being asked to permit use of its infrastructure by its competitors, in order to allow its competitors to compete with it. If customers own their local loops, however, the problems of interconnection virtually disappear: customers will determine whose traffic their loops carry, and incumbents will not have to supply competitors with the means of competing with them.  相似文献   

A number of countries around the world are trying to promote competition at the local loop as demand for higher bandwidth to the home increases. Different technologies (xDSL, cable modems, and wireless local loop) offer alternative solutions and the issue for regulators is to design a framework that promotes competition and investment. Regulators can promote competition in a number of ways, but two “pure” strategies are services and infrastructure competition. This paper models the regulator and incumbent–entrant interactions explicitly in order to understand how the structure of the voice services might evolve under different regulatory frameworks. Our analysis suggests that a “mix” of infrastructure and service competition like the one promoted in Netherlands, stimulates investment by incumbents and entrants alike and offers better consumer benefits. The message for policy makers is that the introduction of “sunset clauses” provides new entrants with strong incentives to invest while allowing them to enter in service competition and to acquire important knowledge about their new market.  相似文献   

This study aims to improve our understanding of the processes of critical events in time and space that lead from cooperation to competition in dyadic business relationships. Within the business network approach there has recently been a call for research into both time and competition, and research combining both is novel. The study identifies and analyzes critical events in time, their connections with each other and the inner and outer space related to each event. The empirical study is based on four qualitative cases. The findings contribute to existing research by presenting several new perspectives on events and spaces, which improves our understanding of time and process in business networks. Business relationships may evolve from cooperation to competition through chronological events involving information sharing, sales-related and opportunistic activities. In space, these events mostly relate to the focal business relationships, the individual companies and third parties, such as customers.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2001,25(10-11):759-776
Competition in local access networks and local loop unbundling have been central in the 1999 review of the EU communications regulatory framework. These issues also figure high on national policy agendas. Competition in local access is thought to stimulate internet penetration and the development of e-commerce and interactive applications, all key elements for the move towards a ‘new economy’. Following an analysis of different ways to promote competition in local access networks and a review of the respective EU debate, this paper then concentrates on the relevant developments in Britain. At a broader level, it explores the interplay between EU debates and British policies and actions and the scope for harmonisation of national regulatory regimes. At a more specific level, the paper assesses the evolution of local access competition and relates this to the role of regulation and the question of facilities- vs. services-based entry. It is argued that the introduction of new market restructuring initiatives, such as local loop unbundling, requires a larger involvement by regulators, particularly in the early stages, rather than just a reliance on general competition rules.  相似文献   

The logit and probit models have become critical parts of the management researcher's analytical arsenal, growing rapidly from almost no use in the 1980s to appearing in 15% of all articles published in Strategic Management Journal in 2005. However, a review of three top strategy journals revealed numerous areas in their use and interpretation where current practice fell short of ideal. Failure to understand how these models differ from ordinary least squares can lead researchers to misunderstand their statistical results and draw incorrect conclusions regarding the theory they are testing. Based on a review of the methodological literature and recent empirical papers in three leading strategy journals, this paper identifies four critical issues in their use: interpreting coefficients, modeling interactions between variables, comparing coefficients between groups (e.g., foreign and domestic firms), and measures of model fit. For each issue, the paper provides a background, a review of current practice, and recommendations for best practice. A concluding section presents overall implications for the conduct of research with logit and probit models, which should assist both authors and readers of strategic management research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(6-7):401-418
Competition between parallel infrastructures incorporates opposing welfare effects. The gain from reduced deadweight loss might be outweighed by the inefficient duplication of an existing infrastructure. Using data from broadband Internet access for western Europe 2000–04, this paper investigates which effect prevails empirically. Infrastructure competition between DSL and cable TV had a significant and positive impact on the broadband penetration. However, comparing the additional social surplus attributable to cable competition with the cable investments, it can be concluded that, in the absence of significant positive externalities, infrastructure competition has probably not been welfare enhancing.  相似文献   

The telecommunications industries in the United States and the United Kingdom have undergone massive changes during the 1980s. This paper decomposes the total factor productivity growth of AT&T and British Telecom into their various components. It finds that while a great deal of the productivity increases apparently resulted from continuing scale economies, competition for AT&T and privatization of BT have been responsible for 17 percent and 25 percent of their respective gains in recent years. Among other variables, divestiture appears to have initially depressed AT&T's productivity growth, and competition for BT is too insignificant to yet have an impact.  相似文献   

The changes in the international telecommunications market are rapidly outgrowing the existing structure of regulation. Moreover the trends in the sector indicate that if the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) rule is to be viable some form of international competition policy is needed. This must tackle the difficult problems of market access, joint ventures and anticompetitive behaviour and most importantly prevent the different approaches to these problems leading to trade frictions, especially in the USA. Such rules have proved difficult, but not necessarily impossible, to develop as the stalled talks within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have shown. The paper considers the possible relevance of developments within EU telecommunications regulation where a competition policy-led regime is emerging.  相似文献   

Increasingly, strategy scholars are exploring the relationships between innovation, competition, and the persistence of superior profits. Sustained high profitability may result when a firm repeatedly introduces valuable innovations that service previously unmet consumer demands. While the returns to the firm from each innovation may erode over time, innovation ensures that, overall, the firm maintains a high performance position. At the same time, sustained high profitability may also accrue to firms that innovate less often, but effectively avoid the competition that otherwise erodes high returns. This paper elaborates these relationships before presenting an empirical analysis of the effects of differential innovative propensities and differential rates of competition on pharmaceutical firms’ abilities to sustain profit outcomes that are above those earned by competing firms. The analysis, which is situated within the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, finds support for the expected relationship between high innovative propensity and sustained superior profitability, but no support for a link between persistence and the ability to avoid competition. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》1998,22(10):791-795
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 opened the way for rapid expansion of wireless services in the United States. Industry was well-positioned to exploit new opportunities in placing towers and antennas across the American landscape. However, communities were not prepared for the legal battles needed to protect their local zoning and land use decisions. Portraying communities as anti-progress, impatient corporate interests mounted a successful campaign for federal preemption of all local moratoriums that communities had used to buy more time to assess issues, risks, and opportunities. In response, communities (fueled by senators and congressmen) have launched a national grassroots movement to protect their interests.  相似文献   

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