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普惠金融是小额信贷及微型金融的延伸和发展,它旨在建设一个完整的体系,让针对穷人的、带有一定扶贫性质的金融不再被边缘化。尽管小额信贷在我国的发展取得了非凡成就,但从小额信贷发展到普惠金融体系,保证所有需要金融服务的群体都能获得应有服务,其未来使命依然任重道远。  相似文献   

普惠金融作为一个与时俱进的理念,已成为目前我国金融领域落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会面临的一个重要课题.而小额信贷作为反贫困的有力工具,其发展是建立普惠金融体系的核心.近年来,我国的小额信贷虽然已经取得了长足的发展,但总体来说依然处于实践的初级阶段,仍然面临很多制约因素.因此,我国建立普惠金融体系任重而道远.我们应从多方面寻求解决之道,大力发展小额信贷,推广普惠金融服务.  相似文献   

张朝升 《新经济》2014,(26):40-40
建立健全惠及全民的普惠金融体系是我国社会的长期目标。而普惠金融与农村小额信贷有着密切联系,普惠金融是农村小额信贷的延伸和发展,因此,发展农村小额信贷是健全普惠金融体系的关键。本文主要讨论发展农村小额信贷对健全普惠金融体系的重要性以及发展农村小额信贷的措施。  相似文献   

文章从小额信贷这种特殊的金融扶贫方式着手,指出目前我国农村信用社开展的小额信贷在短期内已取得了显著的成果,以及小额信贷自身的特殊性和运行环境中的一些因素制约了它的可持续发展。在分析农村信用社小额信贷在发展过程中遇到的制约因素的基础上,给出解除这些约束条件以实现农村信用社小额信贷可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

正自联合国在推广2005国际小额信贷年时提出普惠金融体系以来,普惠金融在中东、非洲、南亚、东南亚以及拉丁美洲的一些发展中国家获得了极大的成功,并且很快为世界其他国家所效仿,成为一种具有可持续发展的金融组织模式。对国外普惠金融可持续发展模式的研究对我国普惠金融体系的建立和发展无疑具有借鉴意义。一、国外普惠金融发展的可持续性普惠金融指的是为社会所有人,特别是贫困和低收入人口提供的金融服务形式。"普惠"这个提法原属国  相似文献   

小额信贷作为一种金融创新,是扶贫的有效工具,目前正在我国积极发展.针对我国小额信贷存在着的多种组织类型,本文做了梳理,分析了存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的一些见解.  相似文献   

陈敏政 《经济师》2012,(10):175-176
农村小额信贷是针对农民贷款难而衍生的创新型金融信贷产品,是一种有效的扶贫手段。但在具体实施过程中还存在一定的问题。文章着重分析了国内外小额信贷现状、特点及我国小额信贷存在的缺陷,并针对存在的缺陷提出了有关改善建议。  相似文献   

普惠金融既注重资金的投入效率,又注重资金的风险防控,是实现精准扶贫、精准脱贫的一种重要手段.但其在发展过程中仍面临着一些问题:一是农村金融体系不健全,金融服务成本高,金融供给难以满足公众对金融服务的需求;二是金融扶贫对象识别出现偏差,扶贫资金使用的精准度不高;三是普惠金融组织的职能定位不明确,相关法律法规不健全;四是普惠金融组织风险防范不够,资金融通渠道狭窄,可持续发展面临着制度的约束;五是贫困农户内生动力不足.针对这些问题,我国政府应进一步完善普惠金融组织体系和市场体系;创新金融服务提供方式,大力发展互联网金融;构建普惠金融精准扶贫风险防范机制;瞄准扶贫攻坚的五个关键领域,精准发力;选择适合中国的普惠金融精准扶贫发展模式.  相似文献   

小额信贷作为一种金融创新,是扶贫的有效工具,目前正在我国积极发展。针对我国小额信贷存在着的多种组织类型,本文做了梳理,分析了存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的一些见解。  相似文献   

农村小额信贷模式的或优选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外的小额信贷模式有:NGO、正规金融组织参与、金融机构+农户互助组织、国家小额信贷批发基金等。我国小额信贷借鉴了国外经验并结合扶贫项目发展起来。但存在诸多制约变量:代理机构、利率、信贷对象、政府作用、培训、贷款方式及特殊制度目标等,主要形态模式必须兼顾这些因素,或优选择是利用市场机制,以合作化的农村信用社与小额信贷合作金融组织为主体、多元参与的体系。政府应创造信用生态环境并尊重其经营权的完整性。  相似文献   

While recognising that most pre-capitalist formations exhibitedelements of commodity exchange, Marx argued that capitalismdifferentiates itself as a genuine commodity system by virtueof two interdependent processes having reached a critical stageof development: a ‘stretching’ of commodity relationsto the point where production for the market displaces subsistenceproduction as the primary form; and a ‘deepening’of commodity relations such that these encompass not only goodsand services but the capacities for producing them. This paperargues that globalisation can best be understood as the culminatingstage of these stretching and deepening processes: the formerin the sense that commodity relations now embrace the entireplanet and the latter in the sense that they cover not merelygoods, or the capacities for producing goods, but also everyother type of capacity and every other type of outcome.  相似文献   

We define rationality and equilibrium when states specify agents’ actions and agents have arbitrary partitions over these states. Although some suggest that this natural modeling step leads to paradox, we show that Bayesian equilibrium is well defined and puzzles can be circumvented. The main problem arises when player j's partition informs j of i's move and i knows j's strategy. Then i's inference about j's move will vary with i's own move, and i may consequently play a dominated action. Plausible conditions on partitions rule out these scenarios. Equilibria exist under the same conditions, and more generally ε equilibria usually exist.  相似文献   

This paper examines how grade incentives affect student learning across a variety of courses at two universities, using for identification the discrete rewards offered by the standard A–F letter-grade system. We develop and test five predictions about the provision of study effort and the distribution of numerical course averages in the presence of the thresholds that separate these discrete rewards. Surprisingly, all are rejected in our data. There is no evidence that exam performance is improved for those students that stand to gain the most from additional study.  相似文献   

Russia has been negotiating for accession to the WTO for some ten years, and there is still no prospect of an immediate conclusion to the process. The reasons for this are partly to be found in the international environment. In the past, the geo‐strategic concerns of the Western powers have created barriers to Russian integration into global trading structures. Even in the new, post‐September 11 environment, existing WTO members have continued to use the WTO accession process as a way of advancing their own commercial policies vis‐à‐vis Russia. But the main obstacles to speedy accession have been internal. While the Russian government as a whole is strongly in favour of WTO accession as a way of strengthening the market mechanism and reform processes within the country, significant elements within it are equally strongly in favour of high levels of protection for specific sectors, on national security and/or technological/infant industry grounds. While the Russian business community as a whole is divided over the merits of accession, the powerful manufacturing and banking lobbies are demanding levels of protection that would almost certainly be incompatible with accession. Russian views of WTO accession vary widely, within both government and the business community, and anyone who would lobby in favour of accession within Russia must bear this firmly in mind.  相似文献   

Voting as Communicating   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper develops a model where voters trade-off two different motiveswhen deciding how to vote: they care about current decision-making (theyare "strategic"), but they also care about communicating theirviews about their most-preferred candidate so as to influence futureelections, by influencing other voters' opinion and/or partypositioning. In effect, voters in this model are intermediate between"strategic" and "sincere" voters of conventionalmodels in elections with more than 2 candidates. This allows us to betterinvestigate the relative efficiency of various electoral systems: our mainconclusion is that since voting is used as a communication device electoralsystems should be designed to facilitate efficient communication, e.g. by opting for 2-round systems rather than 1-round systems.  相似文献   

This paper argues that, as far as theories of value and moneyare concerned, Marx and Menger have more in common than hasbeen traditionally maintained. Each of them had his own abstractconcept of value, distinct from labour or utility and priorto prices. Moreover, both proposed theories of value form andprovided explanations of the origin of money. These conceptsand theories can hardly be found in the works of Smith and Ricardo,nor in those of Jevons and Walras, because they were primarilyconcerned with the determination of exchange ratios. Furthermore,Marx and Menger become more sharply divided owing to their similarities.They shared many questions to which they offered opposite answers.  相似文献   

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