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朱丽霞  周艳 《经济师》2007,(8):46-47
文章从民俗文化的定义、特征入手,阐明广告创作与民俗文化结合的必要性,论述民俗文化对广告创作个性特征、文化精神意蕴等方面的影响,挖掘具有相同民俗文化心理的广告受众在情感、价值观、思维习惯等方面的信息,从而明确广告的创作原则、创作策略。  相似文献   

随着中国对外经济的蓬勃发展及加入WTO,中外企业都面临着商务广告与国际接轨的问题,即商务广告的翻译问题。本文从民族文化的相异性着手,探讨了商务广告英语翻译的基本特点和修辞手法。  相似文献   

成功的广告创作不仅要注意人类共通的兴趣爱好等共性因素,还应关注各民族的个性因素。台湾不少广告佳作在汲取西方广告精华的同时亦较好地融入了中华民族文化的精华,体现出浓郁的民族文化特色,获取了很好的广告受众效应。立足于精神文化这一文化的核心,从思维方式、审美情趣和价值观念三方面探讨民族文化特色在台湾广告语言中的具体体现。  相似文献   

广告语言是广告的重要构成因素,是广告的主要载体。广告创作的成败,与语言文字的运用有着极为密切的关系。因此,广告语言的研究愈来愈得到各方面的重视。广告语言是一种特殊的应用文体,它的创作视角多种多样,只有规范广告语言,才能创作出更多更好的广告作品,从而促进广告事业的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

中国企业文化对民族文化的守护与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业文化是企业在自己历史发展中所形成的文化传统、行为方式、制度形式和价值观念。中国企业由于是在中华民族遭受内优外患的特殊历史条件下诞生的,这就决定了中国企业文化不仅仅是一种管理文化,它还承担起守护和发展民族文化的历史责任。发扬中国企业文化的优良传统有利中国民族工业应对经济全球化的挑战。  相似文献   

陈龙  叶全良 《当代经济》2008,(11):156-157
广告信息传递的效果,源于现代消费理念。在广告创作中,鲜明的主题、新颖的创意、巧妙的对比、善意的劝告,总能打动消费者的心。进而激发其购买欲望。本文对基于现代消费理念的广告创作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

现代社会里广告作为商品走向市场的敲门砖,促销的催化剂,已无所不在。为了使广告的创作能够满足社会的需求,广告的表现越来越精彩:有平面设计,有广播音响,有三维形象,有立体模具,有人体模特,令人眼花缭乱。广告表现类别也越来越多样:有推销商品的,有提供劳务的,有传播企业文化的,有塑造企业形象的,也有倡导新型消费观念的等等不一而足。但是,广告从它诞生的第一天起,其最主要的目的就是为了推销商品。从这个意义上讲,广告  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济与民族文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

康东亮 《经济师》2005,(5):19-20
社会主义文化与资本主义文化是异质的、平行发展的文化,但面对席卷而来的全球化浪潮,必然会通过相互交流、借鉴、融合的方式走向各自的完善与发展。我们要在坚持马克思主义一元化的指导下,既要汲取资本主义文化中一切有用的成果,又要大力弘扬和培养民族精神,批判地继承优秀的文化传统,在发展中保持文化的民族性和先进性。  相似文献   

广告语言,实际上是文化的结晶.任何民族文化均对广告创作有着重要的影响,而广告语言是广告的核心内容,因而,民族文化也必然影响和制约着广告语言及其表达.广告语言应锤炼其形式、方能达到利用广告为企业提高经济效益的目的,使广告成为企业快速发展的助推器.  相似文献   

The study specifies a model which explains aggregate demand for cigarettes in terms of price, income and advertising. Publicity about the health effects of smoking is treated as a form of ‘anti-advertising’. A distinctive feature is that an attempt is made to measure advertising in terms of ‘messages’ rather than using the more common, but theoretically inappropriate, expenditure measure. The model is tested against quarterly U.K. data for the period 1957 II to 1968 IV, using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The results suggest that advertising had a positive, statistically significant impact on sales, and that this impact was only partly offset by the amount of publicity given to the health effects of smoking.  相似文献   

Press Advertising and the Political Differentiation of Newspapers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The press industry depends in a crucial way on the possibility of financing an important fraction of its activities by advertising receipts. We show that this may induce the editors of the newspapers to moderate the political message they display to their readers, compared with the political opinions they would have expressed otherwise.  相似文献   

Using South African data, and developing a classification of goods on ‘search’ and ‘experience’ lines it was found that interindustry advertising intensity varies with the media mix used in any given industry. This in turn depends on the cost‐effectiveness to the consumer of a given medium's message characteristics.  相似文献   

Campaign Advertising and Voter Welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the role of campaign advertising and the opportunity of legal restrictions on it. An electoral race is modelled as a signalling game with three classes of players: many voters, two candidates, and one interest group. The group has non–verifiable insider information on the candidates' quality and, on the basis of this information, offers a contribution to each candidate in exchange for a favourable policy position. Candidates spend the contributions they receive on non–directly informative advertising. This paper shows that: (1) a separating equilibrium exists in which the group contributes to a candidate only if the insider information about that candidate is positive; (2) although voters are fully rational, a ban on campaign advertising can be welfare–improving; and (3) split contributions may arise in equilibrium (and, if they arise too often, they are detrimental to voters).  相似文献   

Using state-level panel data for the USA spanning three decades, this research estimates the demand for cigarettes. The main contribution lies in studying the effects of cigarette advertising disaggregated across five qualitatively different groups. Results show cigarette demand to be near unit elastic, the income effects to be generally insignificant and border price effects and habit effects to be significant. Regarding advertising effects, aggregate cigarette advertising has a negative effect on smoking. Important differences across advertising media emerge when cigarette advertising is disaggregated. The effects of public entertainment and Internet cigarette advertising are stronger than those of other media. Anti-smoking messages accompanying print cigarette advertising seem relatively more effective. Implications for smoking control policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates claims that firm-specific effects in advertising-sales models can be attributed to a positive correlation between advertising and product quality. Using a standard Koyck transformation on an unbalanced panel dataset of UK firms, the implied long-lasting effects of advertising disappear when firm-specific effects are taken into account. This conclusion is robust to various econometric approaches. However, when the firm-specific effects are retrieved, they are found to correlate strongly with mean advertising. There is no discernible link between the firm-specific effects and whether a firm perceives quality to be an important form of competition in its market. The results give no support to the idea that advertising affects sales through associated product quality. They are consistent with the persistence of advertising within firms over time.  相似文献   

A simultaneous-equation regression model is developed and tested against aggregative time series data. The test involves the model as well as hypotheses regarding the structural parameters. Restrictions on the structural parameters imply limits on the parameters of the reduced-form equations. Estimates of the reduced-form coefficients must fall within the implied intervals in order for the model to be in agreement with the data.  相似文献   

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