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为确保2012年底前基本解决全市2008年3月在册的77177户城市低收入家庭住房困难问题,加快保障性住房建设。广州市住房保障办将在建的党恩新街、同德、泰安花园、大塘、郭村5个政府保障性住房小区项目基本情况向社会进行了公布。  相似文献   

吴衍 《上海房地》2012,(8):59-59
保障房、保障性住房是中国式的术语,其称谓的产生有特定的学科背景和国别的习惯,与其相对应的称谓有新加坡的“公共租房”、日本的“公营住房”和“公用住房”、英国的“市(郡)议会住房”和“合作住房”、美国和瑞典的“公共住房”等。从保障社会成员最基本的居住权和生存条件来看,这类住房有利于促进居住公平、缩小居住条件差距并维护社会稳定,因而社会学理论称其为保障房。  相似文献   

保障性住房(保障房)的建设关系到国计民生,关系到我国经济的持续健康发展。为保障房建设提供良好的金融支持是每一个金融工作者的美好夙愿和思考课题。目前我国金融支持保障房建设逐步开展,但还存在一些问题,需要借鉴国外部分成熟经验;针对特定国情,也需要因地制宜地做出金融创新。  相似文献   

保障性住房(保障房)的建设关系到国计民生,关系到我国经济的持续健康发展.为保障房建设提供良好的金融支持是每一个金融工作者的美好夙愿和思考课题.目前我国金融支持保障房建设逐步开展,但还存在一些问题,需借鉴国外部分成熟经验;针对特定国情,也需园地制宜地做出金融创新.  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者 高智勇 钟恺琳 通讯员 穗房宣)1月11日下午,广州市在白云区太和镇隆重举行龙归保障房示范小区开工仪式,该小区是广州市学习借鉴新加坡、香港公共房屋建设管理成功经验建设的大型保障房项目。省委常委、市委书记张广宁出席活动并宣布项目开工,市委副书记、市长万庆良致辞。万庆良表示,广州将继承和发扬"敢想、会干、为人民"的亚运精神,把住房保障工作作为建设"幸福广州"的重要内容,  相似文献   

广州保障性住房建设打出了有效的"组合拳"——从体制、机制上的创新,到征地、建设的透明,再到适合人群的遴选、公示,以至于后期严格监管上,都走在了全国的前列。  相似文献   

(本刊讯记者钟恺琳通讯员穗房宣)2012年6月6日~10日,市住房保障办联合共青团广州市委(简称团市委)、白云区团委、金沙洲街道等单位在金沙洲新社区共同举办"情满金沙一共建保障房文明社区服务周"活动。本次服务周活动内容丰富,包括《广州市保障性住房小区管理扣分办法(试行)》(以下简称《扣分办法》)宣传,  相似文献   

不久前,广州市住房保障办拿出的一份关于保障性住房土地储备办法征求意见稿,提出保障性住房用地将和商品房用地分开储备,前者将会得到优先安排。对此,国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所研究室主任廖英敏提出了两个问题:国家规定的是由土地储备中心储备国有土地,分开操作是否能切实提高工作效率?保障房建设费用主要从中  相似文献   

央企民企,难舍"5万亿保障房蛋糕"。根据"十二五"规划,我国将在今后5年内新建3600万套保障性住房,总投资额达5万亿元。目前,多家以房地产为主业的央企已布局保障房建设。而《2011中国房地产上市公司测评研究报告》也显示,(包括民企在内的)上市房企对参与保障房建设已达成共识。  相似文献   

针对保障房骗购骗租事件,广州近日公布全国首个《广州市住房保障监督办法(试行)(征求意见稿)》,确保保障性住房真正惠及低收入人群。广州市住房保障办公室相关负责人表示,依据《办法》将住房保障信息公开、规划计划拟定、政策制定、土地储备、住房建设、申请审核、供应、分配、后续管理和物业管理等住房保障的全过程均纳入监督的范围。  相似文献   

From the 1930s onwards America's housing assistance policies have largely been shaped by the federal government's response to catastrophe, whether of an external nature (the Great Depression, the urban riots of the 1960s) or an internal nature (mismanagement, excessive costs). Consequently, today's collection of federal housing policies resemble more the results of an archaeological dig through 70 years of activity than a coherent approach to a longstanding problem. Nonetheless, one key theme that emerges is the shift from wholly government solutions to a hybrid public–private partnership approach in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

This paper deals with different concepts of income elasticities of demand for a heterogeneous population and the relationship between individual and aggregate elasticities. In general, the aggregate elasticity is not equal to the mean of individual elasticities. The difference depends on the heterogeneity of the population and is quantified by a covariance term. Sign and magnitude of this term are determined by an empirical analysis based on the UK Family Expenditure Survey. It is shown that the relevant quantities can be identified from cross‐sectional data and, without imposing restrictive structural assumptions, can be estimated by nonparametric techniques. It turns out that the aggregate elasticity significantly overestimates the mean of individual elasticities for many commodity groups. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Across cities in India, migrant groups, squatters and the urban poor residing in slums have played a crucial role in developing low-income housing. This form of housing is closely connected to the economic activity of the poor, which in turn contributes to the wider urban economy. It also enables the poor to consolidate their position in the city and make claims on the city administration for infrastructure. However, such housing has been bracketed as 'informal' and lacks legitimacy. Policies concerning low-income housing must address this issue while enabling the poor to further their economic and entrepreneurial initiatives.  相似文献   

Traditional Latin American housing programs, which have used below-market interest rates to convey subsidies, have suffered from serious vices: high per-unit cost and subsidies, low population coverage, lack of transparency, benefits to the middle-class rather than the poor, and inefficiency. Chile broke out of this flawed traditional mode by launching a housing program that conveys subsidies directly to households in die form of a one-time, non-reimbursable grant This approach has spread to other Latin American countries, increasingly with the support of donors. The paper describes and then analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of direct subsidy programs in Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Uruguay to distill ten design lessons: target to low-income households and ensure political autonomy; replace below-market interest rates with direct demand subsidies; use group mechanisms for low-income households; stimulate supply, not just demand; adjust key amounts for inflation; balance progressivity and financial feasibility; join die efforts of various levels of government; use NGOs; establish mechanisms for on-going consolidation of housing solutions; and include measures to promote broader housing sector reform. The conclusion applies these lessons to the design of a housing pilot project in Venezuela.  相似文献   

相比与中国富人对豪宅的奢侈与豪气的极致追求,国外的顶级豪宅更多注重的是不可复制的生活体验以及高端的居住配套服务。因此,国外豪宅更注重得天独厚的天然环境,贯穿设计的始终,融入豪宅的居住体验中。豪再不是单指地段的优越,装修的奢华,更重要的是独一无二的居住体验。  相似文献   

Every house is different. It is important that house price indexes take account of these quality differences. Hedonic methods which express house prices as a function of a vector of characteristics (such as number of bedrooms and bathrooms, land area and location) are particularly useful for this purpose. I consider here some developments in the hedonic methodology, as it is applied in a housing context, that have occurred in the last three decades. A number of hedonic house price indexes are now available. However, it is often difficult to see how these indexes relate to each other. For this reason I attempt to impose some structure on the literature by developing a taxonomy of hedonic indexes, and then show how existing indexes fit into this taxonomy. Also discussed are some promising areas for future research in the hedonic field. In particular, greater use needs to be made of spatial econometric and nonparametric methods to exploit the increased availability of geospatial data. The main criticisms of the hedonic approach are evaluated and compared with those of the repeat‐sales and stratified median methods. The overall conclusion is that the advantages of the hedonic approach outweigh its disadvantages.  相似文献   

三峡 《房地产导刊》2011,(2):104-104
随着2010亚运会的成功举行,广州城市价值在亚运的力推下迅速升级,城市人居环境得到极大改善。再加上"国家中心城市"的地位,广州市中心豪宅价值日益被外界认可。2010年,广州中心区豪宅均价同比上涨了40%左右,珠江新城CBD区豪宅成交价普通达到5-6万元/平方米,个别单位售价甚至高达12万/平方米。这意味着,拥有稀缺资源的市中心豪宅已稳步进入价值上升空间。  相似文献   

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