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基金行业经过十几年的快速发展,在管理资产规模、产品种类、投资渠道方面都有了长足进步.作为方便、快捷、安全的投资渠道,基金网上交易平台得到了众多投资者的青睐.本文将着重分析此平台的现状和问题,并提出相关改进建议. 相似文献
2008年中国基金行业发展报告 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文通过对国际基金行业发展经验的考察,发现短暂的市场调整并不能改变基金长期成长的趋势。文中分析了2007年以来牛熊市转变中基金持有人行为特征,发现一旦市场出现反弹,回到基金投资者的成本密集区,基金行业会承受一定的赎回压力,但由于持有人成本差异带来的行动不一致,不至于对行业和市场产生颠覆性的共振。本文还对我国基金行业未来产品发展趋势进行了研究,认为未来基金行业发展的机会来源于投资对象的创新、指数基金种类的逐渐丰富、投资目标的专注化等,定向募集资金管理业务有望逐渐成为基金公司重要收入来源。 相似文献
张婷 《金融经济(湖南)》2013,(16):130-132
基金家族作为新的研究领域,越来越受到关注。论文首先对基金家族的概念进行阐述,对基金家族优势进行了分析,并分别从基金家族管理的经济学、管理学和行为金融学意义等角度进行研究。 相似文献
2008年基金行业发展概览 共同基金规模首次大幅下降,但基金份额仍有增长.中国基金行业10年来首次出现资产管理规模下降的情况,行业资产管理规模从2007年末的3.28万亿降至1.94万亿,缩水1.34万亿.此前,即使是在2001~2005年的大熊市中,共同基金规模总体也保持了高达56%的年增长率. 相似文献
二季度末共同基金资产规模下降13%至2.1万亿元,基金份额小幅上升至2.4万亿份。7局偏股型基金净值随大盘大幅上升,股票型、混合型、指数型基金净值平均上涨8.8%.7.79%.11.0%;货币市场型基金收益稳定,债券型和保本型基金净值上涨了1.6%和2.3%,ODII基金涨幅小于境内偏股型基金。 相似文献
金融危机已过去3年.虽然危机引发的欧债阴霾仍然笼罩着世界经济前景,但令人振奋的是,全球资产管理行业已迅速复苏并重新回到上升通道。 相似文献
2009年二季末共同基金资产规模上升15%至2.3万亿元,基金份额小幅下降至2.3万亿份。偏股型、QDll基金规模上升较快,保本型基金规模基本持平,货币市场型、债券型基金规模有较大幅度下降。7月份偏股型基金净值大幅上升,股票型、混合型、指数型基金净值平均上涨了13.6%、11.7%、17。0%;货币市场基金收益率持平:债券型、保本型基金净值总体上涨;QDⅡ基金也有较好表现,平均上涨8.7%。 相似文献
2010年1季末共同基金资产规模与2009年来相比下降10%至2.4万亿元,基金份额下降5%至2.3万亿份.其中货币市场型基金规模大幅下降55%,股票型、混合型、指数型基金规模均小幅下降.4月A股市场震荡下跌,股票型、混合型、指数型基金净值平均下跌了 3.8%、3.2%、8.1%.赁币市场型基金月度收益率为0.13%,债券型基金平均净值小幅上升0.4%,保本型基金平均净值下跌1.2%. QDII基金平均净值下跌0.8%,表现明显好于境内偏股型基金. 相似文献
The Performance Persistence of Closed-End Funds 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The purpose of this study is to extend the research on mutual fund performance persistence to net asset value and market price performance of domestic closed‐end funds. While research has assessed the performance persistence of open‐end mutual funds, it has not assessed the performance persistence of closed‐end funds. Yet, the unique characteristics of closed‐end funds allow stronger arguments for their persistence than the arguments previously submitted for open‐end mutual funds. The results show evidence for risk‐adjusted performance persistence. 相似文献
We examine the performance of enhanced index and quantitative equity funds. Both types of funds use quantitative models in investment selection. Enhanced index funds set an explicit objective to outperform a benchmark index. Proponents of quantitative funds argue that their management style takes human emotions out of the investment decision‐making process and leads to more objective stock selection. We find evidence of outperformance by quantitatively managed growth funds, especially those investing in small cap stocks. 相似文献
We examine the motivation and performance of closed‐end funds that engage in seasoned public or rights offerings. We find that closed‐end funds are more motivated to engage in seasoned offerings when their shares exhibit a relatively high premium (compared to their corresponding NAV) and have a high degree of liquidity. We also find a significant negative valuation effect on average in response to seasoned offerings by closed‐end funds. Our cross‐sectional analysis reveals that the valuation effect at the time of the seasoned offering is more unfavorable for funds that have relatively high expense ratios and are relatively large. Furthermore, we find that the closed‐end funds experience significant negative valuation effects over the three‐year period subsequent to the seasoned offering, implying poor post‐offering performance. 相似文献
During the last decade, the European asset management industry has undergone a period of unprecedented change. Europe has witnessed ten years of financial integration, driven in particular by various regulatory initiatives. But Europe has also been transformed in the geopolitical sense, with 12 new Member States and millions of new citizens of the European Union. Add to that a decade of rapid globalization and one financial crisis of historical proportions. But while Europe and its financial markets have evolved and the asset management industry has transformed itself, academic research has not kept pace. During the last ten years or so, the lack of systematic research on the structural dimensions of the asset management industry is striking. This article fills this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of the European asset management industry at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. We seek to provide explanations to the various differences observed between European countries. Using prior research as a basis, we also compare the characteristics of the industry to their standing at the turn of the century. This also includes assessing whether and to what extent the forecasts provided in prior research did materialize. We also try to find reasons for cases in which they did not. Finally, we ourselves offer a number of prognoses on the development of the European asset management over the coming years. 相似文献
N. Kreander† R.H. Gray D.M. Power C.D. Sinclair 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2005,32(7-8):1465-1493
Abstract: This paper studies the performance of 60 European funds from four countries. The paper extends the UK matched pair approach for fund evaluation developed by Mallin et al. (1995) to a European setting. The findings suggest that there is no difference between ethical and non‐ethical funds according to the performance measures employed. Neither type of fund displayed any ability to time the market. Finally, the results indicate that the management fee is a significant explanatory variable for the Jensen measure as Chen et al. (1992) and Grinblatt and Titman (1994) suggested. 相似文献
基金业绩持续性本质上是考察基金历史业绩是否对未来业绩有一定程度的揭示作用,其思想与有效市场假说相抵触,被视为金融市场的异常现象.本文对基金业绩持续性研究的三个主要问题--持续性是否存在、持续性的来源、持续性检验方法,做了较为全面的综述,并归纳整理了进一步的研究方向. 相似文献
本文利用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国开放式基金2003~2008年的投资管理效率进行总体分析,发现我国开放式基金投资效率很低,基金风格、基金管理公司、规模大小、分红等都会影响其综合技术效率、纯技术效率与规模效率。进一步利用Malmquist生产率指数对其动态效率进行分析表明,开放式基金整体效率存在改善,主要来自于技术进步。 相似文献
关于集合资金信托成为信托业主流业务的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
刘瑞波 《中央财经大学学报》2004,(11):31-35,47
按照现行规定,信托业目前可以开办信托业务、投资基金业务、投资银行业务、中间业务和其他业务,但最有条件成为信托业未来主流业务的当属集合资金信托业务.要完成这一使命,首先必须客观分析集合资金信托业务在与基金管理公司、商业银行开办的雷同业务竞争中所具有的优势与劣势,然后及时解决业务开展过程中所存在的各种不利于其快速健康发展的政策难题、技术难题. 相似文献