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A Dynamic Model of Optimal Capital Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a continuous time model of a firm that candynamically adjust both its capital structure and its investmentchoices. In the model we endogenize the investment choice aswell as firm value, which are both determined by an exogenousprice process that describes the firm's product market. Withinthe context of this model we explore cross-sectional as wellas time-series variation in debt ratios. We pay particular attentionto interactions between financial distress costs and debtholder/equityholderagency problems and examine how the ability to dynamically adjustthe debt ratio affects the deviation of actual debt ratios fromtheir targets. Regressions estimated on simulated data generatedby our model are roughly consistent with actual regressionsestimated in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

We show that incentive conflicts between firms and their creditors have a large impact on corporate debt policy. Net debt issuing activity experiences a sharp and persistent decline following debt covenant violations, when creditors use their acceleration and termination rights to increase interest rates and reduce the availability of credit. The effect of creditor actions on debt policy is strongest when the borrower's alternative sources of finance are costly. In addition, despite the less favorable terms offered by existing creditors, borrowers rarely switch lenders following a violation.  相似文献   

资本监管已成为现代商业银行监管体系的核心,而现有研究对资本监管的重要性缺乏系统的理论研究。基于此,本文从MM理论出发,逐步分析并得出:银行自身经营的特殊性、银行作为一般企业所追求的企业价值最大化行为以及银行作为特殊企业所得到的银行安全网保护等因素使得银行形成不断提高最优资产负债率和降低资本充足率的内在机制,逐步分析不同情形下的银行最优资本结构,进而说明资本监管对于维系银行经营的稳健性和审慎性以及减少银行破产而导致的负外部性等方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

Contrary to recent accounts of off‐balance‐sheet securitization by financial firms, we show that asset securitization by nonfinancial firms provides a valuable form of financing for shareholders without harming debtholders. Using data from firms’ SEC filings, we find that securitization is attractive to firms in the middle of the credit quality distribution, which are the firms with the most to gain. Upon initiation, firms experience positive abnormal stock returns and zero abnormal bond returns, and largely use the securitization proceeds to repay existing debt. Securitization minimizes financing costs by reducing expected bankruptcy costs and providing access to segmented credit markets.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates Ross's cash flow beta theory of capital structure. Ross hypothesizes that, for firms of similar cash flow variance, there will be an inverse relationship between financial leverage and cash flow beta. This paper provides empirical support for Ross's theory, though the extent of the support depends upon the sample period and the leverage specification.  相似文献   

We derive the optimal dynamic contract in a continuous‐time principal‐agent setting, and implement it with a capital structure (credit line, long‐term debt, and equity) over which the agent controls the payout policy. While the project's volatility and liquidation cost have little impact on the firm's total debt capacity, they increase the use of credit versus debt. Leverage is nonstationary, and declines with past profitability. The firm may hold a compensating cash balance while borrowing (at a higher rate) through the credit line. Surprisingly, the usual conflicts between debt and equity (asset substitution, strategic default) need not arise.  相似文献   

Optimal Capital Structure and Industry Dynamics   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper provides a competitive equilibrium model of capital structure and industry dynamics. In the model, firms make financing, investment, entry, and exit decisions subject to idiosyncratic technology shocks. The capital structure choice reflects the tradeoff between the tax benefits of debt and the associated bankruptcy and agency costs. The interaction between financing and production decisions influences the stationary distribution of firms and their survival probabilities. The analysis demonstrates that the equilibrium output price has an important feedback effect. This effect has a number of testable implications. For example, high growth industries have relatively lower leverage and turnover rates.  相似文献   

This study finds shortcomings in empirical tests of the capital structure irrelevance hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is that firms choose value maximizing mixes of debt and equity on account of bankruptcy costs and the tax deductibility of interest payments. Based upon the cross-sectional implications of the tax shelter-bankruptcy cost hypothesis, an alternative test of the irrelevance hypothesis is performed. The test examines the relationship between failure rates and leverage ratios for 36 lines of business. The results are inconsistent with the irrelevance hypothesis.  相似文献   

通货膨胀对资本结构的影响:理论模型与实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利率管制下具有股权融资偏好的企业融资模型表明,通货膨胀会增大公司的债务融资比重,并且利率管制带来的利率刚性和公司税率都会放大通货膨胀的这种作用。同时,以中国30家上市公司25个季度的财务面板数据为基础进行的实证研究发现,通货膨胀对中国上市公司的债务—权益比率具有非常显著的正向作用,货币对于公司的资本结构是非中性的。另外固定资产比率非常显著的正向作用于债务—权益比率。  相似文献   

This paper provides a test of whether capital structure decisions are at least in part motivated by managerial self-interest. It is shown that the debt ratio is negatively related to management's shareholding, reflecting the greater nondiversifiable risk of debt to management than to public investors for maintaining a low debt ratio. Unless there is a nonmanagerial principal stockholder, no substantial increase of debt can be realized, which may suggest that the existence of large nonmanagerial stockholders might make the interests of managers and public investors coincide.  相似文献   

我国上市公司资本结构影响因素实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭柯 《新金融》2008,(8):54-57
资本结构指在公司长期财务结构中债权与股权的相关比例。资本结构一直是公司财务的核心内容,在理论和实务中都得到了广泛的应用。由于中国资本市场的特殊性,我国上市公司在应用传统资本结构理论时需要进行一定修正。本文基于中国A股上市公司2005-2007年的横截面数据,就企业破产成本、资产结构、避税能力、盈利能力、成长性、公司规模、股利政策以及流通股比率等对资本结构最具影响的变量,对中国上市企业的资本结构和融资偏好进行了实证研究,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

混合型资本工具与商业银行资本结构优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资本管理是银行风险管理的核心内容,银行通过资本结构的合理安排,不仅能有效覆盖风险,满足资本监管要求,还能同时提高财务效率。本文结合混合型资本工具的特点及各国监管规定,分析了商业银行的最佳资本结构选择,并提出了我国商业银行的应对策略。  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of how competition for investments among companies in a certain industry affects their capital structure. The authors develop a new modelling framework that simulates financial variables of a set of firms in a given sector, and uses the framework to analyze how such firms compete for new investments. The leverage of companies affects their flexibility to react to and take advantage of investment opportunities, and the authors show how such flexibility can be optimized to maximize the firm’s growth. As an illustration, they apply the model to a set of European airlines and global pharmaceutical companies. The novelty introduced by this paper is the explicit modelling of the interaction between several companies. The literature on optimal capital structure focuses on individual companies optimizing their capital structure in a world in which the actions of their competitors are exogenous. The authors’ results show how to incorporate the competitive position of the firm as well as the availability of investment opportunities into the capital structure decison.  相似文献   

本文对不同行业内公司之间的资本结构差异情况以及产生这些差异的原因进行了一定的探讨。研究表明,产品市场竞争、代理问题、发展机会、资产流动性等行业特征以及行业内公司特征存在的极大差异是造成行业内公司之间资本结构差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

我国商业银行前瞻性资本结构模型构建与实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
资本结构研究对以建立现代金融企业为目标的中国银行业十分重要。本文通过深入分析资本充足率、核心资本充足率、股权回报率和平均融资成本之间的关系,提出我国商业银行在转轨时期的前瞻性资本结构模型,并以我国四大国有商业银行为例进行实证分析,进而得到资本结构管理的指标矩阵。这有利于合理确定银行的资本结构,满足投资者的股权回报要求,降低融资成本。国内其他类型的商业银行也可以通过改变参数的方式,以前瞻性资本结构模型建立适应各自规模和定位的估计区间。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between family control and corporate capital structure considering the dynamic nature of the debt policy and the ownership structure of family firms. Our results show that the sensitivity of debt to fluctuations in cash flow is less pronounced in family firms and highlight that family control increases the speed of adjustment toward target debt. Four dimensions of the family business model explain these results: deviations of voting from cash flow rights, the presence of a second blockholder in the company, involvement of family members in management, and the generation in charge of the business. The weaker negative impact of cash flow on debt is driven by family firms with no control‐enhancing mechanisms, companies with active family participation in management and family businesses that are still controlled by the first generation. By contrast, the more severe agency conflicts between owners and creditors in family firms with a second blockholder lead to more pronounced pecking order behaviour. Furthermore, the higher flexibility in corporate decision‐making of family firms managed by the family and under the influence of the first generation explains why family companies are able to rebalance their capital structure faster.  相似文献   

基于权衡模型的跨国公司资本结构的决定因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国公司资本结构问题是国际金融微观领域的研究热点 ,但目前国内研究对此鲜有涉及。本文着重研究了跨国公司资本结构决定的问题 ,在概述了权衡理论的基本思想并考虑了跨国公司经营环境与国内企业的差异后 ,提出基于权衡模型的跨国公司资本结构决定机制的分析框架 ,进而深入研究了跨国公司资本结构的决定因素 :负债节税价值、破产成本和代理成本。  相似文献   

实证研究表明:虽然东、西部经济上存在着很大差距,东、西部上市公司资本结构却没有显著性差异;东、西部上市公司资本结构的影响因素存在着差异.  相似文献   

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