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随着互联网技术的发展,旅游景区营销的策略和方式也越来越网络化、多样化。近年来,随着网络短视频的火爆,也带动了国内外很多旅游景点成为了"网红"景点,景区知名度和影响力迅速提升,游客接待量也急剧增长。本文以抖音短视频APP为例,研究了网络短视频对旅游景区营销和发展的启示。  相似文献   

“网红打卡地”作为新晋的热门旅游地,其吸引力影响着游客的决策及自身后续发展。本文利用因子分析法构建“网红打卡地”旅游吸引力评价指标体系,并从游客感知视角,对福建平潭岛“网红打卡地”的旅游吸引力进行IPA分析,并提出相应的旅游发展策略。  相似文献   

近年来,随着民众旅游消费需求的不断增长,一日游的旅游模式亦逐渐扩大。目前,山西太原一日游发展潜力巨大但知名度不高。文章基于游客视角,通过开展游客对旅游公交的感知研究,发现太原市一日游游客对旅游公交的关注点聚焦于司机服务水平、便捷性、舒适性以及安全性四个方面,且这些因素对太原市的旅游吸引力也有一定的影响。因此,增加旅游公交宣传渠道,通过多种渠道提升太原市一日游游客的幸福感、获得感显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

提高旅游公共服务质量既是旅游业加速转型升级、提质增效的关键,也是增进游客幸福感的必然要求。本研究从旅游体验视角出发,构建了旅游公共服务质量对游客幸福感的多重中介模型,并运用结构方程建模和Bootstrap法对模型进行实证分析。研究发现:体验价值在信息传播服务质量、行政监管服务质量对实现性快乐的影响中发挥积极的中介作用,在信息传播服务质量、安全保障服务质量、行政监管服务质量对享乐性快乐的影响中也发挥积极的中介作用;体验满意度在信息传播服务质量、行政监管服务质量对实现性快乐和享乐性快乐的影响中均发挥积极的中介作用;替代者吸引力负向调节了公共设施服务质量、便民惠民服务质量、行政监管服务质量对体验价值的影响,以及公共设施服务质量、便民惠民服务质量对体验满意度的影响。本研究整合主观幸福感和心理幸福感的双元结构,扩展了游客幸福感的研究情境,明确了旅游公共服务质量对游客幸福感影响的心理机制及边界条件,对改善旅游公共服务质量及提升游客长期幸福感有重要启示。  相似文献   

何畅  毕玮  刘佳  王维 《旅游学刊》2023,(12):113-129
随着数字化时代的到来,“旅游+直播”为旅游业持续发展带来了新生机。虽然也引起了学术界的关注,但缺乏从技术视角探究旅游直播对旅游者认知和消费决策影响的研究。文章基于数字可供性视角,利用刺激-机体-反应理论框架构建数字可供性对冲动购买行为和持续观看意图的作用机制模型。通过实证研究发现,在旅游直播情境中,数字可供性(物理可供性、信息可供性和交互可供性)对冲动购买行为和持续观看意图均具有正向影响;沉浸感在数字可供性与冲动购买行为和持续观看意图之间发挥着部分中介机制。目的地熟悉度在数字可供性与沉浸感之间发挥正向调节作用,而权力感也增强了沉浸感与冲动购买行为和持续观看意图之间的正向关系。研究不仅为探究旅游直播行为研究提供新视角,同时也为旅游从业者、企业以及目的地管理者如何更好地挖掘直播技术潜力提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

旅游App间的激烈竞争不断升级.如何提高旅游App用户粘性与购买意向是企业亟须解决的重要问题.文章以"信念→态度→行为"为框架,综合运用互动性理论与流体验理论,构建旅游App互动性影响用户粘性与购买意向的路径模型.采用问卷调查法,收集211份有效样本,执行偏最小二乘估计法,研究发现:预期互动性会正向影响感知互动性,但对用户满意没有直接影响;感知互动性不仅会直接影响而且还会通过流体验间接作用于用户满意;流体验和用户满意不仅会直接影响而且还会通过用户粘性间接影响购买意向;感知互动性和流体验对用户粘性与购买意向影响的总效应都很强.在理论上,发展了旅游App使用行为理论,丰富了互动性理论的应用范围;在实践上,提出时刻关注用户对互动性的预期与着力强化旅游App互动性体验两点建议.  相似文献   

当今时代,网络和新媒体迅速发展,不仅极大改变了人们的日常生活的方方面面,而且旅游方式和观念以及旅游目的地的推广形式都深受影响。重庆通过大热的短视频app"抖音",成为人们争相到访的网红城市,这让我们看到了新媒体传播速度快,信息量大而广泛,成本低,交互性强等特点,这相对于传统报纸杂志,电视来说优势很明显,极大促进了旅游的发展。但随之也出现了一系列问题,本文围绕新媒体背景下重庆旅游发展展开研究,希望能更好地利用新媒体来发展重庆旅游。  相似文献   

诗歌作为中华优秀传统文化的重要载体,是旅游目的地的重要旅游资源。一些旅游诗词中所包含的景观信息,客观上能起到发现、描述、记录和评价旅游资源的作用。历史上河南籍优秀诗人的创作和反映河南自然环境和人文景观的诗词,是中原文化的重要组成部分,可以据此考证发掘旅游资源,提高旅游景点的知名度和吸引力。整理河南丰厚的诗词文化,以“诗词+”发展理念全方位整合开发河南省的文化旅游资源,加强诗词旅游的宣传营销,构建以诗词文化为主线的网络旅游空间,精心打造不同主题的精品诗词旅游路线,开发多样化的诗词旅游产品,创新诗词文化旅游体验,让作为地方文脉的古典诗词与河南旅游深度融合,既能充分彰显中原文化的独特魅力,又能推动河南省旅游经济健康持续发展。  相似文献   

柏林 《西部旅游》2024,(5):34-36
文章探讨乡村旅游目的地形象塑造与品牌建设的策略,以促进乡村旅游业的可持续发展。研究发现,乡村旅游目的地的形象塑造与品牌建设需综合考量文化传承、自然环境、社区参与和营销策略等多方面因素。通过挖掘乡村的历史文化、传统工艺等资源,塑造独特的地域形象,可以提升目的地的文化吸引力;充分发挥乡村的自然环境优势,打造生态旅游目的地,可以实现品牌定位与自然景观的有机结合;注重社区参与,加强游客与当地居民的互动交流,可以提升游客的旅游体验感和归属感;巧妙运用互联网和新媒体技术,采用差异化的营销策略,可以提升目的地的知名度和美誉度。  相似文献   

本文从游客对旅游住宿产品体验和感知的视角,研究生态住宿体验和个人涉入度对游客环保行为意向的影响。结果表明:(1)游客的生态住宿体验和个人涉入度对游客的环保行为意向具有显著的正向影响;(2)个人涉入度包括"感知重要性与娱乐价值"、"符号价值"、"风险可能性"和"风险重要性"4个维度;其中"感知重要性与娱乐价值"及"符号价值"对游客的环保行为意向表现出显著的正向影响,而"风险可能性"和"风险重要性"对环保行为意向的影响不显著;(3)生态意识的调节效应显著。该结论对于丰富国内外相关研究具有一定的理论价值,为旅游住宿企业开发产品的价值诉求提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of social media use constraints on destination image under the internet restrictions in China. The empirical results indicate that information search constraints have a significant effect on the affective image of destinations through emotional experience. Not allowing certain social media use has negative implications for tourists’ image of a destination through their emotional responses. Furthermore, there is a moderating effect of information search constraints on the relationships between emotion and affective image. The key findings appeal for policy breakthroughs on barrier-free internet access for foreign tourists in Hainan, China’s largest emerging free trade zone and one of its top tourist destinations. This has clear management implications for regions with internet restrictions.  相似文献   

Based on how tourists interpret the destination experience and on attachment theory, this study investigates the influencing mechanism of tourists' happiness on revisit intention for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) cultural tourism destinations. Three tourist samples confirm the three dimensions of tourists' happiness: positive emotions, engagement, and meaning. Two surveys were conducted to test the direct and indirect influence of tourists' happiness on revisit intention and the moderating role of tourists' health consciousness. The results show that tourists' happiness promotes memorable tourism experience and place attachment, in turn stimulating revisit intention. The results also support health consciousness as a significant moderator between happiness, place attachment, and revisit intention. The findings enrich theoretical understanding of tourists’ happiness and provide marketing and management advice for TCM cultural tourism destinations.  相似文献   

陈莹盈  林德荣 《旅游学刊》2020,35(4):89-103
在移动社交媒体时代,旅游分享已成为当下旅游者的行为偏好,越来越多的旅游者选择微信、QQ这类强关系移动社交平台进行分享。国内学界对移动社交平台旅游分享行为的研究随之日增,但少有文章从理论上系统地揭示旅游分享行为的过程与动因。文章采用扎根理论研究方法,构建反映强关系网络移动社交平台的旅游分享动态过程理论模型。将旅游分享行为动态过程划分为分享前因、分享实现与分享结果3个阶段,总结每个阶段的行为特征、表现方式及阶段之间的演替规律,并探讨这类旅游分享行为的特点与动因。研究发现,在旅游分享动机上,强关系移动社交平台强调情感联结与互动,从而旅游者受到与个体相关动机的影响更为显著;分享内容上,平台的强关系特性与熟人社交促使旅游者尽量避免分享负面信息;分享结果上,强关系移动社交平台的旅游分享能调节旅游者行中、行后的体验水平,并形成兼具网络时空拓展性与熟人圈规模局限性的口碑传播。  相似文献   

陈晔  李天元  赵帆 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):31-41
旅游目的地推广营销所使用的官方网站、微博、电子商务平台等网络渠道构成了旅游者接触目的地的网络界面。旅游目的地网络界面特征主要包含信息价值、友好性和交互性3个要素。为探索旅游目的地网络界面对旅游者体验及品牌形象的影响,构建了旅游目的地网络界面特征、旅游者体验与目的地品牌形象的结构方程模型。研究发现,旅游目的地网络界面特征的3个要素通过功能体验和情感体验两个中介因素影响游客对目的地品牌形象的感知,但信息价值对情感体验的影响不显著。基于以上结论,对旅游目的地优化网络界面提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

The tourist celebrity gaze is identified and outlined in this article. A netnographic study of adventure backpackers' social media, documenting their taking part in the 2019 Mongol Rally, highlights a shift from touring places to being on tour. Hereby, the tourist may go travelling not only to observe, but to be observed by others. Symptomatic of this inverted gaze, distinctions from other travellers are drawn, making the tourist stand out, and attention is solicited and reported upon whilst on the road. The tourist enters an obverse panopticon where they can perform for an audience. Certain destinations and selective use of social media support this performance. Revealed therefore, is an extension of the traditional tourist gaze building on more recently described technologically mediated gazes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which people’s involvement with a celebrity affects their perceptions of tourism destinations (familiarity, image, and visitation intentions). An on-site survey was conducted in Japan to examine Japanese’ perceptions of Korea in relation to their involvement with Korean celebrities. The results corroborated several hypothesized relationships. Celebrity involvement positively affected familiarity and visitation intentions. The results also indicated destination images and familiarity were positively related to visitation intentions. This study furthers researchers’ understanding to an emerging form of tourism whose creation is based on the powerful impacts of mass media and popular culture in post-industrial societies.  相似文献   

The link between films and destination promotion has been well established. Less well examined is the role of ‘film language’ in the subsequent reconstruction of tourist destinations. This paper suggests that the way a film ‘speaks’ to its audience helps both shape tourists’ imaginaries of place, and the ways a place is reconstructed to meet tourist perceptions. For film tourism, ‘film language’ acts as a guidebook describing first the spaces where the film plots happened, second, shaping images of the places in an audience’s mind, and third, serving as a blueprint for the physical reconstruction of spaces to replicate the place representation shown in the film. This both meets and reinforces the perceptions held by audiences. Therefore, this paper suggests interpretation of ‘film language’ is a key to the promotion of destination image and transformation of a place. Based on the case study of the Chinese film Hibiscus Town (Xie Jin, 1986), some key parts of its ‘film language’ are interpreted with reference to the visual, and a relationship between film language and place reconstruction is discussed.  相似文献   

Beyond looking to emotion and affect for the purpose of understanding better the tourist experience in itself, this article considers what affect produced through tourism might do vis-à-vis our relationship with the world around us. With a particular focus on the production of ‘hopeful mood’, the article discusses the links between affect and tourism narratives of loss and of hope performed in two New Zealand tourism destinations. That both loss and hope narratives are produced in both destinations illustrates not only how tourism narratives are ‘affective’, but also that the affect produced is potentially selective. The implications of these narratives for tourism’s hopeful ‘worldmaking’ capacities are considered, along with suggested further avenues for research on tourism narratives, mood and affect.  相似文献   

Travel vlogs are popular, but how audiences get involved while watching remains unclear. This study explored audience involvement along with expressions of travel intention. A systematic sampling procedure was developed, filtering 132 ‘highly involving sessions’ from 25 videos in Bilibili, a Chinese video-sharing platform. Qualitative analyses were applied, and the findings were threefold. Firstly, a five-category video content typology was highlighted, including frame aesthetics, video editing, fandom, humour, and tourist experiences. Secondly, bullet comments were deconstructed into six dimensions through examining concepts of ‘audience involvement’. Lastly, to address possible patterns of travel intention linked to the video content types, three propositions were made. This work serves as an exploration of audience involvement in the travel vlog phenomenon, an elaboration of travel intention expression in this context, and a method of assessing tourist-generated videos through bullet comments. Practical implications were discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between recreation experience, environmental attitude, and the general and site-specific environmentally responsible behavior of tourists at Taomi and Smangus in Taiwan. The first is an agriculturally based community and the second home to one of Taiwan's ethnic minorities. A total of 862 usable questionnaires (432 for Taomi and 430 for Smangus) were collected in this study. The empirical results indicate that recreation experience is positively and significantly related to environmental attitudes among tourists. Environmental attitudes are also positively and significantly related to general and site-specific tourist behaviors and mediate the relationship between recreation experience and environmentally responsible behavior. The paper contributes to the literature by examining the structural linear relationships between recreation experience, environmental attitudes, and environmentally responsible behavior. This study suggests that tourism destination providers should provide pro-environmental activities, ecotourism experiences, and interpretations of environmental issues to enhance tourists' environmental attitude and general and site-specific environmentally responsible behavior, thereby potentially reducing the adverse environmental effect produced by tourists during daily life and at tourism destinations. Reducing the adverse environmental effect of tourism destinations will benefit the development of sustainable community-based tourism.  相似文献   

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