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我国水能资源世界第1,可开发潜力巨大,优先开发水电有利于实施西部大开发战略。水能在可再生能源中开发技术最成熟,开发经验最丰富,发电成本最低,优先开发水电符合国家的能源发展战略,符合国家经济社会发展的总体目标。只有下决心优先开发水电,才能进一步改善我国的能源结构,实现2020年节能减排和非化石能源发展目标的承诺,推进经济社会的可持续发展。分析提出了我国水电发展的目标和思路,研究了优先开发水电需要关注的重点工作,并进一步针对优先开发水电提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Product development managers and academics like to assure themselves and each other that new product development is one of the most critical areas of company competence and contributes positively to company success. But does top management agree? Because if they do not, the consequences will heavily influence the resource allocation to product development and career possibilities of new product developments manager. This study examines how top managers view the importance of product development relative to other central competence areas. Although asking managers about their perception is one way of evaluating the importance, its contribution to company success is another important measure. In this study, the impact of product development, relative to other important competence areas, is measured to assess further how critical product development is for overall company success.The authors investigate these matters in a survey of top managers in 513 Danish production companies. Ten areas important for achieving company objectives are identified. These are product development, market intelligence, production management, strategy and vision, sales, market responsiveness, promotion, internal co-operation, image, and supply management. Product development is rated a fairly important competence as it ranks number four, with sales, market responsiveness, and production management ranking numbers one to three. Yet a distressing negative impact on overall company success is found for product development proficiency, whereas success is positively related to production management, image, and differentiation of products. Further analysis reveals that product development contributes positively to success by enabling product differentiation and enhancing promotion proficiency. Influenced by and influencing many other competencies, product development is found to be a central competence.Results support a nonfunctional and broad perspective of how bundles of competences interact and impact on success and establish a positive overall contribution to product development.  相似文献   

Development teams often use mental models to simplify development time decision making because a comprehensive empirical assessment of the trade‐offs across the metrics of development time, development costs, proficiency in market‐entry timing, and new product sales is simply not feasible. Surprisingly, these mental models have not been studied in prior research on the trade‐offs among the aforementioned metrics. These mental models are important to consider, however, because they define reality, specify what team members attend to, and guide their decision making. As such, these models influence how development teams make trade‐offs across the four metrics to try to optimize new product profitability. Teams with such an objective should manage to a development time that minimizes development costs and to a proficient market‐entry timing that maximizes new product sales. Yet many teams use mental models for development time decision making that focus either just on development costs or on proficiency in market‐entry timing. This survey‐based study uses data from 115 completed NPD projects, all product line additions from manufacturers in The Netherlands, to demonstrate that there is a cost to simplifying decision making. Making development time decisions without taking into account the contingency between development time and proficiency in market‐entry timing can be misleading, and using either a sales‐maximization or a cost‐minimization simplified decision‐making model may result in a cost penalty or a sales loss. The results from this study show that the development time that maximizes new product profitability is longer than the time that maximizes new product sales and is shorter than the development time that minimizes development costs. Furthermore, the results reveal that the cost penalty of sales maximization is smaller than the sales loss of development costs minimization. An important implication of the results is that, to determine the optimal development time, teams need to distinguish between cost and sales effects of development time reductions. To determine the relative impact of these effects this study also estimates the elasticities of development costs, new product sales, and new product profitability with regard to development time. Armed with this knowledge, development teams should be better equipped to make trade‐offs among the four metrics of development time, development costs, proficiency in market‐entry timing, and new product sales.  相似文献   

区域经济系统协同发展是经济发展的客观规律,也是加快转变发展方式、推动经济增长由政策刺激向自主增长有序转变、保持经济平稳较快发展的内在要求。抓住初级协同和高级协同这两个关键环节,坚持资源耦合、区域开放、目标一致、结构匹配等推进原则,促使各个经济要素相互配合、相互协作、互惠共赢,加速系统结构状态的优化,是实现区域经济协同发展的重要保障。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国对外贸易取得了飞跃式发展,并成为带动国民经济增长的一支重要力量。但是,必须指出的是,中国对外贸易高速增长依旧是建立在劳动和资源比较优势上面,而这种竞争优势,随着世界经济、科技等形势的发展变化正日益受到挑战。中国对外贸易要在激烈的国际竞争中赢得主动和实现持续稳定发展,就必须调整贸易发展模式,把促进科技进步和创新作为对外贸易发展的关键环节,带动整个对外贸易竞争力的显著跃升。  相似文献   

郭宏 《工业技术经济》2016,35(12):76-83
本文以创业板355家上市公司为研究样本,结合创业板公司自身特点,从基本指标和发展指标视角设计创业板公司发展能力评价模型,基本指标包括营运能力指标、盈利能力及偿债能力指标,发展指标包括创新研发能力、企业管理技术阶层和全体职工基本素质水平,企业发展前景和企业创利能力等。依据所建模型采用因子分析法对创业板公司的发展能力进行综合评价,并根据因子分析结果将样本公司分为发展能力高低两组,分别从所属行业、资本结构、公司业绩因素、公司创新能力影响因素方面对两组样本公司进行对比分析。研究的主要结论:(1)创业板的355家样本公司总体发展能力较弱,主要原因是我国创业板上市公司两级分化现象较为严重,其中创新能力、营运能力和行业发展能力相对较差。(2)我国创业板上市公司中第一大行业信息技术行业集中度较高并且成长持续性效果较好,而第二大行业新材料与新能源行业成长持续性较差,究其原因是我国新材料与新能源是新兴起行业,行业总体水平较差,需要加强研发。  相似文献   

随着区域经济一体化进程的推进,城市之间的协同发展已被认为是实现区域经济可持续发展、谋求共赢的有效途径。淮海城市群是“丝绸之路经济带”东部开放的前沿阵地,区位特征明显,战略地位重要,但发展水平相对滞后。以徐连同城化发展作为拉动区域经济发展的增长极既是淮海城市群经济发展的需要,也是徐州、连云港两市自身发展的诉求。本文借鉴基于信号博弈的地方政府协作机制模型,分析城市协同发展的博弈过程,认为建立长效沟通渠道和利益共同体、提高协作收益并确保收益合理分配是促进徐连同城化发展的有效政策,也是破解淮海城市群发展缺乏强集聚力核心问题的政策选择。  相似文献   

金融学科建设的研究与实践说明,我国金融专业的教学改革需要建立金融资源意识,其研究范式与研究方法可以基于金融可持续发展的研究视角进行必要转换。国际金融危机的爆发引起了学界对金融可持续发展问题的不断关注。金融发展理论的演进和发展,对比说明了金融可持续发展理论所具有的质性发展观。金融可持续发展理论的基础是金融资源观,其研究基轴是金融功能的不断扩展与提升。  相似文献   

发展新能源电动汽车是解决能源和环境问题,实现汽车产业快速发展的有效途径,通过对电动汽车发展现状和关键技术的分析,明确了以纯电动汽车和混合动力汽车为主要发展目标,以电动机及其控制技术和动力电池及其管理技术为核心技术。结合河北省汽车产业发展现状,提出了多元化发展模式,建立基于关键技术的产业基地,实行高速电动汽车和低速电动汽车的差异化发展格局和优先有序发展低速电动汽车的产业发展规划,推进新能源汽车快速发展。  相似文献   

高新技术产业开发区是促进技术进步和增强自主创新能力的重要载体,是带动经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变的强大引擎,高新区公共治理的绩效反映了该高新区社会发展、经济发展及可持续发展的水平。本文在对开发区公共治理及其绩效评价相关文献综述的基础上,从绩效评价的原则和主体阐述了高新区公共治理绩效评价的基本思路,构建了由社会发展、经济发展、资源与环境、能力建设和行政效果组成的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

县域经济作为增强省级行政区经济实力的关键支撑和统筹城乡协调发展的重要环节,其发展壮大是经济社会持续快速发展的重要基础和动力源泉,中等县是县域经济中最重要的组成部分,中等县县域经济发展的速度和水平直接决定着县域经济的发展程度,中等县县域经济的发展模式主要是追赶式和模仿式的,实现跨越式发展需要坚持以工业富县为主导,以特色农业为基础,以服务业为支撑,以产业现代化为动力,以农业结构转型为保证。  相似文献   

It is apparent that more and more organizations are embarking on collaborative ventures to develop products. This is particularly evident in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sectors, so much so that part of the 'received wisdom' of ICT companies is that collaboration is the preferred route for product development. The benefits of collaboration have been well documented and are linked to the complexity and costliness of product development and the need for inputs from wide and varied areas of expertise as well as shorter lead times for product development. But the risks and costs of collsborative product development have been less well defined. In this paper, it is argued that the alleged rewards of collaboration may not be experienced in practice and that collaboration can lengthen the product development process, add to the cost of product development and prove difficult to control. However, management practice can facilitate the effective outcome of collaborative product development and the critical factors affecting the likelihood of successful management practice are presented here.  相似文献   

吴丹  胡晶 《工业技术经济》2017,36(5):140-146
科技创新、经济发展与生态环境建设作为国家治理体系的重要组成部分,对于我国国民经济和社会发展具有明显的推动作用。本文参考现有文献中科技创新、经济发展与生态环境建设3个维度的相关指标,构建科技-经济-生态系统协调度评价指标体系。并采用灰关联分析法、投影寻踪法和协调度模型,综合评价我国不同时期的科技-经济-生态系统的综合发展水平及其协调度。研究结果表明,2000~2015年,我国科技-经济-生态系统的综合发展水平处于快速增长阶段,年均增长率为6.22%,其中,科技创新水平、经济发展水平、生态环境建设水平的年均增长率分别为5.95%、5.35%、6.43%。同时,我国科技-经济-生态系统的协调度达到0.992。其中,“十五”~“十二五”时期,我国科技-经济-生态系统的协调度持续提升,分别达到0.8465、0.8466、0.9152。总体来看,在经济发展新常态下,我国政府通过加快转变经济发展方式和社会发展方式,同步提高科技创新水平、经济发展水平、生态环境建设水平,有利于进一步提升科技-经济-生态系统的综合发展水平及其协调度。  相似文献   

随着全球化和信息化的迅猛发展,城市发展所需资源的竞争更加激烈。制定科学合理的发展战略,才能保证城市和区域持续快速发展。城市生态位作为城市发展战略的基础和核心,决定了城市的发展模式和发展方向。城市发展战略应该建立在城市资源空间的基础上,以提高城市生态位为目标,有效利用城市资源,实现城市的良性发展。  相似文献   

通过在企业新产品开发过程中,对供应商与开发企业的关系分析,研究供应商在新产品开发供应链中的作用。指出要缩短项目开发周期、提高新产品技术含量和质量、降低开发成本,供应商对项目的介入是不容忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

Developing new products and processes is increasingly a focal point of competition and often requires the development and successful implementation of novel process technologies. The process development and production of a new biological entity are significantly more complex than those for small molecule drugs. Conventional new product development models in the literature on firm level innovation fail to explain the nature of development projects for biopharmaceuticals. This paper makes the case that a new perspective is required to understand the management of product and process development in biopharmaceuticals. An explanatory model is proposed for this purpose.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO以后,中国建筑业正面临激烈的人才竞争。本以上海隧道工程股份有限公司的人才整体开发思路为背景,通过实证分析,探讨了人才整体开发持续创新以及人才资源合理开发,深入分析了企业人才整体开发创新对企业经济发展的推动作用。  相似文献   

本文基于2000~2015年工业废气、工业废水和工业固体废弃物3个环境污染指标和人均GDP经济 发展指标数据,利用VAR模型,通过Johansen协整检验、Granger检验、脉冲响应和方差分解研究我国工业经济发展与环境污染之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)工业经济发展与环境污染存在着长期均衡的关系;(2)工业废气排放、工业固体废物排放和工业废水排放均是工业经济发展的原因;(3)环境污染对工业经济发展影响具有一定的滞后性。其中工业废气污染对工业经济发展的影响是正向的,滞后时间为6个月;工业固体废弃物污染对工业经济的影响是正向的,滞后时间为5个月。工业废水污染对工业经济的影响是负向的,滞后时间为5个月;(4)工业固体废弃物对工业经济发展的影响作用最大,其次为工业废水,最后为工业废气。  相似文献   

通过中国海油的成长与标准化的深入开展之间的关系,说明标准化工作总是和企业的发展相辅相成、相互促进的,标准是企业发展的基础,采标是基础中的基石。论述了中国海油从不自觉到自觉的采用国际标准或国外先进标准,保证了其在对外合作的过程中不断地发展和壮大过程;论证了直接采用国际标准或国外先进标准是提高企业的素质,培养和锻炼队伍,获取反承包项目,加快对外合作的步伐所必须的,直接采标是中国海油建立现代企业的基石;论述了随着中国海油的发展壮大,经验的积累,在采标的基础上,根据企业的实际需要、国情和环境条件,开始着手自行制定符合国际惯例的标准,或对双采标准进行谨慎和微小的修改;由双采标准和自行制定的标准共同构成了中国海油企业标准体系,它是中国海油发展壮大的基础,已经发挥着并将继续发挥着其不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

县域经济就是以县域为基本单元进行资源配置的经济,文章通过分析当前我国县域经济发展过程中存在的问题,提出促进县域经济发展的相关对策。进一步推动经济结构调整,工业化与城镇化相结合,积极发展民营经济,加快体制政策方面的改革,确保县域经济发展,是统筹城乡发展,贯彻落实科学发展观的重大举措,也是实现跨越式发展、全面建设社会主义新农村的重大举措。  相似文献   

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