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This introduction sets out the context for the Special Issue and offers an in-depth reflection on key themes addressed by our contributors. The Special Issue aims to place the social relations of production at the centre of debates about technology and the future of work, and create space for greater critical reflection on what it means to go ‘beyond technological determinism’. We identify ways in which aspects of technological determinism continue to influence debates on technology, the labour process and industrial relations, despite efforts to reject it. We argue that this influence is manifested in some persistent problems within the literature including overly rigid periodisations (such as ‘platform capitalism’), a narrow conceptual repertoire (which reifies notions like ‘algorithmic control’) and a constricted empirical focus. We elucidate the value of a social shaping of technology (SST) approach to overcome these challenges and provide a brief overview of the articles contained within the issue.  相似文献   

This paper originated from a two-year technological education teacher development project at the Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario. The authors searched for an understanding of technology and technological education through traditional scholarly means, i.e., a literature review, and through an action research venture that, it was thought, would reveal the parameters of ‘technology’. The paper, beyond helping to give the authors and the reader a better understanding of what it means to define an elusive concept, serves to give technology educators a conceptual starting point from which to build insight into the elements of their life's work. The function and form of the paper evolved from the project process. They [the function and form] were determined by the nature of and ambiguities associated with technology. The reader is invited, for example, to consider the historical, social, cultural, and philosophical dimensions of technology. Rather than draw parallels about technology from those diverse disciplines, a daunting task, the paper charts a terrain from which investigators who seek a definition of technology and a framework for the subsequent study of technology, might get their bearings. The paper includes approaches to defining technology, a literature review, a comparison of science and technology, and an epilogue. While a definition is offered as part of the epilogue, the larger purpose of the paper is to improve one's understanding of an ubiquitous phenomenon. The central question of the ongoing debate, in Ontario and elsewhere, about the role and direction of technological education, is inherent in the paper and in the mandate of the teacher development project. What is technology and where and in what form does it belong in the curriculum of the schools?  相似文献   

According to software vendors and consultants, Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) transform the nature, structure and management of work regardless of organisational context. This paper contests this technologically deterministic view of organisational change by demonstrating the role that discourse plays in the social construction of ERPs.  相似文献   

Since technology education is, compared to subjects such as mathematics and science, still a fairly new subject both nationally and internationally, it does not have an established subject philosophy. In the absence of an established subject philosophy for technology education, one can draw on other disciplines in the field, such as engineering and design practice, for insights into technological knowledge. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of an epistemological conceptual framework chiefly derived from engineering, to be able to describe the nature of technological knowledge, in an attempt to contribute towards the understanding of this relatively new learning area. The conceptual framework was derived mainly from Vincenti’s (What engineers know and how they know it. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1990) categories of knowledge based on his research into historical aeronautic engineering cases. Quantitative research was used to provide insight into the categories of knowledge used by students at the University of Pretoria during capability tasks and included an analysis of a questionnaire administered to these students. Findings suggest that the conceptual framework used here is useful in technology education and that the categories of technological knowledge apply to all the content areas, i.e. structures, systems and control, and processing, in technology education. The study recommends that researchers and educators deepen their understanding of the nature of technological knowledge by considering the categories of technological knowledge presented in the conceptual framework.  相似文献   

打造中国人面子 2005年9月11日,湖南省益阳市被中国纺织工业协会授予"中国麻业名城"称号,至此,益阳成为我国唯--个获此称号的地级市.  相似文献   

近日,中国煤炭工业协会及代管协会工作交流会在京举行。会议由中国煤炭工业协会会长范维唐主持,副会长乌荣康作总结讲话。会议认真听取了各代管协会2004年工作总结和2005年工作安排意见,交流了协会工作经验。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of assessing the technical expertise within the organization of a large firm.
It presents the results of a study that examined the technical competence of the human resources of a large, high technology company. Various data about the company's technical professionals (engineers, researchers, etc.) were systematically identified and collected.
A general framework for the Strategic Management of Technology is first presented to explain the importance of constructing a firm's portfolio of technologies and competence.
The design and construction methodology of the "Who's Who in Technology" (WWT) is then briefly described. Several possible uses of this tool are subsequently mentioned.
Analyses across the technical staff population using the WWT data base are then presented in greater detail. They show how one may understand (1) the accumulation and utilization of the firm's competence over time, (2) the distribution of expertise within the organization, (3) the level of expertise reached, (4) the age distribution of the technical professionals, (5) the nature of the work experience of the technical staff, etc.
The WWT scheme appears to be a practical and enlightening way to gain insight into a firm's portfolio of technical competence, while also providing the basis for a more appropriate methodology in technical human resource planning.
Some limits of the tool are finally presented and discussed.  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - The shortcomings of the ‘technological literacy’ metaphor are reviewed. The lack of an agreed meaning for this concept...  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - Technology educators often provide activities where pupils design programmed technological solutions (PTS) with various programming...  相似文献   

Future elementary school teachers often lack self-efficacy for teaching science and technology. They are particularly anxious about encouraging children to carry-out student-directed, open-ended scientific inquiry and/or technological design projects. Moreover, because this often also is the case with practising elementary school teachers, it is difficult for student–teachers to gain practical experience facilitating student-led project work during practicum sessions. To provide student–teachers with expertise and motivation for promoting student-directed, open-ended project work, therefore, a group of future elementary teachers were taken through a constructivism-informed ‘apprenticeship’ during their university-based teaching methods course and then invited to make project work the subject of the action research that they were required to complete during their practicum. In this paper, successes that one student–teacher (out of 78 studied) experienced in promoting student-directed, open-ended technological design projects are reported. Although she judged children’s designs to be modestly successful, data indicate that her self-efficacy for promoting project work increased significantly. Analyses of qualitative data collected during the methods course and practicum also indicate that aspects of the curriculum, teachers, students and milieu appeared to contribute to this success. Such findings suggest that teacher educators should focus on helping future elementary teachers to develop expertise and motivation that would enable and encourage children to conduct technological design projects before conducting scientific inquiries. Such a tack may be the most pragmatic—and, arguably, epistemologically-sound—approach for helping ‘science- and technology-phobic’ student–teachers to move from the periphery to the core of practices in science and technology education.  相似文献   

This paper explores the changes associated with the move from an industrial to a postindustrial society and discusses the corresponding shifts in education. After reviewing a number of contemporary responses to the present crisis within society, the paper examines some of the implications for the concept of citizenship and suggests that, while much remains unknown, the task of education in a postindustrial society will still be to furnish knowledge and skills that articulate with the requirements of social life.This paper is adapted from Royal Bank Lecture presented as a keynote address at the Annual Colloquium of the MSTE Group, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, April 7th, 1995. Proceedings of the Colloquium are available as Hills, S. (ed.) Life after School: Education, Globalization and the Person, Kingston Ontario, MSTE Group, 1995.  相似文献   

The importance of creativity in technological design education is now clearly recognized, both in everyday understanding and also in formal curriculum guidelines. Design offers special opportunities for creativity because of the “openness” of problems (ill-defined problems, the existence of a variety of pathways to the solution, the absence of pre-specified “correct” solutions). However, teachers are still confronted by the question of how to specify which designs are creative and why, how to identify where the creative strengths of designs lie so that students can build on these, and what advice to give on how to change designs to make them more creative. There are also still open questions concerning design pedagogy. A “functional” model of creativity offers guidelines for making plain to students what they are expected to achieve with their designs and for diagnosing the creativity of the designs they offer. These yield, in turn, guidelines for design pedagogy.  相似文献   

With the rapid change in markets and technologies, it is becoming essential for firms to develop new products constantly. This can most successfully be achieved by using technology roadmaps (TRMs), which are effective tools for connecting product and technology planning. However, TRMs generally tend to overstate the qualitative and expert-dependent knowledge rather than incorporating quantitative and objective information. This paper proposes a new approach where patent data are used in a quantitative methodology to support reliable decision-making in roadmapping processes. In this study, text-mining techniques were utilized to extract the relevant information on which portfolio, co-word, and network analyses were carried out. The results were three types of product-technology maps that can be applied to specific roadmapping steps. The suggested approach is expected to yield useful information about roadmapping, and help improve the overall effectiveness and quality of the technique.  相似文献   

Ian Barclay 《R&D Management》1992,22(3):255-264
This article conducts a review of the research work into the process of product development and the way in which it has progressed over nearly forty years. It also shows that much of the work is unknown to many product development managers. The article goes on to show why the application of past research evidence has been restricted and describes attempts at translating the results into effective action.  相似文献   

To meet the intentions of the New Zealand Curriculum 2007 teachers must critically reflect on their role and their idea of what defines ‘best practice’ for teaching and learning in the twenty-first century. The teacher’s role has changed considerably over time. There is now, more than ever, a need for much greater transparency, accountability and collaborative practice within education. Famous philosophers and theorists including Plato, Rousseau and Dewey have expounded ideals of authenticity and authentic engagement, but it is only with the spread of constructivism that authenticity has gained more favour. The authors will investigate perspectives of authenticity, authentic learning, and authentic activities (Kreber et al. in Adult Educ Q Am Assoc Adult Contin Educ 58(1):22–43, 2007; Newmann in Authentic achievement: restructuring schools for intellectual quality, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Fransisco, 1996; Newmann and Wehlage in Educ Leadersh 50(7):8–12, 1993; Reeves et al. in Quality conversations. Paper presented at the 25th HERDSA annual conference, 2002; Splitter in Stud Philos Educ 28(2):135–151, 2008). Through qualitative investigation they identify and summarise key viewpoints and demonstrate how these can be successfully implemented through programmes of technology education. A model of authentic technology for producing quality technological outcomes is presented. The authors show how an activity from an initial teacher education course in technology education uses identified aspects of authentic technological practice through the various dimensions of authenticity to develop enduring learning for students. They consider the role of context in developing learning and introduce some new ideas on successful student engagement in the field of conation (Riggs and Gholar in Strategies that promote student engagement, Corwin Press, California, 2009). Conation is defined as the will, drive and effort behind students’ engagement in learning and is increasingly seen as an integral part of authentic education.  相似文献   

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