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安贺  汤峰  张辉 《检验检疫科学》2011,(4):42-45,74
由于当前技术水平的局限,国内外大型油轮装货前卸货后的底油量始终无法较为准确的测定,从而直接影响了装货和卸货的船测数据准确性。近年来,在舟山口岸进行清洗舱作业的大型油轮逐渐增加,根据海关监管的需要,船方委托我公司对所有外籍油轮最终清洗出来的油污水、含油量、油泥等进行数重量鉴定。通过对这些数据进行收集分析,发现实际清洗出来的油品数量与在日常的鉴定工作中对油轮的底油进行计量所得的数量有一定的差别。本文通过对影响底油量的一些因素逐一进行数据分析,从中得到一些经验和规律,以供鉴定人员在日常的船舱计量工作中作为参考。  相似文献   

Purpose: The sales literature shows that motivation is a key determinant of salesperson performance. The literature also suggests that how managers use social power will have an effect on important organizational outcomes, including salesperson performance. This study examines the five bases of social power that sales managers use (reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert) as moderating influences in the salesperson motivation (extrinsic and intrinsic)—salesperson performance linkage.

Methodology/approach: Data was collected from 128 salespeople using a cross industry survey. Eight hypotheses were developed and tested using SmartPLS (partial least squares).

Findings: The authors found support for five of eight hypotheses. Results and significant findings suggest that sales managers can impact sales performance in extrinsically motivated salespeople by using coercive and legitimate power. For intrinsically motivated salespeople, sales managers can impact sales performance by using coercive, legitimate, and referent power.

Research implications: Related to social power theory, the study suggests that salesperson performance is dependent upon a salesperson’s combined motivation orientation and the base of power used by the sales manager. The study also sets the stage for subsequent research on how managerial power can be studied as a moderator for other personal salesperson characteristics (e.g., self-esteem, self-efficacy, locus of control) and salesperson performance. In addition, understanding how these other personal characteristics interact with managerial bases of power to produce other organizational outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment) are questions that sales researchers may wish to pursue via further study.

Practical implications: For practicing sales managers, the research study can provide guidance as to how they may tailor their use of power to best impact salesperson performance. For a manager to understand the motivational makeup of each salesperson, open communication and dialogue must occur at the onset of their relationship. Having the knowledge of what drives each salesperson, a manager can modify their leadership style (and choice of power base) to suit the situation. Customizing these sales management approaches may also have long-term benefits for the organization as studies show that doing so can lead to reduced levels of turnover as well as increased levels of performance.

Contribution of the article: This study is important to sales research, theory, and practice. The authors contribute to the selling and sales management literature by extending motivation and social power theories into the sales domain by showing that managerial power may be a key moderating determinant between a salesperson’s motivation and his/her sales performance. For practicing sales managers, we provide some insight and guidance for understanding how to throttle or moderate their use of various social power bases when dealing with individual salespeople who may differ in their motivation orientation, age, and degree of selling experience.  相似文献   

Enacted in 1985, the Schengen Agreement is widely heralded as both a symbol and major institutional advancement of the European project. By eliminating passport requirements for workers, the compact ostensibly produces gains from travel, ease of market access and economies of scale. Yet despite these optimistic predictions, scholars know little about the actual effects of Schengen on trade. We fill this void by identifying why labour mobility should expand the cross‐country exchange of goods and services and then test our theory with data from Europe spanning the period 1980 to 2011. We argue that labour mobility resulting from Schengen yields positive effects on trade by increasing demand for foreign goods, improving awareness of low‐cost producers abroad and lowering the risks associated with buying and selling outside the country. Using the gravity model of trade, we show empirically that Schengen membership makes European states more robust trading partners.  相似文献   

共存协议是实现商标共存的途径之一,对于商标权人维护各自权益以及促使双方共同采取手段以避免消费者混淆具有重大意义。但实践中共存协议可注册性的判断没有统一的审查标准,不仅不利于维护知识产权“法定主义”的权威性,也破坏了知识产权司法的严肃性,有必要统一共存协议的审查规则。共存协议具有私权属性且本质上也是合同,只要不违反公共利益以及存在合同无效的情形时,共存协议就应当受尊重。  相似文献   

国际标准对经济发展和多边贸易体制的完善有着重要作用。建立具体的、统一的国际标准,可以避免因创设不必要的标准对贸易形成的障碍。然而,在WTO法律实践中,对国际标准的法律解释问题仍然有待进一步完善。本文结合《TBT协定》的文本规定与WTO技术性贸易壁垒的相关案例,分析了国际标准的两大法律解释难题:其一,国际标准的认定问题。《TBT协定》并没有对国际标准进行准确的定义,这需要从《TBT协定》的相关内容和WTO案例中寻找答案;其二,国际标准的有效性和适当性问题。这是国际标准与《TBT协定》合法目的内容联系最为紧密的要素,也是关系到国际标准能否得以适用的关键。  相似文献   

国际物流中货物通关效率影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王婧  甘蜜 《中国市场》2008,(15):50-51
货物通关效率是制约我国国际物流发展的一个关键问题,而影响货物通关效率的因素又十分繁杂。本论文系统地分析了影响货物通关效率的重点因素和各个因素现今存在的问题,为进一步的口岸建设规划和货物通关优化研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

我国外国直接投资技术溢出效应影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在探索外国直接投资技术溢出效应影响因素的实证研究方法。首先对外国直接投资技术溢出效应影响因素的实证研究现状进行综述。然后,采用回归分析方法与通径分析方法对外国直接投资技术溢出效应的影响因素进行实证分析,经过比较发现,这两种方法的结论基本一致,但通径分析方法优于回归分析方法,并提出了产生技术溢出效应的门槛应该是东道国影响外国直接投资各因素一系列指标的集合这一观点。  相似文献   

产学研一体化是近时期各个高校采取的较先进的培养模式,对培养复合型人才起到了较好的作用。运用文献法、专家调查法、因子分析法对产学研一体化产生良好效果的影响因素进行了分析。通过分析,将影响复合型人才培养的影响因素分为三种,即基础因素、支持因素和刺激因素,并提出了改进产学研一体化复合型人才培养模式的的对策。  相似文献   

开放条件下的环境技术效应决定因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用时间序列数据对我国环境技术效应的影响因素进行了实证检验,结果显示:在诸因素中,环境有益技术产生的边际环境技术效应最高,平均效应较高;排污费产生的边际效应和平均效应较高;废水防治投入产生正向环境技术效应,而废气和固废防治投入作用相反;外贸引起的边际效应较低,但平均效应较高;外资引起的边际效应和平均效应偏低;居民收入与排污强度正相关,与我国经济发展处于早期阶段相吻合.  相似文献   

We evaluate the macroeconomic effects of the Canada–US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on Canada's economy using a counterfactual analysis. We exploit the dependence of GDP growth (labour productivity and unemployment, respectively) among different economic entities and construct the counterfactuals using data from countries other than Canada. We find that in the adjustment period from 1989:Q1 to 1992:Q1, Canada's economy bore the short‐run adjustment costs of the FTA with a decline of the annual real GDP by 2.56 per cent and a decline of the labour productivity by 0.62 per cent. After the adjustment period, the FTA had a positive and permanent effect of 1.86 per cent on Canada's annual real GDP growth and raised the labour productivity from 1992 to 1994 by 2.39 per cent on average. Moreover, the FTA increased Canada's annual unemployment rate by 1.81 per cent in the period 1989–94.  相似文献   

市场群落理论研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,市场群落作为一种新兴的市场形式在中国出现,并在促进各地特色产业发展中扮演了重要角色。目前,国内的学者广泛探讨了关于市场群落的特点、形成因素以及对于经济发展的作用。然而,对于其运行的理论机制、效率与效益以及与地方产业的互动关系上却没有作深入的探讨。本文正是从这几个问题出发,力图充实市场群落理论研究上的缺憾。  相似文献   

邹海 《中国市场》2008,(23):150-152
本文根据物流企业的行业特性和实习生的特点,深入探讨物流企业提高实习生物流实际操作技能、引导实习生发展的方法。本文所指的实习生,是高职高专毕业的物流管理专业实习生,目标是培养实习生独立开展工作的能力,使其毕业后能被物流企业正式录取。  相似文献   

随着我国国际地位的不断提升,英语作为世界范围内应用最为广泛的语言,其重要地位和作用日益凸显,受到社会各界的高度重视.在此背景下.,英语培训机构层出不穷,英语培训市场竞争也愈加激烈.鉴于我国英语培训机构收费属于市场化定价,缺少相关部门监管,导致英语培训机构变相收费或乱收费现象频现.在阐述我国英语培训产业发展现状的基础上,对其在发展中存在的问题及其产生问题的原因进行了深入剖析,进而提出了相关对策建议.  相似文献   

WTO知识产权争端解决实践十三年:回顾与评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO成立后,其争端解决机制获得普遍赞扬,也因此掩盖了一些内在问题。对WTO知识产权争端的实证研究表明,至少在本领域,权力导向仍在起作用。作为乌拉圭回合产生的新协定,《TRIPS协定》并不完备,在非违反之诉的适用、WTO与WIPO的合作与协调等体制性问题上,仍有很大的不确定性。知识产权问题本身的敏感性和复杂性,也彰显了WTO争端解决机制中普遍存在的参与问题。  相似文献   

While business ethics has generated a great deal of research internationally over the last few decades, academic reviews of the business ethics literature remain limited. Moreover, there has been little attempt to date to analyze this literature specifically in the Greater China region, which has been experiencing rapid socioeconomic growth and dynamic evolution of business ethics in recent decades. This paper addresses this research gap by undertaking a comprehensive and critical appraisal of the business ethics literature on Greater China. In particular, it maps out the existing research findings, identifies limitations in methodology, and suggests future directions for business ethics research in this region. The findings indicate that the scholarly interests cover 24 research themes, including corporate social responsibility and social performance; ethical beliefs, judgment, values, decision-making, and culture; workplace ethics and behavior; marketing ethics and consumer behavior; and sustainability. This review reveals a growing imbalance between empirical and conceptual/theoretical studies on business ethics. In addition, the published works covered in this review heavily rely on survey method and convenience sampling, with a predominant focus on a single individual level of analysis. Importantly, this study identifies four directions for future research: contextualized theoretical development, addressing multilevel research, developing research design tailored to the Chinese context, and ensuring more diversified and rigorous data collection.  相似文献   


A paper of interest to both marketing practitioners and marketing educators, it reports some of the findings of a recent survey undertaken for the Institute of Marketing on the background and training of marketing executives in the UK. Selected findings and their implications are discussed, specifically the respondents’ educational qualifications, level and marketing content; participation in training courses, their attitudes towards future training and career development. The final section of the paper looks at the respondents’ expressed needs for further marketing training to better equip them for both their current jobs and their future career.  相似文献   

The European Union and Japan recently entered into negotiations over a bilateral free trade agreement intended to stimulate growth and create wealth. Since customs duties are already low, the success of the liberalisation process hinges on the elimination of non‐tariff barriers. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on two possible liberalisation scenarios: a less ambitious liberalisation and a comprehensive liberalisation. In contrast to classic studies, our paper builds on the modern trade literature, accounting for the dominance of intra‐industry trade in both economies and the existence of heterogeneous firms. Furthermore, we model a search‐and‐matching labour market, allowing us to quantify employment effects of trade liberalisation. We find that a comprehensive liberalisation increases Japanese GDP by 0.86 per cent, whereas the EU experiences only an additional 0.21 per cent of real GDP growth. Most of the growth in real GDP is due to firms' efficiency gains, whereas unemployment is reduced by only a small amount. Other world regions experience small reductions of GDP due to trade diversion effects.  相似文献   

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