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Financially distressed companies sometimes conceive plans to pay off certain creditors before petitioning the Court for winding up. This last‐minute payment referred to as a preference transaction puts the preferred creditor in a better position than the rest of the company's creditors because the distressed company may not have enough assets to satisfy everyone. Insolvency law frowns on such last‐minute transactions and provides the Liquidator with the power to avoid these transactions, to restore the asset to the company and distribute it to all the creditors. Preference avoidance forms an integral part of the corporate insolvency law in Ghana. These principles founded upon the common law of England are now provided for under the Bodies Corporate (Official) Liquidation Act 1963 (Act 180) of Ghana. This essay discusses preference avoidance under Ghanaian law. It also examines a recent judicial application of the law and finally suggest avenues for reform.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the 1993 financial reporting regulatory reforms in New Zealand on the value-relevance of accounting information. The study achieves this by regressing stock data of companies on book values and earnings for the pre- and post-regulatory periods. The Financial Reporting Act of 1993 was enacted in New Zealand as part of a wider package of company law reform. The 1987 share market collapse led to a Ministerial Committee of Inquiry that criticised the quality of financial reporting and the high level of non-compliance with accounting standards. The Committee recommended establishing an Accounting Standards Review Board to give the accounting standards a force of law. Whether this development increases the value-relevance of accounting information is an empirical question. The results, however, fail to find any significant increase in the total value-relevance of accounting information in the post-regulation period. There is, however, a corresponding increase in the incremental explanatory power of equity book values in the post-regulation period. This study also extends extant research on the effect of regulation on the value-relevance of accounting information by incorporating firm-specific factors to isolate the effect of regulation.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of changes to the New Zealand Exchange's listing rules and legislative amendments to the Securities Markets Act 1988 enacted in December 2002. The reforms provided statutory backing for a more stringent disclosure regime. We find evidence that non-dual listed firms, not subject to any prior enhanced disclosure regime, released more earnings-related information to the market in the post-reform period and announced their half-year and fiscal year-end results in a more timely manner. Our results also show that analysts' earnings forecast errors did not decline but analysts' forecasts showed less dispersion in the post-reform period. In respect of informational efficiency, we find evidence of a smaller abnormal return around the half-year and fiscal year earnings announcement date in the post-reform period. Our results suggest that the reforms improved the flow of information to investors, consistent with their intent.  相似文献   

It is sometimes alleged that in cases of bankruptcy, there is often not much left for the creditors, especially for the ordinary unsecured creditors. This article examines, in an exploratory way, what the different classes of creditors, depending on their priority position, recover in cases of bankruptcy in Belgium, by investigating a sample of 286 bankruptcy files from the Commercial Court of Ghent (Belgium's second largest city). This article also explores what impact some existing proposals to improve the position of ordinary unsecured creditors in the event of bankruptcy would have had on the bankruptcy cases studied.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between overseas and New Zealand governance regulatory reforms and New Zealand companies’ audit and non‐audit fees. Our models use temporal and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) indicator variables to relate the timing of the fee changes to the incidence of the overseas and local reforms. We find that audit fees increased in New Zealand over 2002–2006. Such increases associate reliably with the transition to and adoption of NZ IFRS and not with earlier overseas governance reforms. Our study also documents a decrease in non‐audit fees over the same period, but we find no IFRS effect for non‐audit fees.  相似文献   

Securities law claims in insolvency proceedings raise important questions of allocation of risk and remedies. In the ordinary course of business, equity claims come last in the hierarchy of claims during insolvency. What is less clear is whether this should encompass claims arising from the violation of public statutes designed to protect equity investors. Discerning the optimal allocation of risk is a complex challenge if one is trying to maximize the simultaneous advancement of securities law and insolvency law public policy goals. From a securities law perspective, there must be confidence in meaningful remedies for capital markets violations if investors are to continue to invest. From an insolvency perspective, creditors make their pricing and credit availability choices based on certainty regarding their claims and shifting those priorities may affect the availability of credit. The critical question is the nature of the claim advanced by the securities holder and whether subordination of securities law claims gives rise to inappropriate incentives for corporate officers within the insolvency law regime. A comparative analysis reveals that the U.S. has provided a limited statutory exception to complete subordination through the fair funds provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act by allowing SEC claims for penalties and disgorgement to rank equally with unsecured claims even though the funds are distributed to shareholders. The U.K. and Australian schemes permit shareholders to claim directly as unsecured creditors for fraudulent acts and misrepresentation by the issuer. In contrast, Canadian law is underdeveloped in its treatment of such claims. The paper canvasses the policy options available to reconcile securities law and insolvency law claims, including a discussion of the appropriate gatekeeping role for regulatory authorities and the courts, and the need for a framework that offers fair and expeditious resolution of such claims. If the public policy goal of both securities law and insolvency law is to foster efficient and cost-effective capital markets, it seems that the systems need to be better reconciled than currently. The paper also examines the codified response to the time and resources consumed in various common law tracing claims by customers in a securities firm insolvency. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transaction costs in many international equity markets are much larger than those in the USA. This raises questions such as what trade size these reported trading costs relate to and whether investors can reduce trading costs by timing their trades. We show, using data from the order‐driven New Zealand market, that transaction costs are frequently lower for larger trades, particularly in small stocks, and investors are able to reduce costs by timing their transactions. While investors who require immediate execution incur transaction costs that are much higher than reported average costs, patient investors can trade at much better rates.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of the currency denomination of debt decision of Australian and New Zealand firms and compare it with that of Asian firms around the 1997 Asian crisis. We control for location choice, and include firm and country specific determinants. We find hedging is the primary determinant of foreign currency borrowing by Australian and New Zealand firms. In Asian firms, however, firm leverage, the exchange rate regime, country political risk, and interest rate differentials determine the currency denomination of debt. With the exception of Hong Kong based firms, there is no support for the hedging hypothesis in Asian firms.  相似文献   

This paper analyses official financial assistance via ESM programmes, with and without the ECB's OMTs. As long as macroeconomic imbalances are small, ESM stand-alone programmes galvanize creditors into rolling over their loans, alleviate the liquidity crisis and help the country to implement adjustment policies. Yet the impact of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms is likely to be recessionary in the short run, since these reforms take a long time to pay off. Recessionary effects raise strategic uncertainty in the roll-over decisions of creditors, thus reducing the effectiveness of ESM liquidity assistance. With large imbalances, liquidity problems can only be overcome with credible and sizable official assistance. Adding OMTs to an ESM programme mitigates the policy dilemma, but does not fully restore investor confidence when macroeconomic imbalances are too large.  相似文献   

This study extends the literature that uses the theory of planned behaviour in examining the factors that impact on students' intentions to major in accounting and non-accounting disciplines. A survey of a sample of business students enrolled in an introductory accounting course in a New Zealand University was conducted to gather data about their intended academic majors, and their beliefs and attitudes towards majoring in accounting and non-accounting. The results show that three factors (personal, referents, and control) are determinants of students' intention to major in accounting or other business disciplines. Further analysis revealed that the students' major intentions are influenced by important referents' perceptions. In particular, parents appear to have a stronger influence on students' intentions to major in accounting. Comparisons of differential personal perceptions by accounting and non-accounting majors revealed that accounting majors hold positive perceptions of some of the qualities of the study of accounting and the accounting profession. Significant differences were also found in the control perception between accounting and non-accounting major students.  相似文献   

On September 28, 2022, Australia announced an inquiry into the effectiveness of its corporate insolvency laws. The Australia and New Zealand corporate insolvency frameworks have similar objectives and operate in a similar context where, as is the case the world over, most companies are small to medium enterprises. Despite liquidation being just one of several collective and formal corporate insolvency procedures, it is the most frequently occurring procedure in both countries by a large margin. The Australian and New Zealand liquidation schemes have many similarities but also some key differences. Differences include the structure of the respective schemes; the levers prompting liquidation of companies in appropriate circumstances; the role of creditors, the court and the regulator; and the management of low-value and assetless liquidations. These differences are analysed to determine what, if anything, the New Zealand scheme might contribute to development and/or reform of Australian corporate insolvency law. As consistency and coordination with Australian insolvency law is a New Zealand policy aim, the lessons the Australian scheme might have for New Zealand are also considered. Many of the points on which the Australian and New Zealand liquidation schemes differ are of universal concern (such as the management of low-value liquidations), meaning that the nature and success (or otherwise) of the Australian and New Zealand responses are of wider, comparative interest.  相似文献   

Controversy continues over the question of tax clientele effects in the pricing of shares that pay dividends. The empirical results remain inconclusive, with variations in testing methods and sample formation the probable causes of much of the variation in outcomes. This study focuses on testing for the presence of a tax clientele effect consistent with prior tests for the same effect using a sample from a particular tax regime period in New Zealand in which companies could pay either or both taxable and non-taxable dividends. The results are generally consistent with the presence of a tax clientele effect in the New Zealand market for the time period, while providing essentially no support for the short term trading hypothesis.
JEL classification: G10; G15  相似文献   

It is fashionable to think there is a tide, or sequence, of basically similar public management changes sweeping through Western Europe, North America and Australasia, and British ministers have proclaimed that the UK is an admired and copied leader in public sector reforms. This article argues that a uniform 'one-track' picture is not at all accurate. Looking at 15 years of change in Finland, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK, the authors argue there are not only significant differences between each of the countries, but a more general and persistent distinction between the two Nordic countries and the UK and New Zealand. In the 'Westminster system' countries, the aim appears to have been to minimize the extent and distinctiveness of the state sector, whereas in the Nordic countries much greater emphasis has been placed on modernizing the state apparatus so that it can deal better with a changing environment.  相似文献   

This paper shows how income changes in response to changes in marginal income tax rates (MTRs) translate into tax revenue changes for the familiar multi-step income tax function used in many countries. Previous literature has focused on the relatively straightforward case of a proportional income tax or the top MTR only. The paper examines revenue responses at both the individual and aggregate levels, and it is shown that for individual MTRs within a multi-rate regime, simple expressions for tax revenue responsiveness can be derived that nevertheless capture the various behavioural and structural responses to income tax reforms involving changes to multiple rates and thresholds. Illustrations are provided using changes to the New Zealand income tax structure in the 2010 budget. This reduced all marginal tax rates while leaving income thresholds unchanged.  相似文献   


This paper explores the creation a more unified civil service in New Zealand with the Public Service Act 2020, which promotes the most profound changes to the public service since New Zealand’s New Public Management heyday in the late 1980s. Among its many reforms is an explicit attempt to foster a unified culture around a ‘spirit of service to the community’—a construct without fixed definition that appears to incorporate ideas of motivations and ethics. This paper shows that this unified culture can be traced through a series of key collaborative discussions that have taken place among New Zealand’s public sector chief executives. The authors present a case study to show how these collaborations contributed to a new social identity, and provided a foundation for a civil service unified by its spirit of service to the community. The paper contributes to this PMM theme by providing empirical evidence from the latest New Zealand experience; and also contributes to theory of social identity and sensemaking in creating civil service values.  相似文献   

David James is a professional crisis manager. For almost 30 years, his job has been to rescue companies on the brink of bankruptcy. By the time he's called in, it's usually too late to save much for the shareholders. In almost every case, however, there is still a lot to salvage: Nearly all the companies James has managed continue to operate in some form. More than 2 billion Pounds have been repaid to banks and unsecured trade creditors. And more than 30,000 jobs have been saved. The key to preserving value, James has found, is to resist the urge to try to generate cash from operating the business. In most cases, these companies have taken on far too much debt to ever sell their way out. Indeed, trying to expand operations beyond what the market would bear was what got them into trouble in the first place. James argues against waiting until the company is dead to break it up. A more effective course is to sell off valuable assets while the company is still a going concern. In vivid and sometimes hair-raising detail, James recounts how he has discovered valuable assets in unexpected places, salvaging everything from airlines to soft-drink makers to Britain's Millennium Dome. He has a routine for accomplishing this, which involves locking up the checkbook on day one and, more often than not, firing the senior management. His is a cautionary tale for top executives who, it is clear, should be concentrating their efforts on never needing to call on him in the first place.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Past research has revealed significant abnormal ex‐date returns for stock dividends even though the ex‐date is known in advance and the distribution contains no new information. Various researchers have suggested that the higher transaction cost of selling odd‐lot share parcels compared to round‐lot share parcels is a key driver in the abnormal returns. However, no study to date has directly compared the ex‐date price reaction of stock dividends distributed when odd‐lot transaction costs were charged to those issued when odd‐lot costs were not evident. As odd‐lot trade costs were eliminated from the New Zealand Stock Exchange on 1 October, 1991, the New Zealand market provides a unique opportunity to directly test the role, if any, that odd‐lot transactions costs have in explaining stock dividend ex‐date returns. We find that prior to October 1991 stock dividend ex‐dates exhibit significantly positive returns, however, we do not find any significant ex‐date return once the higher odd‐lot transaction costs were removed. The New Zealand market also enables us to examine an imputation tax based argument of the ex‐date price reaction and we find evidence that imputation tax credits have a value greater than zero.  相似文献   

Canada's insolvency law reform increased the priority granted to employer‐sponsored pension claims. The article compares the treatment of such claims in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada. A comparison of the legislative provisions concerning pension funding shortfalls from contribution arrears or economic underperformance in relation to the assumptions used for investment income or liability valuations finds that insolvency law has been used to address contribution arrears, but risks from economic underperformance have been addressed by pension benefit insurance. Post‐insolvency priority for contribution arrears provides appropriate incentives to discourage pre‐insolvency preferences for payments to other creditors, while shortfalls from economic underperformance do not involve issues of preference between creditors. The absence of any insolvency rationale for changing priority for shortfalls from economic underperformance and the likely disparity between the assets available to satisfy clams and the much larger amounts of such shortfalls makes the use of insolvency law to address this risk much less effective than insurance. Canada, however, has not adopted the insurance policy instrument used in the U.S. and U.K. to mitigate the impact of pension funding shortfalls. The constitutional inability of Canada to legislate in respect of matters of pension regulation that would allow it to control the well‐known insurance problems of moral hazard and adverse selection may explain why it has only chosen to adopt an insolvency policy instrument. However, a change in priorities in insolvency may generate incentives for secured creditors that either undermine or reinforce this policy choice. Secured creditors could attempt to circumvent the new priority scheme through private arrangements with the debtor or to increase their monitoring activities to ensure the debtor is current in its pension contributions. Secured creditors choices will be influenced by the bankruptcy courts' interpretation of the preference provisions in the insolvency legislation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of continuous disclosure regulatory reform on the likelihood, frequency and qualitative characteristics of management earnings forecasts issued in New Zealand’s low private litigation environment. Using a sample of 720 earnings forecasts issued by 94 firms listed on the New Zealand Exchange before and after the reform (1999–2005), we provide strong evidence of significant changes in forecasting behaviour in the post‐reform period. Specifically, firms were more likely to issue earnings forecasts to pre‐empt earnings announcements and, in contrast to findings in other legal settings, those earnings forecasts exhibited higher frequency and improved qualitative characteristics (better precision and accuracy). An important implication of our findings is that public regulatory reforms may have a greater benefit in a low private litigation environment and thus add to the global debate about the effectiveness of alternative public regulatory reforms of corporate requirements.  相似文献   

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