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This study examines volatility persistence on precious metals returns taking into account oil returns and the three world major stock equity indices (Dow Jones Industrial, FTSE 100, and Nikkei 225) using daily data over the sample period January 1995 to May 2008; the aim is to analyze market relationships before the global financial crisis. We first determine when large changes in the volatility of each market returns occur by identifying major global events that would increase fluctuations in these markets. The Iterated Cumulative Sums of Squares (ICSS) algorithm was used to identify the existence of structural breaks or sudden changes in the variance of returns. In each market the standardized residuals were obtained through the GARCH(1,1) mean equation. Our main results identify a clear relationship between precious metals returns and oil returns, while the interaction between precious metals and stock returns seems to be an independent one in the case of gold with mixed results for silver and platinum. In relation to volatility persistence, the results show clear evidence of high volatility persistence between these markets, especially during times when markets were affected by excessive volatility due to economic and financial shocks.  相似文献   

This paper extends the joint Value-at-Risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) quantile regression model of Taylor (2019), by incorporating a realized measure to drive the tail risk dynamics, as a potentially more efficient driver than daily returns. Furthermore, we propose and test a new model for the dynamics of the ES component. Both a maximum likelihood and an adaptive Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method are employed for estimation, the properties of which are compared in a simulation study. The results favour the Bayesian approach, which is employed subsequently in a forecasting study of seven financial market indices. The proposed models are compared to a range of parametric, non-parametric and semi-parametric competitors, including GARCH, realized GARCH, the extreme value theory method and the joint VaR and ES models of Taylor (2019), in terms of the accuracy of one-day-ahead VaR and ES forecasts, over a long forecast sample period that includes the global financial crisis in 2007–2008. The results are favorable for the proposed models incorporating a realized measure, especially when employing the sub-sampled realized variance and the sub-sampled realized range.  相似文献   

This paper studies the estimation of the pricing kernel and explains the pricing kernel puzzle found in the FTSE 100 index. We use prices of options and futures on the FTSE 100 index to derive the risk neutral density (RND). The option-implied RND is inverted by using two nonparametric methods: the implied-volatility surface interpolation method and the positive convolution approximation (PCA) method. The actual density distribution is estimated from the historical data of the FTSE 100 index by using the threshold GARCH (TGARCH) model. The results show that the RNDs derived from the two methods above are relatively negatively skewed and fat-tailed, compared to the actual probability density, that is consistent with the phenomenon of “volatility smile.” The derived risk aversion is found to be locally increasing at the center, but decreasing at both tails asymmetrically. This is the so-called pricing kernel puzzle. The simulation results based on a representative agent model with two state variables show that the pricing kernel is locally increasing with the wealth at the level of 1 and is consistent with the empirical pricing kernel in shape and magnitude.  相似文献   

We use high-frequency intra-day realized volatility data to evaluate the relative forecasting performances of various models that are used commonly for forecasting the volatility of crude oil daily spot returns at multiple horizons. These models include the RiskMetrics, GARCH, asymmetric GARCH, fractional integrated GARCH and Markov switching GARCH models. We begin by implementing Carrasco, Hu, and Ploberger’s (2014) test for regime switching in the mean and variance of the GARCH(1, 1), and find overwhelming support for regime switching. We then perform a comprehensive out-of-sample forecasting performance evaluation using a battery of tests. We find that, under the MSE and QLIKE loss functions: (i) models with a Student’s t innovation are favored over those with a normal innovation; (ii) RiskMetrics and GARCH(1, 1) have good predictive accuracies at short forecast horizons, whereas EGARCH(1, 1) yields the most accurate forecasts at medium horizons; and (iii) the Markov switching GARCH shows a superior predictive accuracy at long horizons. These results are established by computing the equal predictive ability test of Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996) and the model confidence set of Hansen, Lunde, and Nason (2011) over the entire evaluation sample. In addition, a comparison of the MSPE ratios computed using a rolling window suggests that the Markov switching GARCH model is better at predicting the volatility during periods of turmoil.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the conditional correlations and volatility spillovers between the crude oil and financial markets, based on crude oil returns and stock index returns. Daily returns from 2 January 1998 to 4 November 2009 of the crude oil spot, forward and futures prices from the WTI and Brent markets, and the FTSE100, NYSE, Dow Jones and S&P500 stock index returns, are analysed using the CCC model of Bollerslev (1990), VARMA-GARCH model of Ling and McAleer (2003), VARMA-AGARCH model of McAleer, Hoti, and Chan (2008), and DCC model of Engle (2002). Based on the CCC model, the estimates of conditional correlations for returns across markets are very low, and some are not statistically significant, which means the conditional shocks are correlated only in the same market and not across markets. However, the DCC estimates of the conditional correlations are always significant. This result makes it clear that the assumption of constant conditional correlations is not supported empirically. Surprisingly, the empirical results from the VARMA-GARCH and VARMA-AGARCH models provide little evidence of volatility spillovers between the crude oil and financial markets. The evidence of asymmetric effects of negative and positive shocks of equal magnitude on the conditional variances suggests that VARMA-AGARCH is superior to VARMA-GARCH and CCC.  相似文献   

Commodity index futures offer a versatile tool for gaining different forms of exposure to commodity markets. Volatility is a critical input in many of these applications. This paper examines issues in modelling the conditional variance of futures returns based on the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI). Given that commodity markets tend to be ‘choppy’ (Webb, 1987 ), a general econometric model is proposed that allows for abrupt changes or regime shifts in volatility, transition probabilities which vary explicitly with observable fundamentals such as the basis, GARCH dynamics, seasonal variations and conditional leptokurtosis. The model is applied to daily futures returns on the GSCI over 1992–1997. The results show clear evidence of regime shifts in conditional mean and volatility. Once regime shifts are accounted for, GARCH effects are minimal. Consistent with the theory of storage, returns are more likely to switch to the high‐variance state when the basis is negative than when the basis is positive. The regime switching model also performs well in forecasting the daily volatility compared to standard GARCH models without regime switches. The model should be of interest to sophisticated traders who base their trading strategies on short‐term volatility movements, managed commodity funds interested in hedging an underlying diversified portfolio of commodities and investors of options and other derivatives tied to GSCI futures contracts. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the global financial crisis, two types of short-sale restrictions, i.e., the uptick restriction and the naked short-sale ban, were introduced in the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). This provides an opportunity to examine whether these two types of short-sale restrictions reduce the speed at which the overnight spot returns and the trading period spot returns adjust to the bad news revealed through the index futures returns during the post-close and pre-open extensions. The results of the threshold GARCH(1,1) model show that only the short-sale ban significantly reduced the speed at which the overnight spot returns react to the bad news revealed by the futures returns of the TWSE index during the pre-open extended session  相似文献   

郑周 《价值工程》2004,23(3):70-72
本文在四种不同的分布假设(Normal,Student-t,GED和SkewedStudent-t)下,对上证指数波动性进行了GARCH(1,1)模型预测能力实证比较研究,目的在于揭示分布假设对GARCH模型预测能力的影响。研究结果表明,使用厚尾分布假设(Student-t,GED)提高了模型的预测绩效。但引入偏斜student-t分布并未能进一步提高模型预测能力。  相似文献   

Building on realized variance and bipower variation measures constructed from high-frequency financial prices, we propose a simple reduced form framework for effectively incorporating intraday data into the modeling of daily return volatility. We decompose the total daily return variability into the continuous sample path variance, the variation arising from discontinuous jumps that occur during the trading day, as well as the overnight return variance. Our empirical results, based on long samples of high-frequency equity and bond futures returns, suggest that the dynamic dependencies in the daily continuous sample path variability are well described by an approximate long-memory HAR–GARCH model, while the overnight returns may be modeled by an augmented GARCH type structure. The dynamic dependencies in the non-parametrically identified significant jumps appear to be well described by the combination of an ACH model for the time-varying jump intensities coupled with a relatively simple log-linear structure for the jump sizes. Finally, we discuss how the resulting reduced form model structure for each of the three components may be used in the construction of out-of-sample forecasts for the total return volatility.  相似文献   

We investigate the added value of combining density forecasts focused on a specific region of support. We develop forecast combination schemes that assign weights to individual predictive densities based on the censored likelihood scoring rule and the continuous ranked probability scoring rule (CRPS) and compare these to weighting schemes based on the log score and the equally weighted scheme. We apply this approach in the context of measuring downside risk in equity markets using recently developed volatility models, including HEAVY, realized GARCH and GAS models, applied to daily returns on the S&P 500, DJIA, FTSE and Nikkei indexes from 2000 until 2013. The results show that combined density forecasts based on optimizing the censored likelihood scoring rule significantly outperform pooling based on equal weights, optimizing the CRPS or log scoring rule. In addition, 99% Value‐at‐Risk estimates improve when weights are based on the censored likelihood scoring rule.  相似文献   

借鉴Franses and Ghijsel[1](1999)和Charles and Darne[2](2005)提出的鉴别和校正金融序列加性异常值的方法,以GARCH模型为例,对我国的上证综合指数和深圳成分指数进行了加性异常值的鉴定与校正,并对校正后的残差进行了正态检验。结果表明该方法效果显著,进行异常值校正后的GARCH(1,1),更好地拟合金融时间序列中的尖峰厚尾和波动丛聚性的特性,纠正了正态分布的GARCH(1,1)对时间序列拟合的偏误。  相似文献   

Volatility forecasts are important for a number of practical financial decisions, such as those related to risk management. When working with high-frequency data from markets that operate during a reduced time, an approach to deal with the overnight return volatility is needed. In this context, we use heterogeneous autoregressions (HAR) to model the variation associated with the intraday activity, with distinct realized measures as regressors, and, to model the overnight returns, we use augmented GARCH type models. Then, we combine the HAR and GARCH models to generate forecasts for the total daily return volatility. In an empirical study, for returns on six international stock indices, we analyze the separate modeling approach in terms of its out-of-sample forecasting performance of daily volatility, Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall relative to standard models from the literature. In particular, the overall results are favorable for the separate modeling approach in comparison with some HAR models based on realized variance measures for the whole day and the standard GARCH model.  相似文献   

Single‐state generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models identify only one mechanism governing the response of volatility to market shocks, and the conditional higher moments are constant, unless modelled explicitly. So they neither capture state‐dependent behaviour of volatility nor explain why the equity index skew persists into long‐dated options. Markov switching (MS) GARCH models specify several volatility states with endogenous conditional skewness and kurtosis; of these the simplest to estimate is normal mixture (NM) GARCH, which has constant state probabilities. We introduce a state‐dependent leverage effect to NM‐GARCH and thereby explain the observed characteristics of equity index returns and implied volatility skews, without resorting to time‐varying volatility risk premia. An empirical study on European equity indices identifies two‐state asymmetric NM‐GARCH as the best fit of the 15 models considered. During stable markets volatility behaviour is broadly similar across all indices, but the crash probability and the behaviour of returns and volatility during a crash depends on the index. The volatility mean‐reversion and leverage effects during crash markets are quite different from those in the stable regime.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper, we consider a nonlinear model based on neural networks as well as linear models to forecast the daily volatility of the S&P 500 and FTSE 100 futures. As a proxy for daily volatility, we consider a consistent and unbiased estimator of the integrated volatility that is computed from high‐frequency intraday returns. We also consider a simple algorithm based on bagging (bootstrap aggregation) in order to specify the models analysed in this paper.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare the mispricing of option valuation models when alternate techniques are applied to the volatility estimation. Akgiray (1989) shows that out-of-sample forecasts of return variances of stock indices based on a GARCH model are superior predictors of the actual ex-post variances in comparison to forecasts generated using standard rolling regression methods. A second objective of this study is to examine if Akgiray's results carry over to option valuation. Although we find that the implied volatility technique results in the least mispricing, within the class of forecasts using only historic returns data, the use of GARCH models will also significantly reduce model mispricing.  相似文献   

Value-at-Risk (VaR) has become the universally accepted risk metric adopted internationally under the Basel Accords for banking industry internal control, capital adequacy and regulatory reporting. The recent extreme financial market events such as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) commencing in 2007 and the following developments in European markets mean that there is a great deal of attention paid to risk measurement and risk hedging. In particular, to risk indices and attached derivatives as hedges for equity market risk. The techniques used to model tail risk such as VaR have attracted criticism for their inability to model extreme market conditions. In this paper we discuss tail specific distribution based Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and evaluate different methods that may be used to calculate VaR ranging from well known econometrics models of GARCH and its variants to EVT based models which focus specifically on the tails of the distribution. We apply Univariate Extreme Value Theory to model extreme market risk for the FTSE100 UK Index and S&P-500 US markets indices plus their volatility indices. We show with empirical evidence that EVT can be successfully applied to financial market return series for predicting static VaR, CVaR or Expected Shortfall (ES) and also daily VaR and ES using a GARCH(1,1) and EVT based dynamic approach to these various indices. The behaviour of these indices in their tails have implications for hedging strategies in extreme market conditions.  相似文献   

Many static and dynamic models exist to forecast Value-at-Risk and other quantile-related metrics used in financial risk management. Industry practice favours simpler, static models such as historical simulation or its variants. Most academic research focuses on dynamic models in the GARCH family. While numerous studies examine the accuracy of multivariate models for forecasting risk metrics, there is little research on accurately predicting the entire multivariate distribution. However, this is an essential element of asset pricing or portfolio optimization problems having non-analytic solutions. We approach this highly complex problem using various proper multivariate scoring rules to evaluate forecasts of eight-dimensional multivariate distributions: exchange rates, interest rates and commodity futures. This way, we test the performance of static models, namely, empirical distribution functions and a new factor-quantile model with commonly used dynamic models in the asymmetric multivariate GARCH class.  相似文献   

We use numerous high-frequency transaction data sets to evaluate the forecasting performances of several dynamic ordinal-response time series models with generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH). The specifications account for three components: leverage effects, in-mean effects and moving average error terms. We estimate the model parameters by developing Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Our empirical analysis shows that the proposed ordinal-response GARCH models achieve better point and density forecasts than standard benchmarks.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to produce distributional forecasts of asset price volatility and its associated risk premia using a non-linear state space approach. Option and spot market information on the latent variance process is captured by using dual ‘model-free’ variance measures to define a bivariate observation equation in the state space model. The premium for variance diffusive risk is defined as linear in the latent variance (in the usual fashion) whilst the premium for variance jump risk is specified as a conditionally deterministic dynamic process, driven by a function of past measurements. The inferential approach adopted is Bayesian, implemented via a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that caters for the multiple sources of non-linearity in the model and for the bivariate measure. The method is applied to spot and option price data on the S&P500 index from 1999 to 2008, with conclusions drawn about investors’ required compensation for variance risk during the recent financial turmoil. The accuracy of the probabilistic forecasts of the observable variance measures is demonstrated, and compared with that of forecasts yielded by alternative methods. To illustrate the benefits of the approach, it is used to produce forecasts of prices of derivatives on volatility itself. In addition, the posterior distribution is augmented by information on daily returns to produce value at risk predictions. Linking the variance risk premia to the risk aversion parameter in a representative agent model, probabilistic forecasts of (approximate) relative risk aversion are also produced.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach for estimating and forecasting the moments and probability density function of daily financial returns from intraday data. This is achieved through a new application of the distributional scaling laws for the class of multifractal processes. Density forecasts from the new multifractal approach are typically found to provide substantial improvements in predictive ability over existing forecasting methods for the EUR/USD exchange rate, and are also competitive with existing methods when forecasting the daily return density of the S&P500 and NASDAQ-100 equity index.  相似文献   

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