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In order to be successful in today's competitive environment, third‐party logistics providers (3PLs) increasingly strive to develop close, mutually beneficial long‐term relationships with customers. The current study identifies inter‐organizational conditions and firm‐specific factors that influence a firm's partnering behavior with its 3PL. A model of the antecedents and dimensions of partnering behavior is developed and tested with a diverse set of relationships between a focal 3PL and members of its customer base.  相似文献   

This research examines the moderating effect of conflict frequency on the satisfaction‐loyalty linkage in logistics outsourcing relationships. The findings suggest service satisfaction to be the primary driver of loyalty in smoothly running relationships. However, relational satisfaction takes a leading role in high conflict relationships. As turbulence increases in these important logistics service relationships, the quality of the interaction becomes a critical consideration.  相似文献   

While many companies outsource their logistics functions, creating a collaborative relationship with third‐party logistics service providers remains a challenge. The current study explores the effects of often overlooked human factors in this context. Data on buyer perspectives were collected in China. The analysis results suggest that buying firm's top management championship, supplier firm's designated employees, and the buyer‐seller personal relationships (i.e. Guanxi) at different levels, all have significant impacts on inter‐firm collaboration, which in turn enhances the buying firm's logistics performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative, grounded theory research project conducted in the United States, Sweden, and The United Kingdom designed to explore logistics innovation as perceived by leaders of logistics service provider firms and logistics business functions within product focused firms. Analysis of 33 depth interviews conducted within seven organizations revealed activities that reflect multiple aspects of being innovative, including: (1) setting a stage for innovation; (2) identifying clues to shifts in what customers value; (3) negotiating, clarifying, and reflecting upon insights; and (4) managing inter‐organizational learning.  相似文献   

As a growing number of managers consider the decision to outsource logistics activities, it is becoming increasingly critical to understand drivers of success in this area. Using survey data from 549 managers, this research examines the influence of three relationship engagement factors (communication, cooperation, and proactive improvement) on the perceived logistics outsourcing performance achieved by service providers. In particular, logistics outsourcing performance is characterized as consisting of two distinct dimensions: 1) goal achievement, and 2) goal exceedance, which management should consider, respectively, when evaluating their logistics service providers (LSPs).  相似文献   

Effective marketing/logistics relationships can help to create, develop, and maintain critical capabilities to support long‐term firm success. Recent research focuses on two distinct capabilities—information capabilities and firm‐wide integration. Empirical results are provided confirming the proposed relationship between marketing logistics relationship effectiveness and the two capabilities. Further, the capabilities are shown to positively impact logistics performance.  相似文献   

Despite some movement toward consensus on the definition of supply chain management (SCM), there are multiple perspectives on the concept — and its association with logistics. This paper reports results of a survey of SCM professionals regarding their views of SCM, along with its facilitators and barriers. In general, these executives prefer broad, multi‐functional perspectives as opposed to more narrow perspectives of SCM. According to the survey, the leading facilitators of SCM implementation were relational rather than technological. In addition, internal or employee resistance appears to be more of a barrier to SCM implementation compared to external (customer and supplier) resistance.  相似文献   

This research develops a classification framework of supplier‐customer relationships. Data were collected from active relationship managers and provided the empirical basis for the classification scheme. The resulting relationships were classified into seven groups. Names for each type of relationship were developed based on a set of Delphi group responses.  相似文献   

This article extends the existing research on logistics customer service‐loyalty relationships to the online logistics supply chain environment by examining potential website determinants of logistics customer service quality. A structural equation analysis of 373 online shopping transactions suggests that perceived quality of all logistics customer service activities (perceived cycle time, in‐stock availability, and customer responsiveness) varies inversely with: (1) perceived ease of use, and (2) content vividness of the website; and positively with product information content. However, only retailer customer responsiveness assessment was found to have any significant influence on consumer intended loyalty behavior in Internet‐enabled supplies chains.  相似文献   

The automotive industry is undergoing a strategic transition. Cost pressure from rising stock levels in the market and increasing incentives needed to sell these vehicles are forcing vehicle manufacturers to rethink their prevalent “stock‐push” approach, building vehicles against a forecast and selling from stock, in favor of a stock‐less “build‐to‐order” order fulfillment strategy. More responsive order fulfillment at the vehicle manufacturer level however will not only require flexible and responsive component supply, but will also have wide ramifications for the logistics operations. Based on three case studies of major inbound logistics operations, this exploratory study assesses their ability to support such a build‐to‐order approach, as well as the potential implications of such transition. The paper concludes with a set of general strategies for how these implications could be mitigated.  相似文献   

有数据显示,2006年联合国在中国的采购不足其全球采购的百分之一,这与中国的贸易大国地位极不相称;同年,联合国全球采购量也不足当年中国贸易量的百分之一。联合国采购机构多,每个机构都有采购侧重点,并通过自己的网站进行介绍。联合国采购的商品和服务按类别分层次梳理,汇总成采购目录,有上万种  相似文献   

郑里 《信息与经营》2010,(12):102-103
真挚服是上海服装定制的一家名店,近日.真挚服又新增添了和平饭店门店.在保持真挚服一贯的定制服务项目基础上,增设了皮鞋的定制业务。  相似文献   

2010年3月16日晚,在中国广东东莞嘉华酒店,运时通(中国)家具有限公司与德国美得丽Musterring合作启动沙发“百家名店工程”形象发布会隆重召开。预计在2010年,仅这项计划实施成功,该公司在国内年销售德国美得丽Musterring沙发将达八百万美金,到2015年。国内德国美得丽Musterring沙发年销售额将达到三千万美金。这是运时通(中国)家具有限公司的全球销售布局中的重要一环。相信他们会达到这一辉煌的目标。  相似文献   

以现代服务业转移为主要特征的新一轮世界产业结构调整方兴未艾。2007年全球国际服务外包市场规模达5000亿美元,预计到2010年会超过6000亿美元,全球财富1000强中的95%的企业已经制定了业务外包计划。当前我们面临的金融危机给全球经济带来严峻的挑战,但也为我国承接国际服务外包业务带来难得的机遇。政府对国际服务外包产业的发展给与了高度重视,并将其作为实践科学发展、转变贸易增长方式,积极应对国际金融危机,实现“保增长、扩内需、调结构”以及“保稳定、重民生、促就业”的重要政策措施之一。  相似文献   

Chinese aviation industry surges higher China's fast-growing economy is making the country a shining star in the global aviation market. Since the coun- try adopted the reforms and opening up policies in 1978, its air traffic has been increasing at double-digit rate each year to keep pace with the explosive growth in passenger and cargo throughput. China's air traffic has maintained an average annual growth rate of 18% since 1980, almost double the country's GDP  相似文献   

TNT启动生命科学专业中央转运中心;美森完成上海至加州长滩首航;快速消费品(FMCG)供应链峰会举行。  相似文献   

家乐福筹建区域物流中心;长沙医药物流保税仓开业;北京将建成出版物流中心;天津兴建水产品物流园;2005物流十大新闻评出;运费垄断风波蔓延全球;AJV增购货机抢中国货源。  相似文献   

联邦快递客户导向深耕中国;第二期《UPS亚洲商业监察》发布;美国BNSF铁路公司中国办事处成立。  相似文献   

2008年受国际金融危机影响,外贸行业不景气,但我国软件与信息服务外包产业并没有停止发展,据2009年产业发展报告,2008年度产业规模达1567.7亿人民币,同比增长41.2%;软件与信息服务外包企业数量达3600家,同比增长约20.0%,从业人员数量达41万人,同比增长约36.7%。  相似文献   

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