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Researchers in supply chain management have found over the past two decades that supply management should be not merely a purchasing function but a strategic tool for supply chain integration. Supply management, the cornerstone of the integration of industrial supply chains, has evolved as a key research area. Based on quantitative and qualitative investigations of 225 electronics manufacturing firms, we examine the organizational impacts of strategic supply management (SSM) and the contexts of company size, process type, ISO 9000 certification, and quality management (QM) implementation that facilitate such an endeavor. We reveal that SSM is essentially a quality management initiative that requires bilateral efforts for continuous improvement and thus is not associated with the basic requirements of ISO 9000. We find that SSM improves on-time shipments, reduces operational costs, and leads to customer satisfaction and improved business performance. Developed based on contemporary premises in supply chain and QM, this research refines our understanding of the relationships among quality initiatives, SSM, and organizational performance.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented for conceptualising the relationship between the management of supply, strategic orientation at the business-unit level and their proposed link with firm performance. The shortcomings of existing approaches in accounting for the wide variety of purchasing practices in a comprehensive supply management framework are discussed as well their alignment with strategic orientation. The paper concludes by presenting a model and propositions concerning firm-level supply management, strategic orientation and firm performance.  相似文献   

战略成本管理应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了战略成本管理的涵义:战略成本管理包括两个层面的内容:从成本角度分析、选择和优化企业战略;对成本实施控制的战略。对战略成本管理在时间和空间上的发展过程作了简要评析。并以电信运营商的战略成本管理为例,分别介绍了战略成本管理应用的手段——价值链分析、战略定位和成本动因企业中的应用,以期为企业成本管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The economic consequences of interdependent relationships with suppliers and customers have long been of interest to supply chain managers and academics alike. Whereas previous studies have focused on the benefits or risks of embedded relationships that accrue to buying firms, this study simultaneously investigates the effects of a supplier's and a customer's embeddedness, arising from resource dependency, on a focal firm's financial performance in triadic supply chain relationships. Using 1,144 unique focal firm-years for U.S. firms from Compustat, we find that a supplier's and a customer's dependency both increase the focal firm's performance in terms of return on assets (ROA) and return on sales (ROS) by increasing asset turnover (ATO). As levels of supplier and customer dependency on the focal firm increase, however, the economic benefits of customer dependency diminish beyond a certain point, while those of supplier dependency continue to increase above that threshold. Thus, our findings show the paradoxically differing risks of the supplier's versus the customer's dependency, while establishing the unequivocal economic benefits of supplier and customer relations for focal firms in the middle of concentrated triadic relationships.  相似文献   

Practitioners and researchers recognize that purchasing and supply management (PSM) contributes value to business performance beyond reported cost reductions, though capturing and evaluating such contributions is often challenging. The goal of this research is to understand roadblocks impeding the recognition of PSM's contributions beyond cost reduction, and suggest potential solutions to these challenges. Social identity theory offers a conceptual framework to study PSM's self-identity and how it is perceived by others in the organization. Gaining acceptance for value-added metrics is critical to move perceptions of PSM's contribution beyond cost reduction and achieve its full potential. Social identity theory is used as a lens to assess the data and develop propositions. Using a qualitative interview method, the researchers identified important roadblocks hindering PSM's attainment of a broader value-based perception. PSM's identity is closely linked to cost-savings by itself, other functions and upper management. These perceptions are further reinforced by PSM through excessive cost reporting metrics. We provide two suggested solutions for PSM to expand its recognition beyond cost savings: 1) PSM must change its narrative and associated self-identity; and 2) PSM needs to develop metrics that are meaningful across multiple areas of the business.  相似文献   

随着全球性环保意识的高涨,对产品环保性要求日益强烈,供应链体系也因此发生了很大的变化,只有把环境问题和环保理念融入整个供应链,建立合理科学的生态化供应链管理模式,才能迎接接踵而来的生态化浪潮的挑战。  相似文献   

This study tested a perspective of strategic human resource management (SHRM) and compared human resource practices among multinational enterprises (MNEs) in two industries in China. Specifically, empirical data from firms in China's soft-drinks and electronics industries were analysed. The results supported a number of basic assumptions of the SHRM model, such as those regarding the relationship among firm environments, firm strategy, firm human resource practices and firm performance.  相似文献   

The Internet has become an integral part of business activities of most corporations today. Electronic supply chain management (SCM) can improve the operational efficiency of the firm by streamlining processes between the company and its suppliers, business partners, and customers. This research explores the extent and the degree of Internet application in Swedish small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The analyses of the data show that the Swedish SMEs use the Internet in their supply chain activities to a large degree. The study establishes some differences between smaller and larger organizations as well as between manufacturing and service companies.  相似文献   

余晓玲 《价值工程》2011,30(30):108-108
战略成本管理是旨在提高企业长期竞争能力的成本管理手段。文章从战略成本管理的内涵出发,分析了战略成本管理与企业核心竞争力的关系,最后探讨了如何通过战略成本管理来提升企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

供应链管理下企业面临的风险分析及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从牛鞭效应、委托代理关系及网络安全3个方面着重分析了供应链管理中企业面临的风险,并提出了相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) encapsulates the trend to use purchasing policies and practices to facilitate sustainable development at the tourist destination. Most research has focused on environmental aspects of manufacturing, while other aspects of sustainability or the challenges for the service sector are largely ignored. Yet SSCM is particularly important for tour operators, as the product depends on the activities of suppliers, such as accommodation, transport and activities. Therefore, tour operators' contribution to sustainable tourism will be more effective through the definition and implementation of policies that acknowledge responsibility for the impacts of suppliers. Exploratory research of SSCM practices amongst tour operators generated a wide range of examples of good practice across the whole supply chain, and recommendations are made for more widespread engagement. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

20世纪60、70年代的战略管理思想指出了战略的长期导向以及组织内外部相互匹配的本质;80年代的波特战略管理思想对企业外部产业环境与竞争对手更加关注;90年代迄今的战略管理思想则聚焦于企业内部资源尤其是无形资源与能力。80年代产生的SMA突破了传统管理会计的内向性局限,具有明显的外向性与长期性特征。90年代迄今的战略管理思想拓展了SMA的研究视角,为21世纪的SMA提供了新的研究维度——企业无形的资源与能力。本文认为,需重新认识SMA的特征。随着战略管理思想的不断发展,21世纪的SMA作为交叉学科,内容与方法将更加丰富和完善。  相似文献   

动态环境下企业战略理论发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对动态环境下的五种典型战略管理理论(企业生态系统演化理论、战略联盟、战略风险管理、边缘竞争理论以及“战略转折点”理论)的发展进行了梳理和剖析,讨论了这些理论的贡献及适用条件。在此基础上,分析了这些理论自身及相互关系中尚未厘清的问题,提出了进一步研究的方向和启示。  相似文献   

战略管理会计的内容及方法探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代以来,企业面临日益激烈的全球性竞争,经济环境日趋复杂,战略管理会计应运而生。战略管理会计是企业战略管理与管理会计相结合的产物。战略管理会计作为一项新生事物,目前学界对其众说纷纭,本文就其内容和方法进行探讨,并对我国实施战略管理会计提出的几点建议。  相似文献   

Recently, much of the thought in strategic sourcing, i.e., dominant logic, has shifted away from the exchange of tangible goods and toward the exchange of intangibles, specialized skills and knowledge, and processes. This study refers to strategic sourcing dominant logic as strategic sourcing centricity (SSC) and describes it as a sourcing management′s mindset based on learning, performance, planning, and relational orientations and manifests itself in the implementation of SS to meet supply management objectives and satisfy stakeholder requirements. Building on insights on intangibility derived from resource-based theory (RBV), the study proposes and empirically tests strategic sourcing centricity (SSC). The authors test the operational measures of SSC dimensions and its impact on performance on a sample of 174 supply management executives. The results indicate strong support for the theorized framework. Managerial implications and future research agenda are provided.  相似文献   

和一般的风险不同,突发事件具有发生低概率低一高后果、难以预测的特征,进而使得企业的应急管理难度加大,情景规划提供了一种有效的分析方法。供应中断风险应急管理的情景设计需要在识别影响供应中断风险的关键因素的基础上,刻画风险与应急情景维度,并建立不同情景下的应急范式。  相似文献   

The auto industry is experiencing a time of restlessness, which stems from several elements that currently threaten the stability and status quo of its supply chains. Among these elements are autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification, and trip sharing that has led to new forms of mobility. In this context, this article presents the results of a research, which had three main objectives: (1) to identify the green supply chain management (GSCM) practices most commonly implemented in all industrial sectors worldwide, (2) to evaluate how these practices are considered by professionals in the automotive industry and by researchers working on the subject in Brazil, and (3) to identify and evaluate which practices are most widely adopted within these companies and/or supply chains and influence their environmental performance. The research method combined a qualitative research step (Delphi) with another quantitative one (survey). The results show that most of the reality of the automotive industry in Brazil is in line with studies on GSCM practices worldwide, but some specific findings have also been identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Engaging with stakeholders and managing their issues when striving for a sustainable supply chain (SC) is a significant challenge. Although most studies on sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) consider stakeholder management necessary, little is known about related stakeholder management practices in SSCM. Thus, this paper seeks to enrich the theoretical debate on stakeholder management practices in SSCM through a case study approach to bioenergy SCs in Chile. Based on 28 interviews with SC actors and representatives from the surrounding stakeholder environment, the deductive–inductive analysis reveals that stakeholder management combines different practices to discuss stakeholder concerns, address them, and evaluate the process at the SC's external and internal levels. We propose structuring these practices based on two dimensions: “practices to address stakeholder requirements” and “practices whereby stakeholders are integrated.” The analysis' results indicate that although two-way communication with stakeholders can be seen as the core of stakeholder management, a certain willingness to learn and transform SC design is a prerequisite for true orientation toward stakeholder management in SSCM. Additionally, linkage development and local anchoring are practices used to obtain further legitimacy at the external level. Building on these findings, this study can guide practitioners in engaging with stakeholders and managing their issues across the SC.  相似文献   

关于企业实行战略成本管理需要的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国市场经济的不断深化,要求企业在管理理念与管理手段上进行创新。传统成本管理已经不能完全适应现代企业管理的需要。为了适应企业竞争的需要,战略成本管理应运而生了。实施战略成本管理主要是在于提高企业核心竞争力。本文认为在规范的市场经济条件下,建立起完善的成本管理体系及企业竞争机制是战略成本管理的核心。  相似文献   

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