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价值细分--价值驱动的细分模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
主流的市场细分是围绕客户需求的差异性展开的,将满足客户需求视为第一位,而忽视了企业利润,但是利润或价值是企业市场细分最基本的驱动因素,因此传统的主流市场细分方法存在一些问题.本文认为在传统的主流细分方法基础上,应引入客户价值细分指标,从而构建价值-特征-行为三维市场细分模型,这一模型不仅可以满足企业制定与实施营销战略的需求,而且可以保证企业的收益.  相似文献   

刘军跃  崔骅  黄英 《商业研究》2004,(21):107-109
将灰色系统理论中的灰色关联度分析模型和灰色关联度序聚类模型运用于对市场的量化分析,为科学地.准确地进行市场细分和市场研究提供一种行之有效的方法。目前通常使用的市场细分方法都是选用一个或多个因素对市场作单一的或综合的定性细分,这种方式不能精确地描述市场间的差异。唯有综合运用定性和定量分析方法才能对市场做出真实量化的反映。  相似文献   

刘超 《消费经济》2005,21(5):29-33
人口老龄化趋势将使21世纪成为一个“灰色的世纪”,老年消费市场孕育着巨大的商机与潜力,而研究者与营销者面对的首要挑战就在于如何有效钿分这一异质化的消费群体。本文详尽介绍和评述了老年消费市场细分的主要方法与模型,并首次提出了中国老年市场细分的概念模型,希望能为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

客户分割与资源分配是企业一直在努力解决的问题,但目前,空前巨大的客户数据量使得准确进行市场细分和寻找目标市场变得复杂和难以有效实施。通过数据挖掘技术从大型数据库中抽取隐藏的预测信息,利用层次聚类分析建立了一个根据客户的多个态度维度进行客户分割的多维方法。结果表明,以这一方式产生的聚类在同质性较好并且通过参考人口学特征的差别能够获得客户细分市场的轮廓。此外,识别了四个有特色的、表明对信息服务和技术有特殊偏好的客户群。  相似文献   

方茜 《市场研究》2005,(7):37-40
消费细分,就是把消费分割为具有不同需要、性格或行为的购买群体,目的是使同一细分市场内个体之间的固有差异减少到最小,使不同细分市场之间的差异增加到最大。对于企业决策而言,进行消费细分的目的是针对每个购买群体采取独特的产品或市场营销组合战略以求获得最佳收益。  相似文献   

食品营养健康产业内涵与创新发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先分析我国发展食品营养健康产业的时代背景和现实需要,然后对食品营养健康产业进行界定,据此对产业中细分行业的框架进行搭建,并建立食品营养健康产业创新发展闭环模式,形成按需研发循环和产业运作循环,并以北京地区为例,提出食品营养健康产业京津冀协同发展的建议。  相似文献   

对应分析技术在市场细分中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘勇  代莉  冯麟 《市场研究》2006,(1):35-37
一、问题提出在市场细分研究实践中,我们常常遇到这样的困惑,究竟是哪些不同特征组群(年龄、文化程度、收入、职业等)的消费者是我们研究产品/服务的主力消费群体,他们在消费行为上有什么差异,潜在客户对产品/服务特性要求和需求倾向是怎样的等等。如果只有较少的两个变量,且每  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore how universities can increase volunteering among their students. To accomplish this objective, conjoint anlaysis was undertaken to determine the different underlying needs and preferences that drive the volunteering behavior of students. From this data, four need‐based segments are identified and discussed. Strategies are then formulated to meet the needs and preferences of each segment as a means to increase volunteering on campuses.  相似文献   

企业家终极关怀是管理哲学命题,它促使企业家不断地追求"终极目标",从而达到全面自由发展的境界。通过对587位中国企业家调查问卷分析,中国企业家的终极关怀包含三个构成维度:利他贡献、成就超我;财富声望、彰显本我;竞争整合、挑战自我。根据企业家终极关怀因子的得分再进行聚类分析,企业家群体分为四类:竞争整合导向型、利他贡献导向型、财富声望导向型、终极关怀淡漠型。将这四类企业家群体与企业类型和企业家类型的变量进行广义对应分析,得到更为确切的企业家细分群体及类型特征:有信仰的企业家更注重利他贡献;国有企业的企业家更容易淡漠终极关怀;中等规模、处于成长期企业的企业家更注重财富声望;高学历企业家更注重竞争整合。  相似文献   


This paper first presents a methodology for understanding the dining needs and wants of a university population. This paper presents the results of two market segmentation studies undertaken at two major universities: one on the east coast and one on the west coast. The cluster analysis results suggest that the campus population is not a homogeneous group in terms of their wants and needs when selecting a place to get a meal or a snack. The analysis also reveals that the campus community cannot be just divided by student and non-student. To do so would miss multiple opportunities to satisfy the wants and needs of the total campus community.  相似文献   

A distinctive tradition within group decision support uses models to structure managerial problems. In this tradition, stakeholders jointly construct a model on their issue of concern in facilitated workshops. In the past decades a wide variety of theoretical insights into and techniques for model-based decision support have been proposed and tested in practical applications. Methods are designed and used by experts; guidelines on their use are not completely spelled out in the literature. This lack of transparency may lead to difficulties in showing the value of methods to researchers in other fields, limit transferability of methods and complicate recombining elements of methods into a multimethodology. In this paper we aim to contribute to transparency by contrasting two model-driven methods: group model building (GMB) and Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA). We first develop a framework for comparing methods on a theoretical and practical level. Second, we describe the separate use of each approach, on one and the same issue, with a similar group of participants. By contrasting the choices made in a practical application we clarify process and results in different phases of problem analysis. Our conclusion is that theoretical assumptions of both approaches are more similar than expected. Each method captures different aspects of the problem and in this sense methods may supplement one another: where SODA focuses on the future and identification of actions, GMB aims to create insight into the relation between (past) behavior and structure of the problem. In choosing which element of the methods to use, it is important to realize that each element strikes a particular balance between costs (e.g. time taken from participants or modelers) and benefits (e.g. level of involvement or model verification). For instance, some elements speed up the process but do so at the cost of lowering participants’ involvement. A practical combination of elements of GMB and SODA thus requires the user to assess the relative importance of insight and action as project deliverables, weigh costs and benefits of elements of either method and string these together in a logical sequence that creates the outcomes required.  相似文献   


Studies on segmentation based on the diffusion of innovations have primarily focused on new products in developed countries, whereas research in emerging economies focusing on products at a maturity or declining stage has been relatively scarce. In this study, the authors address this problem by analyzing the diffusion trends of 31 durable goods across 70 developed, emerging, or less-developed countries over three decades. They propose a dynamic time-dependent segmentation approach that segments countries based directly on the time-varying diffusion patterns of durable goods. The authors find that biplots provide a rich summary of international diffusion patterns that prevent managers over/under predicting penetration.  相似文献   

CHAID分析在抽油烟机产品市场细分中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏胜强 《商业研究》2006,6(17):105-110
市场细分是企业战略营销的重要组成部分。根据一些调查数据显示,把抽油烟机市场细分变量区分为广度细分变量和深度细分变量,如果与传统市场细分方法进行对比,可了解到CHAID细分方法的优越性,方能用该方法对抽油烟机整体市场和潜在市场做以细分。  相似文献   


This practitioner note proposes a new approach considering two-stage clustering and LRFMP model (Length, Recency, Frequency, Monetary and Periodicity) simultaneously for customer segmentation and behavior analysis and applies it among the Iranian Fintech companies. In this practitioner note, the K-means clustering algorithm and LRFMP model are combined in the customer segmentation process. After initial clustering, for a better understanding of valuable customers, additional clustering is implemented in segments that needed further investigation. This approach contributes to a better interpretation of different customer segments. Customer segments, consisting of 23524 business customers are analysed based on their characteristics and appropriate strategies are recommended accordingly. The first stage clustering result shows that customers are best segmented into four groups. The first and fourth segments are clustered again and the final 11 groups of customers are determined. This note provides a systematic and practical approach for researchers and practitioners for segmentation, interpretation, and targeting of customers especially in the B2B setting and the Fintech industry and helps managers to make effective marketing strategies and enhance customer relationship and marketing intelligence.  相似文献   

高科技产品的三阶段细分营销电子商务模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄若谷 《商业研究》2002,(4):132-134
高科技产品具有其与普通商品所不同的特性 ,其质量随着时间的推移而损耗 ,而且复制成本相对于总开发成本来说相当小。只有针对高科技产品在产品生命周期的各阶段的特点 ,结合传统渠道、电子商务技术的各自优点 ,以科学的模型对营销周期进行分析 ,对不同的阶段采取不同程度的价格歧视策略 ,才能最大化的实现利润和最大程度地抵抗风险。拍卖这种博奕机制在电子商务的条件下成为了一种良好的实现一度价格歧视的方法 ,将在高科技产品的营销过程中发挥出越来越大的作用。  相似文献   

Advertising and other promotional decisions are in- fluenced by the nature of the target market as well as which media vehicles are within the financial .reach of the small-business owner and how effective they are in reaching the target market. Though considerable research has been done about the value of advertise- ments in general, little is known about the relative effectiveness of suburban and urban papers and radio stations in reaching the specific target markets of small business. Because of financial exigencies and the need to produce results within a reasonable period of time, the appropriate use of media vehicles is of paramount importance among small-business operators. To assess the effects of various media vehicles on different market segments, three surveys and a field experiment were conducted. Findings from three studies indi- cate that, although the aggregate measure of readership of major dailies is high across urban and suburban dwellers, the relative influ- ence and effectiveness of urban dailies tend to differ among communities. Suburban weeklies and radio stations seem more effective in reaching various market segments and life-styles.  相似文献   

Various segmentation variables and their usefulness are examined in the context of the outdoor recreation market.The utilization of values as an augmenting variable is proposed and discussed. In addition, a model of the interrelationship between values, demographic, attitudes toward outdoor recreation, and outdoor recreation behavior is developed.  相似文献   

范欣  宋冬林 《商业研究》2020,(4):93-102
财政分权背景下,财权、事权和财力的不匹配使得地方政府采取策略性行为是其作为理性决策人的应然选择,地方政府往往会基于经济增长和税收双重目标而利用税收工具开展税收竞争,进而造成市场分割等问题。考虑到空间依赖性的存在,本文采用动态空间杜宾模型来考察税收竞争与市场分割之间的关系。研究发现,"为税收而竞争"在地方政府间存在,而竞争导致的税负下降将加剧市场分割;从分税种来看,所得税对市场分割的直接效应显著负相关,但三大税种的空间溢出效应并不明显;从时空异质性上看,地方政府的策略性行为在时序和区域上有所差异;市场分割敏感程度在时序上动态调整,区域内协同效应有待增强。为避免地方政府税收竞争恶化、异化和宏观福利损失,需要重视由此导致的市场分割的治理,建立现代化财政体制,深化税收制度改革,打造服务型地方政府等,这些也都是构筑国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的基础性支撑。  相似文献   

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