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胡佳 《西部大开发》2009,(11):112-113
Bassnett believed that collusion exerts influence between the author, translator as well as target reader, thus providing us with a new perspective for translation studies. Enlightened by Susan Bassnett's notion of "collusion" , the writer makes a contemplative study about the social address terms in Chinese classic novel Shui Hu Zhuan. The research studies the translation of modest social address terms in Outlaws of the Marsh and All Men are Brothers from the perspective of collusion and culture construction. Through the study of the source text and target text, the thesis makes analysis as well as comparison of the two English versions, in order to investigate the possible criteria for the translators to evaluate their choices of words in translating the Chinese specific terms. During the research, the writer discovers that collusion plays an im nortant role in the nroeess of translation. with a notential result of culture construction in the target readers' mind.  相似文献   

Through review of relevant studies and analysis,this article indicates that the "middle-income trap " is in line with the framework of the mainstream economic growth theories, and,therefore,it is a useful concept through which we can analyze economic growth phenomena in specific economic growth phases.The empirical experiences of many countries also indicate that at specific middle-income stages,economies with high rates of growth tend to encounter economic slowdown or even stagnation.The article shows that China is facing the challenge of determining how to move smoothly beyond the middle-income stage of economic development,while taking into account the shifting population structure,changing resource endowment and growth patterns.The article,drawing on international experiences, puts forward several policy suggestions relating to improvement in total factor productivity, expansion of human capital accumulation and deepening of system and government function reforms.  相似文献   

Two groups of second grade from a senior high school that is part of The Autonomous University of Sinaloa in Mexico (N1 = 47 and N2 = 46) were selected. Each group was divided by gender. The “average score” was measured as an indicator of academic achievement, before and after the intervention. In one of the groups, an intervention called “Socialization of Values Through Strategic Poles” was performed, while in the other group there was not intervention. The six students with highest academic achievement were trained about the importance of practicing life values such as respect, honesty, responsibility, self-discipline, solidarity and tolerance, as important aspects of being a good person and developing their human potential. These values were chosen according to the Association for Living Values Education International (ALIVE); the values were discussed within the classroom where the students ranked them. Groups called “Strategic Poles to Socialize Values” were formed with the expectation that students with higher academic achievement influenced the students with lower achievement, so the latter could improve their academic performance. From the comparative study, the results showed that the group which received the intervention had higher achievement than the group that received no intervention. Women in the group that received intervention performed better than men of the same group. The performance of the research through intervention allowed us to observe its usefulness and to propose it as a viable option to promote values in today's society, both in business and school.  相似文献   

罗丹 《魅力中国》2014,(12):63-63
In the novel“In the pond”, Ha Jin prestents to the readers a complicated character Shao Bin, who, at the beginnig, strives to fight against the power and in the end surrenders to it. During the long confrontation to the leaders, Shao Bin has indeed left no stone unturned to obtain what he deserves and people in the lower class have ever suported him, but they al end up conpromising to the power and authority. They final y lost their selves and dreams. And they are easily bought of because in the depth of their hearts, the ideology of of ical standard prevails so much that they misuse it as a disguise for their evil doings.  相似文献   

罗娉婷 《魅力中国》2010,(35):371-372
The Catcher in the Rye is judged as a buildungsroman according to most studies as the dramatis personae, Holden Caulfield, is an unusual radical protagonist for a bildungsroman just because he aims to resist the progress of maturity. In this article the writer tries to analyze from another perspective, the painfulness of growing up, through different stylistic features in 2 levels: general wording inclination--vulgar language ofHolden Caulfield and the connotative meaning of colors at the lexical level; the figurative meanings of utterances from semantic level.  相似文献   

This paper proposes "TJS-PVAM" (Total Job Quality Management System-Patent Value Appraisal Model) that contributes to corporate strategy by utilizing "Science TQM, New Quality Management Principle". Improvement of "patent value" signifies engineers' value creation at work (invention). The author established a "high performance business model which raises patent quality". This model consists of several elements each for "inventive technique" and "patent right" in order to explain the indispensable elements of inventive technique and patent right for a strategic patent, and verified the validity of the model at major enterprises such as Toyota. Furthermore, standardization has been carried out in order to spread the effectiveness of "TJS-PVAM", and "A-PPM" software (Amasaka's Laboratory Patent Performance Model) has been created and its effectiveness has been investigated through trial application at major enterprises.  相似文献   

徐莉 《魅力中国》2013,(12):17-17
There are two dissuasive paintings in the Southern Song Dynasty, they are called "portrait of dissuasive Painting" and" Historical story as a means to carry out Precepts of painting" .  相似文献   

The article presents a theoretical-empirical reflection about concepts, models, and practices of Quality of Life at Work (QLW) in organizations of different legal nature. The initial proposition of the research suggested that private organizations, that are more susceptible to competitive pressures in the market for resources and the uncertainties regarding the employability tend to have worse indicators of QLW than the public organizations that exhibit greater control over their influx of resources and greater stability in jobs that are offered. The literature review included the concepts and models of QLW as well as the characteristics and application methodology of the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS), and your score on Task Motivational Potential (TMP), as instruments of evaluating the dimensional indicators of QLW in organizations. In methodological terms, we proceeded to a multiple case study comparative, supported by the application of the reduced version of JDS, through its questionnaire that has already been validated in previous studies in two organizations, a private foundation supporting university and a public company of electricity supply, both located in the State of Amazonas-Brazil. The research findings using the JDS instrument indicated failed to detect significant differences between the scores of TMP between the two organizations, nor any robust correlation between their respective legal personalities and environments of institutional performance. Nevertheless, the small differences found suggest a framework of indicators of QLW slightly more favorable to the foundation of university support.  相似文献   

Each company has to reopen different new methods and means in order to maintain high degree of competitive power on the market. The theory of trust developed by the author on the ground of his observations of many years on the market and formed respectively in theory and laws and practices to be applied in the contemporary life of every company, acting on the market have been presented. The theory gives every company concrete decisions to reach a better competitive power on the market in the globalization. The described below theory of degree of trust was developed by Dobrev, M. as a president of consulting company "D&M Dobrev Consulting House" (Dobrev, M., 1993)for analysis and trading.  相似文献   

Recently some foreign media have all along been preaching that China has become a "world factory". It is a fact that "China-made" products have penetrated into every comer of the world. It seems that this kind of "preaching" is not a groundless rumor. But in fact, there is still a long way for China to become a real world factory. This paper firstly presents the definition and connotation of world factory, and then elaborates the establishment of world factory and problems existing in the process. In the end, the author gives some suggestions to the establishment of the world factory.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issue of local "land finance'" in the context of China "s fast urban expansion. In an analysis of China "s land requisition and public leasing system we argue that low-cost land acquisition is the fundamental cause of land-related distortions that have occurred during China "s urbanization. Granting farmers the power to negotiate directly with land users during urban expansion, combined with coordinated land tax reforms to consolidate local tax bases is the key to China achieving both equity and land use efficiency in urban expansion.  相似文献   

This paper applies a structural vector autoregression analysis to quantify the impact of the global financial crisis on China. It is found that the impact is indeed sizeable: a 1-percent decline in economic growth in the USA, the EU and Japan is likely to lead to a0. 73-percent decline in growth in China. The article discusses whether the current measures of fiscal stimulus are adequate to offset the sharp decline in external demand Although there is little doubt that the massive fiscal stimulus will largely offset the significant shortfalls in external demand, the current growth pattern in China will be increasingly unsustainable in the long term. China "s reform cycles suggest that external shocks are often opportunities for structural reforms. Therefore, the crisis could also be a catulyst for rebalancing China 's economic structure so as to return the economy to a sustainable path.  相似文献   

The central argument of the article is that bad governance has been both the source and the consequence of the economic underperformance of African countries. Economic development is the end to be achieved in a sustainable way and this cannot be guaranteed without strong institutions under the conditioning of good governance and if possible democracy. Thus, at the heart of achieving economic development as indicated by East Asian countries and some countries that are able to register economic development in Africa recently, such as Ethiopia and Rwanda among others, they are building the appropriate institutions and policies, which are key to the process of economic growth by affecting the incentives to accumulate, innovate, and accommodate change. The article compares and contrasts governance and economic development between Africa and East Asian countries. It also reflects the lessons learned from East Asian countries to bring rapid economic growth and development in Africa.  相似文献   

This article aims to present the main marketing concepts applied by Brazilian micro-enterprises within a brief contextualization of a marketing plan. The methodology involved qualitative research development applied at the Trianon Fair, traditional event on Sundays on the sidewalks of the AvenidaPaulista in the city of Silo Paulo. Another research was carried out involving non-probabilistic sample with micro-businesses from various segments in the city that were chosen for their accessibility. From the results, product characteristics were elaborated, pricing, and distribution, that compose the application analyses of the marketing tools for micro-businesses and theoretical evolution have stemmed from the bibliographical research as well as field research and observational studies by the authors of the article. The goal is not to exhaust the topic nor to construct a Marketing Plan, but rather to contribute to the discussion, learning, and use of a marketing mix in the segment of micro-enterprises in a more assertive manner. It was concluded that there is no doubt as to the importance of micro-enterprises for any country. His contribution lies mainly in optical innovation and creativity because these companies can test new models of work, management, products, and services. It should be noted that micro-enterprises are greatly responsible for job generation in our country, denoting their prominent social and ecological perspective. More than a transient way of earning money, the reality of micro-enterprises should be considered as a social and economic phenomenon capable of generating regional and, consequently, global growth.  相似文献   

The Albanian health care system is currently in a period of deep transformation as well as the country is reflecting the future reforms after the turbulent development of the most recent years. The admission of Albania among future members of the European Union requires also an innovation in the health care system in order to build a model more compliant with the European performance and standards. These innovations are required also in the managerial approach to the health care and in its financing system. The aim of this paper is to analyze the actual financing model of the Albanian health care sector while highlighting the possible future managerial development. First of all, this article presents a history review of the Albanian health-care system, analyzing the current governance model. The goal of this approach is to describe the starting point of the reform paths for the future policy makers. Afterwards the research underlines the transition from a financing model based on historical public expenditure to a system based on the performance as one of the main innovation in the managerial approach to the health care. The introduction of management thinking will then allow developing a cost-based financing model, an accounting system in the teaching hospital and, finally, a financing system able to pay for services provided by private health care entities. The article then offers also a contribution to policy makers in order to define the "paths" of the Albanian health care system in the next years.  相似文献   

This paper contains information that is not to be shared, copied, disclosed or otherwise compromised without the consent of the authors. Demographics have major impact on economy and financial markets. Because work ability and consumption pattern of different age groups are law of nature, population and its structure represent a more fundamental force beyond politics and other economics. When birth rate, mortality rate and life span are constant in time, the change of generations is smoothed out, and no demographic impact can be felt. On the other hand, if there is a burst in birth rate, like the "Baby Boomers", strong "demographic wave" will manifest itself in the economy as well as politics. Such moves are driven by the law of nature and cannot be stopped by other forces. Therefore, in order to understand financial markets, one has to study economics with the perspective of demographics.  相似文献   

In our dynamic global environment, strategic requirements are for more effective managers who understand the realities of achievement through others (Service & Arnott, 2006; Welch, 2001). Unfortunately, management as is practiced in money making businesses is not a requirement in politics, religion, health care or education. Moreover, management within profit making organizations is often not highly effective as demonstrated by the economic meltdown of 2008. Better managing education, religion, politics and health care can solve many societal issues. Also, more effective management in for profits is a must if we are to generate wealth to support these un-poorly-managed societal arenas. This requires knowledge beyond what is in most management courses. This paper attempts to help less effective managers improve by describing the realities of managerial problems (realms and functions) that occur because of disconnects between the "is" of "difficult" practical application versus the "should be" of theory. Moreover, hindsight has replaced strategic foresight as the method of choice among so many business leaders (some of which have failed), governmental entities (may be about to fail) and scholars (Sorkin's, "Too Big to Fail", contents wishful thinking was a key devise in the mess described, 2009). This article asserts a good number of these "mistakes" are caused by an idealistic form of realism.  相似文献   

Observers perceive each place through a particular image, not necessarily positive, definable in a distinctive positioning through place-marketing strategies; the relations between the actors of the territory system play an important role, and the place-brand becomes "the connector" of the relational network in place-marketing management. The aims of this article are to analyze the relations between place identity, place-brand, and place-marketing strategy; to look at case studies of bottom-up strategy as a medium for the long-term empowerment of the place-brand strategy; and to examine the relevance of place-brand positioning and interaction between governance and stakeholders in place-marketing strategy development.  相似文献   

The research reports how the choice of the organization behavior--strategic drift can lead to strategic crisis as a form of manifestation of a deepening organizational crisis. The research questions whose solution is sought are connected with the relation of strategic drift--strategic crisis--strategic crisis management, in terms of whether the errors in the process of strategic management lead to organizational crises. The results of the historical analysis of the theoretical research and practice in this field show the interdependence among these processes and the reasons for strategic crisis in support of the concept of strategic crisis management and its implementation in business. The study outlines the evolution of the theory of strategic drift, as well as opinions of various scientists on the types of crises, which are perceived as a uniform classification and universal interpretation of the term "strategic crisis". The organization's "strategic drift" leads to serious organizational crisis which first form that strategic crisis. Practice shows that the management of market leaders often leads to complacency, choosing strategy stability. Soon, as a result of aggressive strategies or implemented innovations of their competitors, they lose their competitive position.  相似文献   

China' s state planned land use system, including regulations such as setting planned quotas for land use, basic cropland preservation, and pursuing a balance between the conversion of arable land into non-agricultural use and the supplement of new agricultural land, has substantially constrained the economic growth of industrial provinces in China. This article explores the innovative reforms adopted by Zhejiang Province through land development rights (LDR) transfer within a locality and LDR trading across localities. We argue that there is a "Zhejiang model of LDR transferring and trading," which, we believe, has significant implications not only for fostering an efficiency-enhancing market for land development rights and agricultural land preservation, but also for optimal use of land and a more balanced regional development. One important policy issue relating to China's rural land system is that under China' s land requisition system, farmers are usually under compensated for urban land-taking.  相似文献   

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