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感知风险是消费者行为领域一个重要的研究方面。随着网络购物蓬勃发展,网络购物的安全性一直受到消费者的质疑。在这种情况下,网络购物感知风险的研究已成为学者关注的重点。  相似文献   

感知风险理论在网上购物中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
感知风险理论几十年的发展证明其在解释消费者行为方面的适用性。国外相关研究显示:消费者对风险的感知是阻碍其网上购物的一个重要因素。本文分析了消费者对网上购物的风险感知情况,包括网上购物感知风险的概念,感知的风险类型、风险表现及风险来源,并提出了降低风险的建议。  相似文献   

感知风险是阻碍消费者通过网络进行购物的主要因素。本文在问卷调查的基础上,采用独立样本T检验,单因素方差分析和Pearson理论来分析消费者自身的八个相关因素对其在网上购物时感知到的风险的影响。  相似文献   

目前,我国网购市场的有很大的发展发展空间,但由于消费者网上购物的风险感知较大,影响了网购市场的规模.因此,扩大网购规模,必须降低消网上消费者感知风险的强度.网商是影响网上购物感知风险的重要因素,约束网商行为有利于扩大网购市场的规模.就我国而言完善信用评价制度的建立和网上自我约束机制的建立是约束网商行为的主要措施.  相似文献   

网上购物感知风险及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对消费者来说,网络购物比在实体商店购物存在更高的风险,感知风险是影响消费者网络购买行为的主要因素.文章认为,网络购物过程中消费者的感知风险主要包括功能风险、财务风险、心理风险、社会风险、时间风险、安全风险和隐私风险.文章提出,为减少感知风险,对于消费者来讲,在整个购买过程中,应主动搜集信息,注重商店形象,购买名牌商品,寻求商家保证,选择安全的支付方式;而对于网络商来讲,则应从网络技术和安全、网站网页设计、销售产品和提供服务等四个方面进行努力.只有如此,才能提高消费者网络购物的信心,从而达到获取顾客、创造价值的目的.  相似文献   

目前感知风险的研究还主要集中在传统的消费情境下,而网上购物作为一种新型的、更为便捷的购买形式已经广为人们所接受,消费者在商店购买时会感知到风险,对于网络购物会感知到更大的风险.因此网络情境下消费者感知风险的产生不仅与消费者自身有关,也与产品的购买环境有很大的关系.文章指出,消费者可以通过自身努力来减少感知风险(如购买名牌、购买高价产品等),同时网上零售商也可以通过一些措施来降低消费者网上购物风险感知,比如安全支付、退款保证、网站声誉、客户的购买经验、产品组成信息、价格和促销等切实可行的策略.  相似文献   

为了解消费者网上购药的影响因素,构建基于TAM和感知风险理论的消费者网上购药行为模型。基于文献研究,运用开放式问卷调查,共回收82份有效问卷,利用Excel2010进行数据分析。经数据分析发现,影响网上购药的主要是感知有用,感知易用和感知风险,并在TAM和感知风险理论基础上提出了消费者网购药品行为模型,为后续的实证研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

文章创新性地将感知风险作为变量因子研究不同消费者的购买偏好差异并在价格、品牌两个维度上得到验证,研究结果表明:网上购物时,消费者感知风险不同会影响其对价格、品牌的购买偏好;对于高风险感知者,对价格较高、品牌知名度较高的商品会产生更大的购买意愿;对于低风险感知者,对价格不同、品牌知名度不同的商品的购买意愿则不存在显著差异.文章建立在感知风险理论和消费者减少风险理论基础上,以感知风险结合价格、品牌知名度研究消费者行为偏好差异,从而更好地把握网上购物风险对消费者行为的影响.  相似文献   

研究网上消费者的感知风险、形成感知风险的影响因素,是中小企业发展电子商务的一个重要切入点.本文旨在通过对网上消费者的实证分析,进一步探讨网上消费者感知风险及其主要影响因素,提出减少感知风险的对策,以期对中小企业发展电子商务有所借鉴.  相似文献   

本文以消费者感知风险为研究对象,总结了前人对感知风险的测量、构面及影响因子的研究,旨在对电商企业开展营销活动提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

消费者消费观念的转变,使得网购从尝试性形态逐步向日常形态转变。由于网络购物在时间和空间上的特殊性以及心理和社会原因,使得消费者在网购与实体购物时所感受的风险存在较多差异,往往感到网购比实体商店购物存在更高的风险。相对于实体购物,影响网络购物感知风险的因素主要集中在消费者、商品、零售商和技术四方面。商家要消除由于信息的失衡给消费者带来的不安全感,同时,还需要商家具有广泛的营销手段和工具,从而提高企业的产品或品牌被消费者选择的可能性。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between perceived security and acceptance of online banking with the mediating effect of perceived risk and trust in Internet banking in Iranian customers. Researchers used structural equations model (SEM) to examine their hypotheses and conceptual model. Statistical data were gathered via a questionnaire from 395 randomly selected customers of Bank Saderat Iran in Semnan. Cronbach’s alpha and internal compatibility were used to check the reliability of the questionnaire. The justifiability of the research variables was checked and confirmed using the first- and second-order confirmatory factor analysis. According to the SEM results, the variables of perceived security and trust in Internet banking had a significantly positive impact on the acceptance of online banking. Although perceived risk had no significant impact on the acceptance of online banking, the results showed that perceived risk had a significantly negative impact on trust in Internet banking.  相似文献   

以往关于时间压力对冲动性购买影响的研究结论具有两面性,即促进或抑制。文章引入交易效用和感知风险两个调节变量,通过两个实验探讨了时间压力对网络冲动性购买倾向影响的边界条件。首先,当交易效用较高时,时间压力的增加会导致其网络冲动性购买倾向的提高;而当交易效用较低时,时间压力的增加会导致其网络冲动性购买倾向的降低(实验一)。其次,当人们感知风险较低时,时间压力的增加会导致其网络冲动性购买倾向的提高;而当人们感知风险较高时,时间压力的增加会导致其网络冲动性购买倾向的降低(实验二)。研究结论可以帮助电商企业进一步了解消费者的冲动性购买行为,充分利用时间压力的影响,制定更灵活有效的促销策略。  相似文献   

消费者对网上购物的风险认知及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁夏齐  马谋超 《商业研究》2005,(22):212-213
风险认知是影响消费者网上购物的重要因素。网上购物的风险,主要包括财务风险、性能风险、身体风险、时间风险、隐私风险、心理风险和社会风险等维度。影响消费者网上购物风险认知的因素,主要有网络使用经验、网上购物经历、产品知识、创新性等。采取一些适当的措施,可以有效地降低网上购物的风险认知。  相似文献   

在网络购物过程中,顾客会因各种产品质量问题而感到不满意,从而产生抱怨行为。基于此,文章在网络购物背景下,分析顾客抱怨行为的影响因素,通过层级回归方法,重点探讨网购认知与顾客抱怨行为的关系。研究发现网购认知与顾客抱怨行为倾向之间存在正向关系,网购认知越高,顾客抱怨行为倾向越高。并且网购认知对向卖方抱怨、私下抱怨以及向第三方机构抱怨等三类抱怨行为均存在较大影响。因此电子商务企业应加强顾客抱怨管理,提升顾客满意度。  相似文献   


The general purpose of this study is to explore the influence of perceived risk, knowledge, price, and cost of dry fish consumption in Bangladesh using the general framework from the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The field experiments were performed in Bangladesh with a convenience sample of 558 respondents. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship among perceived risk, knowledge, price, and cost and TPB constructs. The findings showed that attitude, norms, and procedural knowledge emerge as the key determinants of intention, whereas intention, attitude, norms, and perceived risk have effects on the dry fish consumption frequency. Perceived behavioral control, price, and cost had no significant effect on intention and consumption behavior. The proposed TPB and the extended model both fit the data well and proved the expectations of this study in a promising way. The study found that people are more concerned about potential long-term risk to their family and others. Therefore, management attention should focus on reducing risks which consumers may face through producing safe and hazard-free dry fish.  相似文献   


This study investigates the online purchase behavior of a key segment of the population, the “Net Generation” undergraduate college-aged student, from two of the countries with the greatest potential for e-marketing opportunity, the United States and Ireland. In addition to identifying college students' Internet activities, this research provides useful comparative information concerning how frequently students from each country interactively shop online, how much they spend, what they buy, as well as answer the question whether students from the two countries under study approach the Buyer Decision Process differently in their use of the Internet. The results provide useful guidance to electronic marketers.  相似文献   

Goal-directed and experiential online shopping are two general categories of consumer behavior on the Internet. Internet stores promoting online transactions may face challenges regarding how to satisfy distinct online shoppers. This study develops a dual-state of cognitive and affective reactions to online services and flow experiences to predict goal-directed and experiential online consumer behavior. This survey mailed 300 questionnaires to a random sample of volunteers with substantial online shopping experience. Of these, 150 samples were returned for data analysis. Empirical results from the survey indicate that the dual-state of online services is more appropriate for assessing goal-directed purchase intentions than for examining the willingness to purchase experientially. In contrast, the dual-state of flow experiences is better at assessing goal-directed purchase intentions and the willingness to purchase experientially. Finally, this study features implications for academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

Heralded as one of the fastest-growing regions in e-commerce sales, Asia has received increasing attention from online retailers as a promising e-commerce market. Therefore, to provide better insight into Asian online marketplaces, this study focuses on Taobao.com (hereafter referred to as “Taobao”), a major Chinese online marketplace, and attempts to shed light on consumers’ perceptions of Taobao. More specifically, this study examines (a) what consumers in China think about Taobao as an online marketplace when purchasing high- or low-involvement products; (b) what types of risk are associated with each product; and (c) how online consumers’ risk perceptions consequently influence both their trust toward Taobao and their purchase intention. Multidimensional perceived risks (financial, privacy, product, security, social/psychological, time) were considered in the research. Participants were 217 Chinese university students. The results indicate that product risk and social/psychological risk were negatively associated with consumers’ trust and purchase intention, regardless of their degree of product involvement. Interestingly, financial risk was positively related to trust and purchase intention. Findings are discussed with managerial implications, followed by limitations and future studies.  相似文献   


The Internet provides an evolving channel for both business people and consumers to achieve their mutual aims. The rapid growth of Internet users in New Zealand provides a developing prospect for E-marketers. New Zealand has literate, educated, technology savvy “netizens” who are willing to spend time and money over the Internet. If E-marketers know the demographics of online New Zealand purchasers and the relationships between these demographics and online buyers' behavior, then they can further develop their marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones, while retaining the existent online customers. This paper provides an insight into the demographic profile of New Zealand's online purchasers. Some implications are also provided in this research.  相似文献   

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