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环境规制是一个已经讨论了很长时间的问题,其主要规制手段——行政手段和市场手段早已为人们所熟知。近年来,相对于坚持两种规制手段均为主的美、日、德等环境规制效果较好的国家,我国越来越倾重于以市场手段为主来进行环境规制,但规制效果相对以上国家却仍然存在较大差距。找到环境规制效果差别巨大的原因对于构建和谐社会,促进人与自然协调发展具有极为重要的关键性作用。以法经济学作为切入点来考察坚持两种环境规制手段均为主的原因以及这样做的意义和影响,从而指出我国环境规制政策中的不足和效果不佳的原因,并为我国进一步完善环境规制政策和改善环境规制效果提出意见建议。  相似文献   

本文在分析了政府规制与企业利益的冲突的基础上,提出需要设计一种激励相容的机制来使得二者达到有效融合,不但能有效的解决职业安全问题,也能促进企业效率的提高.  相似文献   

规制经济学理论研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文详细介绍了规制经济理论发展、演化的脉络。对传统的规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论及其主要代表人物的观点予以评述 ;重点介绍了信息不对称和目标不一致情况下的激励规制理论及其经典模型。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展以及人们对自身的生命权和健康权要求的不断提高,职业安全问题日益受到广泛的重视。作为世界工厂的我国,在职业安全与健康方面也面临着严峻的挑战。现实中,由于生产中雇主和雇工之间关于安全问题的信息不对称性、不确定性带来职业安全的内部性;由于职业安全产权缺乏明确的界定,又会产生职业安全的外部性。而无论是内部性还是外部性,都会导致职业安全问题的市场失灵,这为政府进行相应的社会性规制提供了前提与条件。基于此,本文从内部性和外部性两个方面对职业安全进行了研究,深刻探析了职业安全的负内部性和负外部性的产生及其在现实中的表现,最后提出构建工伤保险、强行信息披露和明确雇工的安全工作权利三个政策建议,以期对我国职业安全规制的进一步改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

张曦 《经济师》2014,(8):85-86
文章通过对1949年以来我国生产安全规制体系初创、初步形成、快速发展阶段的梳理,在总结生产安全规制存在主要问题的基础上,提出应从健全并细化生产安全相关法律、法规,理顺生产安全规制体制、提高监管效率,强化安全生产意识、约束市场主体行为等方面推进我国经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

规制经济学研究范式的动态演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着经济发展进程中“自由放任”与“国家干预”两大对立经济思潮的兴衰交替,西方国家的规制实践也进行着动态调整:从政府规制到放松规制,从放松规制到激励性规制。政府规制的实践促进了规制理论的发展,规制理论的发展又推动了规制经济学研究范式的逻辑演化:“公共利益”研究范式——“部门利益”研究范式——“激励性”研究范式。规制经济学研究范式的演进进程呈现出明显的“分异”与“融合”特征。  相似文献   

郭蕾  史红民 《经济师》2007,(9):15-16
产品质量的形成过程是一个消费者、生产厂商和规制者三个利益集团博弈的过程。文章分别从消费利益集团与质量规制,生产者利益,集团与质量规制,规制者利益集团与质量规制三个方面进行了质量规制的理论研究,旨在为提高产品质量服务。  相似文献   

转型期中国危险化学品存在重大安全隐患,特别是因危险化学品管理不善而引发的安全事故时有发生。规制机构获得有关危险化学品安全事故隐患的信息量与危险化学品的安全程度有一定的相关性。应通过建立危险化学品市场、完善安全监察员队伍等举措降低规制机构获取最优信息的边际成本,通过加大对企业职工安全健康教育培训力度、完善危险化学品工伤保险机制等举措提高规制机构获取最优信息量的边际收益,最终实现减少危险化学品安全事故的目的。  相似文献   

美国经济学家阿瑟·奥肯在其著作《平等与效率》中,以是否可以交易转让为标准,明确了"不能买卖的权利"和市场上存在的"广泛而平等的权利"之间的差别,并划定了二者的边界,为规范经济领域客观存在的权利市场提供了理论基础.进一步而言,提高权利市场的运行效率,培育和完善健全的权利市场规制机制,应当成为完善中国特色社会主义市场经济法律体系的重要内容和方向.  相似文献   

田聚英 《经济导刊》2013,(Z1):74-75
美国经济学家阿瑟·奥肯在其著作《平等与效率》中,以是否可以交易转让为标准,明确了不能买卖的权利和市场上存在的广泛而平等的权利之间的差别,并划定了二者的边界,为规范经济领域客观存在的权利市场提供了理论基础。进一步而言,提高权利市场的运行效率,培育和完善健全的权利  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between Islamic constitutionalism and rule of law. Al Azhar, one of the most respected Sunni religious institutions in the world, developed a model of an Islamic constitution. This study uses Al-Azhar’s constitution as a model of Islamic constitutionalism and examines its stance in regard to the rule of law. We find the Al-Azhar’s constitution to be incompatible with essential concepts of rule of law. For example, the powers vested in the head of the Islamic state are enormous, making the executive branch of government far superior to the legislative and judicial branches. Women and non-Muslims are explicitly discriminated against throughout the constitution. Moreover, laws stemming from this constitution are not stable since many differences exist among schools of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). Consequently, we show that state-of-the-art Islamic constitutionalism lacks essential components needed in any constitution based on rule of law.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):382-396
Whether or not governments should play a facilitating role in economic development has long been a topic for economic discourse and research. As an important instrument to promote economic development, throughout history even to the present, industrial policy is often and actively used by governments. Much controversy surrounds whether and how governments should implement industrial policy.In this article, failures and successes of implementing such policies are analyzed through a new structural economics perspective. Specifically, the article argues that (1) sector-targeted industrial policy is essential to achieve dynamic structural change and rapid, sustained growth in an economy; (2) most industrial policies fail because they target industries that are not compatible with the country’s comparative advantages; (3) successful industrial policy should target industries that reflerct the country’s latent comparative advantages; (4) historical experiences show that in the catching-up stage, the industrial policies of successful countries, in general, have targeted the industries in countries with a similar endowment structure and somewhat higher per capita income; and (5) the Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework (GIFF), based on new structural economics, is a new, effective way to target latent comparative-advantage industries and support their growth.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of more stringent environmental regulation—specifically, paying amortized abandonment fees as accrued and absolute liability for adverse events—on the safety performance of Canadian oil and gas pipelines. We construct a comprehensive dataset that includes pipeline adverse events, throughput, and regulatory intensiveness for fourteen federally-regulated energy pipelines in Canada. We find that abandonment fees are significantly and positively associated with pipeline events. On average, a 1% increase in abandonment fees is associated with 1.3 more events per month. In contrast, establishing absolute liability is associated with significant decreases in the number of pipeline events: on average, absolute liability is responsible for eliminating 80% of quarterly events for Canadian major oil pipelines and 20% for smaller pipelines.  相似文献   

基于福利经济学视角的失地农民补偿问题研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从福利经济学的角度对最近一些年不断突出的失地农民的补偿问题进行理论分析,且对比分析对土地依赖程度存在差异的三个样本村失地农民对政府补偿政策的满意度、市民化后的就业情况、城市适应状况、自身身份的认知度等,对不同经济发展地区失地农民市民化后的福利变化进行系统研究。认为不仅要通过补偿解决农民失地后的生存问题,重要的是要从更为广阔的福利角度解决失地农民的发展问题。失地农民的补偿问题必须纳入到农民福利改进的整体视角来研究。  相似文献   

The harmony between man and nature is the base for the harmonious society. It is determined by the eco-ruleand eco-economic rule. Human being should not violate the eco-rule. However, human being can make eco-systemsupply suit economic growth and its speed through systematical innovation and restriction of human economic activityand choice. Through technological innovation, efficiency satisfaction of unit resource can be increased; structure andfunction of eco-system can be perfected; supply capability of eco-system can be improved. To build the harmonioussociety, human should consider the reasonable distribution of limited resources from two sides. The first one is that theutilization of two functions of resource supply and pollution purification to nature should not exceed its special supplycapability formed under its special structure and function states, i.e. harmony between man and nature. The second sideis human being should think over the reasonable and effective distribution of limited resources in economic society, i.e.harmony between human beings and society. The reasonable economic activity of human being is the key to the harmo-nious development of man and nature.  相似文献   

钱美琴 《时代经贸》2007,5(9X):17-18,20
社会经济快速发展的同时也带来了一系列问题,如环境污染、劳动保护、职工就业、养老医疗保险、失业保险、企业赞助、产品质量等、企业承担的社会责任问题就受到了越来越多的关注,社会责任会计的研究与实施就迫在眉睫。社会责任会计是社会责任与会计学的有机结合,其目的在于实现经济效益与社会效益的共同提高。  相似文献   

Under negotiated regulation, stakeholders are invited to reach an agreement on a regulatory innovation. This approach might be harmful, because potential improvements might be blocked. However, negotiation can also be beneficial—eliciting information about how to improve regulations. Three reasons are identified. First, a participant might hesitate to provide information, unless she can prevent that information being used against her interests. Second, negotiation provides stronger incentives than consultation does, to suggest innovations that primarily benefit parties other than oneself. Third, if uninformed stakeholders can reduce the no-information payoff of informed parties, those parties lose the incentive to strategically withhold information.   相似文献   

The 7th Biennial Conference of Chinese Ecological Economics Society (CEES) was held from 5th to 7th, Nov.2006 in Qingdao University. The paper summarizes the major viewpoint presented at the conference: eco-economicresearch and construction of a harmonious society in China. The conference put forward that it is an objectivity andinevitability for human being to enter the harmonious society, that eco-economics is one of the theoretical bases for theconstruction of the harmonious society, and that the research of eco-economics in China should reflect new contentsdeveloped in the process of modernization in China and make proper contributions to the construction of the harmonioussociety.  相似文献   

Jeff Chan 《Applied economics》2018,50(45):4879-4900
This article investigates the extent to which county-level market access affects workers’ occupational upgrading and industrial sorting by exploiting the substantial spatial variation and rapid expansion of the United States’ transportation network coverage from 1870 to 1880. First, I find that individuals who enjoyed greater market access in 1880 were more likely to work in higher-paying occupations. Importantly, this result holds across all sectors of employment, for younger and older workers, and for migrants and non-migrants, suggesting that any market size effects on occupational upgrading were not specific to any one group. I also provide results showing that workers were more likely to switch industries within agriculture, but are less likely to do so from manufacturing or services. Finally, I find some evidence of changes to sectoral reallocation, principally away from agriculture, being associated with higher market access. My findings suggest that the expansion of the transportation network in played an important role in determining the type of work Americans performed in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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