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第三方物流企业绩效评价研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
发达国家的物流实证分析表明,只有独立的3PL占 物流总量的50%时,现代物流业才能形成。巨大的需求, 广阔的发展空间,是中国3PL的基本情况。2003年我国 第三方物流市场的规模已超过600亿元人民币,摩根士 丹利预测,中国第三方物流市场到2010年年增长率将达 到16%至25%。据IDC(国际数据公司)的调查结果表 明,45%的企业将在未来一两年内选择新的物流商,其中 75%的企业将选择新型物流企业,而不是原来的仓储运 输企业,并且64%的企业将把所有的综合物流业务外包 给新型的物流企业,这几个数字反映出第三方物流的市 场需求相当可观。  相似文献   

近些年来,物流成为一个新的经济热点。如何使正处于发展初期的物流行业能够健康、有序地发展壮大, 成为当前需要解决的迫切问题。与此同时,随着物流理论的不断发展和物流实践的不断深入,客观上也要求建立与之相适应的物流企业绩效评价指标体系,以科学、客观地反映物流企业的运营情况,促进企业改善经营管理,提高经营能力,增加企业的整体效益。当前物流企业竞争日益加剧,已有越来越多的物流企业开始重视绩效评价,试图建立起自己的一套绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

道路货运企业发展第三方物流的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,物流管理理论开始被我国一些企业接受,外购第三方物流服务开始兴起。现实中,虽有一些传统的道路货运企业适应市场需求,通过对物流理论的深入研究和勇于开拓,已成功地转变成第三方物流企业,但大多数企业由于种种原因,还不能有效地开展第三方物流服务,仍然步履艰难。鉴于此,本文拟对道路货运企业发展第三方物流服务作些探讨。  相似文献   

据有关资料显示,全球500强企业从1997~2000年对第三方物流需求从40%增长到56%,51%的企业使用以仓储和分销为主的第三方物流。美国、日本第三方物流总体比例已在40%以上,美国的汽车、化工、计算机、日用品、医药品市场的第三方物流占有率达到73%。1997~2002年,全球第三方物流市场年均增长率为13%。据中国仓储协会1999年典型调查,我国第三方物流占整个物流市场的比例约10%,尽管远不如发达国家的水平高,但说明第三方物流在我国现代物流发展中已崭露头角。第三方物流在我国虽然具有广阔的市场前景,但目前还处于发展的初级阶段,原因很简单,一是我国的现代物流市场还十分不成熟,二是第三方物流主体核心竞争能力远没有形成。因此,对第三方物流的理论与实践需要再认识。  相似文献   

陈剑 《中国储运》2002,(5):35-37
一、我国企业的重重疑虑 近几年,第三方物流在我国蓬勃兴起,1999年~2001年,中国仓储协会调查生产企业成品销售物流显示,第三方物流所占的比重分别是9.1%、16.1%和21%,明显呈上升势头.但2002年以来,一大批国内小型第三方物流企业,由于规模过小、缺乏运作资金及管理经验而陷入经营困境.拓展业务时,客户企业对是否接受第三方物流服务疑虑重重.  相似文献   

第三方物流企业的客户服务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
客户服务是发生在买方、卖方、第三方之间的活动,这一活动导致物流产品和服务的价值链增加。这种附加活动可以是短期,也可以是长期的契约关系。附加价值各方可以共享。客户服务是以成本最优化的方法,为供应链提供显著附加价值的方法。客户服务是企业物流的输出活动,是企业强有力的竞争武器和企业战略。相比于产品、价格、促销方式容易被竞争者赶上,提供高水平的客户服务不容易被竞争者效仿。  相似文献   

分析第三方物流企业的需求前景,指出第三方物流企业要想开拓市场,采取符合自身特点的营销策略至关重要。为此提出第三方物流企业营销的成本策略,JIT策略,供应链管理策略和顾客满意策略。并应用矩阵图决策法为企业提供营销策略选择。  相似文献   

企业在组织物流活动时一般有两种选择:第一种是建立自有物流体系,负责管理本企业的物流过程;第二种是将本企业的物流活动外包给专业性的物流企业,自己则集中精力进行产品生产和技术开发,充分利用专业化分工的优势,通过产业间的结盟达到共同发展的目的。专业性的物流企业在国外又被称为“第三方物流”。在发达国家,先进企业的物流模式已开始向第三方物流转变。第三方物流发展非常迅速,欧共体国家第三方物流占整个物流市场的比重基本上在10%到35%之间。美国沃尔玛公司  相似文献   

目前,亚洲第三方物流市场的准确价值尚难预计。业内人士估计,到2006年,亚太地区供应链管理市场价值将超过27亿美元,这是外包业务的不断增长,以及大的跨国制造商持续涌入亚洲、特别是中国的结果。  相似文献   

回顾铁路物流企业发展历程,结合物流企业存在的认识偏差、基础设施落后、经营分散、信息技术落后、人才匮乏等问题及自身优势,探讨铁路物流企业如何向现代物流企业转型。  相似文献   

分析铁路物流企业发展中面临的挑战和机遇,探讨如何通过加强营业部建设、加强信息化建设、加强企业文化建设等举措,转变思想观念、发展模式、管理模式,在重组整合过程中,推进铁路传统多元经营企业向现代物流企业转型升级。  相似文献   

结合呼铁外经集团发展现代物流的实践,分析了铁路多经企业由传统铁路运输企业向现代物流企业转变的经营思路、战略定位和实施措施,对铁路多经企业发展现代物流业进行了探索。  相似文献   

第三方物流企业服务的再分包是通过物流商与协作公司之间的委托代理来完成,如何解决好这层代理关系是许多企业面临的问题。以快递业的加盟经营方式为例,从完善加盟制度、规范企业自身行为、吸收加盟商入股、加强员工培训等方面提出几点建议。  相似文献   

This article reports on research into the ways European providers of logistics and transport services develop and grow. The strategic behaviour adopted by the leading 20 third-party European logistics service providers (3PLs) between 1998 and 2004 is examined, particularly their approach to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and logistics alliances. It shows that while growth among 3PLs is aimed at providing more cohesive European logistics coverage, national culture constrains their efforts. More consolidation within the 3PL industry is expected. A few market leaders offer a wide range and scope of services, while most other firms have a diversified portfolio of interests.  相似文献   

分析铁路运输代理的现状及存在的主要问题,探讨推进信息化建设的必要性,提出优化运输代理公司的组织机构,再造业务流程的设想,以推进运输代理向第三方物流转型发展。  相似文献   

从旅客评价的角度来研究影响客运服务质量的因素。对收集整理的旅客评价信息,运用因子分析法筛选出主要影响因素,并通过最优尺度回归模型对影响程度进行量化分析;对旅客评价信息中的人为干扰因素进行分析和认定,最后结合客运业务工作的实际对结论进行佐证。  相似文献   

Currently, airports are expected to be operated as self-sufficient service organizations providing efficient and high-quality services to a variety of customers. In this context, improving airport service quality (ASQ) has become paramount. However, due to the complexity of the airport service environment, an effective process of measuring and analyzing passenger perceptions of ASQ is not easily achieved. Generic scales for perceived service quality might not cover some particularities of the passenger–airport interaction. Furthermore, while some measurement practices have been developed within the airport industry, there has been only limited consideration for validity and reliability. These concerns are certainly relevant to avoid misinterpreting passenger perceptions. In view of these concerns, this paper has a twofold objective. First, to fit a measurement model for perceived ASQ built on typical service measures within the airport industry. Second, to test for the model's equivalence across groups of passengers. Sample data from an extensive survey applied at a major Brazilian airport was used for confirmatory factor analysis. The results suggested that a six-factor structure provides a meaningful multi-item measurement model for perceived ASQ. The model was validated for international and domestic departing passengers with respect to its factorial structure and metric invariance. The proposed measurement model could be considered an alternative for a multidimensional approach in the context of airport performance measurement regarding service quality. Finally, the findings from this research might contribute to the discussion on passenger perceptions of ASQ, particularly concerning its multidimensionality and the need to review current practices for ASQ analysis.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, to identify service quality dimensions related to airports. Second, to examine the effects of those dimensions on passenger's overall satisfaction with an airport together with variables related to passenger characteristics. Data from an extensive survey applied in a main Brazilian international airport were used. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to extract dimensions of airport service quality as perceived by the passengers. The effects on the overall satisfaction level were estimated using a probabilistic approach. Findings underline implications regarding the use of meaningful service dimensions instead of a large set of variables as predictors of passenger satisfaction. Moreover, the study stresses the need for considering how passenger characteristics may be related to different perceived levels of service quality.  相似文献   

Drawing on an overarching framework of marketing theory, this study develops and tests an integrated model of service quality that explicates the affective mechanisms through which service quality is associated with price perception of service (e.g., monetary price and behaviour price), word of mouth (WOM) and revisit intention. In a sample of 484 low-cost airline passengers, we found service quality to be related to increased price perception of service as a result of increasing passengers' WOM, which also creates success in this regard by increasing their revisit intention. Moreover, it is not surprising that there was a positive relationship between service quality and WOM mediated by perceived value of monetary price. The theoretical and empirical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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