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出游市场是旅游市场的细分市场之一,从家庭结构角度探讨居民出游决策行为的论文在我国目前为数不多。本文以宁夏居民的5000份抽样调查问卷结果为例,分析了居民出游行为与家庭结构的关系。这里的家庭结构包括三代同堂家庭、两代同堂家庭、夫妻二人家庭及单身家庭4种情形。本文从不同家庭的出游时间、出游计划、出游方式、出游心理、对旅游资源的偏好等方面整体性地分析了不同家庭的出游特征,进而通过对宁夏居民区外、区内出游行为空间的分析,得出不同家庭结构出游的行为规律。最后指出这一分析在旅游产品开发、旅游市场营销、旅游市场开发等方面的重要意义。  相似文献   

自驾车旅游者的行为特征及空间效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文调查分析了自驾车旅游者的基本特征,并重点探讨了他们的消费特性、旅游偏好和消费空间分异特征,绘制了自驾车旅游者的出游意愿与可达机会的普雷德行为矩阵图.从对城市周边旅游地发展的促进作用和对旅游接待地服务体系完善两方面探讨了自驾车旅游者行为空间效应,认为自驾车旅游对城市周边的乡村旅游地、度假区的发展以及温冷型景区的升温具有较大的促进作用,同时对旅游目的地服务水平提高、乡村旅馆发展、旅游购物促进和旅游信息系统建设等起到重要作用.  相似文献   

古村落旅游客源市场分析与行为模式研究   总被引:43,自引:4,他引:43  
冯淑华 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):45-48
本文重点研究了古村落旅游吸引力、旅游客源的特点,以及客源地与旅游地之间的关联度,为古村落旅游客源市场的定位与开发提供了依据。并通过对旅游者行为模式的研究,揭示了相同条件下,不同旅游者的行为特点,为古村落旅游产品设计开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以人为本的旅游线路设计要充分考虑旅游者的旅行时间限制和空间行为特征,这有别于传统的至上而下、依据专家经验判断的旅游路线设计方法,逐渐引起旅游学者的重视.文章提出考虑旅游者时间约束和空间行为特征的旅游线路设计方法,首先考虑旅游者的旅行时间约束,然后基于GPS数据和社会网络模型分析旅游者对景点的选择特征,再利用GIS分析最优路径,综合构建了一种新的旅游线路设计方法.以厦门市鼓浪屿为例,对263个旅游者GPS轨迹及其94个选择景点进行了分析,提出了不同入口上岛旅游者在半天和一天的符合行为特征的旅游线路设计方案.结果表明,设计的旅游线路是对传统功能型旅游线路的有益补充,且符合路网空间形态和旅游流的空间分布特征;提出的框架具有可扩展性,对个性化的旅游线路设计也适用;研究的技术方法能够对认清旅游者行为规律、优化旅游景点开发、提升旅游者导航服务等具有较好技术支撑.  相似文献   

以2010年3-5月对成都市退休老年人做的有效调查问卷一手资料为依据,通过时成都市退休老年人的人口学特征(性别、年龄、职业、月收入等)、旅游行为特征(旅游动机、结伴旅游对象、获得旅游信息途径、最多出游天数等)、出游的阻碍因素等进行分析,最终得出成都市退休老年人旅游行为的特征.基于SWOT分析法,通过对成都相关旅行社的调查,针对成都旅行社开发老年人旅游产品现状,结合成都退休老年人旅游行为特征为旅行社提出一些针对性建议及完善措施,发掘出成都市退休老年人旅游的发展潜力.  相似文献   

旅行社对旅游者行为影响的初步研究   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
旅行社是联结旅游者与旅游目的地的纽带,旅行社对团队旅游者的旅游行为有着多方面的影响。本文分别就旅行社对旅游者的决策行为、时间-空间行为、消费行为、心理行为的影响进行了初步的分析,并在此基础上探讨了旅行社对旅游者行为影响研究的实践意义。  相似文献   

旅游卫星账户(Tourism Satellite Accounts,TSA)将旅游业界定为一系列为旅游者提供或多或少依赖旅游业的商品和服务,旅游业的规模由消费者(旅游者)的消费所决定(Frechtling,1999,2010;Smeral,2006)。旅游者可以自主决定其出游行为和消费行为,同时也要受到嵌入其中的制度环境的约束。“制度嵌入性”是指消费者选择行为的制度约束(N ee和Ingram,1998;王宁,2008)。以国内旅游消费为例,意指旅游消费行为嵌入我国的旅游制度中。王宁将“制度嵌入性”视作消费社会学的一个研究纲领,有效解释了“消费自主性”忽略的“消费脆弱性”话题。  相似文献   

乡村旅游选择行为的年龄分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着旅游细分市场研究的深入,针对不同年龄段旅游者旅游行为的研究也日益重要.本文利用浙江省乡村旅游游客抽样调查资料,运用多元统计分析中的因子分析方法,找出不同年龄段游客选择行为影响因素的公共因子,并对公共因子进行界定、计算因子得分,揭示出不同年龄段旅游者的旅游选择行为的特征.  相似文献   

自驾车旅游成为休闲旅游的重要方式。自驾出游半径不同市场需求存在一定差异,根据市场需求差异开发适应市场需求的自驾车旅游产品,对自驾车旅游市场发展具有重要意义。本文通过市场抽样调查方法,分析苏州市出游半径不同的5类自驾车旅游市场特征差异。结果表明,5类自驾车旅游市场在旅游动机、信息渠道、出游方式、出游时间、停留时间和旅游消费等6个方面存在一定差异性,但差异程度不同;研究还发现,影响自驾车旅游市场发展的主要限制性因素是道路标识系统不完善、旅游服务设施建设滞后、自驾车旅游经济成本高以及驾车安全隐患等4个方面;最后针对不同类型自驾车旅游市场特征以及影响其发展的因素,提出科学合理的自驾车旅游市场开发对策。  相似文献   

非旅游者群体作为旅游市场的一个重要组成部分,蕴含无穷的增值价值。本文搜集了国内外关于非旅游者的研究文献,在总结和梳理的基础上发现,目前关于非旅游者的研究主要集中在非旅游者的分类、出游的障碍性因素分析、行为意向、形象感知、出行前信息搜索及从众行为等方面。总体来看,目前对非旅游者群体的关注较少,整体研究滞后。…  相似文献   

The senior travel market has become an increasingly important area of interest to travel agents. This study examines senior travellers based on their travel experience, behavior, and overall experience on visiting Thailand, in terms of their age, marital status, and education. In this study, a sample of 384 senior foreign tourists responded to a survey carried out at the Bangkok International airport. Seniors are shown not to be a uniform conservative market, which has implications for product development. Profiles differed in the priority attached to travel experience factored into health, safety, language, itineraries, and general conditions in connection with travel. Travel behavior of seniors also differs in terms of types of tour, lodging preference, outdoor activity, mode of transportation, type of information used, and people travelled with. Recommendations based on these findings have strategic implications for travel companies and travel organizers.  相似文献   

塔尔寺旅游者旅行模式及其对地方旅游经济的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游业通常被认为对地方经济有促进作用,然而对这种作用很少从旅游者旅行模式的角度进行分析。本文以多目的地旅行(LCF)模型作为工具,分析了青海省塔尔寺游客的旅行模式,鉴别出了主要的4种旅行模式,并进一步分析了这几种模式的旅游者在目的地的消费行为。以此为根据,本文分析了塔尔寺旅游对县域经济的影响,并且提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   


Over the years, academics have attempted to develop typologies that distinguish between various types of tourists. There is, however, general consensus that these taxonomies suffer from several weaknesses. In particular, they are based on a priori theoretical assumptions that rely on just one or very few dimensions, such as numbers of tourists. In remedying these shortfalls, the current paper proposes a new typology of tourists grounded in a two-fold empirical research that contrasts two opposite types of tourists, namely, solitary travellers and group tourists. Two separate qualitative pieces of fieldwork were carried out in order to obtain the necessary data from solitary travellers and group tourists in Norway. The comparison, based on psychographic variables (travel philosophy, travel motive and personal values), suggests that tourist experiences vary along a continuum of individualistic/collectivistic orientation. The solitary traveller represents an individualistic-oriented person whereas the group or package tourist typifies a collectivistic-oriented person. Each of these categories may further include a variety of tourists depending on their degree (i.e., low or high) of individualistic or collec-tivistic orientation.  相似文献   


Senior travelers constitute a significant segment of Israel's inbound market. Based on secondary survey data, this study found that the inbound senior segment possessed distinguishable characteristics, making it an identifiable target for focused marketing efforts. Compared to those who were 55 or younger, the seniors were much more likely to be pilgrims, sightseers, or visiting relatives. A considerably larger percentage of them traveled with one companion, obtained information from a travel agency, and purchased a travel package. Further, they showed higher “brand loyalty,” spent more money, and were more satisfied with their visiting experience in Israel.  相似文献   

Although many previous studies have investigated the information search behavior in some specific age groups of tourists, few of them comprehensively examined the relationships between cross-generational tourists and their preferences for various types of trip-planning resources. This study aimed to fill this research gap. The authors employed correspondence analysis to assess and visually display the correlations between four generational groups—the Silent Generation (aged over 65), the Baby Boomers (aged 50–64 years), Generation X (aged 30–49 years), and Y (aged 18–29 years)—and 10 primary travel information sources for the Shanghai international tourist market. The results indicated that tourists in the Baby Boomers and Silent Generation groups rely most on travel agencies and tour operators. The Generation X tourists are inclined to search websites for their travel information. Generation Y tourists are more likely to consult friends and/or relatives and travel guidebooks. The study has both theoretical and practical contributions. The core values of generations are used to explain their preference of information sources from a theoretical perspective. This study assists destination marketers to design effective promotional strategies suited for different generational segments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of visa exemption in tourist decision-making using the extended model of goal-directed behavior (EMGB). Surveys were administered to Chinese tourists interested in traveling to South Korea. The structural equation model indicates that the inclusion of the expectation of tourist visa exemption enhanced Chinese tourists’ behavioral intention. Specifically, positive and negative anticipated emotions, perceived behavioral control, and the notion of a subjective norm were important antecedents of travel intention. Desire was the only significant factor affecting Chinese tourists’ travel intention. This study enhances our understanding of Chinese tourists’ intention to travel to South Korea.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the motivations of tourists to travel during financial crises and to identify the impact of those travel motivations on the likelihood that tourists would travel during financial crises. The findings suggest short-distance destinations, novelty, and culture would motivate tourists during financial crises; but tourist recreation would deter them from traveling domestically. This study enriches the literature on the travel motivations of domestic tourists, particularly Thai tourists, to travel during financial crises.  相似文献   


Touring holidays are greenhouse gas intensive, and ways are being sought to reduce these emissions in New Zealand. This research seeks to influence rental vehicle tourists' planning and decision making towards shorter travel. Semi-structured interviews (n = 96) were conducted as part of a quasi-experimental approach, in which tourists were “treated” by receiving a purpose-designed tourist map. Three levels of planning and decision making could be distinguished, whereby both cognitive and affective processes were important. The tourist map did not influence tourists' itineraries, but tourists in New Zealand consistently followed a “travel budget” of about 3-5 hours driving per day.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the continuing discussion concerning the paradox that tourism destroys the object of its desire. An analysis is made of tourism relations and hospitality in a Turkish village, and it is argued that in their close interactions with tourists traveling independently of organized tour groups, local people are in a position to negotiate both their own “traditional” identity in the presence of tourists and the latter's quests and experiences in themselves. A dynamic notion of sustainability in cultural tourism is developed, by challenging the assumptions that tourist localities must remain authentically “traditional” to meet with the expectations of tourists.  相似文献   

The length of stay of a tourist is one of the most important factors indicating consumption levels and revenue generation for certain tourist destinations. This study employs data from a tourist survey in Yixing, China, to investigate potential factors influencing a tourist's length of stay. Applying an ordered logit model, it is found that distance, age, organized tour, transportation, motivation, past visits and assessment of accommodation are some of the major determinants of a tourist's length of stay. The results indicate that traveling distance and the assessment of accommodation are positively associated with the length of stay. In addition, tourists with different modes of transportation, motivations and past visits have different durations of stay. Based on the estimation results from subsamples, it is also found that there are differences in determinants of length of stay between organized tourists and individual tourists, and among different age groups.  相似文献   

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