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费明胜 《商业研究》2002,(6):113-115
特许经营作为一种先进的经营方式,20世纪90年代以来,在我国达到了快速发展,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。但从整体来看,特许经营在我国的发展还面临许多亟待解决的问题,与经济发展和人民消费方式的要求还很不适应。为此,必须按照特许经营发展的内在规律,借鉴国外特许经营发展的成功经验,结合我国特许经营发展的实际,有效地发展我国的特许经营。  相似文献   

<正> 80年代中期,随着境外的特许经营组织以合资或合作的方式进入我国,国内的一些企业逐渐接触到特许经营,并开始进行以特许经营方式开展业务的尝试。进入90年代以来,特许经营在我国得到了快速发展,主要表现为餐饮服务领域的一些商业老字号、特色店、快餐店发挥他们在品牌、技术和管理方面的独特优势,纷纷吸收和采用特许经营方式,发展自己的特许经营组织,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。但是从整体来看,特许经营在我国的发展还面临许多亟待解决的问题,使得我国特许经营的发展水平较低,与经济发展和人民消费方式变化的要求还很不适应。分析我国特许经营中存在的问题并探讨相应的对策,对于推动特许经营在我国健康、快速发展,具有重大意义。  相似文献   

我国饭店业在迅猛发展的同时也面临着激烈的市场竞争和挑战,而我国饭店业分散零乱的整体格局使得其竞争力面临着严峻的考验。为此,已被国际饭店管理集团证实行之有效的特许经营成为我国饭店业发展的方向。结合我国饭店业发展的实际,是受具体国情及饭店业发展实际情况的限制,我国饭店业特许经营目前还处于初级阶段且发展缓慢。因此,推进特许经营在我国饭店业中的发展,实现我国饭店业快速整体走强,还需要做很多工作。  相似文献   

特许经营的发展,在调整和改善流通结构、促进中小企业发展、扩大就业等方面发挥了积极的作用。由于我国法制建设时间不长,加之特许经营方面的法律规范比较缺乏,在特许经营中存在许多问题,阻碍了特许经营的健康发展,为此,有必要建立健全我国的特许经营法律环境,提高特许经营立法层次;完善特许经营法规的内容;合理协调特许经营相关法规,以促进特许经营业的健康、良性、有序发展。  相似文献   

李琴  顾颖 《现代商业》2007,(4):74-76
特许经营已经成为我国零售业发展的主要方向,但特许经营企业在物流配送方面还十分薄弱,成为制约特许经营业发展的瓶颈,正成为连锁经营成败的关键一环。因此有必要研究特许经营中配送中存在的问题,以找出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

李毅彩 《江苏商论》2003,(10):145-146
品牌背后的深厚文化内涵是特许经营成功的关键。本文分析了特许经营的文化内涵及在我国发展过程中存在的文化缺陷,为我国特许经营企业提供成功塑造特许经营文化的方法,以促进我国特许经营快速、健康地发展。  相似文献   

我国餐饮业特许经营发展的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丹 《商场现代化》2006,(4):137-138
本文总结了目前我国餐饮业特许经营的发展现状,并分析了我国当前餐饮企业特许经营在法律制度环境、品牌建设、人才培养和国际化发展四个方面存在的主要问题,并提出了促进我国餐饮业特许经营健康发展的策略建议。  相似文献   

实践证明,特许经营是餐饮业发展最好的经营方式之一,也是许多餐饮企业走向世界的必由之路。目前,特许经营模式在我国餐饮行业得到了迅猛的发展。但由于我国餐饮业特许经营发展时间尚短,经营者对特许经营这种经营方式的认识不够深入,仍然存在着许多问题阻碍我国餐饮企业发展特许经营和走出国门。本文尝试在前辈研究成果的基础上,进一步具体地分析我国餐饮企业进行特许经营所面临的问题和对策,希望能对我国的餐饮业做大做强并走向国际有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国特许经营存在的问题及发展思路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前 ,特许经营在我国的发展前景十分看好 ,我国许多大型连锁企业已具备了发展特许经营的能力。相对于欧美、日本等发达国家来说 ,我国特许经营企业的发展有很大差距 ,存在的问题也是林林总总。而特许经营作为一种“双赢”策略 ,能够有效地实现规模扩张 ,降低成本和商品价格 ,提高市场竞争能力 ,比较适合我国企业发展的现状。因此 ,我们应在广泛借鉴西方发达国家先进经验的基础上 ,理顺发展有中国特色特许经营的基本思路。  相似文献   

根据资料考证,运用SWOT方法总结出我国特许经营发展存在的优势、劣势,面临的机会和威胁,并给出我国特许经营企业发展的的策略。最后对我国特许经营企业的未来发展做出了展望  相似文献   

This paper addresses the strategic and policy implications of franchise system expansion overseas. The study is based on survey data of 76 Mexican buyers of US franchise systems and information provided by seven directors of national franchise associations from both industrialised and developing countries. Globalisation, economic liberalisation and advances in communications provide strong incentives for franchising firms to seek access to foreign markets. This work delineates the conditions that favour, and that work against, international expansion of franchise networks from the perspective of franchisors, local franchise buyers and policy makers. The study questions the commonly held notion that franchising is consistent with successful firm strategies and the economic development goals of governments.  相似文献   

Current studies of the franchise system usually assume that the number of franchisees is exogenous and irrelevant to the payment types. However, to a franchise system or a franchiser, the optimal number of franchisees is related to the payment types, e.g., franchise fee, royalty, etc. We develop a game-theoretical model and then use 1998 Bond's Franchise Guide Data for US franchise stores in order to test the theoretical predictions. According to our theoretical predictions, the optimal number of franchisees under a royalty is strictly less than that under a franchise fee. This is because royalties distort the effort incentive of franchisees and the franchiser can increase average revenue by having a smaller number of franchisees. A franchise fee will not distort the effort incentive of franchisees and can help achieve a higher profit for both the franchiser and the franchise system. When demand is certain, the optimal royalty rate to the franchise system is zero. Under a royalty payment, the royalty rate will be greater than zero if the franchiser maximises its own profit. Empirical results support our theoretical predictions: there is no significant relationship between franchise fee and number of franchisees. The number of franchisees has a significantly negative relationship with royalties, while it is significantly and positively correlated with the experience of the franchise system, area, training, and advertising fees required by the franchiser.  相似文献   

Economic crises affect both the organizational side and the brand side of the franchise. Using self‐organizing time maps, this study examines how franchise brand behavior influences decisions by potential franchisees in Spain. The findings confirm that franchising offers an alternative to the business turnaround strategy, which firms apply when faced with adverse changes in the environment such as those caused by the economic crisis in Spain. Results show that all franchise brands within the same sector behaved similarly, except for brands in the catering sector, which displayed varying responses to the economic changes. The authors discuss the implications of these results for future franchisees.  相似文献   

While business format franchising is the industry standard for developed countries, it remains an aspiration for many developing countries. Despite the attraction for developing countries of systems, training, and support and despite the economic and regulatory infrastructure being in place for the development of business format franchising, a range of commercial and socio-cultural factors may conspire to prevent its full expression. This paper addresses franchising development in Vietnam, a developing country. It considers strategies to bridge the gap between Vietnamese franchise practice and franchising best practice. It proposes that in Vietnam's current state of development, the product and trade name model may be the appropriate starting point with a move to the business format model only when, and in places where, the socio-cultural, commercial, and economic factors and the legal environment can accommodate more sophisticated business format franchise arrangements.  相似文献   

Franchising research has benefited greatly from the interest that franchise contracts have generated among economists. The application of industrial economics in general, and agency theory and transaction cost analysis in particular, to franchising has been truly enlightening. Significant insight has been provided by both economic modeling and empirical work.  相似文献   

We introduce a person-organization fit perspective to explain how franchise organization characteristics shape the link between franchisees' individual attributes and their performance as agents of their franchisor. Showcasing this idea, we develop arguments to suggest why the links between franchisees' agent performance and their prior industry and educational experiences are contingent upon the franchise organization's entrepreneurial orientation, centralization, and formalization. The results from multilevel analyses using the data of 276 franchisees from 47 franchise organizations largely support our ideas. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study for franchising and beyond.  相似文献   

Satisfaction of franchisees and employee-managers affects the overall performance of a franchise system. We argue that different actors in the same franchise system need to be treated in different ways. The franchisor's choice of control mechanisms affects the satisfaction of franchisees and employee-managers differently. To our knowledge this is the first study that gathers primary data from franchisees and employee-managers in the same franchise system at the store level with almost identical questionnaires. We show based on data from the largest German franchise system that outcome control leads to higher satisfaction among franchisees and employee-managers, while behavior control enhances employee-managers’ satisfaction. Thereby, outcome control leads to higher satisfaction among more experienced franchisees, while behavior control enhances both highly and lowly experienced employee-managers’ satisfaction. Our results suggest that franchisors face a dilemma: On the one hand, behavior control is associated with high costs and has no impact on franchisees’ satisfaction at all. On the other hand, it might still be necessary to prevent franchisees from behaving opportunistically.  相似文献   

The adoption and use of a professional social media network by franchise chains is the focus of this paper. We draw on resource-based theory, institutional economic theories of incentives and externalities and multidisciplinary literatures on franchising, innovation adoption and interorganizational communication to link (i) franchisor characteristics and partnering strategies to the adoption and use of a professional social media network and (ii) the extent of use of this network by a franchisor to the number of followers of its network page. Hypotheses are empirically assessed using data on 500 US franchise chains from Entrepreneur’s Annual Franchise 500 for 2011, content analysis of LinkedIn pages for 317 franchise chains in 2011 and number of followers in 2015. One key finding is that franchisor adoption of LinkedIn is positively influenced by franchise chain size, franchising fees and franchisor marketing communications and negatively affected by franchise concept complexity. A second important finding is that, among franchisors who adopt LinkedIn, the extent of use of LinkedIn is positively impacted by franchise chain size, franchising fees and negatively affected by franchise chain age. A third notable finding is that the number of followers of a franchisor’s LinkedIn page in the short term is positively impacted by the extent of information about franchise chain and recruitment. A fourth key finding is that the number of followers in the longer term (2015) is positively impacted by whether the franchisor had a presence on LinkedIn in 2011 and, for these franchisors, by the number of followers in 2011.  相似文献   

Assessing the intangibles transferred in franchise businesses   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In franchise systems, trade relationships between the franchisor and franchisee to exchange intangible resources for a franchise fee and subsequent payments are set up. This article provides data obtained by personal surveys on the restaurant industry franchise system in Mexico. The brand mark established by an initial investment, the time the franchise has operated, and its capacities to make profit are key factors in this exchange. The franchise size and its belonging to the Mexican Franchise Association are other intangible resources transferred in this relationship.  相似文献   

奥运会营销中的知识产权保护与特许权运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代奥运会营销的成功得力于对奥林匹克知识产权的保护和市场化运作,其中完整的知识产权体系的建立和日趋完备的法律保护,为国际奥委会和各组办国以特许经营的形式运用奥林匹克知识产权,提高现代奥运会的经济价值和社会价值发挥了重要作用,对促进特许经营在我国的健康发展也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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