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北京市地区畜禽养殖污染总量估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]随着我国经济的发展,畜禽养殖业发展迅速的同时,日益增加的畜禽粪便排放也带来了生态环境污染问题。北京市由于特殊的经济和政策环境,畜禽产品需求量较大从而畜禽粪便排放量进一步增多,因此必须要加强对于北京畜禽养殖产业污染的防治,为生态环境保护及居民身体健康提供坚实保障。[方法]文章采用随机抽调与实地调研相结合的方式,了解北京市地区主要畜禽养殖情况,进一步使用畜禽养殖主要污染物排放量计算参数估算北京地区畜禽养殖主要污染物排放量。[结果]北京地区多以养殖生猪、牛、肉鸡为主;北京市11个区县产污量较大的3个区依次是顺义区、房山区和平谷区,主要污染物为化学耗氧量和总氮;通过实地调研,发现北京地区畜禽养殖存在以下问题:(1)资金技术欠缺,无法按照要求购买必须的污染防治设备;(2)小型养殖户应对风险能力弱;(3)部分养殖户抱侥幸心理,认为投资污染防治设备没有必要。[结论]加大畜禽养殖污染防治财政补贴力度,鼓励养殖者使用新型排污设备;各个区县主管农业的部门定期组织养殖者进行免费培训;加大扶持力度,促进有机肥市场发展;发挥资金及技术优势,优势互补;引导居民调整饮食结构,倡导健康生活与饮食习惯。  相似文献   

Most of the supply elasticity estimates reported for Australian agriculture are derived from equations estimated using time series data and incorporating ad hoc assumptions about price expectations. The authors' aim is to compare previously obtained supply elasticity estimates with those derived using theoretically more acceptable survey data on both producers' intentions and price expectations. Surveys were conducted in three regions in N.S.W., namely, the Southern Tablelands, the South-West Slopes and a portion of the Western Division centred on Cobar. The results of the research show that there are no major differences between the supply elasticities derived using the traditional time series approach and those obtained using the survey data. This finding is reassuring, given the cost of collecting survey data.  相似文献   

试论农牧结合与中国农业的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对农牧结合在中国农业可持续发展中的作用的分析,认为农牧结合是实现农业可持续发展目标的可靠保证:①有利于保障食物安全;②有利于提高资源利用率;③有利于稳定并提高地力;④有利于增加农民收入,促进农村经验综合发展。提出农牧结合的中心问题就是要围绕饲料供需矛盾,探讨解决饲料问题的途径,主要对策是:①将饲料作物纳入种植制度实行三元种植结构;②利用农业副产品开发饲料资源;③对畜群结构进行适应调整,发展草食  相似文献   

This paper examines the production structure of the Australian sawmilling sector over the period 1950-51 to 1984-85 using a translog cost function. The results show that the sawmilling industry is best represented by a production function which does not have any restrictions on functional form. Inputs, including capital, labour, materials and energy, are generally found to substitutable for one another, although the degree of substitutability is small. There have been economies of scale in the Australian sawmilling industry, and technological change has been capital and energy-using, and labour and materials-saving.  相似文献   

This paper considers a statistical model for a production frontier that is consistent with the traditional (nonstochastic) definition of a production function given in microeconomic theory. Limiting cases of the model are the familiar average production function and an envelope production function. Maximum-likelihood estimators for the parameters of the model are defined. The three related models are applied in the estimation of a production frontier for the Pastoral Zone of Eastern Australia with use of data from the Australian Grazing Industry Survey.  相似文献   

The New Zealand export meat industry has been through a considerable number of changes in the 1980s. The deregulation of export slaughter facilities, Supplementary Minimum Prices, Producer Board intervention, declining livestock numbers and domestic cost pressures have all affected the performance of the domestically based processing sector. Major changes in market access and demand have influenced off-shore marketing operations, particularly for sheepmeats. Additionally, there has been a change in the type of meat exported with a greater proportion of further processed product shipped in recent years. As an example of the impact of these developments on livestock producers, the producer share of the United Kingdom wholesale market return for a representative prime lamb carcase has fallen from 40 per cent in 1978 to 25 per cent in 1988. In this article the pattern of intervention in the New Zealand pastoral meat industries from the mid-1960s is detailed, emphasising the different environments of the beef and sheepmeat enterprises. Then the principal factors influencing domestic processing margins for these products are empirically examined. Alternative model specifications and alternative estimation techniques are compared and contrasted. The results of these analyses are discussed in terms of the historical patterns of assistance and structural change, and in terms of current rationalisation pressures on the meat processing sector.  相似文献   

This note considers the impact on the cereals sector of the new arable regime agreed as part of the CAP reforms in May 1992. Starting from the farm-level decision of whether or not to participate in the voluntary set aside scheme, an industry-level supply curve is derived allowing examination of the potential welfare effects of the new policy. The discussion focuses on the cereals market.  相似文献   

This paper uses input-output analysis to quantify the interdependence among the livestock industry and other related industries, and to develop within-agriculture multipliers based on these inter-relationships. The study uses the technique developed to analyze the rate of technological change within the beef industry, and to project domestic demands for beef and pork, and labor requirements in meat processing to 1975. Major conclusions are 1) that income linkages for agricultural production are large, although multipliers developed in this study tend to be less than those of other recent work, an expected condition reflecting their intra-agriculture nature; 2) that little improvement occurred in the efficiency of the total livestock industry between 1951 and 1961; 3) that Canadian beef and pork requirements are forecast to increase by 5.2 and 4.5 per cent annually, respectively, to. 1975, and 4) that substantial increases are forecast in labor requirements in meat processing. CHANGEMENT TECHNOLOG1QUE DANS ?INDUSTRIE DU BETAIL AU CANADA - UNE METHODE ?ANALYSEDESINTRANTSETEXTRANTS -Cette étude utilise ?analyse des intrants et extrants pour déterminer ?interdépendance de ?industrie du bétail et ?autres industries connexes, et pour établir des multiplicateurs au sein de ?agriculture fondés sur ces interpénétrations. ?étude se serf de la technique élaborée pour ?analyse du taux de changement technologique dans ?industrie bovine, et pour ?extrapolation de la demande intérieure pour le boeuf et le pore de boucherie, et.les besoins de main-d'oeuvre dans la préparation de la viande jusqu'à 1975. Void les principales conclusions: 1) que les enchaînements de revenu dans la production agricole sont considérables, bien que les multiplicateurs établis dans la présente étude soient moindres que ceux ?autres récents travaux, une condition vraisemblable qui reflète leur nature intra-agricole; 2) que ?efficacité de ?ensemble de ?industrie du bétail s'est très peu améliorée de 1951 a 1961; 3) qu'on prévoit que les besoins canadiens de boeuf et de pore de boucherie augmenteront de 5.2 et 4.5p. 100par année, respectivement, jusqu'à 1975; et 4) qu'on prévoit des augmentations considérables dans les besoins de main-d'oeuvre dans le secteur de la préparation de la viande.  相似文献   

A production function approach is used to estimate growth in farm productivity in the Australian wool industry from an estimated level of expenditure on wool production R & D. A market equilibrium model of the wool industry is then used to measure the share of total benefits from this productivity growth accruing to Australia and its wool growers. A net return is estimated after allowing for lags in the development and adoption of technology.  相似文献   

An estimate is made of the benefits resulting from the implementation of a proposed fungicide advisory programme for Kent wheat farmers. The programme has a value by providing information which enables improved spraying decisions to be made by farmers. The expected annual value for Kent is found to be £106,000. A closer examination is made of both the returns and costs of one component of the scheme, viz, the training of farmers to recognise the disease (caused by Septoria spp.) in their fields. An average benefit/cost ratio of 8/1 is calculated to result from the provision of farmer training programmes. However, if the decision by farmers to attend courses is made upon the criteria of expected gain to themselves, then initial courses would have a much higher benefit/cost ratio. There would be diminishing returns to additional courses, but only those Kentish wheat growers with the smallest areas of crop would lack the financial incentive to attend.  相似文献   

从禹城市小付村农户的三种农业生产方式看,"种养结合"的人均纯收益和成本收益率等项经济指标远高于单纯种植业或养殖业.从而说明种养结合生产方式是当地农户充分利用有限农业自然经济资源获取更多经济收入的有效途径.  相似文献   

In this article attention is drawn to serious methodological weaknesses in Australian agricultural economics. It is frankly polemic in style and after a discussion of the philosophies of science of Popper and Kuhn the author argues that Australian agricultural economists ought to be more critical of the assumptions on which current theory is based and should be seeking to establish a new approach to the problems of the agricultural economy which would place more emphasis on social justice than on 'growth and efficiency'.  相似文献   

Agricultural production is often characterised by multiple inputs and multiple outputs to multiple production processes. Where an output from one process is used as an input to another, this output is called an intermediate product. This is a common situation when a farm produces both crops and livestock. The analysis of production efficiency is important for the evaluation of agricultural policy, but until recently, no methods have explicitly included intermediate products. This study applies a non-parametric technique of efficiency measurement which includes intermediate products. The data set is a sample of dairy farms drawn using a complex survey design. The use of non-parametric efficiency measurement and the subsequent application of bootstrapping and kernel density estimation to the results allow inferences to be drawn concerning the whole population from which the sample was drawn. We find that the decomposition of production into subproduction processes reduces the dimensions of problem specification, with the effect that a larger number of variables may be usefully included in the model.  相似文献   

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