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随着市场需求的变化、人们对健康重视程度的变化及电子商务的发展,药品生产企业应改变并创新自己的市场营销模式,积极应对日益激烈的药品市场竞争。医药市场的DTC营销模式以其贴近消费者的优势渐趋成熟,而其他营销手段也层出不穷。自2012年以来,微信平台以其庞大的用户基数产生巨大商机,并且逐渐转化成为大型虚拟商业平台。如何打造医药特色平台,利用微信公众平台的优势进行DTC营销,成为医药企业亟待解决的问题。据此,通过将微信与DTC营销模式相结合,探讨微信平台在医药企业DTC营销模式中的应用。  相似文献   

医药企业市场营销模式的选择是营销战略规划的重要内容之一,医药市场营销模式也随着市场需求的变化、产品竞争的变化及人们对市场营销理念理解的不断加深而处于不断变化与创新的过程中,熟悉DTC与DFC营销模式,能够合理运用医药市场营销发展的新模式,指导医药企业市场营销实践活动。  相似文献   

非处方药首先是一种药品;第二就是消费者可以自主购买它,所以它又是一种消费品。非处方药药品在种类、营销方法、国家政策、消费模式等各方面都有比较大的区别,由此可见,非处方药药品市场存在很多独特的地方。从营销学的方面来讲,希望通过对非处方药药品营销渠道问题的研究,对于我国非处方药生产研发企业的综合竞争力的增强起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

目的:为我国互联网非处方药的经营发展提供参考。方法:梳理我国互联网药品经营监管政策,整理互联网药品经营企业现状及分析互联网电商模式,并提出我国互联网非处方药经营存在的问题与挑战。结果与结论:互联网药品经营政策不断完善、互联网药品经营规模高速发展、互联网电商市场潜力大。但我国互联网非处方药在含特殊药品复方制剂的管理、医药电商物流配送、药品信息展示、医药电商对接医保支付、假药劣药的监管方面仍存在诸多问题与挑战。  相似文献   

张洁 《江苏商论》2004,(5):49-50
由OTC和Rx所界定的是两个完全不同的药品市场区域。OTC市场是一个特殊的顾客群体:OTC是一种特殊的消费品。OTC的营销是一个特殊的营销领域,其成败在很大程度上和消费者教育的成效相关,OTC营销中的消费者教育活动必须充分考虑OTC市场的特殊性和OTC产品的特点,精心策划,周密组织,有效实施。  相似文献   

郭振寰  卞鹰 《商场现代化》2007,54(19):247-249
美国是全球仅有的两个允许面向消费者(DTC)的处方药广告的国家之一。美国市场的DTC广告规模已经达到惊人的水平。DTC网站是一种新兴的DTC宣传形式。本文先从制药商、消费者和政府政策三个角度来说明DTC网站的重要地位。然后结合有关的学术研究结果、政府的管制政策和指南,来讨论处方药产品网站的正负面信息的平衡;访问者信息的收集与个人隐私的保护;跨国界的影响等方面的内容。  相似文献   

新植入式营销——网络社区营销的新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据DCCI最新调查报告中显示,2008年中国互联网媒介正在向多元化发展,如:门户、搜索引擎、社区、电子商务、各种垂直类、视频类网站等等。致使互联网用户的访问行为分流日趋明显,忠诚度有所下降,造成广告投  相似文献   

2005年,我国OTC药品的定价权下放到地方,中央和省级药品定价权限得到合理划分,这对规范市场价格行为发挥了积极作用。本文从分析我国OTC药品定价现状出发,分析当前OTC药品定价方面存在的问题,并在借鉴部分发达国家关于OTC药品定价机制运行经验的基础上,提出完善我国非处方药定价政策建议。  相似文献   

Direct to consumer (DTC) advertising has attracted significant research attention, yet none has focused on empirical assessments of its overall impact on U.S. consumers nationally, and tying assessment to relevant behavioral outcomes. This paper addresses the ethical issue of DTC advertising providing a balance of product and risk information that is both understandable and believable, and contributes direction to those exploring this phenomenon. Richard F. Beltramini is currently Professor of Marketing in the School of Business Administration at Wayne State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, and served on the faculty of Arizona State University for fifteen years. His teaching interests include advertising and marketing management, research, and strategy. His primary research focus is on the believability of marketing communications information, and he has published in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, and a variety of other journals, conference proceedings, and books as well as co-editing Gift Giving: A Research Anthology. Dr. Beltramini has served on the Editorial Review Boards of a number of academic journals, as guest editor of special issues of the Journal of Business Ethics and the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, as international president of the American Academy of Advertising, as a member of the American Advertising Federation's National Academic Committee and several other professional and business organizations, and is active as a consultant to several international organizations. He is the recipient of several national competitive grants and awards for his teaching and research, including the National Science Foundation, is the only faculty recipient of both his school’s Excellence in Research and Excellence in Teaching awards, and is currently the first Board of Visitors Faculty Fellow. Prior to academe, Dr. Beltramini worked for Texas Instruments, Inc. and The Drawing Board, Inc., both in Dallas, and he has also worked as a Visiting Research Professor for J. Walter Thompson Advertising in Chicago, Honeywell Information Systems in Phoenix, and the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

胡瑜慧 《北方经贸》2007,(11):63-65
互联网以其开放性、公众参与性以及内容的丰富多彩性,吸引着越来越多的网络用户。在互联网时代,为了更好地满足消费者日趋个性化和多样化的需求,企业必须改变营销策略,实行产品策略、价格策略、分销策略以及促销策略的创新。而要使上述营销策略的创新落到实处,企业就必须重视网站的吸引力与交互性,必须重视网络营销中的安全问题以及物流配送问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the distinctives of relationship marketing, provides a simple taxonomy of the world wide web, and proposes that there is a high level of synergy between the inherent functionality and interactivity provided by the world wide web and the implementation of a relationship marketing perspective. This proposition is tested using data from a national survey of New Zealand organizations known to maintain and operate a web site, and the relationship is found to be significant. It is concluded that the inherent nature of emerging Internet technologies is supportive of the higher levels of customer interaction implicit in relationship marketing.  相似文献   

某软件公司开展网络营销的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对某软件公司市场营销方式进行调查研究的基础上 ,分析了该公司开展网络营销的条件 ,具体提出了有关网站推广和开展网上服务的策略 ,目的是探索同类企业发展网络营销和提高服务水平的途径。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 149 firms from the UK and New Zealand, we extend previous research on the nature of contemporary marketing practices by Brodie et al. (1997) to examine the practice of e-Marketing in relation to other aspects of marketing. Analysis reveals four combinations of marketing practice. While one third of firms emphasize either a Traditional Transactional or Traditional Relational approach to their markets, another third practice e-Marketing in combination with Transaction and Database Marketing, and a final third integrate all of Transaction, Database, Interaction, Network and e-Marketing. The findings show that for most firms, the level of e-Marketing practice reflects the extent to which information technology plays either a reinforcing, enhancing or transforming role in the organisation.  相似文献   

论网络营销信息资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柯青 《商业研究》2006,(18):197-199
信息资源在新的社会背景和条件下有了新的研究内容,那就是网络营销信息资源。网络营销信息资源作为企业开展网络营销活动的基础,对它的开发利用更具实践性。结合网络营销实际活动中的相关经验和成果,将会使研究更具有理论指导性的实践应用性。  相似文献   

互联网营销中诚信问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
方玲玉 《商业研究》2003,(8):166-168
互联网营销是 2 1世纪营销创新的焦点 ,随着网络技术的日新月异 ,网上营销的技术障碍逐渐消除 ,而改革和创新网络营销理念 ,特别是强化诚信营销意识 ,这一点在虚拟的互联网世界里变得尤为重要。对当今的互联网营销现状分析后不难发现 ,诚信缺失已成为网上营销发展的真正瓶颈。从微观的角度而言 ,企业的网上诚信营销是它今天的生存之道 ,也是它未来发展的必由之路 ;从宏观的角度来看 ,政府和相关行业部门 ,在构建互联网营销的信用体系上是完全可以有所作为的。  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶,世界经济正在从工业经济向知识经济转变,这一转变使企业营销环境也大为改变,导致网络营销产生。我国企业为加快知识经济时代的网络营销,必须从思想上对网络营销竞争意识的重视,实施有效的营销策略组合,完善金融安全认证体系,在实施过程中不断去发展与创新。  相似文献   

基于观念营销的营销组合研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
观念营销指企业在追求自身经营目标时,通过设计、推广和灌输与自身产品相关的理念,来影响消费者的消费观念,从而达成交易的过程。本文认为,企业要获得消费者认可,更重要的是观念的设计、推广以及向消费者的灌输;观念营销由观念策略、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和沟通策略等五个方面构成,而企业文化力、市场前瞻能力、观念力、产品力、通道整合能力等是影响观念营销成败的关键因素。  相似文献   

杨保军 《商业研究》2008,(5):123-126
市场营销发展的历史表明,在现代的市场竞争下单纯依赖以4Ps策略为分析框架的交易营销范式已经逐渐失去了对新问题的解释力。关系营销范式因为缺乏明确的研究框架和分析工具还不能成为主流的营销范式。而伴随着现代竞争的日益发展,基于竞争和顾客导向的战略营销管理理论范式越来越具有影响力。SMM范式具备一个全新的理论范式的条件,将对未来我国企业的营销战略的制定,长远的营销发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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