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在企业创新活动中, 新创高技术企业显然无法利用自身禀赋创造出全部所需的知识。因此, 新创高技术企业之间的知识流动为其获得竞争优势方面提供了有力的保障。而知识流动是在企业间知识的获取和溢出的过程中形成的。本文从组织关系视角出发, 整合了企业之间的空间、知识基础、制度差距等因素, 确定了组织关系的3个维度, 分析了空间距离、组织距离和技术距离3个方面对知识流动的影响机理, 为组织关系在正反两个方向影响新创高技术企业间知识流动效果提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在知识经济背景下,企业应对日趋激烈的市场竞争的法宝是培育、获取核心竞争优势,而结构资本是核心竞争优势的基础与源泉.但如何使企业结构资本的价值始终保持,关键在于有效的更新结构资本.本文首先界定了结构资本的内涵,接着分析了结构资本的价值创造机理,在此基础上,将结构资本引入企业生产函数构建了企业价值最优决策模型.通过对模型的动态分析,得出结构资本是影响企业价值的重要因素,并证明了企业价值均衡路径上结构资本的最优增长率.  相似文献   

本文在对企业持续竞争优势理论进行梳理的基础上,从社会资本理论视角构建了企业获取持续竞争优势的理论框架,认为企业外社会资本为企业获取异质性资源,而企业内部社会资本提升了企业动态能力,两者共同形成了企业持续竞争优势.在此基础上,对中小企业应该如何构建持续竞争优势提出建议.  相似文献   

因果模糊与持续竞争优势的形成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
因果模糊是持续竞争优势的来源。本文从企业资源和企业能力的角度。通过阐释企业持续竞争优势与因果模糊之间的关系,认为正是由于独特性资源、核心竞争力、默认知识、决策过程和企业社会资本所具有的因果模糊,使成功的企业难以被模仿。进而构筑了牢固的隔离机制,使企业的竞争优势得以保持。  相似文献   

正知识经济时代,知识资源的占有、产生、分配、使用是经济效益创造活动的核心,知识经济的本质特征是把知识转化为效益的创新性劳动。知识成为经济增长、社会发展以及企业成长的关键性资源,随着经济全球化、信息化和知识化趋势向纵深发展,知识经济进入快速发展期,知识已成为竞争优势与创新创造的第一要素,并发挥着极为重要的作用。航天企业拥有丰富的知识资源和知识资本,是我国科技创新体系中的重要环节,是科研项目  相似文献   

一、施工企业核心竞争力 的内涵 施工企业核心竞争力是施工企业通过对自身组织资本和社会资本的有机整合和运用,有效获取、协调和配置各种资源和技术,维系高效运作,并在运作过程中,自觉产生、形成一系列特殊的、集约的技能、组织知识和集体智慧,为企业带来长期可持续竞争优势。一般来讲,施工企业首先要建立和具备建筑行业一般能力,以求得行业平均利润,维持  相似文献   

本文在阅读相关文献的基础上,从一个崭新的角度即知识创造的角度来研究企业社会资本对技术创新的影响作用,构建了企业社会资本通过正向作用于知识创造而促进技术创新能力提升的概念模型,并将企业社会资本分为企业内部社会资本与企业外部社会资本两部分,着重分析了知识创造在企业社会资本与技术创新关系中的作用。  相似文献   

会计的理论和方法是与一定的经济形态的特征相适应的。当世界经济形态正快速地从工业经济向知识经济转变时 ,产生和发展于工业经济时代的现行的无形资产会计计量必须进行变革和创新。在知识经济条件下 ,企业 =有形资产 知识资本 ,企业的生产经营活动以消耗知识资本为主 ,企业间竞争 ,说到底就是知识资本的竞争。知识资本是企业所有无形资产的总和 ,是企业运转不可或缺的重要因素。因此 ,无形资产会计计量直接关系到知识经济时代的企业及其相关主体的利益。一、工业经济时代生产方式的主要特点和无形资产会计计量的主要内容1 工业经济时代生…  相似文献   

企业理论的社会资本逻辑   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文在回顾以知识为基础的企业理论的基础上,提出了社会资本不仅是企业战略资源,也是企业的一种有效的治理机制。企业交易复杂性程度越高,社会资本治理存在的价值就越大。按照社会资本治理的逻辑,企业比市场更能有效地创造社会资本,更能充分有效地利用社会资本的价值;与之相适应,本文分析了企业制度安排从资本为基础转向以社会资本为基础的可能性与现实性。  相似文献   

一、知识经济对传统的产权理论提出了挑战在传统的工业社会里 ,企业的产出主要取决于资本的投入 ,投资者享有对企业剩余的索取权 ,排斥劳动者对企业剩余的分配权。在工业经济向知识经济过渡的过程中 ,信息和知识技术以及接受、利用、加工、创造这些信息和技术的人 ,在整个财富创造过程中显得越来越重要 ,知识资本成为企业未来利润和现金流量的主要决定因素。因此 ,随着知识在经济发展中地位的日益提高 ,必须确立知识资本地位 ,使知识和利用知识、创新知识的能力成为重要的分配依据 ,使知识资本的所有者在更大程度上和更大范围内参与企业收益…  相似文献   

本文融合社会资本理论,构建了转型经济中企业社会责任影响组织竞争优势的理论框架,并运用151家中国企业的调查数据进行了实证检验。结果发现:企业社会责任与经济绩效之间不存在相关性,但与组织声誉正向相关,社会资本会明显强化企业社会责任的声誉效应。具体而言,等级制社会资本会显著促进企业社会责任与组织声誉的相关关系,而市场社会资本则限制了企业社会责任对组织声誉的贡献。本文从研究方法的跨层次风险、资源依赖的动态性和整合能力等方面进行了应用性的讨论,建议中国企业用基于社会资本的战略性社会责任超越慈善导向的社会责任,通过这种战略转型积聚组织竞争优势。  相似文献   

企业社会资本的功效结构:基于中国上市公司的实证研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
与政府的联系、组织的社会网络资本和特有的关系资本构成了企业的社会资本。通过对97家上市公司的经验研究表明,企业社会资本对销售收入的提升有着正面的促进作用,但对资产报酬率的改善却没有明确的影响。具体而言,在提升销售收入过程中,组织的社会网络资本作用最大,特有关系资本次之,企业家的政府关系资本是第三位的。我们还发现,国有企业比非国有企业在政府关系的利用和获得有利社会地位方面更有优势,但在组织的特有关系资本建设方面却呈现不足。作者建议管理者谨慎评价企业社会资本的功效,有必要考虑不同社会资本结构的交互作用,并将之与其他要素综合起来运用;企业应当用动态的眼光分辨不同层次的社会资本对绩效改善的作用。  相似文献   

The microlevel concept of social capital has received significant attention in management and sociological research but has not yet been empirically associated with the development of organizational capabilities. The major purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship of social capital with marketing and research and development (R&D) capability and to explore how the environmental context moderates the social capital–organizational capability link. It is suggested that top management's social capital provides a firm with important information and control benefits that facilitate effective access to the knowledge and resources necessary for building superior organizational capabilities. In addition, we identify the role of two important environmental factors influencing the social capital–organizational capability link: technological turbulence and competitive intensity. The strength of the relationship between social capital and organizational capabilities is proposed to vary depending on the level of these two environmental characteristics. This study conceptualizes and operationalizes social capital as a multidimensional construct reflected by the structural dimension of tie strength, the relational dimension of trust, and the cognitive dimension of solidarity. Survey and archival data on 280 firms from various industries are analyzed using structural equation modeling. Empirical support for the proposed three‐dimensional structure of social capital is found. Results further indicate that social capital is a significant antecedent to both marketing and R&D capability, which in turn significantly affect firm performance. While a positive relationship between social capital and organizational capabilities is supported in general, the strength of this relationship depends on the environmental context the firm is embedded in. The positive effect of social capital on marketing capability increases in environments with high technological turbulence and competitive intensity; the opposite holds for R&D capability. This research contributes to the resource‐based view by introducing social capital as an important microlevel factor promoting the development of organizational capabilities. By identifying and evaluating two important environmental contingencies, our study also decreases some of the ambiguity surrounding the effectiveness of antecedents to organizational capabilities. The findings further help practitioners decide under what circumstances investing in top‐managers' social capital provides an effective means for achieving superior performance through enhanced organizational capabilities. This should have an important bearing on issues such as management training and incentives as well as on hiring policies.  相似文献   

This study replicates and extends previous research focusing on China, to a sub‐Saharan African emerging economy environment. Specifically, the study directly replicates the impact of social capital derived from the micro‐managerial networking relationships and ties with top managers at other firms and government officials on macro‐organizational performance using data from Ghana. This study further extends previous work by examining the impact of social capital derived from managerial social networking relationships and ties with community leaders on organizational performance. It examines how the relationship between social capital and organizational performance is contingent on an organization's competitive strategic orientation. The findings suggest that social capital developed from managerial networking and social relationships with top managers at other firms, government officials (political leaders and bureaucratic officials), and community leadership enhance organizational performance. The findings from the contingency analyses reveal some interesting trends. The impact of social capital on organizational performance differs between firms that pursue the different competitive strategies (low‐cost, differentiation, and combination of low‐cost and differentiation) and those who do not pursue those strategies. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is little research that has explored the effects of how knowledge assets are aligned with each other in exploitation and exploration innovation strategies. This study uses alignment theory to explore the effects of aligning knowledge assets on facilitating a firm's ability to pursue ambidexterity, which is defined as the simultaneous pursuit of explorative and exploitative innovation strategies. We also explore the relative influence of organizational and human capital in fostering an exploitation innovation strategy on the one hand, and an exploration innovation strategy on the other. Using a primary survey sample of 127 companies in two high‐tech parks in China, we found that greater reliance on relatively more organizational capital versus human capital has a significantly positive impact on the success of an exploitative innovation strategy. The amount of organizational capital relative to the amount of human capital has a stronger positive association with exploratory innovation strategy when social capital is greater. We also found that the combination of organizational, human, and social capital fosters ambidexterity, i.e., the simultaneous pursuit of exploration and exploitation. This study extends alignment theory and examines the effects of aligning these knowledge assets on a firm's ability to foster organizational ambidexterity.  相似文献   

企业社会资本与技术创新:基于吸收能力的实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文针对我国企业社会资本影响技术创新的机制问题展开分析,从企业社会资本的特征维度出发,引入吸收能力的视角,提出了基于吸收能力的企业社会资本与技术创新绩效的概念模型。在问卷调查的基础上,通过多元线性回归分析和结构方程模型分析,对我国企业社会资本如何影响技术创新的问题进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,在不考虑吸收能力作用的情况下,企业社会资本的结构、关系和认知等三个维度的水平对于我国企业技术创新绩效的提升均具有积极显著的作用;企业社会资本三个特征维度的水平通过提高吸收能力进而正向影响技术创新绩效;其中,认知维度在结构维度和关系维度发挥效应中承担中介变量的作用。为提高企业技术创新绩效,建议以知识的获取和利用为导向,注重企业社会资本三个维度水平的均衡提高。  相似文献   

An ongoing argument in financial management has been how to craft a capital structure which maximizes shareholder wealth. This question has gained prominence within the strategic management field because of the apparent link between capital structure and the ability of firms to compete. By integrating models from organizational economics with the strategic management literature, we are able to theorize that a firm’s capital structure is influenced by environmental dynamism, and that the match between environmental dynamism and capital structure is associated with superior economic performance. Our large‐scale empirical analyses provide supportive evidence for the proposition that competitive environments moderate the relationship between capital structure and economic performance. From a theoretical standpoint, these findings provide another link between capital structure and corporate strategy. More importantly, we are able to move the discussion beyond the limitations of financial risk and incorporate the strategy concept of decision making under uncertainty. For practical application, these findings offer informed advice for managers on how to craft a capital structure. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research summary : In this paper we adopt a core‐periphery approach to specify the direct and indirect effects of social capital on organizational performance. We suggest that social capital deriving from stable task relationships between organizational members has a direct positive effect on organizational performance. Said effect depends, in both strength and functional form, on whether actors involved in stable dyads are located at the core or at the periphery of the organization. We also argue that core and peripheral social capital affect performance indirectly by moderating the organization's ability to leverage its human capital to improve performance. Results from a 48‐year study of the National Basketball Association support our arguments and bear important implications for strategic human resource practices and organizational performance in competitive settings. Managerial summary : Stable work relationships among employees generate trust, more efficient work routines, common understanding and thus higher organizational performance. These benefits depend on the location of such stable relationships in the organization. Relational stability among core organizational members has an immediate, strong impact on performance, an effect that plateaus as stability grows. Stable relationships between core and peripheral members have instead a weaker, yet linear effect on performance. The location of stable relationships is also critical to leverage the talent of core employees, whose contribution to performance is stronger when relational stability is high in the organizational core, yet hindered by stable relations between core and periphery. Such findings provide relevant implications for strategic human resource management, in particular for choices regarding team composition and managing stars. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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