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We examine the bipartite graphs of German corporate boards in 1993, 1999 and 2005, focusing on their projections onto directors (the “personal” network) and onto companies (the “institutional” network). The novel feature here is our focus on the temporal evolution of the two projections. The personal networks exhibit cores of highly central directors who are densely connected among themselves, while the institutional networks show a persistent core of large corporations whose identity remains mostly the same. This results in the persistent presence of a core network of very large corporations, despite substantial turnover in the identity of directors and significant changes in Germany’s corporate governance during the investigated period. Our findings strongly suggest that core persistence originates from the board appointment decisions of the very largest corporations and is largely independent of personal destinies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the processes and causes of inter-firm network success and failure, defined in terms of the ability of networks to become a sustained and valued form of business activity for their members. The paper examines four different case study network initiatives: (1) a failed informal ‘new entrepreneurs' network’ (2) a successful informal ‘local cluster group’ (3) a failed formal ‘defence contractors' network’ and (4) a successful formal ‘small-firm technology group’. It is shown that networks in business are often consciously developed and maintained by those managing directors who have recognized the importance of cooperative activities for achieving competitive advantage for their companies. The best network support consisted of brokers who are able to mix and overlap the ‘hard’ business and ‘softer’ social interests of participants. The case studies indicate that it is formal groups that are the most potent form of inter-firm network, but that it is through an initially informal structure that they are best facilitated. It is concluded that both economic and social rationalities are at play in the motivation of firms to join networks, and that their success is closely connected to pre-existing commonality between members.  相似文献   

立足国有企业具有社会和经济双重目标的理论逻辑,本文选取2007~2016年A股国有上市公司作为研究样本,分析了独立董事网络和国有股比例对投资效率的影响以及调节效应。研究发现:独立董事网络降低了国有上市公司的投资效率,较高比例的国有持股抑制了投资效率,但当国企更加关注经济目标时,则有助于改善投资效率;进一步研究发现,相比于特定功能类企业,独立董事网络在商业竞争类企业中发挥投资效率的改善作用更加显著。因此,独立董事应因地制宜在国企中发挥治理作用;政府应分类推进国企混合所有制改革;竞争性国企应引入较大比例的优质民营资本,优化投资决策、提高投资效率。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel methodology to detect Granger causality on average in vector autoregressive settings using feedforward neural networks. The approach accommodates unknown dependence structures between elements of high-dimensional multivariate time series with weak and strong persistence. To do this, we propose a two-stage procedure: first, we maximize the transfer of information between input and output variables in the network in order to obtain an optimal number of nodes in the intermediate hidden layers. Second, we apply a novel sparse double group lasso penalty function in order to identify the variables that have the predictive ability and, hence, indicate that Granger causality is present in the others. The penalty function inducing sparsity is applied to the weights that characterize the nodes of the neural network. We show the correct identification of these weights so as to increase sample sizes. We apply this method to the recently created Tobalaba network of renewable energy companies and show the increase in connectivity between companies after the creation of the network using Granger causality measures to map the connections.  相似文献   

独立董事的治理效果影响着上市公司的治理状况,本文从独立董事网络的声誉机制和信息传递机制出发,选取2008?2017年沪深A股上市公司作为研究样本,实证检验独立董事网络位置与企业税收规避的关系。研究发现:独立董事网络位置对企业税收规避有负向影响;与所处地区市场化程度较高的公司相比,所处地区市场化程度较低的上市公司独立董事网络中心度对公司税收规避程度的影响更强;管理层权力削弱了独立董事网络中心度对企业税收规避程度的抑制作用。进一步引入企业价值后发现,独立董事网络中心度可以抑制税收规避对企业价值的减损。本文的研究结果完善了税收规避行为价值的研究体系,也为研究独立董事是否有效发挥治理作用提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the presence of women on the boards of directors of companies. Those that have been done have focused on large firms. In this study we analyzed the gender diversity of a sample of Spanish small and medium enterprises. These firms are of great importance in terms of their number, the employment they provide, and their sales. Furthermore, there is an open debate in Spain about gender equality after the passing of several laws against gender discrimination. We found that women's presence on boards generates a negative impact on firm performance and this result may be due to less risky strategies implemented by women directors. This finding is interesting because it sheds light on how women can affect the functioning of a board. We also found that family firms and firms with a financial institution as the main shareholder tend to have more women on the board. Finally, we show that firms with less debt, more assets, and larger boards have more women as directors.  相似文献   

Looking at the economic development and importance of German companies in Europe, one might expect that an important aspect of a good economic performance is a well‐functioning HR system. Although a number of scholars claim this, the empirical evidence seems to point to the opposite. Several comparative studies have found that HRM in German companies is less strategically integrated and proactive than that of comparable firms in other countries. This article argues that the empirical results reported fail to grasp the essence of HRM in German firms. This lacuna is partly due to the co‐determination structure. HRM in large German firms has to be evaluated within the co‐determination structure, with the Betriebsrat (works council) being an important actor. For German firms co‐determination might even be a strategic resource. By examining this issue within such a framework, a more favourable picture of HR integration in German firms emerges.  相似文献   

How will the presence of independent directors affect family business performance? This question is still theoretically debated and empirically inconclusive. Because family businesses are a group of heterogeneous companies with different levels of family involvement in the business, the purpose of this paper is to empirically explore how the combination of different family business governance structures jointly shape the effect of independent directors on family business performance in an understudied Collectivist cultural setting. Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) on a sample of 74 Lebanese family firms this study finds that, depending on the family firm governance structure, the presence of independent directors on the board can lead to either positive or negative firm performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the importance of a firm's board with respect to sustainability issues by analysing the relationship between director interlocks, i.e. directors who simultaneously belong to the boards of directors of several companies, and a firm's environmental performance. The previous literature has focused on the influence of firm‐level resources on corporate environmental performance. This study utilizes insights from a resource‐based view and research on social capital to demonstrate that the environmental performance of a firm is also influenced by the difficult‐to‐imitate capabilities that are embedded in the network relationships of its directors. Our results support a contingency perspective of the social capital theory that finds that director interlocks are positively connected with the environmental performance of a firm in two specific situations: (1) when the firm is linked to a larger parent company and (2) in cases of low and high levels of interlock diversity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

内部控制质量、产权性质与盈余持续性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对沪深两市A股主板上市公司2009—2013年间数据样本的实证检验,探寻上市公司内部控制质量的提高是否伴随着公司盈余持续性的提高,比较分析国有控股和民营控股公司内部控制质量的变化对盈余持续性的影响差异,同时为了进一步探究内部控制对盈余持续性的影响,将其划分为应计持续性和现金流持续性。研究结果表明:内部控制质量的提高与盈余持续性的提高存在显著的正相关关系;将盈余持续性细分后仍然可以得到内部控制质量提高,应计持续性与现金流持续性也相应提高的结论。通过国有控股和民营控股公司的对比,发现在国有控股公司中,内部控制质量越高,盈余持续性也越高,但当内部控制质量提高时,盈余持续性并没有显著改善;而在民营控股公司中,内部控制质量与盈余持续性的相关性有所减弱,但当内部控制质量提高时,盈余持续性明显提高。  相似文献   

The behavior and stability of over-the-counter markets is of central concern to regulators. Little is known, however, about how the structure of these markets determine their properties. In this paper we consider an over-the-counter market populated by boundedly rational heterogeneous traders in which the structure is represented by a network. Stability is found to decrease as the market becomes less well connected, however, the configuration of connections has a significant effect. The presence of hubs, such as those found in scale free networks increases stability and decreases volatility whilst small-world short-cut links have the opposite effect. Volatility in the fundamental value increases market volatility, however, volatility in the riskless asset returns has an ambiguous effect.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2017,41(1):5-25
This article provides new evidence on the structure, dynamics and performance effects of corporate boards in publicly traded companies in Russia. It takes advantage of a new and unique longitudinal dataset of virtually all Russian companies whose shares were traded in the RTS/MICEX/MOEX over 1998–2014. The analysis highlights a number of strong trends in the evolution of boards of directors, such as a declining participation of insider directors and an increasing participation of foreign and female directors. It also shows that board characteristics are linked to company performance (market-to-book ratio, Tobin’s Q, ROE and ROA), suggesting that boards of directors play a non-trivial role in corporate governance in Russia. Testing for structural breaks in the relationship between board composition and firm performance provides some evidence of the changing role of corporate boards over time.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of board composition and its consequences on firm value in China by focusing on the impact of ultimate owner type and financial needs under the institution environment with government intervention and weak investor protection. We find that State‐Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are more likely to choose politically connected directors without professional backgrounds, but non‐SOEs are more likely to have independent directors, or politically connected directors with professional business backgrounds. Appointment of independent directors has no effect on firm value. Due to weak legal investor protection in China, a dominant shareholder can easily remove independent directors, as there is no mature market for directors. Politically connected directors without professional business backgrounds are negatively associated with a firm's value. Although such directors can help a company establish relationships with the government, their firms may suffer due to inferior professionalism.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the strategic formation of collusive networks in a dynamic framework. A collusive network is a set of market sharing agreements between firms in oligopolistic markets and auctions. Belleflamme and Bloch (Int Econ Rev 45(2):387–411, 2004) fully characterize the pairwise stable collusive networks in their symmetric model. In contrast, we characterize the collusive networks to which a dynamic network formation process converges with positive probability in the symmetric model. We provide a complete characterization for the case of the process that starts from a network with sufficiently few links. Moreover, we show that the process never cycles but always converges to a stable network. In addition, we discuss an asymmetric model where firms enjoy a home country advantage. We show that the expected number of collusive agreements may be reduced by an increase in the degree of the home country advantage. This implies that policies for discouraging entry may fail, and may lead to a decrease in expected social surplus.  相似文献   

张秀芳 《价值工程》2012,31(15):204-205
针对无线传感器网络的节点一般体积小,携带能量低,运算能力弱,能量一旦耗尽不可再生这一特点,本文提出提高网络运行寿命的方法。一方面,在网络节点运行时间上,将基站作为主控中心,根据系统的需求,采用有效的调度算法,来唤醒需要传输的无线传感器节点进行数据采集,然后将传输信息发送给簇头进行网络内传输,直至到达基站,从而获得传感器节点最小运行时间。另一方面,在网络内多跳通信时,靠近基站的簇头节点由于转发大量数据导致节点过早失效问题,本文提出一种不均匀分簇多跳算法,根据节点与基站距离调整簇首概率,能量优先为原则选择簇首,使据基站近的区域簇头多于据基站远的区域。  相似文献   

It is often assumed that directors with human capital such as prior management experience or independence from the company are the most influential board members. By contrast, in a survey of all the board members in 14 companies we found that ties to others in a network of strong ties among those who meet outside of board meetings were more important predictors of social influence than human capital or ties across boards. These ties within the board represent the social capital of members in the form of prior relationships with other directors, ties to others on the board, and membership in cliques within the board's network of ties. These results support a social capital perspective on influence that emphasizes relationships with others on the board as important factors in the social dynamics of board decision-making.  相似文献   

This article seeks to describe and understand relational interaction processes in project networks, and suggests that there is a connection between the characteristics of a project network and the type of interactions within it. We suggest that time, legitimacy and power structure determine the type of interaction processes that occur. Four case studies of service-producing project networks show that relational interaction processes tend to change over time—shifting between the dimensions of consent and negotiation. Project networks seeking to acquire legitimacy are characterised by consent-based interaction processes such as mapping by rhetoric and maintaining an element of vagueness. Legitimate project networks are, on the other hand, characterised by negotiation-based interaction processes such as meetings between the representatives of different interests. Thus, actors in different types of project network adopt different interaction strategies in managing project networks with a view to creating legitimacy or mutual commitment.  相似文献   

Network Intermediaries in International Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motivated by evidence on the importance of incomplete information and networks in international trade, we investigate the supply of network intermediation. We build a general-equilibrium model in which agents with networks of foreign contacts either can use their networks themselves in support of production or can make their networks available for others to use and thereby can become network intermediaries. We use this model for comparative statics and welfare analysis. One welfare conclusion is that intermediaries may have inadequate incentives to maintain or to expand their networks, suggesting a rationale for the policies followed by some countries to encourage large-scale trading companies.  相似文献   

This study explores the collective voting of Chinese listed companies by examining whether the overconfidence of the board chairperson could affect the relationship between overconfidence and investment–cash flow sensitivity by the board of directors. On average, the board of directors’ overconfidence leads to increased investment–cash flow sensitivity. However, this influence is driven by state-controlled listed companies only if the chairperson is overconfident. The results suggest that the chairperson’s overconfidence may impact the relationship between the board of directors’ overconfidence and investment–cash flow sensitivity. Furthermore, the investment distortion due to the board’s overconfidence behavior may be alleviated by supervising the chairperson.  相似文献   

董事会是公司治理结构的重要内容之一,独立董事作为董事会的重要组成部分,其职能和工作效率也成为人们关注的重点。本文试图从独立董事总体工作情况、同城异地独立董事工作情况以及个别独立董事薪酬与工作情况关系的角度,考察我国独立董事制度对上市公司治理效果的影响,结果发现,实施独立董事上市公司治理结果有所改进,独立董事异地任职独立作用大。  相似文献   

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