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This paper examines the contribution of cross-listing to price discovery for a unique and comprehensive sample of firms listed abroad. Using an extended measure of the common factor weight, we find that foreign market contribution to price discovery is more important for multiple-listed firms compared to cross-listed ones. Our results also show that US exchanges are more conductive to price discovery than do foreign European markets. On a univariate regression, we find new evidence that order driven markets and those which are more integrated with the world contribute significantly to price discovery of stocks listed abroad. On a multivariate regression, information asymmetry measures seem to have the most important effect on foreign market contribution to price determination.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine whether social media information affects the price-discovery process for cross-listed companies. Using over 29 million overnight tweets mentioning cross-listed companies, we examine the role of social media for a link between the last periods of trading in the US markets and the first periods in the UK market. Our estimates suggest that the size and content of information flows on social networks support the price-discovery process. The interactions between lagged US stock features and overnight tweets significantly affect stock returns and volatility of cross-listed stocks when the UK market opens. These effects weaken and disappear 1 to 3 hr after the opening of the UK market. We also develop a profitable trading strategy based on overnight social media, and the profits remain economically significant after considering transaction costs.  相似文献   

This is one of the first large-scale studies to examine the voluntary disclosure practices of foreign firms cross-listed in the United States. We proxy for voluntary disclosure using three attributes of firms’ management earnings guidance: (1) the likelihood of issuance; (2) the frequency of earnings guidance; and (3) a guidance quality measure. After first establishing that market participants view these firms’ disclosures as credible and economically important (i.e., the disclosures are negatively related to analyst forecast errors and the implied cost of equity capital), we compare cross-listed firms’ disclosure practices with comparable US firms and explore variations in disclosure practices among cross-listed firms. We find that cross-listed firms issue less frequent and lower quality management earnings guidance than comparable US firms. We further show that the gap between US and cross-listed firms widened after passage of Regulation FD, a regulation which induced greater public disclosure of firm-specific information. Focusing on the sample of cross-listing firms, we show that firms from common-law countries disclose more than firms from code-law countries. Finally, our results indicate that cross-listed firms that do not list on an organized US exchange provide more frequent and higher quality disclosure than those that do list on organized exchanges.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of appointment of U.S. independent directors (USIDs), and their impact and effectiveness, on the boards of cross-listed foreign firms versus non-cross-listed firms. For non-cross-listed firms, significant determinants of USID presence include factors related to both advising and monitoring roles, whereas for cross-listed firms, appointment of USIDs are related to monitoring factors. We find that USIDs have a significantly positive impact on cross-listed firms’ value, especially for firms from countries that are culturally and institutionally different from U.S. and countries with weak investor protection. The positive value effect is strongest for firms in which USIDs serve on governance committees. We also find that cross-listed firms with UISDs are better at acquiring both domestic and cross-border targets and have higher CEO turnover sensitivity. For non-cross-listed firms, USIDs have negative or no impact on value.  相似文献   

We examine the pricing of U.S. initial public offerings (IPOs) by foreign firms that are already seasoned in their domestic countries. Presumably, these equity offers have less downside risk for investors than typical IPOs since domestic share prices can be used to help establish a preoffer value for the firm's equity. In spite of the presumed diminished downside risk, we find that offers by firms from countries that impose foreign ownership restrictions and capital controls are on average underpriced, experiencing an average first-day return in the United States of 12.7%. This result stems in part from the underwriter's failure to price the issue to fully reflect the postoffer premium that often arises for the U.S. shares. In contrast, offers by firms from countries without ownership restrictions have an average first-day return of 0.0%.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of price adjustments and the price discovery roles of two markets on Taiwan's foreign exchange, TFI and CFE. Results from the multivariate threshold model indicate prices are integrated nonlinearly. The roles of price discovery are asymmetric, depending on the size and sign of the price discrepancies between the two markets. In the lower regime of discrepancies, each market employs information from its counterpart and reacts to each other with different adjustment speeds. When the discrepancy is in the upper regime, CFE's role of price discovery is characterized by its exogenous behavior within the error-correction process.  相似文献   

We examine the association between auditor choice and the accruals patterns of Chinese listed firms that cross-list in Hong Kong. Our evidence suggests that the clients of Big 4 auditors report lower unsigned discretionary accruals relative to the clients of non-Big 4 auditors. Further, we find that cross-listed firms with non-Big 4 auditors are more likely to understate their earnings and experience larger reversals of accruals in the future than cross-listed firms with Big 4 auditors. These findings suggest that Big 4 auditors play a meaningful role in improving earnings quality for cross-listed firms, which helps to explain why cross-listed firms have higher earnings quality than their domestic counterparts, as documented in the previous literature.  相似文献   

This study employs macroeconomic news announcements as a proxy for new information arrivals and examines their impact on price discovery. We compare the price discovery of 38 Canadian companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for the period 2004–2011. First, we observe that price discovery shifts significantly during macroeconomic news announcement days. Second, the NYSE becomes more important in terms of price discovery, regardless of the origin of the news. Third, we examine the relation between price discovery and market microstructure variables. After controlling for liquidity shocks, we find that the impact of news announcements persists. Intraday analyses of price discovery on periods surrounding news releases further support these findings. Overall, our findings suggest that there is a difference in information-processing capability of the two markets, with the U.S. market being better at processing information than the Canadian market during macroeconomic news announcements.  相似文献   

Canadian financial restatements announced during 1997–2006 lower market quality and signal to market participants that expected future cash flows and their uncertainty are diminished and increased, respectively. Abnormal returns are related to downward revisions in consensus earnings forecasts, and become more negative for U.S. cross-listings, and for revenue recognition and company-initiated restatements. Total residual volatility, its information-based permanent component and the adverse selection spread component increase following such announcements. Relative spreads and a spread-depth market-quality index increase following such announcements and are lower for U.S. cross-listings. Relative spreads (unlike the market-quality index) remain higher post-announcement, and are lower post-Sarbanes-Oxley Act.  相似文献   

We study the price-discovery process for a number of Chinese cross-listed stocks. For the stocks cross-listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK), we find that the stock prices of these two exchanges are cointegrated and mutually adjusting, and that the SEHK makes more contributions than the NYSE to the price-discovery process. The SEHK contributions are 81.6% and 89.4%, computed from Gonzalo and Granger [Gonzalo, J., Granger, C., 1995. Estimation of common long-memory components in cointegrated systems. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 13, 27–35] permanent–transitory (PT) and Hasbrouck [Hasbrouck, J., 1995. One security, many markets: Determining the contributions to price discovery. Journal of Finance 50, 1175–1119] information share (IS) models respectively.  相似文献   

A standard finding is that risk exposures of companies that cross-list tend to increase against the market in which they list, a change typically associated with a decline in the cost of capital. However, this finding is predicated on the assumption that the home and foreign market co-movements are stable over time. By contrast, another common finding is that risk exposures across market indices have increased over time due to international market integration. In this paper, I ask whether the firm-level findings for changing risk exposures are due to the more general changes in market co-movements. Indeed, for a panel of cross-listed firms in the U.S., I find that 72% do not find evidence of breaks in their relationships beyond those derived from their home markets. This finding suggests that the apparent increase in risk exposures for cross-listed firms arises from general market integration trends. Moreover, the remaining 28% of firms tend to have significant breaks after cross-listing, be younger, and have home markets with lower government regulation.  相似文献   

论核准制下的新股竞价发行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国新股发行已经由审批制转向核准制,核准制带来的一项主要变化是新股发行与定价方式的市场化,而竞价发行将成为核准制下新股发行与定价的主要方式之一。  相似文献   

承销商托市与新股折价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
引言新股首次公开发行(initial public offerings,IPOs)的高初始收益率(即上市首日交易价格高于发行价格)现象自20世纪70年代以来一直是财务学界研究的一个重要领域。我国的证券市场长期以来也一直续演着“新股不败”的神话,每一次新股发行往往伴随着巨额的申购资金和上市后的惊人涨幅。……  相似文献   

基于2006年至2008年6月之间新上市公司数据,考量分析师跟踪和新上市公司股价表现,结果表明,分析师对公司的跟踪越多,说明分析师看好该公司,对某公司进行跟踪的分析师数量传递了分析师对公司价值未来的预期。利用 Fama-Frcnch 三因素模型的截距项表征新上市公司超额收益,发现超额分析师跟踪越多的公司其新股超额收益越大。  相似文献   

本文从新股发行价格对各类信息的反应效率这一角度来研究核准制下新股发行定价效率问题.针对影响新股发行定价的信息因素具有多层次、多维度的特点,建立了一个有内在逻辑关系、能够较全面反映新股发行价格影响因素的理论框架,并采用协方差结构模型分析(CSM)方法进行实证研究.实证结果显示:在核准制制度下新股价格基本上反映了内在价值因素和市场环境因素,具有一定的信息效率;而对发行因素反映的较少,缺乏这方面的信息效率.总体而言,我国新股发行定价的信息效率仍较为有限.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of price discovery for Canadian firms cross-listed on the main US stock exchanges over the period 1996–2011. Sampling at a one-minute frequency, we compute Gonzalo and Granger Component Shares (CS) and employ a system GMM approach to control for persistence in price discovery and endogeneity between CS and its determinants. We find that price discovery is highly persistent and that there is strong evidence of simultaneity between CS and its determinants. We conclude that lower relative spreads and higher relative trading activity increase an exchange’s contribution to price discovery. We also document that it is small trades that drive price discovery, particularly since the introduction of decimalization.  相似文献   

This paper finds significant differences in the price impacts around the announcement date for domestic and international seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) by Canadian issuers cross-listed on US trade venues. Important determinants that differ by US cross-listing trade venue are identified for the price impacts associated with domestic and international SEOs. The significant determinants are variables that proxy for positive private and public firm information for the domestic SEOs of issuers cross-listed on NASDAQ, and are mainly variables that proxy for negative private information for the domestic SEOs of issuers cross-listed on the NYSE/AMEX. Good and bad news affect domestic and international SEOs favorably and unfavorably, respectively. The only common determinant for the domestic and international SEOs and for domestic SEOs for both groupings of US listing venues is whether or not the issue is primary.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the securities regulation in a foreign country is related to the earnings quality of European firms cross-listed in Europe. The study compared the post-listing earnings quality of 112 European firms cross-listed in 13 European stock exchanges during 1989–2001 to those of a controlled sample of non-cross-listed firms. Earnings quality was assessed by the use of reporting discretion to manage earnings. The regulatory strictness was represented by three indices of securities regulation.Empirical results provide some support to a positive association between earnings quality and the foreign securities regulation, suggesting that the foreign regulatory requirements have little or no effect on the reported earnings of European firms cross-listed in European exchanges.  相似文献   

Our study examines market sentiment and the importance of trading location in British American Depository Receipts (ADRs) traded in the US. Perfect integration between UK markets and UK ADRs is ruled out given that UK ADRs exhibit an intraday, U-shaped volatility curve. Both a variance decomposition analysis and an EGARCH model show that UK ADR returns are driven more by US market returns than US-traded UK ETF returns. These results indicate the existence of US market sentiment for UK ADRs and that trading location influences pricing behavior.  相似文献   

Many Chinese firms have pursued overseas listings in Hong Kong or US without being first listed in China’s domestic market, mainly due to the regulatory constraints imposed by the Chinese government. Some of them eventually returned to mainland China through an A-share offering to Chinese investors. This unique feature of cross-listed Chinese stocks offers an experiment field to test some of the conventional theories of initial public offerings (IPOs) underpricing. Homebound IPOs are expected to be less underpriced than domestic only IPOs that are not cross-listed because being already listed in a developed market can mitigate the information asymmetry and issue uncertainty associated with their A-share IPOs. Nevertheless, we find that homecoming A-share IPOs are still substantially underpriced, with an average market adjusted first-day return of 96.53 %. Furthermore, their first-day returns are not significantly different from those of domestic only IPOs once firm- and offer-characteristics are controlled. This is in sharp contrast to the lukewarm aftermarket performance experienced in their overseas debuts. The mean market adjusted first-day return is merely 5.35 % in their US ADR offerings and 11.63 % in their Hong Kong H-share IPOs. Overall, our results suggest the importance of local market structures and norms as influential factors of IPO underpricing.  相似文献   

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