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Dubbed as road warriors in the popular press, there is a select group of business traveling dealmakers that take at least four trips by commercial airline and stay in hotels at least thirty-five nights in a given year. These high value employees have often been subjected to cost-focused travel policies potentially to the detriment of their well-being. From a theoretical viewpoint, the boundaries of the existing sales literature are expanded to show how this unique group of salespeople, road warriors, face stressors and how these relate to major sales focused outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions). Further, this study adds an additional construct, travel friction, into the literature, yielding support for the importance of developing our understanding of this construct. Travel friction is found as a significant antecedent to both work-family conflict and emotional exhaustion. Moreover, through emotional exhaustion both travel friction and work-family conflict ultimately manifest in reduced job satisfaction, diminished organizational commitment, and increased attrition risk. The lack of business travel in the short-term due to the global pandemic offers corporate travel managers a unique opportunity to pause and recalibrate their travel policies to focus more on traveler well-being. Practical suggestions from travel experts that can potentially help to mitigate travel friction among road warriors are offered.  相似文献   

Business travel, and long-distance business travel in particular, has received much less attention in research than home-to-work travel. This article explores some determinants of the frequency of long-distance business travel. It focuses on the influence of two parameters that have been little studied: the individual’s socio-occupational group and the workplace location. The data used were provided by the 2008 French National Transport and Travel Survey. Following a review of the literature, a Poisson regression is performed on the frequency of long-distance business trips. The most significant determinants are socio-occupational category, income, gender and the urban or rural nature and size in terms of the number of inhabitants of the area of location. In particular long-distance business trip frequency is lower in the Paris urban area than in all the categories of urban areas as well as rural areas because of the highly centralised organisation of economic activity and the transport network in France.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this research was to improve the understanding of the relationships among travel activities, seasons and expenditure after controlling for income. Path analysis was used to test all hypothesised causal relationships. In addition to its conceptual contributions, the findings of the study revealed how international travellers spend during travel in response to changes in activity preferences and season of travel. To maximise travellers' expenditure and to generate greater tourism revenues, destination policy‐makers and marketers need to identify what types of activities and which season contribute most to their destination. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research findings to study the impact of socio-psychological, economic, and political antecedents on tourism and to study the relationship among tourism ethnocentrism (TE), civilized tourism behavioral intention, willingness to visit, and electronic-word of mouth. Also, it examines the moderating role of pandemic anxiety variables. The results show that American socio-psychological and political antecedents are factors that directly affect TE and have a significant effect on travelers who are insecure about traveling due to the pandemic. Travelers affected by socio-psychological and political antecedents were found to have higher TE and higher travel anxiety due to the pandemic. Therefore, this study suggests the need to strengthen people's patriotism and pride in their country to activate domestic tourism, which should be used as a tourism marketing material to promote domestic travel post-pandemic.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the representation of travel in movies by analysing Bernando Bertolucci's movie [Aldrich, W., Thomas, J. (Producers), & Bertolucci, B. (Director). (1990). The sheltering sky [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros]. Filmic travelogues are intended here as illustrations of a process of discovery and transformation of identity from a post-modern perspective. The questioning of the self happens through a journey to a timeless place which managed to preserve a sense of the past. The characters' transformation from tourists to travellers and nomads becomes a kind of pilgrimage in search of authenticity. In this perspective, the desert comes to represent a more general emptiness surrounding and inside the characters. The theories formulated by Bauman, Urry, MacCannell and Wang are central to this analysis, including the subjects of the quest of authenticity, the distinction between travellers and tourists and the files of representation.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the ways in which transport can impact on social exclusion processes by examining how the introduction of road user charging may affect residents of Bristol. It gives an overview of the concept of transport and social inclusion/exclusion, describes key themes emerging from DfT-funded research conducted in the city and reflects on the importance of consideration of these themes to the policy's successful implementation. By exploring road user charging from both collective and individual perspectives, the paper illustrates how this congestion charging policy could promote social inclusion.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the airline industry. Air travel in the United States declined in 2020 with significantly lower domestic and international flights. The dynamic change and uncertainty in the trend of COVID-19 have made it difficult to predict future air travel. This paper aims at developing and testing neural network models that predict domestic and international air travel in the medium and long term based on residents' daily trips by distance, economic condition, COVID-19 severity, and travel restrictions. Data in the United States from various sources were used to train and validate the neural network models, and Monte Carlo simulations were constructed to predict air travel under uncertainty of the pandemic and economic growth. The results show that weekly economic index (WEI) is the most important predictor for air travel. Additionally, daily trips by distance play a more important role in the prediction of domestic air travel than the international one, while travel restrictions seem to have an impact on both. Sensitivity analysis results for four different scenarios indicate that air travel in the future is more sensitive to the change in WEI than the changes in COVID-19 variables. Additionally, even in the best-case scenario, when the pandemic is over and the economy is back to normal, it still takes several years for air travel to return to normal, as before the pandemic. The findings have significant contributions to the literature in COVID-19's impact on air transportation and air travel prediction.  相似文献   

With the upsurge of individual interest in short-form video, this has become an important communication medium that has the potential to influence viewers' behavior. Based on the importance of understanding the relationship between short-form video and the travel decision-making process, this study attempted to examine this linkage in the context of Korean food by integrating the AIDA and MGB models. An online survey was conducted with the short-form video audience in China. A total of 505 responses were analyzed by using PLS-SEM. Based on the findings, this study verified the travel decision-making process in visiting Korea under the influence of Korean food short-form videos. This research contributes to the theoretical development of existing studies regarding short-form videos as well as the integration of the AIDA and MGB models. Moreover, practical insights are provided for destination marketers in development and utilization of Korean food short-form video as a marketing medium.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect on road wear and deformation of alternatives to the Fourth Power Law in a computable general equilibrium model of Sweden. The alternatives considered are the first through fifth powers, and the results indicate that the results are similar in all cases but when the first power is employed. This follows from the fact that designing the charge according to the first power amounts to a weight-distance charge rather than an axle-weight-distance. The paper also investigates the cost of designing a charge according to the wrong power, i.e. not according to the true relationship between road wear and road use. The results indicate that the cost of choosing the wrong power is relatively small, but slightly higher in the case of the first power. Indeed, there are several implicit costs that seem to have to be taken into account when implementing a charge according to the former power, i.e. a weight-distance charge.  相似文献   

Within the context of the airline industry, this study offers an integrated approach measuring the effects of internal brand communication, brand-centered training, transformational leadership, brand ideology, and internal brand communities on job satisfaction and work outcomes. It further explores the role of job satisfaction as a mediator between internal branding and work outcomes. Following an analysis of 485 responses, we find that leadership, ideology, and communities positively influence job satisfaction, which in turn affects intention-to-stay, team performance, and brand commitment. Job satisfaction is also found to mediate the relationships between internal branding (i.e., transformational leadership, brand ideology, and internal brand communities) and work outcomes. These findings highlight that appropriate branding strategies can enhance airline development through employee satisfaction.  相似文献   

China was the first airline market in the world to be hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been gradually recovering as the pandemic is largely contained domestically. However, with the global pandemic spread and great uncertainty, there has been a remarkable change in airline passengers’ travel behavior. This paper collected air passenger-level data from TravelSky in the Chinese market. In addition to the analyses on aggregate passenger flow patterns, this paper explores changes in airline passenger travel behavior, such as ticket booking time, age distribution of passengers, refunds and ticket changes, and passenger arrival time at airports. This is one of the first studies to focus on micro-level changes in airline passenger travel behavior by using objective passenger-level data. The pandemic-induced psychological changes in air travelers are explored, providing useful managerial and policymaking implications for the normalization of the pandemic and the recovery of the airline market in the post-pandemic era.  相似文献   

Transport provides a range of benefits to society in terms of mobility, access and economic growth. There are however negative impacts of transport, not least in terms of environmental degradation, damage to property, traffic accidents and loss of life. This paper focuses on road traffic accidents, the reduction of which is an important aim of transport policy world wide. The primary objective of this paper is to develop a series of relationships using spatially disaggregated area-level cross-sectional data between different traffic casualties, road traffic speed and road curvature by controlling for other contributing factors associated with area characteristics. The spatial units of the analysis are the 8019 census wards in England. Ward-level casualty data are disaggregated by severity of the casualty (such as fatalities, serious injuries and slight injuries) and by the severity of the casualty related to various road users.The results suggest that increased average speed within a ward is positively associated with total fatalities and serious injuries; and road curvature is found to be negatively associated with road accidents.  相似文献   

The widespread use of the Internet for conducting various types of activities may be leading to considerable change in people’s activity–travel patterns. Past studies, however, have left many issues unaddressed. Using an Internet-activity diary dataset and multi-group structural equation modeling, this study examines the complex interactions between different types of Internet and physical activities, with a special focus on gender differences and Internet maintenance and leisure activities. The results indicate that the impacts of Internet activities on people’s activity–travel patterns are significantly different across gender. In general, Internet use for maintenance purposes has a greater impact on women’s activity–travel in the physical world, while Internet use for leisure purposes affects men’s physical activities and travel to a greater extent. Further, breaking Internet activities down into different categories reveals some hidden patterns that would not have been detected if these different types of Internet activities were lumped together as a single category.  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify various factors influencing individual’s choice of housing tenure with emphasis on the effect of commute trips on that choice. It also focuses on the sensitivity to various factors affecting the housing tenure choice between males and females of urban and rural areas. The study is based on both exploratory analysis and estimation of statistical models using a Household Travel Survey data collected for Bangalore Metropolitan Region in year 2010. The results indicate the role of both the land use attributes and commute travel characteristics on tenure choice and the behavioural difference between males and females. The sensitivity to various attributes is also observed to be varying between the individuals living in the urban and rural areas of the city. The finding that private mode use for commuting governs the housing tenure choice of individuals suggests that promotion of urban-transport policies such as Transit Oriented Development may be an effective strategy to curb the issues related to energy consumption and emission.  相似文献   

In designing choice experiments, it is common to present a number of alternatives to a respondent and have them choose the most preferred alternative. However, respondents may ignore one or more alternatives which they deem unacceptable for various reasons. This possibility aligns with the idea of the ‘consideration set’ which influences the choice of an alternative given the choice set of interest. This paper uses an endogenous choice set model to investigate the influence that contextual effects and socioeconomic characteristics play in explaining variations in the choice sets considered by respondents when they reveal their preferences.  相似文献   

Alternative Transportation Systems (ATS) can contribute to an overall reduction of visitation-related impacts in natural areas if their design and management are informed by a clear understanding of the factors influencing visitors’ mode choice. This is particularly relevant in areas served by multiple alternative transportation options at different locations because mode choices in this case can largely modify visitation patterns. This study investigated mode choices in a popular hiking area of the Dolomites (Italian Alps) that is reachable by car, bus, and lifts (i.e. cable car and chairlift). A stated preference survey was used to elicit visitor sensitivities to a series of management and experiential conditions, while simulation was applied to predict mode choice as a consequence of various access policies. While indicating lift as the most preferred transportation option, results suggest the existence of two main kinds of visitor: one preferring road-accessible trailheads and another preferring lift-accessible trailheads. These two kinds seem to reflect a traditional view (i.e., very sensitive to fares, road closures, and overcrowding) and a more modern one (i.e., moderately sensitive to lift fares, relatively insensitive to crowding), respectively. Simulations performed for both groups led to four management principles: road traffic is not reduced significantly without disincentives for car use; overly cheap lift fares are counterproductive; fare-frequency trade-off is key to ensure adequate bus ridership within both groups; and road closures may be comprehensively more effective than road tolls. The findings of this study may support managers and administrators in setting up access policies that better preserve natural resources and visitors’ recreational experience.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and tests a conceptual model that investigates job embeddedness (JE) as a mediator of the effects of high-performance work practices (HPWPs), as manifested by selective staffing, job security, training, empowerment, rewards, teamwork, and career opportunities, on creative performance (CP) and extra-role customer service (ERCS). Data obtained from flight attendants with a time lag of two weeks in Iran were used to test the aforementioned relationships through structural equation modeling. The results suggest that JE functions as a full mediator of the joint effects of HPWPs on performance outcomes. Specifically, HPWPs jointly enhance JE. JE in turn leads to elevated levels of CP and ERCS. Implications of the results are discussed and future research directions are offered.  相似文献   

A set of improvements were introduced on a railway line in the south of Sweden in January 1992, including a new train concept, improved timetable and lower fares. The new train replaced a combination of old rail cars and standard coaches (bus). Furthermore, 18 months later, a new high comfort coach (bus) service was introduced as a complement to the train timetable to increase the number of departures. Forecasts from a national four-step model system, based on Revealed Preference data, which did not cover explanatory factors like mode concept, comfort, mode image, was made and compared with a forecast based on stated preference data choice model. Both type of forecasts were compared to travel statistics. Stated Preference data have been collected from car drivers, coach and train passengers. The set of improvements have been included in the SP alternatives presented to the subjects. A structured logit model, a regression model and a linear programming model are compared. Unstructured and structured logit models are compared. Logit models have been estimated and used to form a mode choice model which predicts the changes in market shares between the train and car. The choice model forecast coincide, accidentally, with actual demand 8–9 months after the introduction of the set of improvements (a 40% increase in journeys). The set of improvements, including the new train service, has proven to be a success with more than 100% increase in travel after only two years of operation. Differences in estimated logit models for 1991 and 1992 are explained as partly due to asymmetry effects and partly to shortcomings in the SP data collection technique. Logit model estimates for train and coach are compared. The value of high standard coach service, running in parallel to the train, is estimated. The new coach gained few new passengers and also a much lower monetary value than the train by both train and bus passengers.  相似文献   

Many municipalities in the U.S. pursue compact development to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from driving. Despite the efforts, however, recent studies suggest that some land use strategies such as densification and mixed-use development may result in slower vehicle movements, and consequently generate more driving emissions. Since vehicle miles of travel (VMT) is only a proxy and not an exact measure of emissions, reduction in VMT may not lead to a proportional reduction in transportation GHG emissions. Aside from local land use efforts, regional factors also influence vehicle travel and associated emissions.This study investigates the relationship between land use, vehicle travel, and driving emissions in the selected U.S. metropolitan areas at multiple geographic levels. The study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques to examine how land use influences vehicle travel characteristics and associated emissions. The main data sources for the analyses include the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) add-on samples and the Smart Location Database (SLD) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The study results show that VMT reduction and the associated environmental benefit do not show a one-on-one relationship due to the emissions penalty of lowered vehicle operating speed. Vehicle travel and associated emissions are not only influenced by local urban form factors but also affected by the greater geographical context.  相似文献   

Drawing on organisational learning theory, this study argues that shipping firms with high continuous improvement capacities have better success in transforming corporate social performance (CSP) into business performance. Survey data were collected from 223 shipping firms in Singapore and analysed using multi-sampling analysis, hierarchical regression modelling, and simple slope analysis. The results support the study’s argument and show that business performance is maximised when continuous improvement programmes targeted at CSP are carried out at a gradual pace and at regular intervals. This implies that shipping firms should adopt a dynamic, value-driven approach to improving CSP.  相似文献   

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