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The large-scale implementation of High-Speed Rail (HSR) network in China not only offers a new option for travelers’ mode choice, but also may influence, or even generate, the redistribution of demographic and economic activities. As has been observed over the past several years in other countries, the impact of HSR spans a wide range. However, few quantitative studies have been conducted to measure this impact. As a new attempt, this study uses accessibility analysis for quantifying the impact of China’s HSR network. Weighted average travel times and travel costs, contour measures, and potential accessibility are employed as indicators of accessibility at the macro or national level. Forty-nine major cities in the HSR network are used in the accessibility analysis. Accessibility quantification and spatial distribution analysis for the study cities are performed on a Geographical Information System (GIS) platform. Accessibilities associated with varying availabilities of HSR, conventional rail, and airline are estimated and compared. The selected indicators and computational methods are found effective in evaluating the accessibility impacts of HSR from different conceptualization strategies and perspectives. They also offer complementary information on accessibility capacity of the study cities created by the HSR network.  相似文献   

Different solutions for the integration of high-speed rail (HSR) and air transport could be implemented, ranging from very basic integration to more sophisticated systems which include ticket and handling integration. A discrete choice experiment is conducted to better understand passengers’ preferences. We estimate a number of flexible choice models, taking into account the existence of systematic and random taste heterogeneity. We obtain a range of willingness-to-pay values for service quality attributes, finding some important results that can be used to infer policy conclusions about the real attractiveness of the Air–HSR integrated alternative. In this respect, we find that schedule coordination which reduces connecting time will be crucial.  相似文献   

This paper introduces profit rate as a more relevant measure of international shipbuilding competitiveness. We also develop a model to identify competitiveness factors and their relative importance. Our findings suggest that Chinese competitiveness derives from shipbuilding costs, whereas contract price deviations are the driver for Japan and South Korea. We argue that China became more competitive in building of bulk carriers and tankers than Japan and to a lesser extent than South Korea after year 2000 and that a market trough would further strengthen China’s competitiveness. Our results have broad implications for monitoring industrial performance and formulating competitive strategies for shipyards.  相似文献   

The growth of private motorised urban mobility has become a key issue in relation to environmental quality in China’s cities. This paper reports on a nationwide study of the changes in car use in the 2000s, conducted in eleven large cities. This may assist us in filling the gaps in our existing knowledge, which is based on individual city cases. It is apparent that China’s large cities are embracing a new era of the automobile at an unexpected speed and scale. However, at the same time, it seems that a ‘peak’ in car use has occurred in Shanghai and Beijing, as either the absolute number of VKT per capita has dropped or its growth has slowed in these cities. The changes in urban mobility are deeply affected by social and economic transition factors. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the effects of increasing incomes and the growing middle class, changing lifestyles and the emerging consumer society, the appearance of the e-Society and an increasingly ageing society. In particular, the growing demand for car use by the younger generation (G2), women and elderly people for the purpose of social activity has become an important force behind the increase in overall VKT. The paper concludes with a discussion of current theoretical perspectives and the issues which should be addressed in future research on the social aspects of private motorised urban mobility in China.  相似文献   

The application of tourism laws to advance the well-being of stakeholders is of broad interest to many countries attempting to shape the rapid rise of the sector. In China, the first Tourism Law came into effect on 1 October 2013. The 112-article law includes various measures to address issues such as unfair competition. Adopting a social representations framework, this study investigates the perceived impacts of China’s new Law from the perspectives of eight groups of stakeholders. Data were collected from 152 articles published in the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure. This material was used to access the commentaries and social representations of the impacts of the Law. A consistent array of positive and negative comments was uncovered using content analysis, justifying a view that a hegemonic representation exists across the groups. Additionally, and somewhat unexpectedly, it was discovered that the new Law is also a catalyst for further conflicts requiring additional management. Pursuing a social representations framework as a way of integrating stakeholder views was seen to be valuable for future studies in China and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the evolution process of the air transport network of China (ATNC) since 1930. Based on the network analysis results, the ATNC has significantly improved in connectivity based on (1) rising alpha, beta and gamma indices, (2) declining diameter and centre index and (3) decreasing average path length and increasing clustering coefficient. The network centralization index reveals a fluctuation phase before 1952, a pre-1980 centralization phase before the economic reform era, a centralization phase after the mid-1990s deregulation, and a decentralization phase between. The k-core decomposition method helps identify the evolution of core network and hierarchy of the ATNC over time. The spatial development model characterizes its structure change in six stages: (1) scattered development, (2) trunk line connection, (3) circular linkage, (4) hub formation, (5) a complex network structure, and (6) emerging multi-airport systems.  相似文献   

Ash emitted from the Eyjafjallajökull Icelandic volcano resulted in the closure UK’s airspace in 2010. This research highlights passengers experience throughout the crisis and it is impacted on their wellbeing. Analysis of a survey shows that just 90% of respondents highlighted the failure of airline, travel agencies and/or government to provide timely and appropriate information. The airspace closure also caused adverse health impacts, with 79% of respondents highlighting this as a concern. Although passengers were greatly inconvenienced and had a negative experience, seventy-nine percent of respondents indicated that the crisis had little or no impact on their decision to fly in the future.  相似文献   

The Chinese aviation system is in a period of rapid growth, with significant growth in second tier and emerging cities. Lower density cities could be well served by regional aircraft, either regional jets or turboprops, which offer different qualities and a different future for Chinese aviation. Turboprops offer a high level of fuel efficiency compared with regional jets which may improve the cost economics for carriers and reduce the air quality and climate impacts of a growing aviation system in a region where air quality and greenhouse gas emissions are a serious concern. However, regional jets are known for their superior quality of service and faster travel speeds. We begin with a spatial analysis of existing Chinese short-haul aviation networks and find that turboprops are deployed in limited number and are dispersed throughout the country. Their limited use, however, is not because of their cost economics. For the existing regional jet network we estimate the trade space of fuel and time for the replacement of regional jets with turboprops and find that all regional jet routes in China would generate savings if replaced with turboprops. We next establish future short-haul aviation routes between new and emerging airports and estimate the likelihood that a turboprop will be used. The finding that the most viable turboprop markets are spatially dispersed through the country validates considering turboprop investment at the state-level as a component of the established Chinese aviation sustainability initiative.  相似文献   

This paper utilises a Markov regime-switching model to explore the influences of macroeconomic and weather conditions on the business cycle of Taiwan’s adventure tourism, that is, white-water rafting. The number of rafting participants is used to identify two stages of the business cycle of the white-water rafting industry: the peak and the trough. Our empirical evidence reveals that unemployment has a negative effect on the number of rafting participants in the troughs while it has a positive effect on the number of rafting participants in the peaks. It follows that economic recession would adversely affect the number of participants in adventure tourism in the troughs, while it is not true in the peaks. Moreover, we show that the more the sunshine hours, the more participants travel on white-water rafting in the peaks. However, temperature is not a determinant of demand for adventure tourism under a subtropical climate, which contradicts much of literature.  相似文献   

Public transportation plays a critical role in improving human development and consequently the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by United Nations. Convenient and efficient transit enable inhabitants to reach labor markets, access social support facilities as well as health and education services. This study develops a decision-making support framework for transit agencies to select optimum maintenance, rehabilitation, and upgrade alternatives to accomplish good levels of service and improve human development and sustainability indexes. A case study of Costa Rica’s great metropolitan area is used to illustrate the study with various budget scenarios. The results show that the proposed system can accomplish significant improvements on both level of service and human development. It is also confirmed that the explicit consideration of human development and sustainability made a significant difference as compared to the classical approach, which only considers the level of service (LOS). The proposed model could be used by other public transit systems.  相似文献   

Many heritage sites are shared by tourists and local residents. Possessing more familiarity and often a deeper understanding of local heritage meanings and values, residents are often considered to be more worthy users of the heritage resources. However, the recreational use of heritage resources by local residents, who are often portrayed and examined as service providers and impact receivers, is often neglected at heritage sites. This research identifies the use patterns, motivations, perceptions and experiences of local residents at Temple of Heaven World Heritage Site in Beijing, China. Research findings enhance understanding of the recreational use of residents and their perspectives on the heritage sites. Practical implications are generated to inform future planning and management decisions at heritage sites shared by local users and tourists.  相似文献   

Congestion is universally unpopular, but is it always a problem? Are some places more “congestion-adapted” than others? Using data for Los Angeles, we examine whether the geographies of congestion and accessibility are distinct by mapping and describing them across neighborhoods. We then estimate a series of regression models of trip-making to test the net effects of traffic delays on behavior. We find that there are places where people make many trips and engage in many activities despite lots of congestion, which tend to be more central, built-up areas that host many short trips; in other places, high congestion and low activity coincide. Why the variance? While congestion can constrain mobility and reduce accessibility, traffic is also associated with agglomerations of activity and is thus a byproduct of proximity-based accessibility. Whether agglomeration and congestion have net positive or negative impacts on activity participation thus varies substantially over space. Controlling for factors such as income and working at home, we find that the effects of congestion on access depend on whether congestion-adaptive travel choices (such as walking and making shorter trips to nearby destinations) are viable. Because “congestion-adapted” places tend to host more trip-making, planners may be justified in creating more such places in order to increase accessibility, even if doing so makes absolute levels of congestion worse in the process.  相似文献   

This study investigates Australian undergraduate tertiary aviation students' perceptions of the aviation industry and skills required to succeed following the COVID-19 pandemic. By developing an understanding of the skills students perceive to be necessary for their careers following the COVID-19 pandemic, comparisons can be drawn with industry perspectives to determine whether these perspectives align and, more importantly, support students’ successful development of skills as sought by the industry. An online survey of current undergraduate tertiary aviation students at Australian universities was conducted to determine the perceived impediments, additional skills required, post-graduation plans and how university courses should evolve post-COVID-19. The results show that students are cognisant of the current oversupply of aviation professionals due to the downturn in the industry and are seeking further support with the development of non-technical skills to better prepare themselves to be competitive following graduation. These findings have implications for both undergraduate aviation students and universities offering an undergraduate aviation program. By considering these findings universities can adapt their programs to better prepare students and support the development of skilled aviation professionals, equipped to deal with challenges of the post-COVID-19 aviation industry.  相似文献   

Tourism is clearly a place-based activity, while in many advanced economies it is increasingly becoming a knowledge-based activity, with a high potential for the development of practice- and place-based innovation strategies. This study analyses whether and how regional systems of innovation influence the competiveness of tourism destinations in Europe. Impacts of both traditional production factors (physical and human capital), productivity, specialization and other contextual variables – related to the territorial capital of each region – on regional tourism performance of 237 European regions (NUTS 2) are analysed over a period of 8 years, using advanced techniques for spatial econometric analysis. The results reveal lower levels of productivity in those regions where tourism services are more labour intensive, while regions where education, innovation and productivity demonstrate higher levels are those where gross value added in tourism is less important for the regional economy. Policy implications are discussed, taking into consideration the principles for smart specialisation strategies in European regions and the possibility for cross-border regional cooperation. This work also confirms the research potential of spatial econometric analysis – and in particular spatial autocorrelation techniques – for tourism studies.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to design a reverse supply chain network (SCN), add it to an existing multi-product forward SCN and simultaneously redesign the existing forward supply chain (SC). The problem considers uncertainty on products demand and and also returned products in multi-period context. Benders’ decomposition is applied to solve the stochastic mixed-integer model to optimality. The scenarios are generated based on the demand distribution function using Cholesky’s factorization method to consider correlation among different products’ demands. To decrease the computational effort, the number of scenarios is reduced using k-means clustering algorithm. The method is tested on a cell phone SC.  相似文献   

An examination is made of how the Asian Crisis of 1997–1998 has affected the geography of air traffic within Southeast Asia and between the region and other parts of the world. The study’s context is provided by an examination of extra-regional and intra-regional air transport networks in 1965 and 1995 to highlight the key features of the period of rapid traffic growth. This exercise is repeated in 1998 and comparisons are made with the 1995 pattern to gauge the impact of the Crisis on the geography of air traffic and the variable response of major regional carriers. Interpreting the many extra-regional and intra-regional patterns emerging from this data comparison proved difficult. Some of the readjustments and realignments can be attributed to the Asian Crisis, others cannot. There are many explanations of these patterns just as there are multiple causes of the Crisis. As the Crisis is related to wider interconnections of the globalising economy it cannot be seen as a separate and isolated event. Invariably, the general effect of the Crisis meshes with specific political factors.  相似文献   

This article reports upon some of the findings of the CORRIDESIGN research funded under the INTERREG IIC programme, focusing in particular upon the UK’s West Midlands to London corridor. This corridor can be seen as a complex area of ‘braided’ infrastructure. It reports upon the spatial dynamics of transportation, economic development, urbanisation and institutional functions of that area. The article explores some historic antecedents of corridor development; discusses the perceptions of key stakeholders in the study area; and outlines the key issues and potential policy-making building blocks that were identified. Finally the article reflects upon what the findings suggest about the concept and definition of transnational corridors between major urban agglomerations in north-west Europe. It develops Myrdal’s concepts of ‘spread’ and ‘backwash’, and of the ‘armature’ as applied to the corridor concept.  相似文献   

Building on previous research, this paper establishes a new multi-objective program scheduling model of Logistics service supply chain that considers the uncertainty of operation time for functional logistics service providers (FLSPs) in a mass customization service environment. This model aims to minimize total scheduling costs, minimize the difference between the scheduled and actual time of each service process, and maximize the average satisfaction of FLSPs. Considering the differences in target priority, the goal programming method is applied to solve the model hierarchically. In addition, the effects of scheduling parameters on scheduling objectives are provided after numerical analysis.  相似文献   


Despite significant potential for cultural tourism, the predominant form of tourism in Malta is sun and sea. This paper evaluates Malta’s potential for cultural tourism with a focus on Valletta, a fortified historic city that overlooks the Grand Harbour. Valletta’s rich urban heritage and historic narrative makes it ideal for the development of a more culture-oriented tourism. The paper explores how, over more than half a century of tourism activity in Malta, culture and heritage retained a secondary role. Since the mid-nineties, Malta’s tourism policy shifted with culture and heritage being given greater importance, even if the sun and sea tourism remained a priority. Public and private investment brought about changes in Valletta that made it more amenable to cultural activity and tourism. Although European Capital of Culture Valletta 2018 provides new opportunities for cultural tourism to Malta, it is unclear whether this will bring a lasting legacy for Malta’s tourism. This Valletta case study shows that, for destinations with an established form of tourism, the development of cultural tourism meets with difficulties, in spite the presence of a rich urban heritage.  相似文献   

When the Federal Airports Corporation (FAC) was formed in 1988, administration of Australia’s major airports passed from a Government department to a corporatised entity. The FAC improved the performance of the airports sector and it broadened the revenue base through commercial and property development. By 1994, however, policy thinking shifted in favour of privatisation. So far, the Government has sold 17 of the FAC’s 22 airports and it has received US$2.6 billion (1998/99 values). Four of the remaining airports are in the Sydney region where there are on-going debates about an appropriate site for a second major airport.The paper describes the sales processes and presents details about the new owners, the commitments they have entered into, and the regulatory system that has been established for the post-privatisation era. Price-capping arrangements have been put into place for the major airports, but Australia also introduced legislation to ensure there is competitive access to essential infrastructure. It is too early to assess the performance of the new owners and to see how the interaction between access regulation and price capping is managed, but this paper documents the pre-privatisation situation to assist future researchers.  相似文献   

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