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Studies of performance persistence of closed-end funds (CEFs) use two measures of persistence; autocorrelation and rank correlation of performance. The autocorrelation measure offers limited information because it cannot separate persistence relative to the market and to the industry. The rank correlation measure is generally applied to two periods, disregarding multi-period persistence. We investigate performance persistence of CEFs in terms of both market price return and net asset value return using contingency tables and multiple regression models. Jensen’s alpha and the Sharpe ratio are used as measures of risk-adjusted performance. We test three hypotheses: (i) CEFs performing better than the industry median will do so persistently, (ii) CEFs outperform the market persistently; and (iii) performance persistence can be partly explained by dividend yield. The findings are fivefold. First, the number of persistent years varies with the models used to calculate risk-adjusted performance. Second, with 4-index unconditional beta fixed variance model, CEFs persistently beat their industry for six out of 10 years in terms of both market price return and net asset value return. Third, with a 4-index unconditional beta fixed variance model, we find performance persistence relative to market for 6 and 7 years, out of the 10 years considered, in terms of market price return and net asset value return, respectively. Fourth, the disaggregate sample tests show that performance of municipal bond funds is more persistent than equity funds and taxable bond funds. Fifth, dividend patterns can partially explain persistence with liquidity as control.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to compare the risk and return performance of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) available for foreign markets and closed-end country funds. We utilize 29 closed-end country funds (CEFs) for 14 countries over the sample period from April 1996 to December 2001. The performance proxies are mean returns and risk-adjusted returns. Results indicate that ETFs exhibit higher mean returns and higher Sharpe ratios than foreign closed-end funds, while CEFs exhibit negative alphas. This indicates that a passive investment strategy utilizing ETFs may be superior to an active investment strategy using CEFs. The findings reported here offer some insight on the relative advantages of each type of investment. Specifically, there may be some potential for additional types of ETFs that offer higher risk-adjusted returns than closed-end funds. Such ETFs may be able to offer higher risk-adjusted returns as part of an internationally diversified portfolio.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the performance of 45 international closed-end funds and compares alternate measures of performance using the sample of funds and 35 national market indices. The empirical evidence indicates that the risk-adjusted performance of the shares or the net asset values of the funds match the performance of their respective local market indices, as well as the world market index and do not exhibit superior timing ability. These findings are robust to conditioning on information.  相似文献   

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management - I use the simulation approach of Jobson and Korkie (J Portfolio Manag 7:70–74, 1981), combined with Michaud optimization (Michaud and Michaud,...  相似文献   

Most closed-end funds are transparent entities that hold securities that are actively traded in liquid markets. In such a setting, the argument that director transactions mitigate information asymmetry has very limited applicability. Our results provide support for the theory of Barber and Odean [2008. “All that Glitters: The Effect of Attention and News on the Buying Behavior of Individual and Institutional Investors.” Review of Financial Studies 21: 785–818]: retail investor decision-making is influenced by attention-grabbing events. Director purchases are one such attention-grabbing event and are associated with significant positive price returns – the magnitudes of which are linked to the size of the purchase, the size of the fund, and the investment mandate. Trading volumes increase at the time of the purchase but most of the initial price responses and trading volumes dissipate over the following 15 days.  相似文献   

This study constitutes the first comprehensive examination of Canadian mutual fund performance using a dataset free of all conditioning biases. The goal is to test many of the same hypotheses which have been previously addressed using US data. The sample is carefully constructed so as to avoid not only survivorship bias but also a form of backfilling bias that exists because funds have a timing option as to when to first provide results to information vendors. The deleterious impact of both forms of bias is documented. Not unlike what has been found in the US, on average fund managers net-of-expenses underperform benchmarks, but it also seems clear that their analysis and trading contribute to portfolio performance. I also present evidence that, at least on a short-term basis, success breeds success. Investors seem aware of this since money flows to successful funds. The strategy of chasing returns looks to be a viable one. One useful byproduct of this work is that an independent dataset has allowed for the corroboration of many of the same stylized facts that have been previously observed in the US.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(2):237-248
This study applies the “winner–winner, winner–loser” methodology developed by Brown and Goetzmann, Goetzmann and Ibbotson, and Malkiel to test for short-term performance persistence in international equity mutual funds over the 20-year period from 1977 to 1996. Persistence tests are applied to a database consisting of all international equity funds in existence during this period, varying from a low of 11 (1977) to a high of 473 (1996) funds, reflecting the extremely rapid growth of this asset class over the last 20 years. The authors are not aware of any other persistence studies of international equity funds. The results show statistically significant performance persistence for 1-year holding periods, but no persistence for 2-, 3- or 4-year periods. For 1-year periods, overall, performance persistence is statistically significant at the .001 level. This leads to the conclusion that international equity mutual funds exhibit strong performance persistence for short-term (1-year holding periods), but persistence generally fades after the first year. These results are generally consistent with results found by other researchers using this methodology. Survivorship bias is a concern in virtually all time series studies of mutual fund returns. This bias is minimal in this study because each new fund is added to the database, merging funds continue to be included and adjustments are made for funds that cease operations. The only bias is that if any fund closed and did not merge with an existing fund, that fund would not have returns to be included for the future periods. Only 28 funds ceased operations over the 20-year period during which 490 new funds were introduced.  相似文献   

Open-ending a closed-end fund forces the price of the fund's shares to their net asset value. Open-ending behavior is shown to correspond in predictable ways to the incentive to open-end and to potential resistance to open-ending. Moreover, closed-end fund share prices begin to generate statistically significant positive abnormal returns well in advance of the formal announcement of the open-ending. Although a small part of the total abnormal return is not entirely exhausted until after the announcement, such market price performance is broadly consistent with a semi-strong form efficient market.  相似文献   

The paper examines the performance of US no-load equity mutual funds. Fund performance is derived using stochastic frontier analysis for a flexible functional form. This analysis allows us to derive parametric estimates of efficiency scores for each fund in our sample for the first time in the literature. Our results indicate that US no-load equity funds display varying levels of efficiency over time but also depending on size and on investment style. Robustness analysis reaffirm the efficiency scores remain consistent across different selections of inputs and outputs as well as the underlying distribution of the return. Having estimated each fund’s efficiency in the sample we unveil their underlying dynamics, also with respect to risk and operational characteristics such as flows, assets, and Morningstar star ratings. Panel-VAR estimations reveal that the response of funds’ efficiency to a shock in risk is positive and substantial. Some evidence of reverse causality is also observed. Finally, we extend our analysis to investigate the relationship between funds performance and key covariates across subgroups defined by size.  相似文献   

I use the Bayesian approach of Wang (1998) to examine the diversification benefits of international equity U.K. closed-end funds (CEF) in the presence of market frictions. No short selling constraints substantially reduce, and in some cases eliminate the diversification benefits of CEF. However, adjusting for higher trading costs in the benchmark assets, the diversification benefits of the funds are significant. The paper also finds that when comparing to the international equity exchange-traded funds (ETF), that both groups of funds are necessary to maximize the benefits of international diversification.  相似文献   

We present a simple model that rationalizes performance persistence in hedge fund limited partnerships. In contrast to the model for mutual funds of Berk and Green (2004), the learning in our model pertains to profitability associated with an innovative trading strategy or emerging sector, rather than ability specific to the fund manager. As a result of potential information spillovers, which would increase competition if informed investors were to partner with non-incumbent managers, incumbent managers will let informed investors benefit from increases in estimated profitability following high returns realized with the trading strategy or in the sector.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether investors value the bank affiliation of closed-end funds and analyzes whether investors treat funds differently because of their affiliated bank type, commercial or investment, and the size of their affiliated commercial bank, small or big. The analysis of the discounts on closed-end funds traded on Borsa Istanbul reveals that bank-affiliated funds trade at a lower discount than other funds, controlling for fund characteristics and market conditions. It is found that investors are willing to pay a higher price on funds affiliated with commercial banks, especially big ones, than bank-unaffiliated funds. However, discounts on all bank-affiliated funds increased more than discounts on unaffiliated funds during the banking crisis of 2000–2001 in Turkey suggesting that investors are willing to pay a trust premium to invest in funds that are affiliated with banks regardless of their type or size.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditional performance of a sample of German equity mutual funds over the period from 1994 to 2003 using both the beta-pricing approach and the stochastic discount factor (SDF) framework. On average, mutual funds cannot generate excess returns relative to their benchmark that are large enough to cover their total expenses. Compared to unconditional alphas, fund performance sharply deteriorates when we measure conditional alphas. Given that stock returns are to some extent predictable based on publicly available information, conditional performance evaluation raises the benchmark for active fund managers because it gives them no credit for exploiting readily available information. Underperformance is more pronounced in the SDF framework than in beta-pricing models. The fund performance measures derived from alternative model specifications differ depending on the number of primitive assets taken to calibrate the SDF as well as the number of instrument variables used to scale assets and/or factors.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the performance of New Zealand mutual funds using a survivorship‐bias controlled sample of 143 funds for the period of 1990–2003. Our overall results suggest that New Zealand mutual funds have not been able to provide out‐performance. Alphas for equity funds, both domestic and international, are insignificantly different from zero, whereas balanced funds underperform significantly. There is no evidence of timing abilities by the fund managers. In the short term, significant evidence of return persistence for all funds is observed. This persistence, however, is driven by ‘icy hands’ rather than ‘hot hands’. Finally, we find the risk‐adjusted performance for equity funds to be positively related to fund size and expense ratio and negatively related to load charges.  相似文献   

This paper finds that venture capital funds that are expected to be backed by more skilled investors show no performance persistence but a significant flow-performance relationship. In contrast, funds that are expected to be backed by less skilled investors show performance predictability and have a non-significant flow-performance relationship. These results suggest that only skilled investors use all available information to adjust their capital allocation and, as a result, eliminate performance predictability as argued theoretically by Berk and Green (2004). Results also show that Kaplan and Schoar (2005) overstate the persistence in fund performance by not using an ex ante measure of the performance of earlier funds. Whether or not an ex ante measure is used, however, the persistence is largely due to unsophisticated investors. When investors are sophisticated, the performance of earlier funds, sequence and fund size do not help predict the performance of the focal fund.  相似文献   

Using the most comprehensive database on Australian hedge funds, we test the performance persistence for the period July 2000 to June 2005. We employ both parametric and nonparametric approaches to identify persistence. We report evidence of short-term persistence and no evidence of long-term winning persistence. Tests of multiperiod performance reveal weak evidence of losing persistence. We also do not find any evidence of persistence in both stock picking and market timing. We report evidence of mean reversion for both stock picking and market timing at the medium horizon.  相似文献   

Returns on initial public offerings of closed-end funds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Examination of 41 closed-end fund initial public offerings (IPOs)during the period from January 1986 to June 1987 reveals thatthe mean initial day's return is not significantly differentfrom zero in contrast to previous findings for nonfund IPOs.New funds also show significant negative after-market returnsunlike other new issues. Despite the disparity between our findingsand previous results, our results are consistent with existingmodels.  相似文献   

This paper tests the idea that financial regulation can impact performance persistence in the context of the hedge fund industry in 48 countries over the years 1994–2008. The data show evidence of three types of regulation influencing performance persistence: (1) minimum capital restrictions, which restrict lower quality funds and hence increase the likelihood of performance persistence, (2) restrictions on location of key service providers, which restrict human capital choices and hence tend to mitigate performance persistence, and (3) distribution channels, which make fund performance more opaque, decrease the likelihood of performance persistence. We do not find evidence that distribution channels, that promote fund presence to institutional investors, enhance performance persistence. Finally, we show differences in the effect of regulation on persistence by fund quartile ranking.  相似文献   

This research examines the presence of performance persistence and the impact of fund-specific characteristics on Islamic equity fund (IEF) performance. We conduct an empirical study based on an extensive Database of 301 IEFs and for the period 1999–2013. Our results reveal that fund age, family size and management fees have a significant positive impact on IEF performance. On the other hand, other characteristics such as flows, minimum investment size, higher liquidity, and load fees have negative effect on fund performance, whereas fund size has no significant impact on IEF performance. Our study reveals that Islamic equity funds exhibit negative performance persistence. The paper provides relevant practical implications for managers, analysts and investors. To our knowledge, this empirical study is the first to investigate the intrinsic determinants of Islamic equity fund performance, with sufficient statistical power that is based on an effective sample size with international diversity.  相似文献   

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