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Many studies have replicated the finding that the forward rate is a biased predictor of the future change in the spot exchange rate. Usually the forward discount actually points in the wrong direction. But, at least until recently, those studies applied only to advanced economies and major currencies. We apply the same tests to a sample of 14 emerging market currencies. We find a smaller bias than for advanced country currencies. The coefficient is on average positive, i.e., the forward discount at least points in the right direction. It is never significantly less than zero. To us this suggests that a time-varying exchange risk premium may not be the explanation for traditional findings of bias. The reasoning is that emerging markets are probably riskier; yet we find that the bias in their forward rates is smaller. Emerging market currencies probably have more easily-identified trends of depreciation than currencies of advanced countries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how jump risks are priced in currency markets. We find that currencies whose changes are more sensitive to negative market jumps provide significantly higher expected returns. The positive risk premium constitutes compensation for the extreme losses during periods of market turmoil. Using the empirical findings, we propose a jump modified carry trade strategy, which has approximately two-percentage-point (per annum) higher returns than the regular carry trade strategy. These findings result from the fact that negative jump betas are significantly related to the riskiness of currencies and business conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the forward premium bias (FPB) puzzle for a number of developed and developing country currencies. Our main objective is to examine the possible variations in the existence and severity of the bias for different currency sets over two sample periods which can be categorized as calm and turbulent periods. We find significant evidence that the FBP tend to vary over time and across currency sets. We also find that the global financial crisis has been a turning point in the variation of the existence and severity of the bias for our currency sets. The results show that different currency sets have been affected by the crisis in different patterns. While the bias disappeared prominently for developed country currencies with the peak of the crisis, it survived and became more pronounced for some high-yielding developing country currencies. The results imply that the FPB is time-varying and its existence and severity vary across and within currency sets depending on the time period under consideration. Overall, the findings of the paper suggest that both time period-specific characteristics as well as currency-specific factors play a vital role for the existence and severity of the FPB.  相似文献   

We consider three “crisis shocks” related to key features of the 2007–2008 crisis, for emerging and developed economies: (1) the collapse of global trade, (2) the contraction of credit supply, and (3) selling pressure on firms’ equity. Using an international cross-section of firms, we find that returns’ sensitivities to these shocks imply large and statistically significant influences on residual equity returns during the crisis period (after controlling for normal risk factors that are associated with expected returns). Similar analysis for several placebo periods shows that these effects are generally less severe or absent in non-crisis periods. Relative to developed economies, emerging markets are more responsive to global trade conditions (in crisis and in placebo periods), but less responsive to selling pressures. An analysis of portfolios of firms during various placebo periods indicates that investors are not compensated for the risks associated with the crisis shocks. Finally, a month-by-month analysis of returns during the crisis period shows that the time variation of the importance of each of the sensitivities to shocks tracks related changes in the global economic environment.  相似文献   

The studies regarding the appropriate monetary policy response in defending the domestic currency following a currency crisis do not gather around a robust answer. This study tries to emphasize the notion that there is no single policy applicable for all currency crises happened and happening in the global world. The approach of the study is presenting empirical evidence by focusing separately on the advanced and emerging economies and proving that the monetary policy response for the emerging economies should be different from the advanced economies, depending mainly on the vulnerabilities of these economies preceding and during the crisis periods. The study includes twenty four economies, in which fifteen of them are emerging and nine of them are advanced, for the crisis periods between 1986 and 2009. The main finding of the study is that the tight monetary policy is effective in the advanced economies, and detrimental in the emerging economies faced financial turbulence. The monetary policy has no significance in recent crisis episodes both for advanced and emerging economies. Advanced economies besides having more independent central banking, lower country riskiness and almost no default history; mainly have second generation model weaknesses which cause the increased interest rates to be successful in stabilizing the exchange rates. For the emerging economies the third generation model weaknesses play a major role together with the first generation model vulnerabilities. Thus the major policy implication follows that the policy makers should take into account the economic fragilities during the crisis in implementing the monetary policy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the international effects of contractions in loan supply, loan demand and aggregate demand in the euro area and the USA. All three shocks have been at the forefront in spreading stress during the period of the global financial crisis and in particular so to countries that are strongly integrated with the euro area. We find that these shocks decrease international output and total credit to a varying degree. Loan demand and aggregate demand shocks in the euro area trigger significant negative spillovers on output in most other regions. Evidence for global negative output effects of euro area loan supply shocks is fraught with considerable estimation uncertainty. When these three types of shocks emanate from the USA, we find significant negative spillovers on output also for loan supply shocks. In general, international effects on total credit are an order of magnitude larger than those on output, with again more evidence that is significant for US than euro area shocks. Last, and taking a regional stance, our results indicate that economies from emerging Europe are most vulnerable to all shocks considered. Through their strong economic integration with the euro area, these economies are likewise exposed to euro area and US shocks, and spillover effects are often larger than the domestic response in the country of shock-origin.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the DCC MIDAS approach to assess the validity of the wake-up call hypothesis for developed and emerging markets during the global financial crisis (GFC). We use this approach to decompose the total correlations into short- (daily) and long-run (quarterly) correlations for the period from 1999 to 2011. We then examine the transmission mechanisms by regressing the quarterly economic, financial, and behavioral variables on the quarterly DCC–MIDAS correlations. We find that country specific factors are crisis contingent transmission mechanisms for the co-movements of emerging country pairs and mixed pairs of advanced and emerging countries during the global financial crisis. However, we do not observe wake-up calls in the transmission of the crisis among advanced country pairs. The classification of the transmission mechanisms for crisis and non-crisis periods with the different country pairs has important implications for crisis management as well as for portfolio investment strategies. Thus, our findings contribute to the discussion on the role and effectiveness of the international financial architecture.  相似文献   

Contrarian strategy and overreaction in foreign exchange markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates patterns to assist investors to forecast future exchange rate movements. We test for overreaction and underreaction examining exchange rate changes following excess 1-day fluctuations for currencies in two emerging (Turkey, Brazil) and two developed (US, UK) countries. Using euro as the base currency, we identify that the Turkish lira, the Brazilian real and the US dollar overreact, while the British pound underreacts. In the case of British pound, asymmetric responses and lack of volatility are two crucial factors to reject overreaction. Also, we find that contrarian strategy can be used in all currency markets for profitable investments.  相似文献   

To estimate the currency composition of China’s foreign exchange reserves and assess its effectiveness of management, the constrained least square method and variance sensitive analysis are utilized, respectively. Based on portfolio accounting identities, the change of foreign exchange reserves was decomposed into the net purchase change and the non-purchase change. The newly constructed non-purchase change was used to estimate the latent currency composition. Empirical results show that by the end of 2015Q1, China held about 63.6% of its reserves in the U.S. dollar, 19.6% in the euro, 3.09% in the Japanese yen, 4.89% in the pound sterling, 2.22% in the Canadian dollar, 2.03% in the Australian dollar, and 0.09% in the Swiss franc. Although the currency composition kept relatively stable, more attention had been paid to the emerging international currencies. China decreased the U.S. dollar share during the subprime crisis, while resorted to the portfolio rebalance strategy since 2011. The euro share and the pound sterling share declined during the European sovereign debt crisis. The first derivative of the U.S. dollar was positive while those of other currencies were negative before 2014Q3, and vice versa after 2014Q4. In general, the currency composition management of China’s foreign exchange reserves was effective.  相似文献   

We analyse bilateral Swiss franc exchange rate returns in an asset pricing framework to evaluate the Swiss franc's safe haven characteristics. A “safe haven” currency is a currency that offers hedging value against global risk, both on average and in particular in crisis episodes. To explore these issues we estimate the relationship between exchange rate returns and risk factors in augmented UIP regressions, using recently developed econometric methods to account for the possibility that the regression coefficients may be changing over time. Our results highlight that in response to increases in global risk the Swiss franc appreciates against typical carry trade investment currencies such as the Australian dollar, but depreciates against the US dollar, the Yen and the British pound. Thus, the Swiss franc exhibits safehaven characteristics against many, but not all other currencies. We find statistically significant time variation in the relationship between Swiss franc returns and risk factors, with this link becoming stronger in times of stress.  相似文献   

To examine intraday interdependence and volatility spillover among the euro, the pound and the Swiss franc, we employ the varying-correlation model of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Our main findings are (1) return volatility in the euro spills into the pound and the Swiss franc; and (2) these markets are highly integrated with the euro, and the degree of interdependence is state-dependent: euro news has a simultaneous impact on the pound and the Swiss franc, and co-movements of these currencies and the euro become much higher in proportion to the arrival of news of the euro.  相似文献   

Global foreign exchange (FX) trading volume in traditional FX products and derivatives in Asia and the Pacific has expanded rapidly over the last fifteen years, more so than in other regions. Asian currencies also have experienced exceptional growth in offshore turnover, including non‐deliverable forwards (NDFs). Trading activity on this scale spread across many countries and currencies underscores the need for a well‐functioning infrastructure and exceptional risk management processes. While settlement risks are mitigated for the vast majority of turnover through systems like CLS Bank, the Asia Pacific region would benefit by having more countries and currencies become CLS enabled or tradable under other Payment versus payment (PVP) systems. Though less pronounced than during the global financial crisis, FX markets in the region experienced added turbulence during the “taper tantrum” period of 2013. High turnover currencies tended to depreciate more after taper announcements; though volatility rose more sharply in currencies with low turnover. The FX market is a prominent venue for carry trades that are subject to crash risk. While there is some evidence of herding behavior exacerbating this risk over the past decade, the measures calibrated more recently do not suggest exceptional crowding into carry trades ahead of the “taper tantrum” in 2013. At the same time, our measures of crowdedness for the carry trade show considerable variation over time. Making crowdedness measures publicly available might be advisable.  相似文献   

This study investigates cointegration, policy coordination and the risk premium in foreign exchange markets for major EU currencies since the inception of the EMU in January 1999. The results show that only the krone and the pound are cointegrated with the euro. Tests of inflation convergence and analyses of reduced-form and structural VARs indicate that the cointegration evidence reflects the relatively stronger degree of monetary policy coordination and at least the de facto fixed exchange rate regime of Denmark and the U.K. with the EMU. Additionally, cointegration of spot exchange rates can be considered one of the factors that represent the time-varying risk premium due to its explanatory power for the return to forward speculation.  相似文献   

亚洲汇率波动及政策挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自东亚危机以来,亚洲各国采取了一系列的措施降低货币危机的风险,包括执行保守的汇率政策,实现经常账户盈余,积累外汇储备,减少外部债务,谨慎开放资本市场和展开地区金融合作,这些改革使亚洲在全球金融危机期间的表现远胜于其他新兴市场经济。但亚洲货币依然受到了严重冲击,而且出现了非常大的差异性。这既是亚洲的开放经济所决定的,同时也在三个方面对下一步的亚洲汇率政策提出了挑战:第一,汇率体系究竟应该浮动还是管制?第二,到底多少外汇储备才是最佳规模?第三,地区金融合作能否增强亚洲汇率的稳定性?  相似文献   

This paper examines linkages in expected future volatilities among major European currencies. For that purpose, volatility expectations implied by currency options on the euro, British pound, and Swiss franc quoted against the U.S. dollar are analysed. Vector autoregressive modelling is applied to ascertain the dynamics of the implied volatilities across currencies. The results show that the market expectations of future exchange rate volatilities are closely linked among major European currencies. Furthermore, it is found that the implied volatility of the euro significantly affects the volatility expectations of the British pound and the Swiss franc.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an intraregionally-focused tri-currency modeling framework to investigate dynamic information spillovers across spot and forward exchange rate markets in frontier and emerging country currencies, for both price levels and volatilities. Empirical estimates of structural parameters were obtained using an MGARCH–MSKST model that incorporated the term structure of non-deliverable forward (NDF) and deliverable forward (DF) markets, the dominance of regional currencies, and the influence of differing forward contract maturities (1-, 3-, 6- and 12-months). The currencies for nine countries were grouped into three regions: Northeast Asia (China, Korea and Taiwan); South/Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia and Philippines); and Latin America (Brazil, Chile and Columbia). The currency for each selected country was evaluated within the regionally determined tri-currency system. We found that NDF markets play a dominant role over DF markets with regard to price discovery during periods of tranquility. During periods of crisis, both NDF and DF markets exhibit a more balanced impact on currency market price discovery mechanisms. In addition, distinct differences were observed across regions: currencies in Northeast Asia were shown to be affected by the Chinese renminbi during periods of crisis and the Indian rupee could be regarded as the dominant currency in South/Southeast Asia. No robust results were obtained with regard to the dominance of currencies in Latin America. Finally, our results also suggest important distinctions between the effect of various instrument maturities on NDF and DF market returns – with DF returns being more responsive to longer maturities (6-months and 12-months). During tranquil periods NDF returns are more responsive to shorter maturities, but during crisis periods this effect is diminished.  相似文献   

We use the risk neutral volatilities which market participants use to price dollar, euro and pound swaptions to the aim of assessing the size and the sign of the daily compensation for interest rate volatility risk between October 1998 and August 2006. The measurement of the unobservable volatility risk premium rests on a simple garch model, which generates the parameters of the volatility process under the physical measure and produces paths of future volatilities, whose averages represent the realized volatility forecasts. Results show that interest rate volatility has embodied a large — negative — compensation for volatility risk, in line with other studies focusing on different asset classes. We also document that the volatility risk premium has exhibited a term structure across the analyzed maturity spectrum and that it has changed through time, but much less than risk neutral volatilities. Compensation for volatility risk is positively related to risk neutral volatility, although the relation is not completely linear, and it is influenced, as expected, by the level of the short term rate and its realized volatility. Also a small but robust number of macroeconomic surprises affect compensation for volatility risk, with macroeconomic uncertainty in one country spilling over to other currencies. Estimates of the risk aversion coefficient computed over the same sample as the volatility risk premium suggest that (minus) the volatility risk premium can be almost directly read as risk aversion.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of global financial turmoil on the exchange rate policies in emerging countries. Spillovers from advanced financial markets to currencies in emerging countries are likely to be exacerbated during crisis periods. To test this hypothesis, we assess the exchange rate policies by currencies’ volatility and investigate their relationship to a global financial stress indicator, measured by the volatility on global markets. We introduce the possibility of nonlinearities by running smooth transition regressions over a sample of 21 emerging countries from January 1994 to September 2009. The results confirm that exchange rate volatility does increase more than proportionally with the global financial stress, for most countries in the sample. We also evidence regional contagion effects spreading from one emerging currency to other currencies in the neighboring area.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 21 emerging and developed country currencies, we evaluate the impact of the Asian crisis on bid-ask spreads. While the crisis had widespread and uniform volatility effects, the spread effects were not uniform across emerging and developed country currencies. For Asian emerging markets, spreads widened and spread volatility increased significantly during the crisis, while developed markets spreads narrowed and spread volatility decreased significantly. We investigate the impact of more flexible and less flexible exchange rate regimes on bid-ask spreads using panel data. In general, countries with tightly-managed regimes have significantly lower spreads than countries with more freely-floating regimes, while controlling for the influence of other factors such as volatility. Asian developing market spreads are higher than spreads of the other countries, again, after controlling for the influence of other factors.  相似文献   

The hourly and daily dummy variables in the conditional variance functions of the two European currencies, the British pound and the euro are estimated. The conditional variance functions are specified as GARCH models to capture the time-dependent conditional heteroskedasticty at both the hourly and daily recorded data. The estimated dummy variables give remarkably similar and distinct characteristics of the volatility dynamics embodied in the two currencies. Some discussion of the possible sources of the observed volatility dynamics in the two currencies is provided. A comparison between GARCH, FIGARCH and SV models is also provided. The estimated hourly and daily dummy variables suggests that euro is considerably more volatile when compared to British pound, a result with important implications for the economic policy making in the two regions.  相似文献   

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