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宋思根  陶军 《商业研究》2003,(24):166-168
因经营规模和电子商务投资的效应存在差异 ,供应链成员对是否进行电子商务投资并进行电子商务合作的积极性有很大程度的不同 ,经营规模大、合作伙伴多的成员可以获得规模经济和网络外部正效应 ,而对于合作对象有限的成员 ,电子商务投资可能成为企业的“成本中心”。但合作双方的电子商务投资有相互依存性 ,为了追求自身交易成本的节约 ,具有网络外部性的成员可以通过转让部分效用来激励不能获得网络外部性的合作者进行电子商务投资  相似文献   

电子商务环境下企业物流的建设策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘秋荣 《中国市场》2007,(28):34-35
随着电子商务的迅猛发展,物流在电子商务中所起的作用越来越大,成为日益密切的互动关系。物流是实施电子商务的根本保证,电子商务也促使传统物流向现代物流发展。本文将从现代物流和电子商务的一些基本特征入手,探讨在快速发展的电子商务环境下企业物流的发展前景和应对策略。  相似文献   

The growing importance of Japan on the world market has brought with it changes in the international division of labour and a shift in the focus of the expansion in world trade away from the EC and the USA. What factors determine the shares of the EC, the USA and Japan in international trade? How dependent are these three economic powers on the world market? What conclusions can be drawn regarding their relative competitive strength?  相似文献   

译文首先从制度控制层面的角度介绍欧共体反倾销制度,认为欧同体反倾销措施受到了反倾销委员会、欧洲初审法院和欧洲法院以及WTO争端解决机制三个层面有效控制;其次专门介绍了公共利益评估和从低征税这两个“超WTO”规则:最后介绍了欧同体对非市场经济和转型经济的实践。欧共体反倾销制度有效地平衡当事方利益,是较为成功的制度。  相似文献   

Something over 20 years after the first Lomé Agreement came into force, most of the ACP countries are still among the poorest in the world. Why have these countries' situations not improved despite the Agreements? Why has their share of total EC imports from developing countries fallen in spite of the tariff preferences they are granted? What conclusions ought to be drawn for future cooperation between the EC and ACP countries?  相似文献   

The inclusion of Greece, Spain and Portugal in the European Community will result in grave consequences for the old members of the EC as well as for the acceding states. Which are the advantages expected from the southward extension and which problems are likely to arise?  相似文献   

Despite the potential that the European Community holds for American companies, those seeking to do business in the EC should be aware of the potential difficulties that may be created by EC antitrust laws. A knowledge of the EC antitrust laws can keep companies from making costly mistakes when marketing, producing, or importing and exporting goods.  相似文献   

The EC Council of Ministers seems to have made up its mind to admit Greece to the Community. If so, the accession of the other South European countries willing to join — Spain, Portugal and Turkey — is merely a question of time. What are the implications of such an enlargement of the EC for the Community of the Nine and for the four new members?  相似文献   

It is often alleged that PTAs involving the EC and the US include a significant number of obligations in areas not currently covered by the WTO Agreement, such as investment protection, competition policy, labour standards and environmental protection. The primary purpose of this study is to highlight the extent to which these claims are true. The study divides the contents of all PTAs involving the EC and the US currently notified to the WTO, into 14 ‘WTO+’ and 38 ‘WTO‐X’ areas, where WTO+ provisions come under the current mandate of the WTO, and WTO‐X provisions deal with issues lying outside the current WTO mandate. As a second step, the legal enforceability of each obligation is evaluated, and judged on the extent to which the text specifies clear obligations. Among the findings are: (i) EC agreements contain almost four times as many instances of WTO‐X provisions as do US agreements; (ii) but EC agreements evidence a very significant amount of ‘legal inflation’ (i.e. non‐legally enforceable provisions) in the WTO‐X category, and US agreements actually contain more enforceable WTO‐X provisions than do the EC agreements; (iii) US agreements tend to emphasise regulatory areas more compared to EC agreements.  相似文献   

欧共体与世界上100多个国家签有种类繁多、名称各异的优惠贸易协定,这使其拥有了一张当今世界上最大的优惠贸易"网络"。近年来,欧共体将对外贸易协定从单向优惠调整为双向互惠一方面是为了与WTO规则相协调,特别是WTO争端解决机构对香蕉案的裁决起到了"催化剂"的作用;但另一方面,这种政策调整的背后还有着更为重要的政治与经济动因,凸现出欧共体对于WTO规则的理解与运用透着很强的实用主义色彩,维护与拓展经贸利益是其进行政策调整的根本目的。  相似文献   

闫敏 《电子商务》2006,(4):86-89
本文从2005年电子商务发展动态入手,分析了目前高校电子商务教育面临的矛盾,并提出了“构建企业、高校平台:按需培养电子商务人才”的方案。  相似文献   

The poorer member states of the EC are often disappointed at what they see as a very limited degree of redistribution of resources away from the richer members towards the less well off. In a recent paper to the intergovernmental conference (IGC) on political union, for example, Spain calls for a number of measures, including explicit inter-state budget transfers, in order to increase the rate of convergence of income levels across member states. The purpose of this paper is to review the degree of redistribution entailed by the EC budget system as it works at present and to make some conjectures about the implications of pursuing the Spanish argument.  相似文献   

The Turkish Government intends to apply for EC membership later this year. The prospect of accession was opened to Turkey already by the EC association agreement of 1963. The world-political events pivoting on Afghanistan have greatly improved the chances for Turkey’s admission to the EC—despite all the economic problems which Turkish membership involves for the EC and for Turkey itself. Prof. Gumpel analyses these problems here.  相似文献   

Trade Policy Review of the European Communities 2004 provides greater transparency, and better understanding of the trade policies of the EC. The WTO Secretariat's Report and the Comments of the Representatives rightly warn of the possibility of major problems arising because of the shortcomings of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EC, and the systematic back‐loading in the implementation of the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing. The discrepancy between the simultaneous allegiance to multilateralism and preferential trade arrangements is another difficulty which the EC and some other members of the WTO are facing. As a major player on the international trade scene, the EC's policy decisions will have a crucial effect on multilateral trade negotiations.  相似文献   

The European Commission's proposed consultative document on ‘Commercial Communication within the Internal Market’ should focus on policy objectives. It is only when there is clarity as to the purposes of control that sensible decisions can be made as to the respective roles, across the European Community, of regulation and self-regulation. In the UK, the EC Misleading Advertising Directive has been implemented with the Office of Fair Trading providing a safety net beneath both legal instruments and self-regulatory mechanisms. If self-regulatory mechanisms are to be considered at the EC level, there must be awareness of the strengths and weaknesses. A number of features are identified for self-regulation to be successful. A balance must also be drawn between activity at the EC level and activity at member state level. Standards and enforcement practice should be as consistent as possible, but there is also a need to respect legitimate national, regional and local diversity. The main options are reviewed. There may be a case for a variant of the home authority principle, which has been developed to co-ordinate the domestic ‘cross-border’ work of UK trading standards authorities, to be developed at EC level. The recently formed International Marketing Supervision Network may be a step in that direction.

The forthcoming consultative document will be a vehicle for taking these issues forward. The broad objective should be to secure maximum freedom, transparency and confidence in the market. Effective arrangements, in which both businesses and the public have confidence, are essential for the development of the internal market.  相似文献   

Bewildering advances of Japanese production into many fields of European industry are a cause of grave concern in the EC. Calls for protection are growing louder as a mixture of fear and impatience spreads throughout the Community. Wilhelm Haferkamp, EC Commissioner in charge of external trade relations, explains why trade war practices are no solution to the problem.  相似文献   

As the attention to environmental sustainability heightens, marketers increasingly claim that their products help preserve the environment. Without proper understanding of how emerging target markets, such as young Millennials, are triggered to purchase green claims, their efforts may be futile. Accordingly, the current study examined the interrelationships among major environmental antecedents, such as environmental knowledge (EK), perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE), and environmental concern (EC) on environmentally conscious consumer behaviour (ECCB). The results of an online survey with younger Millennials revealed that EK and EC were significant predictors of ECCB, with EC being the stronger predictor. Unlike past literature, PCE was not directly related to ECCB. The study also found a strong mediating role of EC between EK and ECCB, as well as PCE and ECCB. Implications for green marketers are discussed, along with theoretical discussion.  相似文献   

The date of entry of Spain and Portugal into the European Community is drawing ever nearer. What are the likely economic consequences of the integration into the EC of these Southern European countries, whose level of development is quite different from that of the other members? The experience of Greece, the first Southern European country to join the EC, can provide some valuable lessons here.  相似文献   

The removal of the internal frontiers within the EC will tend to have a negative effect on trade relations between EC and CMEA countries. The implications of 1992 for trade patterns between the EC and the CMEA are examined in the following article and the role which future EC trade policy could play here is outlined.  相似文献   

论欧共体反倾销法中反吸收的法律问题及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖伟 《国际贸易问题》2005,32(9):119-124
反吸收法律制度是欧共体反倾销法律体系中非常富有特色的一项制度设计。本文首先从世贸组织规则的角度对其进行了评析,然后对其实体问题和程序问题分别做了探讨。在此基础上,对我国出口企业应诉欧共体反吸收调查和我国借鉴欧共体立法经验建立反吸收法律制度提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

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