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Advertisers worldwide are designing advertising with an eye toward viral activity particularly within social networking sites such as Facebook. Yet, little is known about the social processes at play when ads are shared. Taking a consumer-centric approach, this study investigates the social processes central to ads going viral within the Social Web. Conducting a national online experiment, the intertwining roles of brand relationships, interpersonal relationships, and sharing motivations in the social exchange of advertising are explored by testing two proposed referral decision-making processes: referral and referral acceptance. Results suggest that brand relationships and interpersonal relationships impact referral of ads within SNSs, and brand relationships interact with sharing motivations to impact decisions; specifically, brand relationships are conduits for ensuring reciprocal altruism in exchange, but their influence is tempered within stronger interpersonal relationships. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of advertisement and context type on the responses to advertisements for different brands of new and existing products were tested. In the first experiment (243 graduate students) a positive emotional advertisement and a non‐emotional advertisement for a well‐known and a new brand of printer were tested in a positive emotional context and a non‐emotional media context. In the second experiment (206 graduate students) positive emotional and non‐emotional advertisements for new brands of watches and healthy drinks were tested in an emotional and a non‐emotional context. The type of context moderated the responses to advertisements for the well‐known and new products: a positive emotional context led to a more positive attitude towards the advertisement and the brand and purchase intention for the well‐known brand than for the new brand. A non‐emotional context led to more positive responses for the new brand than for the well‐known brand. In general, emotional advertisements led to more positive affective reactions and non‐emotional advertisements led to more positive cognitive reactions. However, the type of advertisement did not have a moderating effect on the responses to advertising for the new or well‐known brands or different product types. The studies illustrated the relevance of media context for advertising new versus existing products.  相似文献   


Advertising: The Business of Brands is a “non-genre” text, to borrow a term from film criticism. Genre films, such as Westerns or romantic comedies, follow certain formulas and have recognizable forms (Kaminsky 1991). Similarly, advertising principles texts used in introductory courses are part of a genre that, until now, has included certain recognizable and expected forms. The genre of ad principles texts carries certain expectations about scope, writing style, and layout. These texts provide an overview of the field; are written in a linear, narrative style by the same author or set of authors; and are hardbound books of up to 26 chapters in length. The layout incorporates an abundance of colorful ads and a generous amount of white space for visual appeal.  相似文献   

我国在实施名牌战略过程中,著名品牌经常受到模仿品牌的干扰,但品牌稀释问题在中国尚未得到重视。本文通过理论和实证分析,证实了模仿品牌对著名品牌产生了稀释作用,并就如何保护我国知名品牌权益不受侵犯从多角度提出了建议。研究结论对我国有关政府职能管理部门和企业界具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,欧美品牌纷纷落户中国。欧美市场与中国市场的巨大差异,迫使欧美品牌调整其在华广告活动。本研究通过对广告公司从业人员的深度访谈和查阅相关文献,获取16个案例,发现本土化策略分为四个层面:产品本土化、定位本土化、创意本土化、呈现本土化。其中,创意本土化最能体现文化的深层内涵:从赋予个体独立于社会之外的意义到己在群中;亲子关系从独立平等转向儒家的亲慈子孝;夫妻关系从二人世界转向儒家的夫唱妇随、开枝散叶;在两性关系上,从取悦异性转向儒家对性别角色的社会期待。  相似文献   

品牌定位:让品牌充满活力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代啤酒市场是复杂多变且非常广阔的,不管啤酒企业的规模有多大,都不可能满足所有消费者对啤酒产品的需求,只能满足特定目标消费者的部分需求。这就要求企业根据自身的优势,进行准确的品牌定位,并有针对性地开展营销活动,最大限度地发挥企业资源效益。所谓品牌定位,就是针对目  相似文献   

This study analyzes the differences in celebrity effectiveness in advertisements of different styles as well as the impact of source credibility. This study uses an experimental magazine to test nine fictional advertisements for three products with unreal brands and three advertising styles. The findings show that the advertising styles that generate the greatest effectiveness differ according to the product; the celebrities do not increase effectiveness, but when the respondents recognize the celebrity, effectiveness increases; and credibility influences affective and conative measures. The work also considers how celebrity-product pairings, the existence of negative celebrity information, and the familiarity with the celebrity affect the effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study uses meta-analytic techniques to examine the number of exposures that maximize consumer response to an ad. The results show that in an experimental setting maximum attitude is reached at approximately ten exposures, while recall increases linearly and does not level off before the eighth exposure. The findings are of interest for two opposing schools of thought in the advertising literature on effective frequency. They support the repetitionists’ beliefs over the minimalists’ beliefs on the number of ad exposures needed for maximum consumer response. The study further investigates whether the repetition effects depend on contingent factors. Low involvement and spaced exposures enhance repetition effects on attitude toward the brand. Embedded advertising and massed exposures enhance the repetition effects on recall. Repetition effects decay over time for both attitude toward the brand and recall. The study provides important implications for researchers by contributing to the discussion on effective frequency and providing support for the repetitionists’ view. This view has implications for practitioners who try to optimize advertising frequency.  相似文献   

Top members of the UK's ad industry have created a list of 100 Chinese consumer brands they believe have the potential to achieve brand success globally. In this May, they held a creative workshop during the Shanghai Expo with Chinese brand owners to explore international and national image perceptions of the China brand and Chinese brands with the potential to achieve consumer acceptance globally.  相似文献   

中国极度缺乏自有品牌已成为各方共识。面对这种尴尬,是选择靠别人近似施舍的微薄加工费而苟且偷生呢,还是奋起直追、向世界级竞争对手勇敢地亮出自己的品牌?答案不言而喻。  相似文献   

Compromising the compromise effect: Brands matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consumer behavior research has a long history indicating that preferences are influenced by the relative positions of members of a choice set. The realism of this work, however, is somewhat limited because alternatives are typically labeled with letters rather than with real brand names. We investigate the boundaries of prior research by testing whether preferences for alternatives in compromise and superior positions generalize to a more realistic market scenario that includes choices between real brands. In particular, we conduct two studies that examine if preferences for brands in a choice set are moderated by the inclusion of more or less familiar brand names. We find that consumers prefer extreme brands when compromise brands are relatively less familiar and compromise brands when they are relatively more familiar. In this scenario brand familiarity and not the position of the alternatives determine choice. In situations where a choice alternative is superior, we find no moderation due to brand familiarity.
Ronald C. Goodstein (Corresponding author)Email:

With increased marketing expenditures, managers need to be equipped with valid and reliable measures capable of showing links between marketing investments and a firm's profitable performance. In this paper we demonstrate that traditional return on advertising (ROA) can be a misleading metric if a firm's goal is profit maximization. Then, we introduce a new diagnostic tool: the elasticity of ROA and show how this metric can help marketing managers to choose more profitable levels of advertising. This new measure has the same virtues as other traditional measures of elasticity and provides real advantages over the conventional metrics.  相似文献   

Global Brands: Taking Stock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global brands have never quite delivered on their promise. This article focuses on why this may now be about to change. The author first addresses three basic issues: why global brands matter more now than in the past; what distinguishes them from national brands; and the main building blocks for a global brand. He then moves on to some of the key problems which face managers of international brands today: the new Euro-zone, instability in emerging markets, the problem of diversion, and management of global relationships with advertising agents and market researchers. He concludes with a discussion of the issues involved in deciding whether brands should be taken global.  相似文献   

It is widely thought that loyalty to successful new brands or line-extensions evolves slowly.

An unexpected but striking finding therefore is that loyalty to the new brand was near-instant in some 20 cases examined so far: the new brands' average purchase frequency at launch is already normal, i.e. at the same level as a year or two later and also as for competitive established brands.

The finding was unexpected but now makes much sense with hindsight. More empirical work is in hand.  相似文献   

Corporate culture can be a significant, strategic factor in the successful management of brands. Through a comparative research survey into the World's Top 100 brand companies and those outside this category (Outsider brand companies), this article explores whether the corporate cultures of the Top 100 brand companies are different from those of Outsider brand companies.

Most of the significant differences were found in the consumer goods sector, traditionally associated with strong brands. Top 100 managers were found to be more at ease with themselves and their companies than managers of Outsider brands. They were also better able to handle conflict through corporate cultures which emphasised open discussion, (even argument). Significantly, the research found that the corporate cultures of Top 100 brand companies were perceived as 'stronger' than those of Outsider brands, and, though not necessarily a success factor in itself, when linked to values, beliefs and behaviours such as those identified in this paper, were associated with successful brands.  相似文献   

A survey of 206 advertising professionals assessed the relative influence of four factors (ethics, legal considerations, business considerations, and anticipated approval of management/peers) on decision-making about advertising content and policy. Most professionals were influenced only by legal considerations; ethics exerted a relatively minor role. Age and length of professional experience were related to the factor that exerted the dominant influence on an individual's decisionmaking. Those who were youngest and had least professional experience were most influenced by business considerations. Professionals who were slightly older with slightly more experience were most influenced by legal considerations. Finally, those professionals who were the oldest and had the most experience were primarily influenced by ethical considerations. The results are used as basis for identifying specific actions in professional training, advertising agency management, and advertising regulation which have potential to reduce the incidence of deceptive advertising.  相似文献   

陈跃刚  吴艳 《商业研究》2006,(24):211-213
基于对广告传播受众是主动还是被动,是个体还是群体的二维假定对广告作用机理及其对社会的影响进行了综述,发现感知信息处理法对于广告管理的实践是非常有用的,但是也应关注更加广泛的社会和文化环境。  相似文献   

As a form of advertising, viral video (VV) advertising is distinct in that its communication medium is the social connections between individuals instead of formal media. After viewing VV advertising, people are engaged in two independent but interrelated processes, i.e., video sharing and embedded brand information processing. Previous research has not examined the interaction between the two processes. This study expands on the mediation of attitude toward the advertisement model proposed by MacKenzie, Lutz, and Belch (1986). Experimental results from three viral video advertisements show that attitude toward the VV advertisement is the major factor affecting video sharing, but attitude toward the brand also has a significant impact on sharing activity. Affect transfer hypothesis (ATH) and its extended models are optimal in explaining viral video advertising, which is different from prior research on non-viral advertising that suggests dual mediation hypothesis as the optimal explanatory theory.  相似文献   

During the last decade, advertising has emerged as a most important promotion medium for the banks. The competitive pressures within the personal savings markets have become more intense. The banks have become noticeable by their aggressive promotion, through increased advertising expenditure, radical changes in style and forms of advertising, and their increasing use of television. In 1971, the joint stock banks spent M£2.5on advertising and only 4 per cent of this was directed through television. By the end of 1981, expenditure had increased to M£22.6 with over 50 per cent directed through television.  相似文献   

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