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从新疆主要景区(点)的出游取向、到游率、美誉度、竞争态等角度分析,新疆旅游布局重点与游客需求之间存在矛盾.新疆在近期内旅游开发的重点仍需放在天山天池风景名胜区、吐鲁番古迹文化名胜区、喀纳斯风景名胜区、帕米尔高原风景线、楼兰古迹探险区和罗布泊风景区.  相似文献   

This paper is an econometric study of the Indonesian economy. Our intention is to evaluate the interactions within the Indonesian economy, to forecast the selected economic variables under given assumptions, and to measure the effects of various policies. This is to be achieved through an cconometric analysis which uses the available statistics and which provides an analytical framework for the present national income statistics.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the link between social networks and ethnic occupational niches in the manufacturing sector in South Africa. To this end, it employs the methodology of Bertrand et al. to minimise the omitted variable bias induced by standard approaches investigating network effects and adopts Model's concentration index to define an ethnic niche. The results indicate that 25% of the sample is employed in ethnic niches in the manufacturing sector, but that niche employment varies markedly by language group. In addition, certain language groups tend to be clustered in advantageous niches where monthly income and skill levels are relatively high, while others occupy disadvantageous niches where monthly income and skill levels are relatively low. A number of different econometric specifications find strong evidence of social network effects. This highlights the role that these networks play in forming ethnic niches in the manufacturing sector in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of pedagogic interventions in first-year academic development and mainstream courses in microeconomics on students' performance in the final examination. The data for six cohorts, covering the years 1999 and 2001-2005, are pooled, and the Heckman two-part procedure is used to account for those students who started the course but did not write the final examination. The results suggest that the pedagogic interventions have a positive impact on the performance of academic development students relative to the mainstream cohort and on the performance of mainstream students.  相似文献   

In this section of the Review, Oxford Economic Forecasting providesan analysis of the current economic climate in the UK and abroadas well as setting out the main features of its latest forecast.In Section II, the UK forecast up to 1988 is described. In SectionIII, following the theme of this issue, we analyse the roleof public investment in the UK. Footnotes 1We are grateful to Vanessa Rossi for her helpful comments.  相似文献   

In this section of the review, Oxford Economic Forecasting providesan analysis of the current economic climate in the UK and abroadas well as setting out the main features of its latest forecast.In Section II the UK forecast up to 1988 is described. In SectionIII, following the theme of this issue, we analyse the effectsof changes in trend productivity growth on the UK economy.  相似文献   

In this chapter of the review, Oxford Economic Forecasting providesan analysis of the current world economic climate and sets outthe main features of its latest forecast. Section I gives asummary of world prospects. The UK forecast is covered in moredetail in Section II. Part III examines an issue of some importancefor the world economy: the effects of lower oil prices.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a segmented labour market model, andunder the assumption of market clearing wages in all sub-markets,this paper analyzes demand and cost-of-living effects whicha booming sector may create. The tests are based on data beforeand after the most intensive building-up period of the Norwegianpetroleum sector The empirical results indicate significantdemand effects for the most petroleum relevant occupations,and also positive cost-of-living effects in areas which areregionally close to this sector Overall there is evidence thatthe Norwegian petroleum sector has caused weak manufacturingperformance  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of income inequality on public good provision in an experimental setting. A sample of secondary school students were recruited to participate in a simple linear public goods game where income heterogeneity was introduced by providing participants with unequal token endowments. The results show that endowment heterogeneity does not have any significant impact on contributions to the public good, and that consistent with models of reciprocity, low and high endowment players contribute the same fraction of their endowment to the public pool. Moreover, individuals appear to adjust their contributions in order to maintain a fair share rule.  相似文献   

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