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In this paper, we present a new unified approach and an elementary proof of a very general theorem on the existence of a semicontinuous or continuous utility function representing a preference relation. A simple and interesting new proof of the famous Debreu Gap Lemma is given. In addition, we prove a new Gap Lemma for the rational numbers and derive some consequences. We also prove a theorem which characterizes the existence of upper semicontinuous utility functions on a preordered topological space which need not be second countable. This is a generalization of the classical theorem of Rader which only gives sufficient conditions for the existence of an upper semicontinuous utility function for second countable topological spaces.  相似文献   

This paper studies direct systems of finite, that is with finitely many agents, communication structures, finite (balanced and superadditive) NTU games and finite economies. The inductive limit of such a system is again a communication structure, an NTU game or an economy, this time possibly with infinitely many agents. As a matter of fact, each infinite communication structure, each infinite NTU game and each infinite economy, is the inductive limit of a direct system of finite communication structures, finite NTU games and finite economies. A communication game is an NTU game with a communication structure on the set of players. To each economy, there corresponds a balanced and superadditive NTU game. To each economy with a communication structure on the set of agents, there corresponds a communication game. In the paper it is proved that the core of the inductive limit of a direct system of communication games is not empty and in fact the intersection of the cores of the finite communication games of the direct system. It follows that each infinite economy (with or without a communication structure on the set of agents) has a nonempty core. A direct system of economies is a generalisation of the Debreu and Scarf [Debreu, G., Scarf, H. A limit theorem on the core of an economy, International Economic Review 4, pp. 235–246.] example of `replica economies'. The proof of the nonemptiness of the core of the inductive limit of a direct system of economies is along the lines of the proof by Debreu and Scarf. As by-product it is shown that an NTU game is totally balanced if and only if all its finite subgames are balanced.  相似文献   

Summary The concept of minimum contrast (m.c.) estimates used in this paper covers maximum likelihood (m.l.) estimates as a special case. Section 1 contains sufficient conditions for the existence of measurable m.c. estimates and for their consistency. The application of these results to m.l. estimates (section 2) yields the existence of m.l. estimates for families ofp-measures (probability measures) which are compact metric or locally compact with countable base, admitting upper semicontinuous densities, whereas the classical results refer to continuous densities. This generalization is insofar of interest as upper semicontinuous versions of the densities exist whenever the densities areμ-upper semicontinuous (whereasμ-continuity does not, in general, entail the existence of continuous versions). Under appropriate regularity conditions, consistency of asymptotic maximum likelihood estimates is proven for compact (and also locally compact) separable metric families ofp-measures with upper semicontinuous densities and for arbitrary families having uniformly continuous densities with respect to the uniformity of vague convergence. The conditions sufficient for consistency are shown “indispensable” by counterexamples. Section 3 contains auxiliary results. Besides their relevance for sections 1 and 2, some of them may also be of interest in themselves, e.g. Theorem (3.4) on the selection of semicontinuous functions from semicontinuous equivalence classes.  相似文献   

经济学中一般均衡存在性问题理论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对经济学中一般均衡理论进行了概述。文中主要介绍了Arrow—Debreu经济模型、均衡存在性定理、存在性涸题在无穷维商品空间上的扩展以及相关工作。  相似文献   

An extension to the Yaari (1965)–Blanchard (1985) continuous time overlapping generations model for an endowment Arrow–Debreu economy with an age-structured population is presented. It is proved that Arrow–Debreu equilibrium prices are represented by a double linear integral equation, and depend on the age-distributions of population and endowments. For an economy with a balanced growth, and logarithmic utility, we prove that bubbles may exist if endowments are distributed earlier than some critical age.  相似文献   

Traditionally the codomain of a utility function is the set of real numbers. This choice has the advantage of ensuring the existence of a continuous representation but does not allow to represent many preference structures that are relevant to utility theory. Recently, some authors have started a systematic study of utility representations that are not real-valued, introducing the notion of a Debreu chain. We continue their analysis defining two Debreu-like properties, which are connected to a local continuity of a utility representation. The classes of locally Debreu and pointwise Debreu chains here introduced enlarge the class of Debreu chains. We give several examples and analyze some properties of these two classes of chains, with particular attention to lexicographic products.  相似文献   

The second stage of the Cambridge capital controversy concerns the neo‐Walrasian theory of value and distribution. Since production is not understood in this theory as employing factors of production but rather commodities, that is goods and services with date and place of delivery, some scholars maintained that it is not affected by the problems that emerged, during the first stage of the controversy, as regards the conception of capital as a factor of production and the rate of interest as the price for its use. The reply of the ‘neo‐Ricardians’ was based on two arguments. The first regarded the relevance of the new notions of equilibrium adopted in the neo‐Walrasian approach, with particular reference to temporary and Arrow–Debreu equilibria, and the second the possibility that the phenomena of re‐switching and reverse capital deepening, by affecting the working of the saving‐investment market, could cause equilibrium multiplicity and instability also in a neo‐Walrasian framework.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of two continuous real valued functions u and v on a connected topological space X endowed with a preference relation ≺ (i.e., an asymmetric binary relation) such that y is preferred to x if and only if v(y)>u(x). It is shown that these conditions - a slight generalization of the usual ones encountered in classical utility theory - entail the existence of such a continuous representation u, v with u and v continuous utility functions for two complete preorders intimately connected with the preference relation ≺.  相似文献   

We prove that a mixture continuous preference relation has a utility representation if its domain is a convex subset of a finite dimensional vector space. Our condition on the domain of a preference relation is stronger than Eilenberg (1941) and Debreu (1959, 1964), but our condition on the continuity of a preference relation is strictly weaker than the usual continuity assumed by them.  相似文献   

We prove an infinite dimensional extension of the Gale–Nikaido–Debreu lemma which includes all necessary limiting processes and allows a proof of the existence of equilibria under standard assumptions in an economy with infinitely many commodities which exactly parallels the proof of Debreu (1959) for the finite dimensional case.  相似文献   

Let be an interval order on a topological space (X, τ), and let x ˜* y if and only if [y z x z], and x ˜** y if and only if [z x z y]. Then ˜* and ˜** are complete preorders. In the particular case when is a semiorder, let x ˜0 y if and only if x ˜* y and x ˜** y. Then ˜0 is a complete preorder, too. We present sufficient conditions for the existence of continuous utility functions representing ˜*, ˜** and ˜0, by using the notion of strong separability of a preference relation, which was introduced by Chateauneuf (Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1987, 16, 139–146). Finally, we discuss the existence of a pair of continuous functions u, υ representing a strongly separable interval order on a measurable topological space (X, τ, μ, ).  相似文献   

We complement the Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu results by establishing that an exchange economy, i.e., preferences and endowments, that generates a given aggregate excess demand (AED) function is close to the economy that generates a perturbation of this AED. As a consequence, genericity and determinacy results obtained by direct perturbation of an AED are as strong as results obtained by perturbing preferences and endowments.  相似文献   

Qualitative comparative statics amounts to a study of the qualitative properties of the Debreu mapping, i.e., the restriction of the projection (p,ω)?ω to the equilibrium manifold. We show that a natural framework for such a study is Thom's envelope theory which generalizes the theory of planar curve envelopes.  相似文献   

Conditions are given for the existence of a pair of continuous real valued functions (u, v) representing an interval order on a topological space (X, ), in the sense that [xy if and only ifu(x)].I am deeply indepted to Professor Alain Chateauneuf for many valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

The present paper shows one way to look at G. Debreu and W. Hildenbrand's conjecture that certain atomless economies have mean demand functions. We conclude within the continuity framework that an economy gives rise ‘in general’ to a continuous mean demand function, and that the class of all atomless economies is ‘big’ in the space of all economies with a continuous mean demand function. The same problems are reconsidered within the framework of a space of differentiable preferences at the end.  相似文献   

An Expected Utility maximizer can be risk neutral over a set of nondegenerate multivariate distributions even though her NM (von Neumann Morgenstern) index is not linear. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for an individual with a concave NM utility to exhibit risk neutral behavior and characterize the regions of the choice space over which risk neutrality is exhibited. The least concave decomposition of the NM index introduced by Debreu (1976) plays an important role in our analysis as do the notions of minimum concavity points and minimum concavity directions. For the special case where one choice variable is certain, the analysis of risk neutrality requires modification of the Debreu decomposition. The existence of risk neutrality regions is shown to have important implications for the classic consumption–savings and representative agent equilibrium asset pricing models.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Bayesian approach to bandwidth selection for multivariate kernel regression. A Monte Carlo study shows that under the average squared error criterion, the Bayesian bandwidth selector is comparable to the cross-validation method and clearly outperforms the bootstrapping and rule-of-thumb bandwidth selectors. The Bayesian bandwidth selector is applied to a multivariate kernel regression model that is often used to estimate the state-price density of Arrow–Debreu securities with the S&P 500 index options data and the DAX index options data. The proposed Bayesian bandwidth selector represents a data-driven solution to the problem of choosing bandwidths for the multivariate kernel regression involved in the nonparametric estimation of the state-price density pioneered by Aït-Sahalia and Lo [Aït-Sahalia, Y., Lo, A.W., 1998. Nonparametric estimation of state-price densities implicit in financial asset prices. The Journal of Finance, 53, 499, 547.]  相似文献   

Several Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models use a radial distance measure that is based on the Debreu–Farrell notion of (in)efficiency. While this measure has an attractive interpretation, its use may be problematic if slacks or zeros are present in the data. The additive DEA model can perfectly deal with these problems, but the meaning of its associated scores is less intuitive than the one attached to the radial measures. We introduce an alternative efficiency measure, based on the results of the additive model, that can be decomposed in a Debreu–Farrell component and a factor that captures differences in input–output mixes with respect to those of the best practice reference observation. On an aggregate level, this second component can be considered as an indicator of the dispersion between radial efficiency measurement and results based on the Pareto–Koopmans efficiency notion. On the individual level, the measure allows us to regard relative inefficiency as resulting from (i) a divergence of implicit cost price vectors, and (ii) a cost level that is too high, even after adjustment for the implicit cost prices. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study the computational complexity of rationalizing choice behavior. We do so by analyzing two polar cases, and a number of intermediate ones. In our most structured case, that is where choice behavior is defined in universal choice domains and satisfies the “weak axiom of revealed preference,” finding the complete preorder rationalizing choice behavior is a simple matter. In the polar case, where no restriction whatsoever is imposed, either on choice behavior or on choice domain, finding a collection of complete preorders that rationalizes behavior turns out to be intractable. We also show that the task of finding the rationalizing complete preorders is equivalent to a graph problem. This allows the search for existing algorithms in the graph theory literature, for the rationalization of choice.  相似文献   

In economics, the Frobenius theorem and its extension are often used in the theory of linear models and the theory of balanced growth. In these contexts optimization does not appear explicitly. Our proof by the Kuhn-Tucker theorem may lead to some interesting economic reinterpretations of the Frobenius root and eigenvectors in these models. As for economic applications, see, for example, Morishima (1964); the extended bibliography of Debreu and Herstein (1953) is also useful.  相似文献   

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