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Economic theory does not always specify the functional relationship between dependent and explanatory variables, or even isolate a particular set of covariates. This means that model uncertainty is pervasive in empirical economics. In this paper, we indicate how Bayesian semi‐parametric regression methods in combination with stochastic search variable selection can be used to address two model uncertainties simultaneously: (i) the uncertainty with respect to the variables which should be included in the model and (ii) the uncertainty with respect to the functional form of their effects. The presented approach enables the simultaneous identification of robust linear and nonlinear effects. The additional insights gained are illustrated on applications in empirical economics, namely willingness to pay for housing, and cross‐country growth regression.  相似文献   

This paper introduces large-T bias-corrected estimators for nonlinear panel data models with both time invariant and time varying heterogeneity. These models include systems of equations with limited dependent variables and unobserved individual effects, and sample selection models with unobserved individual effects. Our two-step approach first estimates the reduced form by fixed effects procedures to obtain estimates of the time varying heterogeneity underlying the endogeneity/selection bias. We then estimate the primary equation by fixed effects including an appropriately constructed control variable from the reduced form estimates as an additional explanatory variable. The fixed effects approach in this second step captures the time invariant heterogeneity while the control variable accounts for the time varying heterogeneity. Since either or both steps might employ nonlinear fixed effects procedures it is necessary to bias adjust the estimates due to the incidental parameters problem. This problem is exacerbated by the two-step nature of the procedure. As these two-step approaches are not covered in the existing literature we derive the appropriate correction thereby extending the use of large-T bias adjustments to an important class of models. Simulation evidence indicates our approach works well in finite samples and an empirical example illustrates the applicability of our estimator.  相似文献   

This paper considers a linear triangular simultaneous equations model with conditional quantile restrictions. The paper adjusts for endogeneity by adopting a control function approach and presents a simple two-step estimator that exploits the partially linear structure of the model. The first step consists of estimation of the residuals of the reduced-form equation for the endogenous explanatory variable. The second step is series estimation of the primary equation with the reduced-form residual included nonparametrically as an additional explanatory variable. This paper imposes no functional form restrictions on the stochastic relationship between the reduced-form residual and the disturbance term in the primary equation conditional on observable explanatory variables. The paper presents regularity conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of the two-step estimator. In addition, the paper provides some discussions on related estimation methods in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new measure of dependence or jointness among explanatory variables. Jointness is based on the joint posterior distribution of variables over the model space, thereby taking model uncertainty into account. By looking beyond marginal measures of variable importance, jointness reveals generally unknown forms of dependence. Positive jointness implies that regressors are complements, representing distinct but mutually reinforcing effects. Negative jointness implies that explanatory variables are substitutes and capture similar underlying effects. In a cross‐country dataset we show that jointness among 67 determinants of growth is important, affecting inference and informing economic policy. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A regression discontinuity (RD) research design is appropriate for program evaluation problems in which treatment status (or the probability of treatment) depends on whether an observed covariate exceeds a fixed threshold. In many applications the treatment-determining covariate is discrete. This makes it impossible to compare outcomes for observations “just above” and “just below” the treatment threshold, and requires the researcher to choose a functional form for the relationship between the treatment variable and the outcomes of interest. We propose a simple econometric procedure to account for uncertainty in the choice of functional form for RD designs with discrete support. In particular, we model deviations of the true regression function from a given approximating function—the specification errors—as random. Conventional standard errors ignore the group structure induced by specification errors and tend to overstate the precision of the estimated program impacts. The proposed inference procedure that allows for specification error also has a natural interpretation within a Bayesian framework.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of panel data models with sample selection when the equation of interest contains endogenous explanatory variables as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Assuming that appropriate instruments are available, we propose several tests for selection bias and two estimation procedures that correct for selection in the presence of endogenous regressors. The tests are based on the fixed effects two-stage least squares estimator, thereby permitting arbitrary correlation between unobserved heterogeneity and explanatory variables. The first correction procedure is parametric and is valid under the assumption that the errors in the selection equation are normally distributed. The second procedure estimates the model parameters semiparametrically using series estimators. In the proposed testing and correction procedures, the error terms may be heterogeneously distributed and serially dependent in both selection and primary equations. Because these methods allow for a rather flexible structure of the error variance and do not impose any nonstandard assumptions on the conditional distributions of explanatory variables, they provide a useful alternative to the existing approaches presented in the literature.  相似文献   

We consider model selection facing uncertainty over the choice of variables and the occurrence and timing of multiple location shifts. General-to-simple selection is extended by adding an impulse indicator for every observation to the set of candidate regressors: see Johansen and Nielsen (2009). We apply that approach to a fat-tailed distribution, and to processes with breaks: Monte Carlo experiments show its capability of detecting up to 20 shifts in 100 observations, while jointly selecting variables. An illustration to US real interest rates compares impulse-indicator saturation with the procedure in Bai and Perron (1998).  相似文献   

During recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the explanatory power of population age structure variables in economic growth regressions. We estimate a new cross-country regression model of the effects of age structure change on economic growth. We use the new model and recent probabilistic demographic forecasts for India to derive the uncertainty of predicted economic growth rates caused by the uncertainty in demographic developments.  相似文献   

We describe procedures for Bayesian estimation and testing in cross-sectional, panel data and nonlinear smooth coefficient models. The smooth coefficient model is a generalization of the partially linear or additive model wherein coefficients on linear explanatory variables are treated as unknown functions of an observable covariate. In the approach we describe, points on the regression lines are regarded as unknown parameters and priors are placed on differences between adjacent points to introduce the potential for smoothing the curves. The algorithms we describe are quite simple to implement—for example, estimation, testing and smoothing parameter selection can be carried out analytically in the cross-sectional smooth coefficient model.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we propose a new utility‐consistent modeling framework to explicitly link a count data model with an event‐type multinomial‐choice model. The proposed framework uses a multinomial probit kernel for the event‐type choice model and introduces unobserved heterogeneity in both the count and discrete‐choice components. Additionally, this paper establishes important new results regarding the distribution of the maximum of multivariate normally distributed variables, which form the basis to embed the multinomial probit model within a joint modeling system for multivariate count data. The model is applied to analyzing out‐of‐home non‐work episodes pursued by workers, using data from the National Household Travel Survey. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new method for dealing with endogenous selection. The usual instrumental strategy based on the independence between the outcome and the instrument is likely to fail when selection is directly driven by the dependent variable. Instead, we suggest to rely on the independence between the instrument and the selection variable, conditional on the outcome. This approach may be particularly suitable for nonignorable nonresponse, binary models with missing covariates or Roy models with an unobserved sector. The nonparametric identification of the joint distribution of the variables is obtained under a completeness assumption, which has been used recently in several nonparametric instrumental problems. Even if the conditional independence between the instrument and the selection variable fails to hold, the approach provides sharp bounds on parameters of interest under weaker monotonicity conditions. Apart from identification, nonparametric and parametric estimations are also considered. Finally, the method is applied to estimate the effect of grade retention in French primary schools.  相似文献   

I propose a quasi-maximum likelihood framework for estimating nonlinear models with continuous or discrete endogenous explanatory variables. Joint and two-step estimation procedures are considered. The joint procedure is a quasi-limited information maximum likelihood procedure, as one or both of the log likelihoods may be misspecified. The two-step control function approach is computationally simple and leads to straightforward tests of endogeneity. In the case of discrete endogenous explanatory variables, I argue that the control function approach can be applied with generalized residuals to obtain average partial effects. I show how the results apply to nonlinear models for fractional and nonnegative responses.  相似文献   

This paper extends the familiar notion of fixed effects to nonlinear structures with infinite-dimensional unobservables, like preferences. The main result is that a generalized version of differencing identifies local average responses (LARs) in nonseparable structures. In contrast to existing results, this does not require either substantial restrictions on functional form or independence between the persistent unobservables and the explanatory variables of interest, and it requires only two time periods. On the other hand, the results are confined to the subpopulation of “stayers” (Chamberlain, 1982), i.e., the population for which the explanatory variables do not change over time. We extend the basic framework to include time trends and dynamics in the explanatory variables, and we show how distributional effects as well as average partial effects are identified. Our approach also allows endogeneity in the transitory unobservables. Furthermore, we show that this new identification principle can be applied to well-known objects like the slope coefficient in the semiparametric panel data binary choice model with fixed effects. Finally, we suggest estimators for the local average response and average partial effect, and we analyze their large- and finite-sample behavior.  相似文献   

Using data on 43 randomly selected census tracts for each of 39 U.S. cities in 1970, we present a comprehensive econometric analysis of a varying parameter density gradient (VCM) model in which the functional form, together with the variance components of an implied error structure, is freely estimated. We generalize a recent model of Johnson and Kau in which certain city- and tract-specific socioeconomic variables are introduced to depict the dynamic process of urban growth. Since these variables can be either controlled by policy actions or projected on the basis of time, we reexamine the usefulness of VCM framework for both forecasting and policy simulation purposes.  相似文献   

Instrumental variable estimation in the presence of many moment conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops shrinkage methods for addressing the “many instruments” problem in the context of instrumental variable estimation. It has been observed that instrumental variable estimators may behave poorly if the number of instruments is large. This problem can be addressed by shrinking the influence of a subset of instrumental variables. The procedure can be understood as a two-step process of shrinking some of the OLS coefficient estimates from the regression of the endogenous variables on the instruments, then using the predicted values of the endogenous variables (based on the shrunk coefficient estimates) as the instruments. The shrinkage parameter is chosen to minimize the asymptotic mean square error. The optimal shrinkage parameter has a closed form, which makes it easy to implement. A Monte Carlo study shows that the shrinkage method works well and performs better in many situations than do existing instrument selection procedures.  相似文献   

This paper presents some two-step estimators for a wide range of parametric panel data models with censored endogenous variables and sample selection bias. Our approach is to derive estimates of the unobserved heterogeneity responsible for the endogeneity/selection bias to include as additional explanatory variables in the primary equation. These are obtained through a decomposition of the reduced form residuals. The panel nature of the data allows adjustment, and testing, for two forms of endogeneity and/or sample selection bias. Furthermore, it incorporates roles for dynamics and state dependence in the reduced form. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration which features our procedure and highlights the ability to test several of the underlying assumptions.  相似文献   

We study a Tikhonov Regularized (TiR) estimator of a functional parameter identified by conditional moment restrictions in a linear model with both exogenous and endogenous regressors. The nonparametric instrumental variable estimator is based on a minimum distance principle with penalization by the norms of the parameter and its derivatives. After showing its consistency in the Sobolev norm and uniform consistency under an embedding condition, we derive the expression of the asymptotic Mean Integrated Square Error and the rate of convergence. The optimal value of the regularization parameter is characterized in two examples. We illustrate our theoretical findings and the small sample properties with simulation results. Finally, we provide an empirical application to estimation of an Engel curve, and discuss a data driven selection procedure for the regularization parameter.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the existing empirical research that uses search theory to empirically analyze labor supply questions in a structural framework, using data on individual labor market transitions and durations, wages, and individual characteristics. The starting points of the literature are the Mincerian earnings function, Heckman's classic selection model, and dynamic optimization theory. We develop a general framework for the labor market where the search for a job involves dynamic decision making under uncertainty. It can be specialized to be in agreement with most published research using labor search models. We discuss estimation, policy evaluation with the estimated model, equilibrium model versions, and the decomposition of wage variation into factors due to heterogeneity of various model determinants as well as search frictions themselves. We summarize the main empirical conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the extent to which technological characteristics in exports affect the patterns of trade-led economic growth across countries. Data of the Balassa index, which captures a country's revealed comparative advantage, are obtained for industries classified by technological intensity. Regression results based on a sample of 71 countries since 1970 suggest that economies have tended to grow more rapidly when they have increasingly specialized in exporting high-technology as opposed to traditional or low-technology goods. The findings are robust to the presence of various control variables as well as the consideration of parameter heterogeneity and in the endogeneity of export structures.  相似文献   

In standard regression analysis the relationship between the (response) variable and a set of (explanatory) variables is investigated. In the classical framework the response is affected by probabilistic uncertainty (randomness) and, thus, treated as a random variable. However, the data can also be subjected to other kinds of uncertainty such as imprecision. A possible way to manage all of these uncertainties is represented by the concept of fuzzy random variable (FRV). The most common class of FRVs is the LR family (LR FRV), which allows us to express every FRV in terms of three random variables, namely, the center, the left spread and the right spread. In this work, limiting our attention to the LR FRV class, we consider the linear regression problem in the presence of one or more imprecise random elements. The procedure for estimating the model parameters and the determination coefficient are discussed and the hypothesis testing problem is addressed following a bootstrap approach. Furthermore, in order to illustrate how the proposed model works in practice, the results of a real-life example are given together with a comparison with those obtained by applying classical regression analysis.  相似文献   

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