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Venture capitalists, “angel” investors, and experienced, successful entrepreneurs, when asked to identify the most important determinant of new venture performance, will undoubtedly answer “the entrepreneur.” Likewise, prominent academic scholars responsible for the accelerating development of entrepreneurship theory and research would almost always agree. Unfortunately, empirical and theoretical understanding of the influence of the entrepreneur on new venture performance (NVP) has long been stymied. Studies of entrepreneurial characteristics have failed to demonstrate convincing links with entrepreneurial states of being or with NVP, though studies of the former have shown more promise than have those of the latter. In an attempt to explain the failure to link entrepreneurial characteristics with performance and thus to stimulate and modify research agendas, this paper derives a structural, causal model of the relationships between entrepreneurial characteristics and performance. This derivation draws upon current psychological, management, economic, and entrepreneurship theory.Though there is considerable controversy in the field of psychology concerning the ability of personality traits to explain behavior, it is accepted by many that such traits do exist, that they are stable over time, and that they explain behaviors if the level of aggregation is wide enough. In 1988, Hollenbeck and Whitener noted that one of the problems in using personality traits to explain job performance was that such traits are mediated by motivation and moderated by abilities in their causal connection to performance. Thus personality traits are somewhat removed from performance in the causal chain of events. Applied to the study of the entrepreneur, this research suggests that an initial model of the “entrepreneurial characteristics → NVP” relationship must include the mediating role of motivation and the moderating role of entrepreneurial management abilities.This paper further redefines this emerging model of “entrepreneurial characteristics → NVP” by drawing upon other literature from the field of psychology. This literature suggests that “entrepreneurial behavior” and the context in which it is performed both intervene between motivation and ability in their relation to NVP. The paper concludes this section with a psychology-based model of the “characteristics → NVP” relationship that is more comprehensive and realistic than prior models in the entrepreneurship literature.The paper next draws from strategic management, entrepreneurship, and economics literature along with Sandberg's (1986) model of NVP [NVP = f(E,IS,S)] to show that any model of the connection between entrepreneurial characteristics and NVP must further recognize the relationship between strategy and NVP as well as industry structure and NVP. The resultant model suggests strategy and industry structure are “context” variables that interdependently interact with entrepreneurial behaviors to influence NVP. This adaptation of the model is reinforced and expanded by reviewing the management literature on matching managers to situations which in turn implies that the effects of entrepreneurial behaviors on NVP are contingent upon strategy and industry structure. Thus strategy and industry structure, though ultimately determined by entrepreneurial behavior, are themselves important inputs to the behavioral context of entrepreneurship.The last part of the paper examines decision-making, skills, aptitudes, and training as components helping to refine our understanding of the role of motivation as a mediator and ability as a moderator in a model of the “entrepreneurial characteristics → NVP” relationship. The intent here is to identify specific variables that can be studied or acted upon [in an applied sense] to improve the NVP impact of entrepreneurial behaviors.It is hoped that explication of this model will encourage future entrepreneurship research that seeks to examine causes of NVP to reintroduce “the entrepreneur” as the focus or a focus of the research. Hopefully a more fully developed model that includes motivations, abilities, skills, aptitudes, and training as elements in “modeling” entrepreneurial behavior along with the need for strategy and industry structure contexts provides a more compelling and risk-worthy starting point for such research. This should provide an impetus to put the entrepreneur back. into a central position in entrepreneurship research, where both theory and practitioners say he/she belongs.  相似文献   

Drawing from the attention-based view, this article extends the study of international entrepreneurship by investigating how the contribution of international ventures’ entrepreneurial strategic posture to their actual learning efforts in foreign markets depends on various flexibilities that underlie their operations. The results from a sample of international Chinese ventures indicate that an entrepreneurial strategic posture enhances international learning effort more to the extent that the ventures possess greater cognitive and political flexibilities. Somewhat paradoxically, greater structural flexibility impedes the translation of an entrepreneurial strategic posture into international learning effort. The findings have important implications for the growing body of research that adopts an international new venture perspective.  相似文献   

企业家制度能力和企业家战略能力是中国经济体制改革对企业家主导性能力的现实要求。战略企业家是具有很强制度能力和战略能力的企业家,是制度变迁中的企业家成长的高级模式。在价值判断意义上,"浙商"企业家成长模式与制度变迁进程存在动态适应关系。在浙江处于市场经济体制完善时期,"浙商"应该成为战略企业家,而"浙商"要成长为战略企业家,面临着制度约束和战略约束。打破这些约束,有三条路径可供选择:"先制度能力,后战略能力"路径;"先战略能力,后制度能力"路径;"制度能力和战略能力并举"路径。  相似文献   

This article examines how gender may account for productivity gaps across enterprises. First, using data from six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, the article demonstrates that the extent and significance of any productivity gap by gender depends critically on the criteria used to classify an enterprise. Using a definition of ‘female participation in ownership,’ there are few differences in average performance measures. However, a 12% productivity gap emerges when a tighter definition, based on decision-making control, is used. Second, the article examines which entrepreneurial characteristics (education, management skills, experience and the motivation for being an entrepreneur) are most associated with higher productivity. The findings reveal that there are some gender gaps in the prevalence of these characteristics, but that these do not account for the overall gender productivity gap. Rather, while women benefit as much as men from education and management skills, there are non-linear impacts by gender in the benefits of having a family background in entrepreneurship; sons rather than daughters benefit from having a father that was an entrepreneur or from joining a family enterprise.  相似文献   

Managerial Behavior, Entrepreneurial Style, and Small Firm Performance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Considerable effort has been devoted to identifying the general characteristics of entrepreneur; however, much of this has been conducted from a trait–based rather than from a behavioral perspective. In this study of small firms in the United Kingdom, we explored the relationships among managerial behaviors (based upon a competence model), entrepreneurial style (based on Covin and Slevin's theory), and firm type (in terms of sales growth performance). Principal components analysis of a management competence inventory identified six broad categories of managerial behavior. Regressing a measure of entrepreneurial style on these six behaviors suggested that managing culture and managing vision are related to an entrepreneurial style, while managing performance is related to a nonentrepreneurial style. Entrepreneurial style—but not managerial behavior—was associated positively with the probability that a firm would be a high–growth type. The results are discussed from the perspective of a model of small firm management that posits separate entrepreneurial, nonentrepreneurial, and generic management behaviors derived from a global competence space.  相似文献   


In spite of the high level of independence that exists in a franchise system, franchisees and franchisers are extensively dependent on each other. Because of this greater interdependence that exists in the system, financial success of one depends on the financial performance of the other. Therefore, any strategic choices made by a franchisee must always include the financial performance of the franchiser. A strategic typology based on the financial performance of franchisees and franchisers is presented in this paper. Potential strategic choices to the franchisees in different given financial performance scenarios are discussed. It is a conceptual paper offering a model and suggestions for future research on strategic management in franchising.  相似文献   

Developing a management framework to guide strategic thinking in changing markets is increasingly critical for researchers and executives in coping with the complex and rapidly changing global business environment. Conventional training and practices have too often led strategy researchers and executives to assume a stable competitive box around existing businesses, not recognising the effects of radical and increasingly disruptive change on markets and competitive space. New strategic thinking logic and initiatives require a conceptual framework to guide obtaining information, perceptive interpretation of strategic issues and trends, and choice of the right strategic initiatives. The conceptualisation begins by determining the market-based strategic capabilities needed to identify the nature and scope of determinants of market changes. These changes must be identified, driven by new competition, new business models, and creativity and innovation. Understanding fast changing markets requires identifying new market space, conducting strategic segmentation analysis, and determining customer value requirements. Finally, this knowledge guides strategic vision and formulation and implementation of market-driven strategies for changing markets. The framework is based on conceptual logic and empirical findings from multiple disciplines including marketing strategy and strategic management  相似文献   

胡国柳  蒋国洲 《财贸研究》2004,(4):83-89,98
在充分考虑股权替代变量之间可能存在多重共线性问题的基础上 ,本文对股权结构在公司治理中作用的各种理论假设进行了检验。研究发现 ,经理人员持股比例与上市公司业绩相关性不显著 ;国有股比例与上市公司业绩显著负相关 ;法人股比例与上市公司业绩正相关 ;社会公众股比例对公司财务业绩的影响虽然是负面的 ,但极不显著 ,而与公司市场业绩显著正相关 ;股权集中度与公司业绩显著负相关。  相似文献   

The entrepreneur is the central actor in generating entrepreneurial activity. Thus, it is important to understand the motivational characteristics and variables associated with entrepreneurial behavior spurring people to become entrepreneurs. For this study, a comparative analysis of high-tech entrepreneurs in Switzerland and the UK was undertaken to determine the extent to which they differ in terms of entrepreneurial characteristics. A total of 253 useful questionnaires from entrepreneurs in both countries enabled us to distinguish differences between these two groups. Findings reveal that some entrepreneurial characteristics such as autonomy, propensity for risk, and locus of control are higher among UK techno-entrepreneurs while other characteristics such as achievement need, tolerance for ambiguity, innovativeness, and confidence are higher among Swiss techno-entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

The entrepreneurial view of the firm stresses the need for a more insightful understanding of business leaders within sets of SMEs. Here, competitiveness emerges as a network-embedded capability and the coordination among firms, maximizing firm-specific competencies, represents a strategic leverage in accomplishing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. When the goal is not only greater efficiency in terms of the lowest cost but innovation in terms of how to improve productive performance by changing the way in which it is undertaken, a critical issue becomes the entrepreneur's ability to create, manage, and recombine the set of relationships with external suppliers. The ability to glue external expertise and capabilities in an original and unique way is considered the key factor in pursuing innovative performance.As orchestrators of inter-firm linkages, entrepreneurs relying on personal networks and prior relationships are able to identify possible sources of knowledge. As coordinators of such innovative ties, they combine a wide set of diverse competencies not only to overcome size constraints through development cost reduction, but also to recoup ideas and creativity for the realization of more complex typologies of innovation. These elements reduce the level of uncertainty, while enhancing early cooperation between firms.Because the entrepreneur is supposed to be able to manage a higher number of “innovative poles”, which can be better managed thanks to trust and reputation developed in prior relationships, the different management topology could be associated with a different level of supplier contribution to the development of new products.This paper provides insights into the role of suppliers in the new product development process, and explores the role of the entrepreneur in promoting and managing a wide set of external, innovative ties. Attention is focused on 103 small- and medium- sized firms located within two Italian industrial networks where interdependencies are unusually large and complex.With respect to the first aim, the empirical analysis confirmed SME's structural recourse to suppliers. More important, the contribution of such resources is not necessarily limited to cost reductions and marginal improvements. Although incremental contributions certainly exist and are relevant, more complex relationships largely focused on joint design and development emerge as important patterns in buyer—supplier interaction.With respect to the second aim, an entrepreneurial explanation of SMEs' innovative performance is advanced. In a competitive environment where the actors are not atomistic, but exist within systems of actors, the relational capability could represent for entrepreneurial firms the way to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. We found entrepreneurs who, exploiting basic experiences, seek new combinations among the various inter-firm ties, relying upon such linkages as a vehicle for transferring and combining their organizationally embedded learning capability. Our findings showed that (1) when the entrepreneur is leading and managing the business, more suppliers are involved in the development of new products, and (2) the type of contribution given by suppliers differs by management typology. More precisely, the incremental type of contribution is dominant whenever professional management is present, while the relevance of architectural and radical topologies increase when the entrepreneur is present.On a broader level, the findings suggest further studies to address the question of how internally determined, rather than spontaneous, is the evolution toward a network structure in sets of SMEs similar to those studied. We showed that the number and the quality of inter-firm relationships cannot be explained merely by environment-specific factors.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the conditions of the initial internationalization decision in the network economy. Based on the information systems, international entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship literature, factors, which constitute the internationalization propensity, are elicited. The results of this study suggest that a holistic perspective including the founder, business model, and the firm should be considered when explaining the internationalization propensity of entrepreneurs. Our analysis also shows that, depending on the entrepreneur’s entrepreneurial orientation, the internationalization propensity varies. Data were obtained by conjoint analysis experiments conducted with German network economy entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

The process model of entrepreneurial venture creation developed in this paper is based on interviews with entrepreneurs who started twenty-seven business in a range of industries in upstate New York. The venture creation process described here is an iterative, nonlinear, feedback-driven, conceptual, and physical process.The model includes internally and externally stimulated opportunity recognition, commitment to physical creation, set-up of production technology, organization creation, product creation, linking with markets, and customer feedback. For analytical convenience, the process has been divided into the opportunity stage, the technology set-up and organization-creation stage, and the exchange stage. Business concept, production technology, and product are respectively the core variables representing the three stages.Entrepreneurs introduce differing amounts of novelty at each core variable during venture creation, and the varying amounts of novelty qualitatively distinguish one kind of entrepreneurship from another.For the researcher, the model suggests a better method for specifying samples of entrepreneurial firms. It shows how studies on the context of venture creation can be more specific, and proposes that novelty at the core variables be operationalized as a step toward defining the entrepreneurial content of ventures.For the prospective entrepreneur, the model will serve as a useful road map. It will alert the entrepreneur to the strategic issues at each stage in the venture creation process, particularly when introducing significant novelty at any of the core variables.  相似文献   

New and small firms operating in the high-tech environments need strong entrepreneurial (EO) and learning (LO) orientations to enhance international growth. Yet, the relationship between these two key strategic dimensions and foreign growth can be contingent to the entrepreneur’s individual characteristics. Bringing together elements from strategic management, organization and entrepreneurship literatures, we employ a dynamic temporal perspective considering two levels of analysis, the firm and the entrepreneur, and we apply a fixed effects pooled time-series regression on a sample of 170 firms in two periods of time (2005 and 2015). Our findings indicate that SMEs that possess greater EO and LO have higher international growth. However, previous entrepreneurial and industry-specific managerial experience of the founder/CEO positively exert their effect on these relationships. Our results have important theoretical and practical implications for entrepreneurs and policy makers operating in highly innovative sectors.  相似文献   

The study is theoretically grounded in the resource-based view and applied to a service industry-tourism. It examined the performance of small ventures by utilizing an integrated dynamic model of entrepreneur choices and resource accumulation. Each phase in the process is added to previous one. Findings from 305 small tourism ventures revealed that the human capital of the entrepreneur, particularly managerial skills, were the greatest contributing factor to performance. This was followed by venture type. The study illustrates the unique nature of the entrepreneurial process among small ventures, often defined as “lifestyle businesses”.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which firms' knowledge and structural characteristics as well as firms' behaviour in foreign markets following trade mission participation impacts upon trade mission success and export performance. The findings suggest that: 1) A diversification strategy in terms of export markets benefits future expansion into new foreign markets; 2) Specific knowledge about the targeted markets should be acquired prior to participating in the trade missions; 3) Communication with potential business partners should be established prior to participating in the trade missions; and 4) The business relationships established before and during the trade missions should be cultivated through regular contacts using not only communication technology, but also regular visits. In summary, overseas trade missions contribute to the generation of incremental sales in foreign markets by enhancing the relationship-building process between business partners.  相似文献   

This study explores how senior executives affect firms' propensity to engage in political activity. I propose that firms' participation in the political process depends on their senior executives' involvement in political activity. I examine this framework using data on the campaign contributions of 151 U.S. manufacturing firms during the years 1999-2002. The results suggest that senior executives' involvement in a particular political activity affects their firms' commitment to that political activity, contingent on CEO tenure and top management team heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A society’s allocation of working time to entrepreneurial, organizational and learning activities is the main factor behind technical change and economic growth. Building on Lucas (1978) and Kihlstrom and Laffont (1979), in this paper I offer evidence that the amount of working time spent by small business owners in entrepreneurial activities affects the performance of the business and reveals their entrepreneurial talent. The intuition is that it is reasonable to allocate more of our time to those activities where we realize we are more productive. As actual consumption choices reveal consumer preferences, the varying entrepreneurial content of the activities performed is a signal of an individual’s ability as entrepreneur. The results obtained suggest that the allocation of working time by small business owners: (a) throws light on their behavioral patterns; (b) is related to the owner’s human capital and to firm size; and (c) has a significant correlation with business performance. The main finding of my analysis, confirming previous studies on this topic, is that education is an important part of entrepreneurial human capital. Moreover, the latter is the main factor that can sustain small firms’ competitiveness in a globalizing economy. The entrepreneur is at the same time one of the most intriguing and one of the most elusive characters in the cast that constitutes the subject of economic analysis (Baumol, 1965, p. 64). I would like to acknowledge valuable comments from T. Cameron, G. Gagliani and two anonymous referees. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the entrepreneur’s experiential diversity and entrepreneurial performance. First, we argue that entrepreneurial and industry experiences are positively associated with performance. Second, by combining Lazear’s jacks-of-all-trades theory with the cognition and learning literatures, an inverted U-shaped experience diversity-performance relationship is predicted. The hypotheses are tested using data from the US National Labor Survey Youth 1979 and O*NET. We find that industry experience is positively associated with performance, but entrepreneurial experience is negatively related. Moreover, experience diversity measured in terms of skills is found to be positively associated with performance up to a certain threshold. After this threshold, an increase in an entrepreneur’s experiential diversity lowers performance. Entrepreneurs with 23 different skills have the highest performance. Furthermore, when depreciating for experience, experience diversity measured in terms of both skills and knowledge is found to be positively related to performance.  相似文献   

Internationalisation is increasingly being seen as an organisational learning process. However, entrepreneurial enterprises tend to be smaller, more innovative and more agile than their larger counterparts. When they internationalise, entrepreneurial firms often expand at a rapid rate. The cultures of so-called ‘born global’ firms also appear to differ from firms that internationalise in a more gradual, stepwise fashion. This raises interesting questions about how entrepreneurial firms acquire and manage knowledge about markets, networks and capabilities in turbulent and uncertain environments and how the values embedded in organisational cultures might influence strategic choices. The following articles in this special edition of the Journal of International Entrepreneurship focus specifically on how innovative firms—particularly small and medium-sized enterprises—recognise and exploit market opportunities, how they learn from international market entry and penetration experiences to improve core capabilities and how values may influence supply chain management and start-up decisions.  相似文献   

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