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2007年审计准则变更将现代风险导向审计引入了中国证券市场,旨在提高审计的效率和效果。本文为了检验2007年审计准则和现代风险导向审计在中国的应用效果,对准则变更前后审计项目投入的水平进行了比较。我们发现:(1)现代风险导向审计提高了会计师事务所的审计效率;(2)现代风险导向审计在一定程度上提高了会计师事务所对高风险客户的关注程度;(3)四大将新旧审计准则的转换成本部分转移给其客户,而非四大在市场竞争的作用下自行承担了转换成本。  相似文献   

审计项目工时预算管理是审计项目管理的重要组成部分,是提升审计工作质量的重要内容。本文探讨了加强审计项目工时预算管理的意义,并从审计项目管理现实出发,研究探析了审计项目工时预算编制的具体方法,对完整、准确编制审计项目工时预算具有较强的参考价值。  相似文献   

2002年安然事件导致全球“五大”会计师事务所之一的安达信破产,可以看到对错误的客户进行审计能导致会计师事务所的破产,因此越来越多的会计师事务所将重点放在那些能够评估是否将一家公司作为审计客户的程序和信息上.本文从多个角度分析了影响注册会计师事务所选择客户的主要因素,为审计客户的选择提供参考建议  相似文献   

我国审计定价影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
审计定价与注册会计师的独立性和审计质量息息相关.通过运用2006年沪、深两市上市公司的实证数据对我国审计定价影响因素进行实证研究,结果表明:非审计费用未影响审计定价,董事会规模、董事会勤勉与独立性、事务所品牌、企业规模和子公司数目等直接影响审计定价.  相似文献   

本文选取了2010年沪市A股市场的786家公司为样本,通过多元线性回归模型,实证研究了审计收费的影响因素.实证结果表明,公司规模、管理费用、是否属于ST公司、是否在B股上市、上市公司对外担保额和会计师事务所规模对审计收费有显著影响;而存货和应收账款与资产总额之比、资产负债率、审计任期和审计意见类型对审计收费的影响并不显著.在所有影响因素中,对审计收费影响最大的决定因素是公司规模.  相似文献   

王志丹 《会计师》2023,(6):74-76
在新经济发展形势下,审计质量逐渐成为衡量一家会计师事务所整体竞争力的核心指标。会计师事务所应在日常经营管理活动中找寻影响审计质量的主要因素,多措并举提供高质量的审计服务,提高审计工作质量,更好地保护市场主体的合法权益。如何有效提高会计师事务所的审计质量,降低审计风险,成为当前会计审计行业的热门话题。  相似文献   

张婷 《中国外资》2010,(6):71-72
审计收费研究是审计市场研究的重要组成部分,会计师事务所对审计业务的收费应当公平地反映其所提供的专业服务的价值.过高或过低的收费都可能会影响注册会计师的独立性和审计工作的质量。  相似文献   

审计费用一直是审计与资本市场研究的热点问题之一.本文将围绕事务所特征和解析方法的应用对2005年之后发表在<会计研究>和<审计研究>上的相关文献进行总结和回顾.  相似文献   

王伟 《中国外资》2010,(8):119-120
审计费用一直是审计与资本市场研究的热点问题之一。本文将围绕事务所特征和解析方法的应用对2005年之后发表在《会计研究》和《审计研究》上的相关文献进行总结和回顾。  相似文献   

审计质量影响因素的文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,会计师事务所审计质量影响因素的研究一直是审计理论界、实务界和政府监管部门持续关注的焦点问题之一。本文首先概括国内外审计收费研究的总体特点,然后将分别对国内外该领域研究文献进行综述并概括总结。  相似文献   

Auditor's Engagement Risk and Audit Fees: The Role of Audit Firm Alumni   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  This study explores the effect of the association of audit firm alumni with their alma mater on audit prices. The tests indicate that there is a moderate reduction of up to 21% in the level of audit fee when alumni (i.e., former employees) of the incumbent audit firm sit on the client board of directors which is consistent with the engagement risk theory. This suggests that there is an 'alumni effect' in the market for audit services. The findings hold only in the large company segment of the market. The results are robust to different model specifications and alternative samples. The sample comprises all executive and non-executive directors who run the UK quoted companies and are simultaneously ICAEW qualified chartered accountants. The study's implications for the accounting profession and the regulators are also discussed.  相似文献   

政府绩效审计研究动态评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对国内外政府绩效审计定义、审计范围、审计目标、审计方法、审计结果评价和审计报告等研究内容进行了文献回顾.认为我国政府绩效审计应拓宽国际比较研究对象的范围、构建政府绩效审计研究的整体框架.以期为我国政府缋效审计理论上的深度发展与实务上的良性变革提供借鉴.  相似文献   


We investigate the impact of audit firm tenure, partner tenure, audit fees, fees for non-audit services and total fees on audit quality, as measured by discretionary accruals. Our sample consists of Spanish non-financial public companies for the years between 2006 and 2013. Results indicate that audit quality increases with audit firm tenure but decreases with partner tenure. Moreover, the level of fees paid to the audit firm seems to have a negative impact on audit quality, which is mainly driven by fees for audit services. In this regard, we do not observe any significant relationship between fees for non-audit services and audit quality. Our results also show that the negative relationship between either long partner tenures or high fees and audit quality does not occur when the tenure with the audit firm is long. Therefore, long audit firm tenures do not only seem to involve higher audit quality ‘per se’, but also moderate the negative effects of partner tenure and audit fees on audit quality. The results of this study, which are robust to several sensitivity checks, may be relevant for the current debate on auditor rotation and the joint provision of audit and non-audit services.  相似文献   

This study explores audit implications of shared leadership in client firms. Analyzing data from 2002 to 2013 of Korean listed companies, we find that auditors spend fewer audit hours and charge lower audit fees for clients with multiple CEOs. Additional tests reveal that the lower audit fees for co-CEO clients are likely attributable to reduced audit effort rather than to reduced hourly rates. We also document that firms with co-CEOs exhibit better-reporting quality than do firms with a solitary CEO. In sum, this article presents evidence that mutual monitoring via co-CEO appointments assures high-quality financial reporting of audit clients, and thus leads to reduced audit fees.  相似文献   

审计绩效的提高是以一定的审计制度环境为条件的。本文以新制度学派的组织理论为依据,从审计组织领域的视角探讨了审计绩效、审计治理结构的涵义及其二者之间的关系,明确了完善的审计制度体系、并且得到审计以及相关组织有效的遵循,是提高审计绩效的基本制度条件。在此基础上,提出了对审计制度效率进行测评的一种经验研究的方法,并运用此方法对我国审计行政管理体制的制度效率进行了比较因素分析,提出了我国提高审计绩效的政策建议。  相似文献   

审计机关审计项目审理工作的实践与理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据审计法、审计法实施条例和国家审计准则规定,审计机关审计项目应当实行审理制度。这一制度对审计机关提高审计质量、控制审计风险、发挥免疫系统功能和建设性作用都极其重要。本文结合现代审计发展规律和内部控制制度需求,对审计机关审计项目审理工作的实践和理论探讨进行了较系统的研究,以期通过建立审理机构、配备审理人员、完善审理制度和优化审计机关审计项目审理程序为全面提高审计质量和控制审计风险提供保障。同时,还针对目前审理工作中存在的问题提出具体对策,与审计同仁进行探讨。  相似文献   

关于农村审计性质的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村审计对于发展农村经济、巩固税费改革成果、减轻农民负担、加强社会主义新农村建设是十分必要的。但对于农村审计性质至今尚未形成统一的认识。农村审计不同于内部审计、政府审计和社会审计,农村审计应属于外部审计。  相似文献   

内部审计研究述评:2003—2009   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003—2009年,我国学者关于内部审计的学术研究取得了重大进展,形成了围绕内部控制的清晰脉络。热点集中在内部审计的职能、外包,以及内部审计与公司治理、风险管理、内部控制的相互嵌合方面,内涵也随着内部控制的发展而不断丰富。未来内部审计将在实现技术和相关理论综合上有所突破,有关内部审计人员的研究也将其作为研究方向之一。  相似文献   

We use data from internal assessments of audit quality in a Big 4 firm to investigate the impact of audit firm tenure and auditor‐provided non‐audit services (NAS) on audit quality. We find that first‐year audits receive lower assessments of audit quality and that quality improves shortly thereafter and then declines as tenure becomes very long. Partitioning our sample between SEC registrants and private clients, we find that the decline in audit quality in the long tenure range is attributable to audits of private clients. For audits of SEC registrants, the probability of a high quality audit reaches its maximum with very long tenure. We also find that audit fees are discounted for first‐year audits but auditor effort is higher than in subsequent years. We find no association, on average, between total NAS fees and audit quality in the full sample but observe that total NAS fees are positively associated with quality for SEC registrants and negatively associated with quality for privately held clients. Our findings are important for regulatory policies related to audit firm tenure and auditor‐provided NAS.  相似文献   

民国时期产生了具有近代意义的政府审计思想,本文的目的是归纳它的特点及其启示。通过梳理、分析和归纳相关历史文献,发现民国时期政府审计思想有五大特点:从简单模仿日本审计制度到结合中国国情;注意事前审计;在机构设置、监察权行使方式和报告关系上实行监审合一;政府审计组织独立于行政组织,实行审计人员限制兼职和回避制度,确保人员独立;规定审计会议制度,推进民主审计。这一时期审计思想对当代的启示有:目前政府审计组织的"行政型"模式符合中国国情;由全国人大审计委员会对财政预算进行事前审计,对于预算支出,非经审计核签国库不得支付;合并监察部与审计署为监审部,提高它的地位至副总理级;在审计法规中明确审计会议制度,规定重大审计事项和重要人员调度须经审计会议决定。  相似文献   

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