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Albert Einstein noted ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result’.[Einstein, A., www.brainyquote.com ] Unfortunately, too many fundraisers continue to employ the same old methods even when the outcomes are disappointing. (Direct mail not working … add another mailing. Foundations not responding … up the number of proposals going out.) Because change is inevitable, those responsible for development decisions must understand the larger trends that are fuelling the paradigm shift in advancement strategies. This paper provides the background to understand the philanthropic, economic, societal and technological trends that have an impact on fundraising today. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

In the transition from a Newtonian paradigm of control and equilibrium to one of chaos and disequilibrium, organizations have substantially changed their structures (e.g., moving to diverse project‐based teams, advancing knowledge management, and building innovative cultures), but they have only minimally changed their leadership styles and practices. This paper describes a model of leadership proposed by Ron Heifetz that optimizes the characteristics of the 21st century in which the leader's role is to disturb equilibrium, differentiate between technical and adaptive challenges, and engage the followers in solving the organization's problems. This model is contrasted with other leadership models to validate its usefulness in the face of chaos, ambiguity, and rapid change. The commitment of the leader to holding steady in the face of predictably strong resistance and the dangers to the leader in using this model are discussed.  相似文献   

As we rapidly approach the 21st century, current human resource management policies emphasizing early retirement may prove shortsighted. Changing demographics and projected labor shortages in certain critical occupations may require a reversal of present early retirement policies. This article reports the views of a national sample of 897 executives on work and retirement. We report their reactions to pressures for early retirement, their responses to proposed incentives to delay retirmeent, and finally, their planned post retirement activities. Their responses have important implications for revising human resource policies in the years ahead.  相似文献   

Not much can be done to save international executivism from disappearing gradually under the impact of growing nationalism, but companies with foreign affiliates can note the symptoms of a concerted push to discourage foreign managers and take some measures, discussed here, to prolong–possibly–the practice of placing foreign managers.  相似文献   

人类发展的局部性与封闭性走向终结 ,相互依存与整体性凸现 ,我们应当以新的思维 ,新的视角 ,重新审视国际关系  相似文献   

文章指出 ,“十五”期间 ,长春市要大力实施城市布局调整、基础设施建设、环境保护、住宅建设、城镇体系规划、市容管理等工程 ,同时 ,深化投融资、城市管理、公用事业、规划用地审批、住房分配等的制度改革 ,促进城建事业的更大发展。  相似文献   

21世纪的中国,随着社会主义市场经济的健康发展,需要有中国特色的管理理论和实践创新。本文从中国的国情和现实出发,在继承、总结中国传统文化和吸收国外先进管理理论的基础上,从中国式管理的理念、实质、路径选择、内在动力、策略原则五个方面探讨了管理学在中国的创新发展。  相似文献   

This paper describes and explains some of the principal trends in the wage and skill distribution in recent decades. Increases in wage inequality started in the US and UK at the end of the 1970s, but are now widespread. A good fraction of this inequality trend is due to technology-related increases in the demand for skilled workers outstripping the growth of their supply. Since the early 1990s, labor markets have become more polarized with jobs in the middle third of the wage distribution shrinking and those in the bottom and top third rising. I argue that this is because computerization complements the most skilled tasks, but substitutes for routine tasks performed by middle wage occupations such as clerks, leaving the demand for the lowest skilled service tasks largely unaffected. Finally, I argue that technology is partly endogenous, for example it has been spurred by trade with China. Thus, trade does matter for changes in the labor market, but through a different mechanism than conventionally thought.  相似文献   

在中国经济瞬息万变的今天,饭店业应以创新及变革去对应个性化和多元化需求的发展,顺应知识经济的进步,同时采取国际市场和国内市场并举的经济策略,在满足“涉外”需求的同时满足内需市场,进一步确立可持续发展目标,迎接巨大的市场压力和强劲的挑战。  相似文献   

We forecast income growth over the period 2000–2050 in the US, Canada, and France. To ground the forecasts on relationships that are as robust as possible to changes in the environment, we use a quantitative theoretical approach which involves calibrating and simulating a general equilibrium model. Compared to existing studies, we allow for life uncertainty and migrations, use generational accounting studies to link taxes and public expenditures to demographic changes, and take into account the interaction between education and work experience. Forecasts show that growth will be weaker over the period 2010–2040. The gap between the US and the two other countries is increasing over time. France will catch-up and overtake Canada in 2020. Investigating alternative policy scenarios, we show that increasing the effective retirement age to 63 would be most profitable for France, reducing the gap between it and the US by one third. A decrease in social security benefits would slightly stimulate growth but would have no real impact on the gap between the countries.  相似文献   

When the CEO for one of the country's large telecommunications companies selected Bonnie C. Hathcock as chief human resources officer almost six years ago, she had not spent day one in a personnel or human resources assignment. At that time, her career spanned 15 years and included a decade in sales and marketing with a Fortune 50 corporation and two training and development assignments with large multinationals. Now after 20 years of corporate life, Bonnie says, “I love this dynamic profession and have discovered my perfect fit in corporate America.” Bonnie and her team of human resource professionals at Siemens Rolm Communications Inc. in California's Silicon Valley, have launched a progressive human resource strategy and a creative organizational design. In this article, Bonnie shares her approach to 21st century human resources that is newbreed, strategic, and refreshingly unconventional. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Within the context of the transformation of capitalist society in the last third of the twentieth century–a decline in the relative importance of manufacturing both in terms of GDP and employment, changes in the conception of work as mental rather than manual and in the types of interaction between capital and labour - labour relations systems in the twenty-first century will be very different from those prevailing today.  相似文献   

我国从今年1月1日起开始实行质量专业技术人员职业资格考试制度的消息发布后,质量工作者们都在关心:今年什么时候进行考试?考试大纲确定了吗?辅导教材什么地方可以买到?什么机构可以进行辅导培训?--现在,这一切都有了答案:我国首次质量专业资格考试大纲、教材已经付印;师资培训将于5月底在北京和上海(上海质量管理科学研究院)举办;第一次考试定于今年9月23日在全国统一进行.  相似文献   

文章对虚拟经营进行了详细的说明,介绍了虚拟经营的5种形式,论述了转向虚拟经营的可行性,同时提出了虚拟经营已经成为一种新型的企业运转和管理的模式。随着计算机技术的不断发展,虚拟经营将在现代社会中演绎更重要的角色。  相似文献   

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