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Cooperative Extension and other institutions (e.g., technical colleges, on-line self study programs, university short courses, etc.) frequently stress the importance of financial management education for successful farming operations. The research reported in this paper attempts to quantify the contributions of such training to the financial performance of dairy farms in Wisconsin. Our results suggest a link between a deeper understanding of financial concepts and greater financial returns but that it is a relatively weak one. Moreover, simple exposure to farm management training programs and self-confidence in farm financial decision-making ability are not significantly related to farm financial outcomes.  相似文献   

[目的]家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,近年来受到国家的大力支持。对其发展情况进行调查分析有助于发现其存在问题,尽早提出解决措施,优化家庭农场的发展和培育。[方法]文章以农业部家庭农场专项调查数据为基础,从经营数量、经营规模、经营类型、经营效益4个方面,对家庭农场的发展现状进行了分析。[结果]家庭农场发展迅速,且增长速度逐年加快;目前已基本实现规模经营,其中70%的土地来自土地流转;农场数量和规模南北差异较大;经营类型以种植业为主,占六成以上;家庭农场的年销售产值高,但净利润低。除此之外,由于处在探索发展阶段,我国家庭农场在发展过程中面临着生产成本过高、质量认证缺乏和资金支持少等问题。[结论]最后针对这些问题,从加大政策扶持力度、加快农产品品牌建设和加强金融支持3方面提出对策建议,以期为未来家庭农场的培育提供参考价值。  相似文献   

A number of current policy issues are discussed which illustrate serious confusion and economic illiteracy in the minds of many influential farm leaders. The issues discussed are: the cost-price squeeze in agriculture; the embargo on the export of merino rams; promotion of farm products; land policy; and tax concessions for agriculture. In some cases policies are followed which run counter to both farmer and national interests. Along with farm management extension, there is a growing need for agricultural policy extension.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of farm management in ensuring compatibility of extension content with the motives and constraints of individual peasant farmers. It emphasises the need for a modicum of farm management expertise in the communication of innovation from extension agent to farmer but questions the suitability of advanced farm management techniques for this purpose. It is argued that, if the potential contribution of farm management is to be realised, there is a need for an intermediate and appropriate farm management technology.  相似文献   

Types of control are briefly reviewed. It is asserted that control problems are of growing importance in farm management. Opportunities for control in farming are identified. An outline is given of the necessary ingredients of a financial control system for farm management. By way of example, a test is made of a hypothesis about the nature of financial control among a sample of commercial farmers. Finally, problems of planning for control are briefly examined.  相似文献   

The complexity of modern farm management places great demands on the skill, knowledge and capability of farm managers and their families. Keeping abreast of emerging technologies and innovations that can affect each key farm enterprise, and knowing how best to marshal the resources required for profitable farm production, are key tasks of farm management. This study draws on a longitudinal data set of 240 broadacre farmers to compare and analyse their farm performance over a decade. Using structural equation modelling, we examine relationships between the farm family's involvement in training, their human capital, their use of various innovations and ultimately the linkages of these factors to farm financial and productivity performance. Several statistically significant inter‐relationships are found, and some factors are shown to have significant positive links to farm performance. We find that training undertaken by the farm family, the farm family's human capital and their use of innovations, particularly key cropping innovations, have significant beneficial impacts on farm performance. The farmer's skills in time and organisational management, their engagement in business planning and the unique environmental characteristics of the farm also significantly and positively influence farm performance.  相似文献   

[目的]家庭农场是实现农业现代化的重要主体,进一步研究粮食类家庭农场培育的影响因素并提出培育对策和建议,对于确保粮食安全和实现农民增收具有重要意义.[方法]文章以山东省齐河县、肥城市、寿光市、安丘市、即墨市、莱州市的粮食类家庭农场为研究对象,进行问卷调研,然后运用描述统计、均值分析、因子分析和回归分析等方法,分析粮食类家庭农场的经营现状及其成立和经营的影响因素.[结果]分别对应家庭农场成立和家庭农场经营等2个因变量,运用SPSS19.0软件进行线性回归分析,分析结果P值均为0.000,说明模型能够有效反映影响因素对家庭农场的成立存在显著的影响,有效反映影响因素对家庭农场的经营存在显著的影响;Durbin-Watson值分别为2.292、2.156,均介于1~3之间,说明回归模型残差独立,回归模型有效.[结论](1)社会化服务已经不再是培育家庭农场的障碍,农场主可以容易地获得生产资料、生产技术、生产过程服务,从劳务市场雇佣劳动者以及将农产品销售出去;(2)农场主和劳动雇工、资金及土地是培育家庭农场的主要影响因素;(3)产业带动对家庭农场的培育影响不显著;(4)基础设施对家庭农场的成立存在一定影响.  相似文献   

With the development of farm management extension services in Australia, a need has arisen for an analytical technique which can be handled by extension officers and readily comprehended by farmers. Inter farm comparison met this need at a similar stage of development in the United States and United Kingdom, and its application to Australian conditions is discussed. Comparative analysis is presented as an integral feature of farm management accounting.  相似文献   

A whole farm simulation model, Technology Impact Evaluation System (TIES), was used to assess ex-ante financial and economic impacts of immunization of dairy cattle against East Coast Fever (ECF) by the infection and treatment method (ITM) on smallholder farms from two sites in Kenya. Four alternative strategics of immunization in combination with different levels of acaricide use were compared with the current acaricide-based method of control. The economic impacts were estimated using simulated net present values, present values of ending net worth, internal rates of return, benefit-cost ratios, annual cash farm incomes, cash expenses, and net farm incomes. The results from the analysis indicate that ECF immunization strategics are financially and economically viable on smallholder farms. Based on the risk preference for risk averse producers, the most preferred strategy was to adopt ITM in combination with a 75% reduction in acaricidc use. The results obtained provide a good indication of the relative orders of magnitude of the farm level financial and economic effects of ECF immunization by ITM. The whole farm simulation model used for the analysis has the advantage of incorporating the risks involved in farm production. Whole farm simulation offers a flexible method for assessing the financial and economic impacts of alternative disease control methods on smallholder farms.  相似文献   

Farm succession and inheritance is increasingly considered a complex phenomenon which not only affects core dimensions of farm family life but also the agricultural sector more widely. Intergenerational farm transfer in particular is increasingly viewed as fundamental to the sustainability and development of global agriculture. In the majority of EU countries, the average age of farmers is increasing, while the number of farmers under 40 years of age is decreasing. There is growing concern that this demographic trend may have negative impacts on the agricultural industry because it is younger and not older farmers who are associated with more efficient and effective production practices. The question of what motivates decisions to transfer farms is a complex one, and research to date has not apparently enlightened agricultural policy to the extent that current trends towards an ageing farm population are being managed. This research aims to investigate economic and financial aspects of the policy drivers of farm succession and inheritance in Ireland to understand what it is about the policy environment that is failing to stimulate higher levels of farm transfer. It draws on the Teagasc National Farm Survey data which provides Irish data to the Farm Accountancy Data Network in the European Commission. A hypothetical microsimulation model is used to investigate economic factors of farm transfers, with scenarios created to test these factors and their impacts on the transfer process. The Net Present Value (NPV) of income streams for farmers and their successors are calculated to assess which scenarios have the highest/lowest financial effects. The findings illustrate a range of possible scenarios for farm succession/inheritance, with some results indicating that under current policy retaining a farm until death may be more economically beneficial to a farmer than transferring land before death.  相似文献   

A review of New Zealand's experience with assistance to agriculture through the 1960s and 1970s and the subsequent deregulation of the sector in the mid-1980s provides background to this study. Data for sheep and beef farmers are used to elaborate the variety of financial changes in the boom and bust cycles that followed the policy changes. Changes in farm business stress are examined using some conventional financial ratios. New measures which partition household expenditure between consumption and investment are then developed. These better explain the stress experienced among farm households as a consequence of the readjustment process and provide insight to the impact of the legacy of debt, encouraged by government intervention, on farmers' current and expected household consumption over recent years. New Zealand's experience reveals that farm household consumption stress has been unevenly distributed. This suggests that policy concern, following the removal of government assistance to agriculture, should focus principally on the mitigation of the household distress caused by ongoing farm debt commitments.  相似文献   

Farmers in Bangladesh face considerable risk due to fluctuations in biophysical and economic conditions, but the response to these risks is poorly understood. In particular, there is a need to better understand the endogenous management of risk in the rice/shrimp farming systems that have emerged in the inner coastal zone of Bangladesh. This paper draws on a case study of a typical rice/shrimp farming village in Khulna District to explore: (a) farmers’ perceptions of risks and their management responses, (b) risk-return trade-offs within small-, medium-, and large-farm households, and (c) the role of other farm and non-farm activities in mitigating risks to household livelihoods. Farm-level data were collected through a reconnaissance survey, a village census, household case studies, and a sample survey of 73 households. Representative farm budgets were constructed for the three farm-size classes. The key performance indicators calculated were gross margin (GM), net income (NI), and GM per workday of family labour. The riskiness of the rice/shrimp system was assessed for each farm type using farmers’ estimates of low, normal, and high yields and prices to specify triangular distributions. Cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for GM, NI, and GM per workday were generated. A whole-farm economic analysis was also conducted to assess the relative contributions of different sources of income for each farm type. With access to saline water for shrimp farming in the dry season and fresh water for rice in the wet season, farmers have developed and progressively adapted an alternating rice/shrimp farming system that has minimised the trade-offs between the two crops and provides a good return to household and village resources for all farm types. The system is subject to significant production and market risks, especially the shrimp component. However, farmers have clearly perceived these risks and ameliorated them through a range of production, marketing, and management strategies. With these risk management practices, the rice/shrimp cropping system is economically viable, given the current variation in yields and prices. The greater risk associated with the shrimp component was offset by the renewed stability of the rice component over the past decade, and the risks of the whole cropping system were offset by other farm and non-farm sources of livelihood. Development interventions need to work with farmers to provide further options (suitable rice varieties, solutions to shrimp disease, improved village and transport infrastructure) if this resilience is to be maintained.  相似文献   

The widespread land occupations of 2000 demonstrate the uneasy fit of commercial farm workers within the politics and development of Zimbabwe. Not only have farm workers borne the most violence at the hands of land occupiers, but their current socio-political situation on predominantly white-owned commercial farms has either been reduced by a nationalist liberation war binary of exploitation/abuse by racist white settlers or totally elided through human rights and democracy discourses anchored in the liberal subject. Based on periodic fieldwork research with commercial farm workers from 1992 to 2000, this paper analyses how farm workers have been represented by the various public actors during the current land occupations and the complex ways some farm workers have responded to these events. The emphasis is on how political actors need to rethink the situation of commercial farm workers if they are to take an active role in the improvement of their living and working lives.  相似文献   

本溪国有林场“十一五”发展建设调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了辽宁省本溪国有林场"十一五"时期改革、生态建设、产业发展、森林经营等方面取得的主要成绩。指出了存在的主要问题,认为下一步改革要进一步理顺管理体制,延续林业总场统一管理,总场、林场两级独立核算的经营模式,强化资金管理,加强林产品营销管理;开展人事工资制度改革;鼓励扶持职工发展自营经济;在部分国有林场开展现代林业建设试点,促进国有林场森林经营和管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

财务管理是南水北调工程建设管理的重要方面,以南水北调中线一期陶岔渠首枢纽工程财务管理为例展开分析,揭示资金筹集、风险防控和投资效益分摊等方面的难点和重点问题,分析该工程财务管理、风险管理和内部控制的现状,探索工程建设财务管理的有效控制措施和方法。水利工程财务管理具有一般性,案例研究可为大中型水利工程建设财务管理和风险控制提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

我国家庭农场发展现状及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭农场是在我国农村现有基础上建立的,是新型的农业生产主体,是实行农业现代化的金钥匙。家庭农场的出现,既增加农民的收入,又可以实现农业生产的产业化。文章运用文献分析和实地调研相结合的研究方法,分析了当前我国家庭农场的发展现状,即我国家庭农场呈现出经营规模不同、经营品种不同、经营效益较好、具有市场竞争力等明显特征。家庭农场的发展面临大好机遇,但是也存在土地产权认识不明晰、资金短缺、劳动力缺乏等瓶颈问题。并提出明确家庭农场认定标准、引导土地向家庭农场流转、农民的技术培训、完善农业保险、政府给予一定的资金政策等建议,旨在为各地区制定发展家庭农场政策提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]东北地区作为维护国家粮食安全的“压舱石”,准确而系统地掌握东北地区粮食型农户家庭农场经营风险认知水平,为政府部门精准实施粮食型农户家庭农场配套扶持政策提供参考。[方法]文章利用黑龙江、吉林、辽宁3省301个粮食型农户家庭农场调研数据,运用交叉列表和多元有序logit模型分析家庭农场经营风险认知水平及其影响因素。[结果](1)6312%的粮食型家庭农场有一定风险认知能力,土地经营面积在333~1333hm2(50~200亩)与1333~3333hm2(200~500亩)的家庭农场风险认知处于中等水平, 3333hm2(500亩)以上家庭农场经营风险认知低; (2)玉米种植型家庭农场风险认知水平高于水稻种植型家庭农场; (3)年龄、是否村干部、劳动力数量、土地经营规模、是否有自然灾害、农产品市场价格波动、是否“三品一标”认证、金融支持、农推人员技术指导和新型经营主体间合作稳定对东北地区粮食型农户家庭农场经营风险认知有影响。[结论]应培养家庭农场主个人特质,鼓励支农惠农政策向规模适度的家庭农场倾斜,从流程入手提高家庭农场风险防范能力。  相似文献   

The financial performance of 240 farms in a drought‐affected agricultural region of Australia is analysed. The decadal study period included some years of widespread drought, as well as years with only subregional droughts or no drought. Some droughts created larger adverse financial impacts than others. Mostly, the more droughts farms experienced, the worse was their financial performance relative to farms within the same quantile of farm performance. Despite the incidence of drought, by the end of the decade, almost all the farm businesses were wealthier from increasing their farm size and becoming more crop dominant. Unexpectedly, consecutive years of drought had a significant positive effect on the operating profit per hectare and retained profit per hectare of farms in a majority of their respective quantiles. Many farms that experienced consecutive drought were forced to make structural changes, shifting away from livestock production towards additional cropping. These structural changes boosted farm performance over the decade. The incidence of drought affected some measures of farm performance differently whilst others were affected similarly. Understanding these metrics of farm performance and the structural changes underway in an agricultural region helps form a more complete view of drought impacts.  相似文献   

Traditionally, farms expand by buying out a neighbour. But might remote partnerships be a better way of expanding a farm business given projected climate change and price volatility? This question is addressed using farm business financial modelling. Representative farms at 27 locations in Western Australia are constructed to enable comparison of the value of buying out a neighbour versus expansion using geographically distant joint venture (JV) partners. The farm models consider economies of size, bulk purchase price discounts, the variability and correlation of returns associated with farm expansion, and impacts of climate change. Random selection of a remote partner generates little improvement in wealth; on average only 2.3 and 1.6 per cent, respectively, under current and projected future climate across all locations. However, there is large variation in wealth appreciation opportunities for each location and between locations. Preferred partnerships are a function of each farm's characteristics. Locations highly preferred as JV partners under current climate are similarly preferred partners under projected future climate. The main sources of additional wealth come from economies of size advantages, risk‐spreading benefits of combining geographically separated farms and bulk discounts. Farmers seeking business expansion will often benefit greatly from careful selection of a remote partner.  相似文献   

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