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从土地供给和房地产开发两方面着手,对上海市住房供给的有效性进行定量分析。土地供给方面主要是:土地供给,总量相对需求不足、供给结构失衡和土地闲置等问题。房地产开发方面则有:投资结构单一、开发档次不合理和住宅施竣比畸高等问题。因而,研究者从制度角度、开发角度和需求角度三方面研究阐述了提高住房供给有效性的对策与建议。  相似文献   

大城市商业郊区化的问题及调控--以上海市徐汇区为例   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以上海市徐汇区为例,分析了我国发达地区大城市商业中心恶性竞争、城郊商业设施不足、批发市场衰退等城市商业郊区化过程中表现出来的主要问题;从商业业态、商业开发时序和商业地域结构调整等角度提出了应对城市商业郊区化发展的对策.  相似文献   

交通政策实践分析表明,京沪两市目前交通实践主要集中于交通供给政策,交通需求政策和空间政策实施力度不够,这与发达国家大城市交通实践形成鲜明对比,也导致了京沪城市交通效率低下.两市交通政策的最大差别在于对个体机动车辆的控制方面,上海通过私家车牌照拍卖,在一定程度上控制了小汽车的增长速度,而北京由于缺乏有效举措导致小汽车过快增长,这一政策差别是两市交通效率差异的主要原因.通过京沪交通比较研究,就我国特大城市交通战略的未来走向提出相应的政策建议,以期为城市交通发展决策提供参考依据.  相似文献   

杨上广  吴柏均 《城市问题》2009,(1):57-61,98
在分析上海城市经济空间、居住空间和人口空间郊区化演变趋势特征以及郊区化演变的动力机制的基础上,进行了中外城市空间郊区化演变比较,提出了上海城市郊区化演变过程中需要警惕的一些问题,并针对这些问题进行了一定的思考.  相似文献   

关于上海市民对上海世博会的认知与期望的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世博会被誉为“经济、文化、科技领域的奥运会”,上海举办2010年世博会是一次千载难逢的发展机遇,能够促进上海的社会进步、经济发展,完善城市基础设施建设,给广大社会公众带来更美好的生活, 更好地为公众服务。上海世博会的成功举办离不开广大上海市民的支持,同时又将给上海市民的工作和生活带来方方面面的影响。通过本次社会调查,能够了解上海市民对世博会可能带来的各种影响的关注,以及对世博会的认知情况、支持情况、参观意向和期望等;并根据调查结果,提出相应的建议。这对于有针对性地开展世博会的筹备工作,更好地利用世博会的契机为广大社会公众服务具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

相对于影响住房供给和需求的其他因素,人口因素具有相对稳定型,因此从人口角度来分析住房市场是一个相当理想的视角。上海作为一个生育率超低水平的城市和快速移民的城市,人口年龄结构的变化也表现得尤其剧烈。准确把握上海的人口状况和结构变动,做好城市住房管理工作,维持稳定的住房价格,保证住房市场得到稳定健康发展,同时提高居民的居住福利,有序推动城市化过程,是上海发展面临的突出挑战。分析上海市户籍人口和常住人口不同的刚性住房需求变迁,得到外来常住流动人口的刚性住房需求将成为城市住房需求的主要动力。基于外来人口的特性,未来本市人口住房购买性刚性需求比例将降低,相应的以租赁等形式的刚性住房需求旺盛,且多以低档小户型住房需求为主。同时,外来常住流动人口中集体户人口增加,集体式公寓等住房类型的刚性需求相应增加。  相似文献   

采用现场调查、电话调查、网上问卷相结合的方式对上海市民的出行效率进行调查与分析,并针对调查结果提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores a number of relocation outcomes for geographically mobile employees in the following three regions: Germany as the home country and destination for domestic assignments (n = 115), Western Europe (n = 116) and other countries (n = 236). The satisfaction with various aspects of the post-relocation environment, the perception of change between the pre- and post-relocation environment and the attachment to the post-relocation environment at various levels were compared between the three groups. For the European and international sub-samples differences in the ideal country and future plans were also investigated. The group that stood out most clearly was the domestic sub-sample. It emerged as the group least satisfied with their job or task characteristics, perceived significantly fewer changes in the environment and was comparatively eager to leave the site they were currently working at and the job they were currently employed in. The sometimes proposed redefinition of intra-European assignments as ‘quasi-domestic’ relocation appears to be inappropriate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolution patterns of eight territorial systems in Japan during the period of industry relocation. Multiple case study methodology was applied. Data were collected through interviews with entrepreneurs and local government officials. Based on the findings that reveal adaptation processes in which manufacturing firms are involved, we propose a three-stage evolutionary model to conceptualize the changes that are taking place in Japan's territorial systems. We argue that the transactional relationships are evolving towards more socialized relationships and that these relationships are evolving towards more formalized, knowledge-based innovation networks.  相似文献   

文中探讨了集装箱运输在国际贸易中的作用,利用SWOT分析法研究了上海港集装箱运输对其外贸经济的影响力及前景。同时依据上海港目前集装箱运输的优势与问题给出相应的建议,其对上海集装箱枢纽港提升综合竞争力及对上海的外贸经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate about how, in advanced countries, industrial districts specialised in traditional manufacturing industries evolve as a consequence of new challenges linked to the globalization process. Using a multiple case study design, the study examines the evolution of two fashion-led Italian districts: the Montebelluna sportswear system and the Vibrata-Tordino-Vomano clothing district. Our findings reveal that cluster firms’ ability to shift from manufacturing to other activities providing higher returns along the global value chain is key to understanding the effect of globalization and relocation processes on the cluster's long-term competitiveness. As illustrated in this study, weak learning districts are the most threatened while innovative districts are able to enact a selective process of relocation, substituting outplaced activities with more valuable ones and attracting inward investments.  相似文献   

This paper describes an empirically derived classification of the various factors that influence offshoring and backshoring decisions based on data from 275 offshoring and 160 backshoring projects. The study developed one set of factor bundles for offshoring and another set of such bundles for backshoring; these sets were then compared, and their relationships with post-relocation benefits were analyzed. These benefits were also grouped into bundles based on the empirical relationships. This research contributes an empirically derived classification scheme of decision factors for both offshoring and backshoring as well as an analysis of the relationships between decision factors and benefits for each type of relocation direction.  相似文献   

上海港集装箱运输发展的合作竞争战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张锦  徐剑华 《物流科技》2007,30(6):138-142
上海港集装箱运输近年来发展迅速,洋山深水港的开港又为上海港的发展注入新的活力。国家提出以上海为中心,浙江、江苏为两翼,建设上海国际航运中心政策。同时,长江黄金水道开发成为长江流域港口整合的契机。以上这些都为上海港的发展带来了机遇与挑战,使上海港面临合作与竞争。本文运用区位商理论分析港口腹地,论证上海港的经济腹地,提出上海港发展的合作竞争战略。  相似文献   

上海自贸区的建立对上海浦东机场的国际货运承载力是一个巨大挑战,同时对国内其他机场的国内货运承载力同样是机遇与挑战。文中主要探讨上海自贸区的建立对我国空港物流的影响,通过研究我国历年民航的国际与国内货运能力,分析得出上海自贸区已经推动并优化了我国民航货运吞吐量及其他相关功能与流程,再次验证我国当代空港物流的功能与流程再造的必要性。  相似文献   

The effect of FAA expenditures on air travel delays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to prevent the nation's aviation system from becoming congested. To reduce delays, the FAA makes investments in air traffic control. We assess the efficacy of these investments by developing an empirical model of delays that is motivated by air traffic control operations. We find that FAA spending has reduced the costs of delays to travelers and operators but that the FAA could generate greater benefits if spending were increased and efficiently allocated toward airports that experience the greatest delays.  相似文献   

俞军备  胡浩 《城市问题》2008,(3):97-101
住宅消费的满足程度不仅取决于自身的居住空间,还受到邻居行为、社区公共环境等影响.分析了住宅消费外部性产生的原因和影响,提出了治理住宅消费外部性的相关对策.  相似文献   

公租房制度是我国保障性住房体系中的一项创新性制度.该制度具有的现实逻辑体现为平等、开放和保障性价值等价值理念.目前,京、沪、渝、深等地公租房制度的实施在资金来源、保障对象、经营管理、退出机制等方面各有特色.公租房制度存在着立法层次不高、规范性较差等问题,需要从制定统一的住房保障法律制度、加强公租房建设的政府责任、扩大公租房的融资平台等方面完善此项制度,以确保民众住房福利的实现.  相似文献   

住房、交通与城市空间规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先归纳了城市空间结构理论框架下居住模式和交通体系空间互动关系的基本理论,之后对国际学术界相关的定量研究成果进行了综述,着重讨论了住房与交通相互作用所形成的社会效应,包括对居民住房支付能力、中低收入者福利和环境的影响,最后提出了住房和交通相协调的城市空间规划的三个目标,并就我国目前的实际情况提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   

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