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时光如梭,转眼间我们迎来了2010年。回顾过去的一年,在全球金融危机的背景下,中国经济的良好表现使得中国在世界经济舞台上扮演的角色更加重要。对于中国信用卡市场来说,过去的一年可谓挑战与机遇并存。在外部需求锐减的情况下,中国政府采取了扩大内需的经济政策,刺激消费成为其中重要的一个部分。作为一种便利的现代支付工具,信用卡凭借其在促进个人消费中所起到的重要作用正成为促进消费的新动力。 相似文献
提起以尊贵著称的万事达卡,卡族们都很熟悉,早在上个世纪中叶,万事达国际组织创立了一种国际通行的信用卡体系,旋即风行全球。80年代,万事达卡进驻中国,见证中国经济的迅速发展。商圈辐射海内外改革开放以来,尤其是中国 相似文献
记者:您认为当前亚太地区银行卡市场面临的主要风险有哪些?万事达卡国际组织采取了哪些应对措施? 王克强:从全球范围看,银行卡风险,特别是欺诈风险,正逐步向安全防护最薄弱的市场转移.这也正是为什么万事达卡愿意与中国金融机构客户分享我们在安全和风险控制领域的先进经验的原因. 相似文献
截至2004年底,万事达卡国际组织已在亚太区发行了超过3100万张的万事达卡品牌智能卡,较2003年同期上升82%,其中9成以上为符合EMV标;住的智能卡。目前,万事达卡正与大陆各会员机构积极准备EMV迁移的发卡及收单业务,期待在今年底之前于中国正式推出EMV规格的芯片卡。 相似文献
当出境游成为越来越多的国人休闲生活的一部分时,银行卡也逐渐成为旅游者的必备之物。在境外刷卡消费时如何能够用得开心、刷得放心?各银行卡组织为持卡人提供了怎样的产品和服务?听听VISA国际组织亚太区副总裁兼中国区总经理熊安平、MasterCard国际组织资深副总裁及大中华区总经理冯炜权、美国运通国际股份有限公司中国及发展中国家副总裁姜大伟、中国银联国际业务总部副总裁黄兴海的说法…… 相似文献
《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3)
J Doyne Farmer reflects on his period as Joint Editor-in-Chief and outlines his vision for the future of financial economics. 相似文献
在保险行业,随着保险主体的增加,竞争更加激烈。中国保监会对产品、价格等增加了监管力度,使得行业竞争向提高服务水平方面转化。各家公司都开始 相似文献
This paper examines the characteristics and evaluates the record of the forward exchange rate as a predictor of the future spot rate of three European currencies during the recent period of floating rates. The forward rate (for 1, 3 and 6 months) is compared to a simple predictor of ‘no change’ extrapolations (i.e., a Martingale model) by the use of Theil's inequality ratios. Theil's measures are then applied to assess the relative importance of the various sources of the forward's prediction errors, and the efficiency of the forecast is tested. The results show that the forward rate, while generally producing unbiased forecasts, fails to track the fluctuations in future spot rates and poorly reflects their variations. Further, it does not perform better than the current spot rate in predicting the future spot rate for all the examined forecast leads. Thus its usefulness for the purpose of business decisions is questioned. 相似文献
金融信息化规划对于国家信息化体系以及金融业"十二五"规划都是不可或缺的组成部分,科学地制定金融业"十二五"信息化规划,对于完成金融业规划的整体目标、实现我国迈向信息社会的整体目标,推动我国整体信息化水平的提升,都具有至关重要的战略意义。 相似文献
Chris Byford 《Futures》1998,30(10):949-958
The title of this paper, Crashing into the Future, references a conception of technology as containing its own future demise. It is a conception of the future as accident or discontinuous. We find this in J.G. Ballard's novel Crash (1973), in many of David Cronenberg's early films of the seventies, and more recently in his film adaptation of Crash (1996). This paper focuses on Crash (both the novel and the film) in terms of the way the future is pathologized through the car, and, in particular, how the car crash foregrounds temporality in a manner that is traumatic. 相似文献
利差交易主要是指借入低利率货币、再投资于高利率货币,从而赚取利差的交易行为。文章介绍了近几年来国际间利差交易的主要种类、规模及收益和风险状况,并对我国利率水平提高后对利差交易产生的影响进行了展望。 相似文献
Looking ahead: implications of the present 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
On its seventy-fifth anniversary, HBR asked five of the business world's most insightful thinkers to comment on the challenges taking shape for executives as they move into the next century. In "The Future That Has Already Happened," Peter Drucker examines the effects of the increasing underpopulation of the world's developed countries. With growing imbalances in labor resources worldwide, he writes, executives in the developed countries will need to improve the productivity of knowledge and of knowledge workers to maintain a competitive advantage. Esther Dyson's article "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" reveals the mind shift executives will need to make in a networked world, where companies will be known for what they do rather than for what they say. Executives will have to respond openly and intelligently to feedback about their organizations. The old language of property and ownership no longer serves executives, writes Charles Handy in "The Citizen Corporation." The corporation should be thought of no longer as property but as a community, where members are regarded as citizens. Technology has given executives more information than today's machines can help them understand, explains Paul Saffo in "Are You Machine Wise?" Machine-wise executives will know when to turn their computers off and take their own counsel, he writes. Peter Senge's article "Communities of Leaders and Learners" urges executives to reject the myth of leaders as isolated heroes and instead to build a community of leaders. Sustained institutional learning, he writes, requires organizations to reintegrate their typically fragmented learning processes. 相似文献