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Despite the importance of relationship portfolios, it's unclear how a buying firm's differential investment in its suppliers affects the distribution of its supplier relationships and the supplier-provided benefits that result. Drawing from social exchange theory (SET), we assess the sequential linkages among supply management practices, supplier relationship sets that vary in closeness, and relational benefits. Empirically, we adopt a multi-methodological approach that combines abductive case-based and deductive survey-based research. In our case-based approach, interview responses from 34 professionals within a global Tier 1 automotive manufacturer (MFGR) and four of its suppliers, open-ended survey responses from 56 buyers and 86 engineers within MFGR, documentary evidence, and direct observations facilitate the operationalization of supply management practices and relationship closeness constructs. The survey-based study integrates case-based findings and uses response data from sales managers within 292 suppliers to MFGR and matched supplier performance data from MFGR to test a theoretical model of social exchange. In a multi-step process, we apply cluster analysis, multinomial logistic regression, ANOVA, and multiple regression to this aggregated dataset to (1) identify three distinct sets of supplier relationships that are distributed along a relationship closeness continuum, (2) show how specific supply management practices affect the composition of supplier relationship sets that comprise a buying firm's portfolio, and (3) demonstrate how supplier-provided benefits differ across supplier relationship sets. Our results validate the utility of SET as applied to supplier portfolio management and provide insights into buyers' actions that drive closer relationships, minimize risk, and maximize benefits across a supplier portfolio.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing the null hypothesis of no change against the alternative of multiple change points in a series of independent observations when the changes are in the same direction. We extend the tests of Terpstra (1952), Jonckheere (1954) and Puri (1965) to the change point setup. We obtain the asymptotic null distribution of the proposed tests. We also give approximations for their limiting critical values and tables of their finite sample Monte Carlo critical values. The results of Monte Carlo power studies conducted to compare the proposed tests with some competitors are reported. This research was supported by research grant SS045 of Kuwait University. Acknowledgments. We wish to thank the two referees for their comments and suggestions which have significantly improved the presentation. We are particularly thankful to one of the referees for suggesting the test statistics Tn1 * (k) and Tn2 * (k).  相似文献   

The main contribution of this paper is to develop a new decision tool that interprets strategies for determination of resilient supply portfolio under supply failure risks. The strategic decisions include the allocation of emergency capacities to be pre-positioned at backup suppliers, the output of which can be increased in the event of mitigating a shortage caused by another supplier's failure. The model contains three objective functions – minimising the total cost, minimising the net rejected items and minimising the net late deliveries – while satisfying capacity and minimum order quantity requirement constraints. A weighted additive fuzzy multi-objective model is proposed to simultaneously consider the imprecision of information and the relative importance of objectives for determining the allocation of order quantity and emergency capacity to each supplier. The application of the proposed model is illustrated using an example case of global supply chains with different supplier characteristics.  相似文献   

The Kelly portfolio, which is documented to have the highest wealth growth rate of any other portfolio in the long run, has highly risky and unstable performance in the short term. This paper offers a hybrid approach to address this problem by integrating the concept of ridge regression and shrinkage estimation into a robustly modified Kelly portfolio. The proposed approach is a two-stage optimization process that not only takes into account the effect of estimation error but also solves the notoriously conservative problem introduced by the robust optimization method. By extending the worst-case scenarios considered by the robust Kelly portfolio, our approach significantly improves its out-of-sample performance without compromising risk reduction. In an extensive out-of-sample analysis with simulated and empirical data sets, we also characterize the impacts of the robustness level and the length of the rolling window on the final result. Moreover, we conduct a comparative study to confirm the validity of the proposed approach, and our model allows the investor to have a better risk-return trade-off than other traditional models.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the productivity of farms across 370 municipalities in the Center-West region of Brazil. A stochastic frontier model with a latent spatial structure is proposed to account for possible unknown geographical variation of the outputs. The paper compares versions of the model that include the latent spatial effect in the mean of output or as a variable that conditions the distribution of inefficiency, include or not observed municipal variables, and specify independent normal or conditional autoregressive priors for the spatial effects. The Bayesian paradigm is used to estimate the proposed models. As the resultant posterior distributions do not have a closed form, stochastic simulation techniques are used to obtain samples from them. Two model comparison criteria provide support for including the latent spatial effects, even after considering covariates at the municipal level. Models that ignore the latent spatial effects produce significantly different rankings of inefficiencies across agents.
Alexandra M. SchmidtEmail: URL: www.dme.ufrj.br/∼alex

This paper uses Monte Carlo experimentation to investigate the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood (ML) and corrected ordinary least squares (COLS) estimators of the half-normal stochastic frontier production function. Results indicate substantial bias in both ML and COLS when the percentage contribution of inefficiency in the composed error (denoted by *) is small, and also that ML should be used in preference to COLS because of large mean square error advantages when * is greater than 50%. The performance of a number of tests of the existence of technical inefficiency is also investigated. The Wald and likelihood ratio (LR) tests are shown to have incorrect size. A one-sided LR test and a test of the significance of the third moment of the OLS residuals are suggested as alternatives, and are shown to have correct size, with the one-sided LR test having the better power of the two.The author would like to thank Bill Griffiths, George Battese, Howard Doran, Bill Greene and two anonymous referees for valuable comments. Any errors which remain are those of the author.  相似文献   

The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) method is a recently introduced gradient estimation method for handling discontinuities in a wide range of sample performances. We put the GLR methods from previous work into a single framework, simplify regularity conditions to justify the unbiasedness of GLR, and relax some of those conditions that are difficult to verify in practice. Moreover, we combine GLR with conditional Monte Carlo methods and randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods to reduce the variance. Numerical experiments show that variance reduction could be significant in various applications.  相似文献   

Many cases of strategic interaction between agents involve a continuous set of choices. It is natural to model these problems as continuous space games. Consequently, the population of agents playing the game will be represented with a density function defined over the continuous set of strategy choices. Simulating evolutionary dynamics on continuous strategy spaces is a challenging problem. The classic approach of discretizing the strategy space is ineffective for multidimensional strategy spaces. We present a principled approach to simulation of adaptive dynamics in continuous space games using sequential Monte Carlo methods. Sequential Monte Carlo methods use a set of weighted random samples, also named particles to represent density functions over multidimensional spaces. Sequential Monte Carlo methods provide computationally efficient ways of computing the evolution of probability density functions. We employ resampling and smoothing steps to prevent particle degeneration problem associated with particle estimates. The resulting algorithm can be interpreted as an agent based simulation with elements of natural selection, regression to mean and mutation. We illustrate the performance of the proposed simulation technique using two examples: continuous version of the repeated prisoner dilemma game and evolution of bidding functions in first-price closed-bid auctions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the importance of incorporating the financial leverage effect in the stochastic volatility models when pricing options. For the illustrative purpose, we first conduct the simulation experiment by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method. We then make an empirical analysis by applying the volatility models to the real return data of the Hang Seng index during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. Our results highlight the accuracy of the stochastic volatility models with leverage in option pricing when leverage is high. In addition, the leverage effect becomes more significant as the maturity of options increases. Moreover, leverage affects the pricing of in-the-money options more than that of at-the-money and out-of-money options. Our study is therefore useful for both asset pricing and portfolio investment in the Hong Kong market where volatility is an inherent nature of the economy.  相似文献   

Bayesian modification indices are presented that provide information for the process of model evaluation and model modification. These indices can be used to investigate the improvement in a model if fixed parameters are re-specified as free parameters. The indices can be seen as a Bayesian analogue to the modification indices commonly used in a frequentist framework. The aim is to provide diagnostic information for multi-parameter models where the number of possible model violations and the related number of alternative models is too large to render estimation of each alternative practical. As an example, the method is applied to an item response theory (IRT) model, that is, to the two-parameter model. The method is used to investigate differential item functioning and violations of the assumption of local independence.  相似文献   

Financial support for this paper was provided by a C.A. Anderson Fellowship of the Cowles Foundation. I wish to thank Donald Andrews, Moshe Buchinsky, Oliver Linton, and Peter Robinson for helpful discussions. I also wish to thank three anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions. I am, of course, responsible for any remaining errors. A popular two-step estimator of the intercept of a censored regression model is compared with consistent asymptotically normal semiparametric alternatives. Using a root mean squared error criterion, the semiparametric estimators perform better for a range of bandwidth parameter choices for a variety of distributions of the errors and regressors. For error distributions that are close to the normal, however, the two-step parametric estimator performs better.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient option pricing model that incorporates stochastic interest rate (SIR), stochastic volatility (SV), and double exponential jump into the jump-diffusion settings. The model comprehensively considers the leptokurtosis and heteroscedasticity of the underlying asset’s returns, rare events, and an SIR. Using the model, we deduce the pricing characteristic function and pricing formula of a European option. Then, we develop the Markov chain Monte Carlo method with latent variable to solve the problem of parameter estimation under the double exponential jump-diffusion model with SIR and SV. For verification purposes, we conduct time efficiency analysis, goodness of fit analysis, and jump/drift term analysis of the proposed model. In addition, we compare the pricing accuracy of the proposed model with those of the Black–Scholes and the Kou (2002) models. The empirical results show that the proposed option pricing model has high time efficiency, and the goodness of fit and pricing accuracy are significantly higher than those of the other two models.  相似文献   

Multidimensional network data can have different levels of complexity, as nodes may be characterized by heterogeneous individual-specific features, which may vary across the networks. This article introduces a class of models for multidimensional network data, where different levels of heterogeneity within and between networks can be considered. The proposed framework is developed in the family of latent space models, and it aims to distinguish symmetric relations between the nodes and node-specific features. Model parameters are estimated via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Simulated data and an application to a real example, on fruits import/export data, are used to illustrate and comment on the performance of the proposed models.  相似文献   

According to the observation of the catastrophic events with regime-switching phenomena and default rate varying with economic condition, we extend the results of Chang et al. (2011) and also take the default rate varying with economic condition into consideration by using the Markov-modulated reduced-form model. In order to value options under stochastic interest rates and a default intensity environment, we employ Girsanov’s theorem to obtain two different forward measures and to derive a pricing formula. We also conduct numerical analyses using Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate the influence of the recovery rate, the time to maturity, the frequency of catastrophic events, and the effect of counterparties’ default intensity on the catastrophe equity put price.  相似文献   

张利容 《价值工程》2014,(34):40-42
输电线路工程受外界因素影响大,造成招标工程量与竣工工程量存在差异,从而引起投标单位采用不平衡报价导致结算超概算情况的出现,增加了建设单位的管理风险。在深入分析输电线路风险变量的基础上,构建出基于蒙特卡洛模拟的风险评估模型,并通过实例,对投标报价的风险概率进行了直观描述,提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

As an abrupt epidemic occurs, healthcare systems are shocked by the surge in the number of susceptible patients' demands, and decision-makers mostly rely on their frame of reference for urgent decision-making. Many reports have declared the COVID-19 impediments to trading and global economic growth. This study aims to provide a mathematical model to support pharmaceutical supply chain planning during the COVID-19 epidemic. Additionally, it aims to offer new insights into hospital supply chain problems by unifying cold and non-cold chains and considering a wide range of pharmaceuticals and vaccines. This approach is unprecedented and includes an analysis of various pharmaceutical features such as temperature, shelf life, priority, and clustering. To propose a model for planning the pharmaceutical supply chains, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is used for a four-echelon supply chain design. This model aims to minimize the costs involved in the pharmaceutical supply chain by maintaining an acceptable service level. Also, this paper considers uncertainty as an intrinsic part of the problem and addresses it through the wait-and-see method. Furthermore, an unexplored unsupervised learning method in the realm of supply chain planning has been used to cluster the pharmaceuticals and the vaccines and its merits and drawbacks are proposed. A case of Tehran hospitals with real data has been used to show the model's capabilities, as well. Based on the obtained results, the proposed approach is able to reach the optimum service level in the COVID conditions while maintaining a reduced cost. The experiment illustrates that the hospitals' adjacency and emergency orders alleviated the service level significantly. The proposed MILP model has proven to be efficient in providing a practical intuition for decision-makers. The clustering technique reduced the size of the problem and the time required to solve the model considerably.  相似文献   

Multinomial and ordered Logit models are quantitative techniques which are used in a range of disciplines nowadays. When applying these techniques, practitioners usually select a single model using either information-based criteria or pretesting. In this paper, we consider the alternative strategy of combining models rather than selecting a single model. Our strategy of weight choice for the candidate models is based on the minimization of a plug-in estimator of the asymptotic squared error risk of the model average estimator. Theoretical justifications of this model averaging strategy are provided, and a Monte Carlo study shows that the forecasts produced by the proposed strategy are often more accurate than those produced by other common model selection and model averaging strategies, especially when the regressors are only mildly to moderately correlated and the true model contains few zero coefficients. An empirical example based on credit rating data is used to illustrate the proposed method. To reduce the computational burden, we also consider a model screening step that eliminates some of the very poor models before averaging.  相似文献   

本文在解析似无关动态协整模型及其动态最小二乘估计的基础上,从理论上揭示了关于协整参数的假设检验存在严重的水平扭曲,即对协整参数约束的Wald检验统计量的渐近卡方分布存在严重的有限样本扭曲。进一步,本文应用自举抽样技术对水平扭曲进行了有效校正。基于本文的发现,我们建议在对似无关动态协整模型中的参数进行假设检验时,为保证结论的准确性,应使用自举抽样推断技术产生统计量值并由此来形成检验结论。  相似文献   

本文从风险中性定价的角度出发,给出了在随机波动模型下定价方差互换的一类控制变量,从而大大提高了使用蒙特卡罗方法计算方差互换价格时的效率,并在波动率的平方满足几何布朗运动(GBM)和波动率满足Ornstein-Uhlen-beck(OU)过程这两种随机波动情况下给出了控制变量的具体形式。特别对于GBM型随机波动模型,可以得到一系列控制变量,从而进行多元控制。  相似文献   

We use numerous high-frequency transaction data sets to evaluate the forecasting performances of several dynamic ordinal-response time series models with generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH). The specifications account for three components: leverage effects, in-mean effects and moving average error terms. We estimate the model parameters by developing Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Our empirical analysis shows that the proposed ordinal-response GARCH models achieve better point and density forecasts than standard benchmarks.  相似文献   

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