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司徒亮 《英才》2005,(6):38-38
在最新公布的《福布斯》2004年美国 500强企业CEO的薪酬排行榜中,雅虎公司发现自己竟然养着全球收入最高的CEO。作为雅虎现任CEO,特里·塞梅尔在去年的总薪酬为2.3054亿美元。此前有人揣测,由于去年经济并非太景气,这些CEO的收入与前年相比不会有太大的变化。但事实却是,美国500强企业 CEO的薪酬总和在全年高达51亿美元,比  相似文献   

杨柳 《英才》2007,(4):102-103
很多人在想,如果一个企业家做得很成功,他应该是幸福感最强的,但事实上处在社会地位最尖端的一些人,他未必有很强的幸福感,所以今天我们讨论的话题是:企业家,你幸福吗?  相似文献   

通过对标准普尔全球1200家企业《S&P Global 1200)近10年的增长及股东回报表现的数据分析,我们发现只有三分之一的公司在收入和股东总回报(TSR)方面的增长速度快于同行的平均水平。  相似文献   

Firms appoint CEOs with different types of human capital in order to manage resource dependencies. How CEOs are compensated thus can be conceptualized as a valuation process of how boards view the value of CEOs' human capital. Two types of human capital – international experience and political ties – have emerged as potential drivers of CEO compensation during institutional transitions. But how they impact CEO compensation has remained unclear. We develop a resource dependence‐based, contingency framework to focus on the external and internal factors that enable or constrain human capital to impact CEO compensation. Because of the tremendous regional diversity within China, externally, we focus on the level of marketization of the region in which firms are headquartered. Internally, we pay attention to two corporate governance mechanisms: politically connected outside directors and compensation committee. Data from 10,329 firm‐year observations at 94 per cent of listed firms in China largely support our framework. Overall, our study contributes to resource dependence research by extending this research to the context of institutional transitions with a focus on how human capital impacts CEO compensation.  相似文献   

近日,2006中同物流招投标人会暨物流CEO峰会组委会在北京发布信息,南幽家发改委指导,由中国物流招投标协会、中国物流招投标中心、中国物流招投标网联合主办,由北京中标网信息技术研究中心承办的“2006中国物流招投标大会暨物流CEO峰会”将于2006年5月26-28日在北京人民人会堂隆重召开。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of research carried out into the application of market segmentation in the charity sector. Four hundred and ten of the top performing charities (as ranked by income from voluntary donations) were surveyed to determine what techniques of segmentation they apply to their database. They were also asked to indicate how this information is used to inform and determine appropriate fundraising strategies. The findings show that with the exception of a few large organisations, the concept of market segmentation is as yet not utilised to its full potential in the development of successful fundraising strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract  An experiment is considered where each of a sample of subjects is rated on an L- point scale by each of a fixed group of observers. Weighted kappa coefficients are defined to measure the degree of agreement among the observers, between two particular observers, or between a particular observer and the other observers. Attention is paid to the selection of one or more homogeneous subgroups of observers. A linearized Taylor series expansion is used to derive explicit formulas for the computation of large sample standard errors. The procedures are illustrated within the context of a study where seven pathologists separately classified 118 histological slides into five categories.  相似文献   

As organizations globalize their operations, there appears to be an imperceptible shift in focus from internal tangible resources to those of external intangible relational resources; in other words, economies of scale appear to being replaced by economies of global scope. The strategic implications of this swing in the importance of resource bases can also have a significant impact on the international human resource management area. Identifying managers with local market knowledge and contacts becomes a critical consideration in the selection process. Maintaining on-going personal relations in foreign markets also helps to cement inter-organizational relationships such as strategic alliances. In the ‘think global, act local’ relational networks of global business, inpatriate managers appear to have the necessary characteristics of both organizational trust and local tacit knowledge to be effective global managers.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on financial research under the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fresh evidence emerges from using two novel approaches, namely network analysis and wavelet coherence, to examine the connectedness and comovement of financial markets consisting of stock, commodity, gold, real estate investment trust, US exchange, oil, and Cryptocurrency before and during the COVID-19 onset. Moreover, unlike the previous studies, we seek to fill a gap in the literature regarding the ex-post detection of COVID-19 crises and propose the Markov-switching autoregressive model to detect structural breaks in financial market returns. The first result shows that most financial markets entered the downtrend after January 30, 2020, coinciding with the date the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Thus, it is reasonable to use this date as the break date due to COVID-19. The empirical result from network analysis indicates a similar connectedness, or the network structure, in other words, among global financial markets in both the pre-and during COVID-19 pandemic periods. Moreover, we find evidence of market differences as the MSCI stock market plays a central role while Cryptocurrency presents a weak role in the global financial markets. The findings from the wavelet coherence analysis are quite mixed and illustrate that the comovement of the financial markets varies over time across different frequencies. We also find the main and most significant period of coherence and comovement among financial markets to be between December 2019 and August 2020 at the low-frequency scale (>32 days) (middle and long terms). Among all market pairs, the oil and commodity market pair has the strongest comovement in both pre-and during the COVID-19 pandemic phases at all investment horizons.  相似文献   

The employee–organisation relationship is dynamic and arguably affected by contextual factors, such as a change in the economic environment. This study uses data collected from managers in Australia before and after the beginning of the global financial crisis (GFC) to examine the changes in psychological contract (PC) terms from the manager's perspective. In particular, as industries can be affected differently by economic crisis and gender discrimination can increase in tough economic conditions, we examined if any changes in PC terms were contingent on industry and employee gender. The study's results show that the terms of the employment relationship deteriorated in Australia only for employees working in industries affected by the GFC. Further, we found that some gender differences in the terms of the PC exist independent of the state of the economy. In addition, a three-way interaction indicates that managers working in industries not affected by the GFC are allocating a greater proportion of their resources to their female employees than to their male employees. Ongoing labour shortages and gender inequities in Australia might have prompted managers in non-affected industries to use their relative ‘resource-rich’ advantage to positively influence the employee–organisation relationship for female employees, a traditionally disadvantaged group.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):161-177
The global financial crisis (2007–2009) saw sharp declines in stock markets around the world, affecting both advanced and emerging markets. In this paper we test for the existence of equity market contagion originating from the US to advanced and emerging markets during the crisis period. Using a latent factor model, we provide strong evidence of contagion effects in both advanced and emerging equity markets. In the aggregate equity market indices, contagion from the US explains a large portion of the variance in stock returns in both advanced and emerging markets. However, in the financial sector indices we find less evidence of contagion than in the aggregate indices, and this is particularly the case for the advanced markets. The results suggest that contagion effects are not strongly related to high levels of global integration.  相似文献   

The global economic crisis has strongly affected Europe's economic geography. This study investigates the role of local labour market disparities in determining regional net in‐migration rates. While only a weak link is detected in the precrisis period, the local labour market context of migration grows significantly stronger during the crisis. Decompositions of the estimation results show that changes in migration rates are firstly a result of widened disparities across European regions throughout the crisis. However, also behavioural adjustment processes occur, e.g. an orientation of migrants towards urban areas and away from regions with persistently high long‐run unemployment rates.  相似文献   

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