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In a number of influential papers published by V. N. Balasubramanyam and collaborators during the decade of the 1990s, compelling arguments and supporting evidence was presented to indicate that export‐promoting trade and investment strategies attract more and more productive inflows of foreign capital than do import‐substituting strategies. This paper revisits these hypotheses in the context of more recent cross‐section data and reports evidence to suggest that the earlier findings are robust.  相似文献   

利用外商直接投资与长三角产业竞争力的提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
始于20世纪90年代初的长江三角洲区域联合,进入21世纪,趋势就更为凸显。而产业结构的调整优化和产业竞争力提升的需求也更为紧迫,与此同时,魅力四射的长三角经济发展前景,也吸引了世界跨国公司的纷至沓来。积极利用外商直接投资对提升长三角产业国际竞争力意义重大。本文即是针对这一问题加以分析和探讨。  相似文献   

论我国对外直接投资的产业选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国入世后,在继续做好引进外资的同时,要不失时机地实施“走出去”战略,正确选择我国对外直接投资的产业,参与国际分工,发展所需的稀缺生产要素,转移国内剩余生产能力,促进产业结构升级。  相似文献   

外商直接投资中的产业发展风险分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析外商直接投资造成该风险的内在机制与风险因素,论述了主导性、支柱性产业的产业安全判断内容中的产业竞争力和开放过程中的条件状态与产业发展的最终结果。据此设置了系列的产业发展风险指标,根据风险监测可进行措施针对区的定位,以对应产业发展风险。并提出了产业发展风险相关因素及其对策。  相似文献   

外部经济导致高新技术产业以集群方式发展 ,集群是集群单元、集群模式和集群环境构成的开放式系统 ,有其自身的生命周期 ,对外直接投资作为当前国际经济联系最重要的工具对高新技术产业集群有全面而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

外商直接投资对我国外贸竞争力的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用2001、2002、2003年我国工业行业数据,采用加权回归的方法,检验了外商直接投资影响我国外贸竞争力的机制,结果表明,外商直接投资影响我国外贸竞争力的机制源自外商投资企业的出口活动、研发活动和与内资企业的竞争,文章最后提出了利用外商直接投资提高我国外贸竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资的产业和区位选择   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在进行对外直接投资的过程中,产业和区位的选择是投资决策的重要内容,可以说产业与区位选择的正确与否是对外投资成败的关键。在我国经济发展的新阶段,面对世界经济一体化、知识经济时代的到来、党的十六大的召开和入世的新背景,通过分析我国对外投资中的产业和区位分布状况,提出了我国在进行对外直接投资的产业和区位选择时应采取的措施。  相似文献   

This article addresses Ireland's record in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI has been identified as one of the key factors that has spurred the growth of the Celtic Tiger. An adaptation of Porter's Diamond is offered to explain the determinants of Ireland's competitive advantage in attracting FDI. The overall trends in FDI inflows to Ireland are considered. The study then focuses on Japanese FDI into Europe and Ireland in particular. The pattern of Japanese FDI flows into Ireland is analysed in the context of Ireland's determinants of FDI competitive advantage. Future considerations around Ireland's model of competitive advantage are addressed.  相似文献   

The paper explores the linkage between income growth rates and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. So far the evidence is rather mixed, as no robust relationship between FDI and income growth has been established. We argue that countries need a sound business environment in the form of good government regulations to be able to benefit from FDI. Using a comprehensive data set for regulations, we test this hypothesis and find evidence that excessive regulations restrict growth through FDI only in the most regulated economies. This result is robust to different specifications of the econometric model.  相似文献   

文章摒弃了“从FDI进入研究东道国溢出效应”的传统思路,强调FDI退出对东道国的受益(贡献)情况。文章进一步利用2008-2013年间两位码分类的中国工业动态面板数据,估计了FDI退出对工业全要素生产率的效应。研究发现:FDI退出对中国工业绩效的影响呈现出显著的差异性,以追求研发创新和高端人才优势为战略动机的探索型FDI退出抑制了中国工业绩效的改善,而以国际分工和产业转移为投资目标的利用型FDI退出则有利于整体工业水平的提升,其对工业绩效改善的贡献呈递增之势。  相似文献   

Using data from the UK Census of Production, including foreign ownership data, and information from UK industry input-output tables, this paper examines whether the intensity of transactions linkages between foreign and domestic firms affects productivity growth in domestic manufacturing industries. The implications of the findings for policies promoting linkages between multinational and domestic firms in the UK economy are outlined.  相似文献   

外资进入我国商业零售业问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柏宝春 《商业研究》2006,(14):102-104
零售业是中国对外开放较晚的领域。加入WTO后我国服务业的开放领域大大拓宽,商业零售领域对外商的吸引力日益彰显。全球知名的零售企业目前在中国零售业格局中已扮演重要角色。因此,必须分析外资进入我国商业零售业的规模、方式及所带来的相关效应。  相似文献   

韩华英 《中国市场》2008,(28):65-66
外商直接投资(FDI)作为跨国公司经营资源的综合体,成为发达国家向发展中国家进行技术转移和扩散的重要载体。由于我国物流服务水平低,目前进入我国的制造业、商贸业的跨国公司,通常要把其物流的国际合作伙伴带入中国。随着全球产业的转移,中国成为世界制造业中心,外资物流也随着制造业的转移进入中国。本文在对FDI结构变化分析的基础上,结合我国FDI结构现状,探讨我国吸收FDI的对策。  相似文献   

外资溢出效应与竞争效应对中国工业部门的影响   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
本文通过建立分析框架,运用平行数据模型方法,以广东为例分析了外资溢出效应与竞争效应对中国内资工业部门以及不同所有制工业部门的影响。我们发现,外资对中国内资工业部门存在正向的溢出效应和负向的竞争效应,而负向的竞争效应超过正向的溢出效应,外资对内资工业部门的净效应是为负的。这说明至少在短期,外资对内资工业部门冲击很大。研究还发现,外资对不同所有制工业部门的溢出效应和竞争效应是不同的。外资对国有工业企业冲击最大,而以私营、三资企业为主的其他工业企业受益最大。最后,文章提出了促进外资对中国内资工业部门技术扩散的政策建议。  相似文献   

外国直接投资与我国对外贸易失衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国与美国、欧盟的贸易顺差增大,外汇储备激增,原因错综复杂,其中,在我国改革开放和特殊的工业化进程中,经济全球化和国际分工加速发展,世界产业结构大调整,外国直接投资持续增加才是根本原因。由于外国直接投资对我国贸易顺差存在着两种效应:直接效应和间接影响,即外国直接投资对我国产生明显的贸易创造效应,同时又具有一定的贸易替代效应,间接增加了贸易顺差,从而加剧了我国的贸易失衡。本文运用协整检验,建立误差修正模型,验证了外国直接投资与我国贸易顺差存在长期均衡关系,即正相关关系。只有从生产领域和外商投资的角度入手才能从根本上缓解贸易顺差的扩大。  相似文献   

环境规制与外商直接投资研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用面板数据模型对环境规制与外商直接投资之间的关系进行实证分析。检验结果发现,环境规制对外商直接投资呈现负效应,但这种效应并不显著,人均GDP、市场化指数、基础设施状况、开放程度才是决定外商直接投资的决定因素。  相似文献   

对外投资与规避反倾销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓辉 《商业研究》2004,(11):13-15
对外投资和规避反倾销是我国当前经济发展中两大热点问题,其实它们之间也存在着一些必然的联系:对外投资是规避反倾销的一个有效途径。但是我国目前的对外投资还存在着许多问题,非但没有减少反倾销对我国出口贸易的负面影响,反而一定程度上加重了国外对我国反倾销的指控。  相似文献   


When in 1989 the markets in Central and Eastern Europe opened, western firms were quick to move in. Hungary treated foreign firms equal to domestic ones in the privatization process. It attracted most foreign direct investment in the region. Now, other countries are likely to follow the Hungarian path and allow foreign firms to take over domestic firms. This contribution discusses the experience of six Dutch multinational firms in Hungary and discusses whether these can be useful for expansion into other countries in the region. The results indicate that firms easily underestimate the cost of reconstructing acquired enterprises and that building a market position is more expensive than anticipated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):111-127

China has attracted the second largest amount of foreign direct investment in the world each year since 1993. Hundreds of thousands of foreign-invested enterprises are in operation in China. However, what drive the success or cause the failure of foreign investments is still not well understood. This paper critically examines one success factor, i.e., the importance of timing of marketing entry into China. It begins with a brief review of the literature on first-mover advantages and the recent empirical research. It then attempts to theorize on why timing of market entry matters in the context of foreign direct investment. Apart from drawing upon the four recent studies in this area, this paper focuses on the auto industry in China and the case of Volkswagen to illustrate the importance of early entry into an overseas market. It calls for foreign investors to seize the first-wave opportunities when the door is opened a certain sector. It pays in the long run both in terms of the market share position and profitability.  相似文献   

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