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中国制造步入尴尬时代 在世界服装市场上,每3件服装就可以找到一件“Made in China”。然而与之相对的是,我们没有一个国际著名服装品牌,产品附加值低,更多的也只是贴牌生产。前沿的时尚信息,昂贵的服装都来源于法国巴黎和意大利米兰。差距在哪里?主要是因为他们有属于自己的独特的品牌文化。  相似文献   

<正> 如果对中国制造业作一番全景扫描的话,目前中国已有100多种制造业的产量成为"世界第一"。"中国制造"(Made in China)已经在世界上逐渐崛起,中国已经成为世界第四大生产国。如今在国际市场"Made inChina"已经成为普遍可见的标识;"中国制造"也已经成为中国经济成长的引擎,具体表现在:一是制造业增加值在我国 GDP 中基本维持在40%以上;二是我国的财政收入的50%来自制造业;三是制  相似文献   

从2004年起国际奢侈品牌开始掀起一股中国圈地狂潮,中国开始成为奢侈消费的最后一块黄金乐土。面对流金淌银、极具诱惑力的奢侈品市场,Made in China中国本土品牌究竟能有多大作为?  相似文献   

中国在制造业领域的飞跃式发展,举世瞩目。Made in China,即"中国制造",已经成为一个国际市场上司空见惯的产地标签,中国作为"世界工厂"的地位业已初步奠定。  相似文献   

如今,走在繁华的闹市街头,举目四望,映入眼帘的广告牌、广告语、灯饰招牌;零售摊点的遮阳伞;公共汽车上的宣传广告;路人穿着的服饰;货架上陈列的商品;街上行驶的汽车,林林总总的事物,林林总总的场合弥漫着“洋味”——“洋货”和“洋文”充斥着中国市场。中国制造的产品换成了“Made in China”,明明是国产货,  相似文献   

当可口可乐、麦当劳、微软、宝马、索尼......,这些美国、欧洲和日本的全球知名品牌,它们的产品和品牌文化充斥和影响着我们生活的时候,我们中国的知名品牌在世界上又被多少人所熟知?或许,贴上“Made in China”的各种产品遍及世界各地,但是真正属于中国人自主研发,并能享誉全球的知名品牌却是凤毛麟角,寥若晨星。[编者按]  相似文献   

李琳 《浙江经济》2006,(5):18-20
伴随标着“Made in china”的商品摆满世界各国的货架,改革开放的中国一跃成为世界第六大经济体和第三大贸易国。但是,在我们对取得的成绩欢欣鼓舞的同时,新的挑战已经来临。2004年中同国内生产总值约占全球的4%,  相似文献   

谷维 《中亚信息》2005,(12):9-10
在世界各国的任意一家商场里,除了本国商品外,很容易看到标有“Made in China”(中国制造)的中国商品。有着近1500万人口的哈萨克斯坦也不例外。哈萨克斯坦人出于各种原因对中国商品有着特别的依赖。《论据与事实报》记者就此问题采访了哈国工商会主席阿贝拉依·梅尔扎赫麦托夫。阿·梅尔扎赫麦托夫先生指出,最好用数据来评述哈萨克斯坦的消费市场。据中国海关的资料,2004年中国出口到哈萨克斯坦的商品达22亿美元,  相似文献   

中国目前在全球人心目中的定位,答案很一致:Made In China。也就是说,中国只是一个制造工厂。这就是中国的危机所在。对中国企业来说,以往低成本、薄利润的经营模式将难以为继,转型迫在眉睫。由低端制造业为主转移到产业价值链的高端,通过技术进步、产品创新和自主知识产权提升产业价值,由有形的中国制造转变到无形的中国创造是一个必然趋势。  相似文献   

中国目前在全球人心目中的定位,答案很一致:Made In China。也就是说,中国只是一个制造工厂这就是中国的危机所在。对中国企业来说,以往低成本、薄利润的经营模式将难以为继,转型迫在眉睫。由低端制造业为主转移到产业价值链的高端,通过技术进步、产品创新和自主知识产权提升产业价值,由有形的中国制造转变到无形的中国创造是一个必然趋势。  相似文献   

跨国公司与中国企业的自主创新   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
当前经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程不断加速,创新已成为提升中国企业竞争力的一个关键因素,同时,中外创新环境也发生了新变化。为了保持自己的领先优势,西方国家对中国实行技术限制与封锁,跨国公司在技术输出、转让、专利、抑制技术外溢等方面实行了一些新战略。中国企业已经深刻认识到:原有的经营模式已难以为继,创新已成为发展瓶颈;用市场和金钱换不回、买不到核心技术;"中国制造"如何向"中国创造"转变?必须加强系统整合,提升产业层级,构建核心竞争力,创建自主品牌,才是唯一出路。  相似文献   

Since 1980s, China has experienced a series of reforms to support the development of electricity industry, and the latest one is in 2015. The essence of this new reform is to improve efficiency and lower energy cost. However, China's electricity market has its particularity. The “provinces as entities” is the main regulation frame in China's electricity sector. The operation of the electricity industry can be seen as a game result and interest compromise between the local government and grid companies, and this “win-win exchange” regulation failure leads to grid market power. The profit mode of the grid enterprises will be gradually changed with the deepening of new electricity reform. How to regulate electricity transmission and distribution sector and improve grid efficiency becomes a crucial problem to address. This paper aims to examine the relationship between market power and power grid efficiency. We calculate the unconditional and conditional efficiency of grid companies by applying a conditional slack-based measure (SBM) model. The empirical results show that grid efficiency is at a low level and the indicators differ among provinces and regions. Moreover, market power indeed has significant negative effects on power grid efficiency. These findings provide some insightful references for the future development of China's power industry and electricity reform.  相似文献   

评估产业持续创新发展水平,是保障产业获得国际竞争优势的有效手段。以新一代信息技术产业为研究对象,采用三阶段DEA模型,在控制环境因素基础上测算产业创新效率。研究发现:新一代信息技术产业创新效率不高,主要是由较低的规模效率导致的;创新效率值受到企业规模、外商投资、行业人员素质、创新环境、市场开放度等环境因素的影响;新一代信息技术产业各行业创新效率存在明显差异,持续创新发展水平存在不均衡现象,依据规模效率值及纯技术效率值划分为“高规模效率高纯技术效率”和“低规模效率高纯技术效率”发展模式,为保证新一代信息技术产业持续创新发展,需根据具体发展模式对各行业采取措施。  相似文献   

区域发展不平衡不充分是我国当前面临的社会主要矛盾之一,同时坚持"制度型开放"有助于增强地区间产业关联,带动欠发达地区相关产业发展,进而促进地区间的平衡发展。文章将"开放"和"协调"议题结合,以中国2002年《外商投资产业指导目录》的重新修订作为案例,研究外资准入政策对相邻城市间管制放松行业生产率差距的影响和作用机制。文章结论表明,外资准入政策显著减小了管制放松行业在相邻城市间的生产率差距。异质性检验发现,在中部和西部地区以及较低创新水平、盈利水平和外资进入程度行业的样本组,外资准入政策可以更显著地减小相邻城市间管制放松行业的生产率差距。作用机制检验发现,外资准入政策显著降低了相邻城市间管制放松行业的创新水平差距和盈利水平差距,上述变化是促使减小生产率差距的重要影响渠道。拓展性分析发现,贸易自由化加强了外资准入政策减小相邻城市间管制放松行业生产率差距的积极作用。地区之间的市场分割程度越高,外资准入政策减小管制放松行业生产率差距的作用反而越强。  相似文献   

文章通过资本监管的视角,讨论了我国的金融周期性和系统重要性机构的“大而不倒”问题。基于银行业面板数据的实证研究表明,资本监管具有一定的顺周期性,系统重要性机构也存在一定的“大而不倒”特性。在过去10年间,由于我国实施了逐步严格的监管政策,这种周期性是有所增强的。金融宏观审慎监管改革将有助于进一步规避金融周期性带来的损失,而具有系统重要性的大型金融机构更应当受到关注。  相似文献   

The cotton textile industry was the primary source of Britain’s industrial revolution and Japan’s economic takeoff. The Chinese domestic mechanized cotton textile industry experienced a boom during the interwar period and became the leading industry in the manufacturing sector, although it failed to gain domestic leadership against Japanese funded firms. There is a debate on the role of external finance on firm growth both in the contemporary context and historical cotton textile industry context. The literature offers several competing hypotheses on the relationship between capital and industry growth such as “modernization”, “oppression” and “efficiency” argument. Our empirical results using firm level data between return of capital and the size of the capital indicate a clear positive effect of external finance on firm growth. This supports the “modernization” hypothesis and suggests that the causes of the mediocre performance of the Chinese-owned spinners relative to Japanese mills may have been mismanagement, undercapitalization, lack of reinvestment incentives, and low labor productivity etc.  相似文献   

劳动合约签订是劳动保护的重要形式,但我国农民工劳动合约签订率却只是在2008年《劳动合同法》实施后有暂时较大幅度的上扬,此后随时间推移却几近停滞。文章以劳动力市场分割和产业分割框架为基础,构建了不同劳动力市场特征和产业组织特征组合的四象限分析框架,探讨了不同象限中劳动合约的运行机制,并结合我国边缘产业和农民工现状,就劳动合约签订问题建立了一个简单的博弈模型。分析得出,在边缘产业与次级劳动力市场的组合下,农民工劳动合约签订存在着"组织失灵"、"市场失灵"和"政府失灵"三重困境,这是我国农民工劳动合同签约率停滞不前的主要原因。文章最后提出了相应的结论和政策建议。  相似文献   

China has large regional variations in both factor endowments and levels of economic development. In principle, some industrial enterprises will relocate to the inland regions from the coastal regions to take advantage of lower wage rates and land prices, provided that the regions are different enough. However, few studies have empirically tested whether this kind of “flying geese” pattern of domestic industrial relocation has occurred on the ground or not. Using data from the textile and apparel industry from 1998 to 2011, this paper shows the existence of the “flying geese” pattern of industrial relocation. Data show that before around 2005, the textile and apparel industry was clustered in the eastern region of China, but it has since shifted toward the central and western regions.  相似文献   

China's economy in 2006 continued to register high growth of 10.5 to 10.7 percent with low inflation (CPI at 1.3 percent),dissipating fears of a hard landing. Since its accession to the WTO,China has become a significant global economic player,and is the favorite destination for many regional and global production networks. China is now a truly economic power (jingji daguo). China's economic leadership is also increasingly confident of its ability to manage China's domestic economic growth and its growing relations with the outside world. Although China's growth is expected to slow down in 2007 to approximately 9.5 percent,the national mood now is one of "more balanced" growth rather than "fast growth". Therefore,the building of a "harmonious society" is to be emphasized in China,while letting economic growth solve the burning social and environmental issues. In 2007,the government will also need to deal with various internal and external macroeconomic imbalances. The renminbi will be under even stronger pressure to revalue,given China's record trade surplus of US$160bn and foreign reserves of US$1tn.  相似文献   

贸易摩擦与“中国制造”转型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着"中国制造"影响力的加大尤其是当前国际金融危机不断加深,其所遭遇的贸易摩擦也日趋增多。本文从"中国制造"遭受的贸易摩擦入手,指出"中国制造"压倒性的数量、逐年加大的外贸顺差、国际贸易保护主义是引发贸易摩擦的原因,分析了"中国制造"的当前发展特点,并由此指出"中国制造"必须转型,最后提出自主创新与品牌发展是实现"中国制造"的转型的两个引擎。  相似文献   

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