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This study investigates the relationship between returns on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and anticipated inflation. It was motivated by the contradictory findings in the literature concerning the inflation-hedging characteristics of financial and real assets. We employ the methodology developed by Fama and Schwert, which represents a generalization of the Fisher equation. Two different measures of anticipated inflation were used to estimate the regression equations. The results show that REITs generally tend to behave like equities with respect to their hedging characteristics, regardless of how inflation expectations are measured. When we used a survey measure of anticipated inflation, however, we found some evidence that REITs are partial hedges against anticipated inflation.  相似文献   

This studyindirectly tests whether equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) proxy for real estate when examining real estate's inflation hedging ability. The hedging properties of gold, an underlying asset, are compared against those of gold stocks, a securitized form of the asset, and gold is shown to perform well as an inflation hedge, while gold stocks do not. This divergence between an asset and its securitized form suggests caution in drawing conclusions about real estate's ability to hedge inflation from equity REIT studies.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that REITs returns and inflation arenegatively related. This paper reexamines this perverse inflation hedgephenomenon by investigating the relationship among REITs returns, realactivities, monetary policy and inflation through a Vector ErrorCorrection Model. Empirical results show that inflation does notGranger-cause REITs returns and that REITs returns signal changes in monetary policy. The observed negative relationship between REITs returnsand inflation is merely a proxy for the more fundamental relationshipbetween REITs returns and other macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This paper empirically explores various efficiency aspects of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in light of their remarkable growth in the 1990s. We find clear evidence of considerable technical inefficiency in REITs, though not much indication for allocative or scale inefficiency. The results also suggest that an increasing number of REITs has been operating under diseconomies of scale since the late 1990s primarily due to the recent wave of consolidation and merger activities. As creatures of the US tax code, REIT's have undergone several changes to their operating status, and our results suggest that the prevalent regulatory environment appears too onerous for the industry and may have contributed to the REITs' poor efficiency performance. In particular, further cuts or total elimination of the dividend restriction on REITs could provide much needed relief and stability in the US real estate market.  相似文献   

Debt,Agency, and Management Contracts in REITs: The External Advisor Puzzle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigates why externally advised real estate investment trusts (REITs) underperform their internally managed counterparts. Consistent with previous studies, we find that REITs managed by external advisors underperform internally managed ones by over 7 percent per year. Property-level cash-flow yields are similar between the two managerial forms, but corporate-level expenses and especially interest expenses are responsible for lower levels of cash available to shareholders in externally advised REITs. We document that the higher-interest expenses are due to both higher levels of debt and to higher debt yields for externally advised REITs. We posit that compensating managers based on either assets under management or on property-level cash flows creates incentives for managers to increase the asset base by issuing debt even if the interest costs are unfavorable.  相似文献   

基础设施公募RE I Ts是改善城镇化投融资机制、盘活基础设施存量资金、防范化解城镇化债务风险的重要创新。但是,现行制度安排对REITs的税收中性、法律框架、市场流动性等中长期发展因素的考虑存在不足,这可能带来摊薄REITs产品投资收益、加大治理与监管成本、制约市场可持续发展等问题,亦对城镇化区域均衡发展产生不确定影响。建议在结合国外经验和中国国情的基础上,加快推动REITs税收优惠政策落地,研究制定“REITs管理条例”等法律体系,完善二级市场建设和流动性培育,优化基础设施公募REITs支持新型城镇化的空间布局。  相似文献   

本文运用CAPM模型,利用2000年10月到2010年10月的月度中房指数对北京、上海、深圳、重庆四个城市的REITs资金配置进行优化研究。研究结果表明对同一城市的不同物业类型进行投资,住宅投资的风险相比办公楼投资风险大;从区域投资分散化看,深圳的投资收益率高于房地产市场综合收益率,上海和北京接近,但从风险的角度来看,深圳和上海的投资风险最大,北京次之,重庆的投资风险最小。最后作者提出风险控制模型、资金投向、经济周期认识等相关对策。  相似文献   

We study the relationship between the excess returns of REITs and volatilities of macroeconomic factors in developing markets (Bulgaria and South Africa) and a ‘benchmark’ developed market (USA). As expected, our results generally indicate that conditional volatilities of macroeconomic risks, extracted through the GARCH (1,1) process, are time-varying. GARCH coefficients are largely significant for excess returns and retained principal components implying conditional time-varying volatility. We use the GMM to examine the linkage between volatilities of macroeconomic variables and REITs returns. The general result here is that macroeconomic risk cannot explain excess returns on REITs. However, we document a positive relationship between variability in REITs returns and the real economy for the US. US REITs portfolio managers and investors should be wary of fluctuations in these variables as they may accentuate volatility in REITs returns.  相似文献   

The shareholder composition of listed property companies has changed from the fragmented, retail ownership, to more concentrated, institutional ownership over the past decade. In this paper, we first document significant variation in the composition of the shareholder base across the world's five largest listed property markets. We then examine the relation between the composition of the shareholder base and stock market performance and share turnover during the turbulent trading days of 2008 and 2009. By directly relating the shareholder base of firms to excess returns and turnover on these volatile days, we are able to isolate the importance of shareholder composition during periods when trading behavior is most likely to vary across different types of shareholders. We find that both large block holdings and high levels of institutional ownership decrease trading volumes and moderate stock returns; however, the effects largely occur when stock prices move sharply downward. Moreover, these effects are strongest when ownership concentration and institutional ownership exceed 25 percent. We also find that the disaggregation of institutional investors into distinct categories (banks, pension funds, advisors, etc.) increases our understanding of stock trading and share price dynamics of listed property companies.  相似文献   

This research examined the return behavior of a portfolio of American and New York Stock Exchange real estate firms. A dummy variable procedure was used to test for excess return and/or change in risk behavior across market conditions. The findings were as follows. First, no excess return was found for any model specification. Second, no changes in beta were found using the benchmark approach. The beta shifted when an up market was defined as a nonrecessionary period; the beta behaved procyclically. However, the subperiod tests indicated that effect was transitory and period specific.  相似文献   

我国在2009年底推出的经济政策导致房价和物价不断攀升,央行虽然采取紧缩措施进行应对,但物价和房价仍处高位。对我国货币供给、通货膨胀及房地产之间关系进行理论和实证分析的结果显示:货币供给增加能引起物价和房价上涨;房价上涨能引起物价上涨等。因此,为了更好地应对物价波动,货币政策需关注资产价格,同时应谨慎使用货币政策应对资产泡沫,并密切注意货币流动结构,维持货币供给流向与实体经济发展相适应。  相似文献   

我们选取我国2003-2010年东、中、西部地区的面板数据,对房地产需求和供给收入弹性、房地产市场需求和供给及影响房价的因素、房地产对经济增长的作用进行实证研究发现,西部地区房地产市场的需求和供给收入弹性小于东、中部;房地产价格在需求和供给市场违背一般价格规律;银行信贷对东部地区房价的影响较为明显;中、西部当期需求的增加会促进下一期经济发展。  相似文献   

Openness, the sacrifice ratio, and inflation: Is there a puzzle?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The standard time-inconsistency-based explanation for the negative correlation between openness and inflation requires an inverse relationship between the sacrifice ratio and openness, but Daniels et al. (2005, Openness, central bank independence, and the sacrifice ratio. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 37 (2), 371–379.) have provided evidence that controlling for central bank independence reveals a positive relationship. This paper embeds the time-inconsistency approach within a model of a multisector, imperfectly competitive, open economy. In this setting, greater openness raises the sacrifice ratio but reduces the inflation bias. Thus, failure to observe an inverse relationship between openness and the sacrifice ratio does not necessarily imply that the time-inconsistency approach is irrelevant to understanding the openness–inflation relationship.  相似文献   

Using a standard overlapping generations monetary production economy, faced with endogenously determined tax evasion by heterogeneous agents in the economy, we provide a theoretical model that indicates that both a lower (higher) level of financial development and a higher (lower) level of inflation leads to a bigger (smaller) shadow economy. These findings are empirically tested within a panel econometric framework, using data collected for 150 countries over the period 1980–2009 to enable a broad generalisation of the results. The results support the developed theoretical model, even after having accounted for the differences in the levels of economic development, the level of institutional quality that includes different tax regimes and regulatory frameworks, central bank participation in the economy as well as different macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   

Liquidity, redistribution, and the welfare cost of inflation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The long-run welfare costs of inflation are studied in a micro-founded model with trading frictions and costly liquidity management. By modelling the liquidity management decision, the model endogenizes the responses of velocity, output, the degree of market segmentation, and the distribution of money. Compared to the traditional estimates based on a representative agent model, the welfare costs of inflation are significantly smaller due to distributional effects of inflation. The welfare cost of increasing inflation from 0% to 10% is 0.62% of consumption for the US economy. Furthermore, the welfare cost is generally non-linear in the inflation rate.  相似文献   

We use market participants’ perceived uncertainty to investigate the response of real estate investment trusts index (REITs Index) and commercial property prices to shocks in economic uncertainty. Using US quarterly data and applying a vector autoregression (VAR) model, our results show that an increase in market participants’ perceived uncertainty leads to a significant drop in the REITs Index and commercial property prices. In addition, we show that the REITs Index responds quicker to the uncertainty shocks than the commercial property prices. Our findings provide important implications for investors.  相似文献   

我国房地产融资方式的比较、选择与调整   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙翠兰 《金融论坛》2005,10(11):47-50
央行121号文件发布以来,中央政府及具体职能部门一系列紧缩房地产银行信贷的政策和措施,拉开了我国房地产融资多元化发展的帷幕。本文分析与比较了目前我国存在的银行信贷、企业债券、企业上市、境外融资、投资基金和信托等主要的房地产融资方式运作的内在机理和宏观环境,以期正确选择和有目的地调整我国房地产融资方式。据此,提出我国房地产多元化融资在近期内应选择“银行贷款 房地产信托”和“银行贷款 房地产投资基金”两种模式。同时,为保障这两种模式的有效运作,应对银行内部资产负债互动机制的构建、投资基金法的确立和信托融资中不必要限制的解禁等方面进行调整。  相似文献   

基于我国房地产和城镇化省际面板数据,构建面板模型和门槛效应模型,考量多元城镇化、门槛效应对房地产库存的影响.结果表明:人口城镇化、空间城镇化和产业城镇化对房地产库存具有显著抑制作用,资本城镇化对房地产库存具有显著促进作用,技术城镇化对房地产库存的影响存在门槛效应.随着技术城镇化跨越人均可支配收入相应门槛值,其对房地产库存的影响由显著到不显著再到非常显著,由促进作用转变为抑制作用,影响系数的绝对值也转变为较大.  相似文献   

In this paper, Bekaert et al.’s (2010) model is modified by allowing consumption growth to depend on dividend yield rather than dividend growth. With a simplified inflation dynamic, the general equilibrium model is characterized by a system of linear and affine stochastic equations. From these equations, a closed-form solution jointly pricing equity and bonds is derived. The generalized method of moments is used to demonstrate that our model’s calibrated moments broadly match the first and second moments of stocks, bonds, and other macroeconomic variables in the US. Our estimated equity premium is 6.0%, which closely matches its actual value of 5.6%. The predicted risk aversion is countercyclical. Moreover, an out-of-sample test indicates the significant improvement of predictive power on the price–dividend ratio over Campbell and Cochrane’s (1999) model. Our model can further capture the dramatic increase in the price–dividend ratio after the 1990s.  相似文献   

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