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知识型服务业的发展和我们的差距   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以一组数字说明当前世界经济中服务业的发展,尤其是以专业服务公司为代表的知识型服务业的发展。这类服务业对技术创新有重要促进作用。我国的服务业相对落后,而知识型服务业尚在起步阶段,但发展很快,今后需要特别关注。  相似文献   

知识型服务业国际转移趋势与中国承接对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,以美国为代表的发达国家知识型服务业向具有智力人才优势的新兴市场国家转移的新浪潮正在兴起,标志着经济全球化进入了新的发展阶段.目前我国知识型服务业基本上还处于发展的起步阶段,但同时也存在着巨大的发展潜力,面临着承接国外转移的良好机遇.当前要站在国家产业发展的战略高度来充分认识承接知识型服务业国际转移的重要性和迫切性,并采取积极有效措施来迎接这轮新的全球产业布局调整.  相似文献   

知识密集型服务业(Knowledge-intensive Business Service,KIBS)是指企业在提供服务时溶入大量科学、工程、技术等专业性知识的服务.知识型服务业促进产业融合发展,是推动产业结构转型的重要引擎,我国知识型服务业在数量、质量还是规模上都处在初步发展阶段,而国外发达国家经历了知识型服务业的发展历程,有丰富的发展经验.从知识服务业发展内在机理看,其受到各种因素的互动影响,是各种内部因素相互作用下的发展过程;从外在表现看,知识型服务业发展经历初生期、成长期、成熟期等不同阶段,各阶段呈现不同的产业特征.  相似文献   

发展我国知识型服务产业的战略思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
知识型服务业,是相对于劳动密集型服务业而言的一种以技术和知识资源为主的服务业.有别于一般的商业、饮食业、交通运输业、修理业和公用事业,是较高层次的服务业,它主要包括咨询服务、生产技术服务、管理服务、法律服务、工程设计服务、城市规划服务等专业服务及生物工艺学服务、翻译服务、展览服务、电信服务、教育服务、科研服务、金融保险服务、文化交流、文化演出、传播媒介、医疗卫生服务等知识性服务业.国外发达国家的知识型服务业大多发展较快,而我国知识型服务业发展缓慢.发展知识型服务产业对我国有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

唐鹏 《经济研究导刊》2013,(30):252-254
台湾现代服务业的快速发展始于20世纪80年代中期,伴随着生活性和生产性的服务业对象规模不断扩大而趋向复杂化,成为一个综合化的行业经济体系。以台湾现代服务业的发展经验为研究对象,研究认为可分为四个阶段,最后得到对中国大陆的以下启示:实现服务业国际化;积极提高服务业占比;加强对外合作;将知识型服务业作为重点发展产业;优化现代服务业内部结构。  相似文献   

北京市循环经济的发展重点是第三产业.依托北京市产业结构现状,大力发展循环型服务业对北京市经济快速健康发展具有重要意义.本文从北京市产业结构分析出发,强调了北京市发展循环型服务业的必要性,从传统服务业、知识型服务业、生产性服务业三个层次探讨了北京市循环型服务业的发展模式,并对各层次的代表行业模式进行了重点分析.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,伴随着中国经济的高速增长,服务业的发展也取得了很大的成绩,但是从服务业内部结构分析,不同类型服务业发展水平存在很大的差距。该文从要素密集度、劳动生产率、新技术的应用率三方面分析了我国服务业的发展特征;从服务业的内部结构,即分配性服务、生产性服务、社会服务和个人服务四个方面对服务业的影响因素进行了实证研究,并探讨了服务业发展的政策思路。  相似文献   

现代服务业发展的模块论及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪以来,资源与环境问题日益困扰着全球经济的发展。在资源和环境的硬约束条件下,发展服务经济是摆脱资源和环境问题的有效途径。就我国而言,同样面临着资源短缺和环境恶化的严峻挑战。发展服务业,特别是现代服务业是我国经济发展的必然选择。国际经验表明,运用模块将极大地促进现代服务业的发展。基于此,本文对现代服务业发展的模块论进行了研究,并在我国现代服务业现状和发展目标分析的基础上,提出以多重模块加快发展我国现代服务业的建议。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,资源与环境问题日益困扰着全球经济的发展。在资源和环境的硬约束条件下,发展服务经济是摆脱资源和环境问题的有效途径。就我国而言,同样面临着资源短缺和环境恶化的严峻挑战。发展服务业,特别是现代服务业是我国经济发展的必然选择。国际经验表明,运用模块将极大地促进现代服务业的发展。基于此,本文对现代服务业发展的模块论进行了研究,并在我国现代服务业现状和发展目标分析的基础上,提出以多重模块加快发展我国现代服务业的建议。  相似文献   

发展现代服务业的财税政策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着经济全球化和信息资源进入现代主流经济,现代服务业将发展成为最具活力的产业部门.大力发展现代服务业对推动经济增长方式转变和加快构建和谐社会都具有极其重要的意义.本文从现代服务业概念和特点入手,阐述了当前我国现代服务业发展中存在的主要问题,并对当前制约现代服务业发展的财税政策因素进行了分析和研究,最后提出了发展现代服务业的财税政策应采取的措施.  相似文献   

What implications does the Internet have for service operations strategy? How can business performance of e-service companies be improved in today's knowledge-based economy? These research questions are the subject of this paper. We propose a model that links the e-service company's knowledge-based competencies with their competitive capabilities. Drawing from the current literature, our analysis suggests that services that strategically build a portfolio of knowledge-based competencies, namely human capital, structural capital, and absorptive capacity have more operations-based options, than their counterparts who are less apt to invest. We assume that the combinative capabilities of service quality, delivery, flexibility, and cost are determined by the investment in intellectual capital. Arguably, with the advent of the Internet, different operating models (e.g., bricks-and-mortar, clicks-and-mortar, or pure dot-com) have different strategic imperatives in terms of knowledge-based competencies. Thus, the new e-operations paradigm can be viewed as a configuration of knowledge-based competencies and capabilities.  相似文献   

在美国金融危机的影响下,我国推进基本公共服务均等化有利于拉动我国内需,提高居民消费支出和投资系数促进人力资本积累,进而拉动实体经济.通过增加基本公共服务的投资,加大对农村的扶持力度,可进一步推进基本公共服务均等化.  相似文献   

曾青 《经济研究导刊》2009,(25):163-165
服务贸易自由化是在服务贸易重要性显现以及全球经济一体化背景下提出的。随着国际服务贸易发展程度的深化,全球经济一体化进程的加快,以及《服务贸易总协定》的签订,服务贸易自由化可谓是大势所趋。这必将对世界各国服务贸易的发展和政府经济政策的制定产生众多深远的影响。服务贸易自由化既具有积极的经济效应,又具有一定的负面效应。作为既是发展中国家也是WTO成员方的中国,服务贸易自由化对我们来说是机遇也是挑战。我们必须要在这一趋势下认清中国服务贸易发展的现状,抓住机遇,并勇于迎接挑战,制定符合中国实际的应对策略,提高中国服务贸易的竞争力。  相似文献   

Gaurav Nayyar 《Applied economics》2013,45(36):4701-4719
For some observers, the dramatic growth of the services sector in India reflects rapid strides made by educated professionals. Some others see it as the expansion of an employer of last resort. Given this heterogeneity, the object of this article is to analyse the quality of employment being created in different sub-sectors of services, relative to the industrial sector, where quality is defined to include wages, job security and social protection. Analysing household survey data from India in 1993–94 and 2004–05, we find the following. First, sub-sectors of services are generally either 'good' or 'bad' employers – higher wages do not compensate for less job security or less job protection. Second, the classification of most service sub-sectors as 'good' or 'bad' employers in 2004–05 is the same as that in 1993–94. Third, employment expansion during the 10-year period under consideration is more in service sub-sectors where quality of employment is low.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to integrate transaction cost theory and the knowledge-based view of the firm to explore why and how a network's hub organisations orchestrate their members to create knowledge in the health services setting. Guided by organisation theory, this study examines a theoretical model at the organisation level, through a qualitative case study of Taiwan's health services sector. In addition to the discovery of a new sub-construct, the findings provide preliminary evidence that, both, transaction cost and knowledge-based factors influence the health services network as per the study's propositions. This study contributes to strategic technology management research by providing a conceptual model to describe and evaluate health services networks' orchestrating process for knowledge creation. The framework also provides a better understanding of, and a practical approach to managing networks to improve knowledge creation.  相似文献   

This paper offers a new approach to the definition of manufacturing activities, placing them in a broader framework to capture the dynamics of manufacturing in the economy. After discussing why in many cases it may bc appropriate to consider producer services and tnanttfacturing industries together, the paper analyzes the development of manufacturing and producer service industries in the United States. We examine the factors leading to the growth of producer services, concluding that unbundling, the shift of some activities (such as legal, accounting, and data processing services) from manufacturing to producer services industries, is an important explanation for this growth. Finally, we discuss the relationship between manufacturing and producer services. Our analysis, based on a broader definition of manufacturing, shows that over the last two decades the U.S. manufacturing base has declined only slightly rather than radically as suggested in many studies.  相似文献   

The nature and consequences of services innovation remains a woefully under-researched topic. The paper calls into question two statements that are frequently repeated in the political-economic discourse on services. The first concerns the suggestion that Germany is a 'services laggard' that needs to restructure its domestic economy if it is to remain internationally competitive. By contrast, the UK is frequently held up as an example of a successfully restructured 'services economy'. The paper draws an important distinction between the quantity of services in a domestic economy and the degree of connectivity between services and other economic activities. The latter, it is argued, is far more important in determining the size of spill-overs from services innovation enjoyed within a domestic economy and, hence, to international competitiveness. Particular attention is paid to the role and impact of knowledge-intensive service sectors in this regard. In addition to the UK and Germany, data is drawn from the Netherlands and Japan. Using these four comparative cases we explore the distinction between a high representation of services in the domestic economy, and the innovation spill-overs facilitated by a high degree of connectivity between services and other economic sectors within a domestic economy.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the desirability of service trade liberlization in the presence of incompleteness of markets where there is both inter-spatial and intertemporal trade between countries. We use numerical simulation methods for insights and relate our discussion to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in the WTO. We interpret the absence of intertemporal trade as an absence of intermediation services provided by both domestic and foreign service providers. For simplicity, we consider extreme cases where intertemporal intermediation services can only be provided by domestic providers, so that when intertemporal trade in services is not allowed, markets are not complete. To our knowledge, this type of models is not used in the trade literature as general comparative statics results are unavailable. We first consider the liberalization of trade in financial services in an inter-spatial and intertemporal model of two countries, and we show how services liberalization can be welfare worsening in the presence of a tariff on spatial trade in goods. We show that this can hold in an artificial world with no domestic financial services provider. We compare financial service trade autarky in which there is no intermediation to financial service trade liberalization which involves costless intertemporal intermediation provided by foreign service providers. We also consider a more complex (and realistic) world where costly intermediation services can be provided by both domestic and foreign providers. This paper draws in part on material of an earlier paper, “Financial Services Trade Liberalization in A Joint Spatial Intertemporal Multi-Country Model” by Huang et al. (2004). We acknowledge the financial support from The Centre for Intentional Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo, Canada and from National Social Science Foundation of China (SSFC Grant 07AJL002), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant 70825003) and “Humanities and Social Science” Major Project, Chinese Ministry of Education (Grant Number 07JJD790145).  相似文献   

我国基本公共服务空间差异格局与质量特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
顺利推进基本公共服务均等化是我国和谐社会发展面临的一项重要问题。在探讨基本公共服务内涵的基础上,以教育服务、文化服务、卫生服务、信息化服务、生态环境服务、基础设施服务、社会保障服务7个一级指标,29个二级指标构建了我国市级基本公共服务质量水平测度指标体系,用熵值法对我国286个地级以上城市(除拉萨)进行系统分析。结果表明:城市之间基本公共服务差距明显,基本公共服务质量总体不高,空间差异明显,呈现从东部沿海到中、西部逐步降低的特点;基本公共服务质量较高的城市呈"群"状分布,与城市群有较好的拟合;基本公共服务水平与城市经济发展水平呈正相关,与城市规模存在对应关系;公共服务水平各单项水平不均衡等。  相似文献   

在中国电子商务情景下,基于国内外物流服务质量与顾客满意的相关文献和顾客的访谈,从第三方物流服务的实体配送服务质量和顾客营销服务质量两个方面出发,结合信息系统和营销学领域的信息化水平和品牌形象变量构建了我国电子商务情景下第三方物流的顾客满意度模型。采用结构方程模型对收集的423份国内电子商务第三方物流服务顾客数据进行分析。结果表明,电子商务情景下,除实体配送服务质量外,顾客营销服务质量是第三方物流服务质量的关键维度。研究还发现,第三方物流服务质量显著正向影响顾客对物流服务的满意度;物流信息化水平和品牌形象对第三方物流服务质量存在显著正向影响,且还通过第三方物流服务质量对顾客满意存在重要的间接影响。  相似文献   

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