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农业企业化经营既是社会主义市场经济体制的要求,也是农业现代化和家庭联产承包责任制发展的一种必然结果。农业企业家是农业企业的核心人物,是新农村经济开发的领导者。文章提出了农业企业家培育机制模型,并系统提出相应对策主张。  相似文献   

在学生时代我曾读过一点《论语》,尽管不少言词艰涩难懂,但总感觉有一些话语辞约义丰,甚为经典。参加工作后,虽然总是像陀螺一样忙碌,可我一直在手头放着一本简装《论语》,时不时地翻翻。“《论语》情结”贯穿在我几十年的事业之中。随着年龄和人生阅历的渐长,对《论语》中关于个人修养的精辟阐述也有了越来越明晰的体认。记得一位大家在谈企业家修养的时候,下了一长串的定语,甚是精美凝练,可我觉得它似乎是从《论语》这部煌煌巨著中撷取的几片英华。仔细翻检对照,果不其然。我于是感叹:半部《论语》治天下,其言甚是。《论语》历千年而依旧…  相似文献   

Building on Murphy's (2012) model of reverse mentoring, we examine the psychological processes that contribute to skill development in initiatives where knowledge is transferred from younger to older individuals. We employ a sample of younger mentors (n = 457) and older learners (n = 293) participating in a digital skills initiative to test parallel moderated mediation models. Our findings show extrinsic motivation plays a dominant role in the development of younger groups' mentoring skills, while older learners' digital skills development is primarily driven by intrinsic motivation. We also find positive affect and self‐efficacy can serve as personal resources in this context, but only for mentors. Taken together, our results suggest motivational processes in reverse mentoring unfold differently for the two groups involved in the exchange. Recommendations for human resource practice, including specific guidelines for developing intergenerational learning initiatives, are discussed.  相似文献   

The management and organisation of capital projects in the British National Health Service (NHS) is dependent upon project teams. An analysis of four case studies shows how these teams also act as agents of learning for individuals and the organisation. This article considers the process by which learning came about. In particular it identifies the ability of the project teams to develop a parallel organisation within a wider organisational context. These teams develop specific rules, roles and relationships which help individual project team members to more effectively share their knowledge with others and their organisation.  相似文献   

The Thai automotive industry first developed around Bangkok where Japanese car–makers were the first to open plants. During the 1980s, car–makers had to increase their local purchasing to cope with government local content policies. This led to a broader penetration of Japanese parts–makers who also tended to locate their plants close to their affiliated customer. In the 1990s, however, some changes appeared: firstly, the increasing market and the expectation of further growth pushed Japanese car–makers to establish new plants; secondly, the need to cut costs because of increased competition resulted in a new penetration of Japanese parts–makers and subcontractors; thirdly, the excessive concentration around Bangkok pushed the government to implement new policies to develop and industrialize peripheral areas by investing in infrastructures and offering incentives. Additional clusters appeared in several new industrializing areas outside the Bangkok suburb, mainly on the eastern seaboard, with Japanese car and parts–makers opening their new plants in these areas, and with Ford and GM, followed by American parts–makers, also choosing such locations. The article presents these changes in the clustering dynamics in relation to firms’ strategies and public policies, discussing these issues within the framework of the role of the Thai automobile industry in South–East Asia (ASEAN). L’industrie automobile thaïlandaise s’est dans un premier temps développé autour de Bangkok où les constructeurs automobiles japonais ont ouvert les premières lignes d’assemblage. Dans les années quatre–vingt, la politique de contenu national mise en uvre par le gouvernement a incité les constructeurs à augmenter leurs achats locaux, ce qui a conduit à l’implantation dans la même région, des fournisseurs japonais pour alimenter les usines de leurs clients. La décennie suivante a été marquée par plusieurs inflexions: la croissance effective et potentielle du marché a conduit les constructeurs japonais àédifier de nouvelles usines d’assemblage; le renforcement de la pression concurrentielle a rendu nécessaire une réduction des coûts, favorisant l’arrivée de nouveaux entrants dans l’industrie des composants; la concentration excessive dans la région de Bangkok a amené le gouvernement a mettre en uvre une politique de développement et d’industrialisation des régions périphériques par la construction d’infrastructures et des mesures volontaristes d’aide à l’aménagement du territoire. Des complexes automobile se sont édifiés dans de nouveaux espaces en dehors de Bangkok et sa banlieue, principalement vers le bord de mer au sud est. Les nouvelles implantations de constructeurs et fournisseurs japonais ont été suivies par l’arrivée des firmes américaines (Ford et GM). Le papier retrace l’évolution de ces dynamiques d’agglomération en Thaïlande, résultats des stratégies des firmes automobiles et des politiques publiques, tout en analysant la place que prend ce pays en Asie du Sud Est (ASEAN).  相似文献   

Technology and science are linked in many ways, sometimes tightly, sometimes loosely, but development of new technologies is a fundamentally different activity from scientific research. The U.S. Government, therefore, cannot assume that expenditures for scientific research will automatically translate into the commercial products and processes vital for an internationally competitive economy. Nor can it assume that expenditures on military R&D will contribute broadly to the civilian technology base. If governments wish to support commercial technology development, they must do more than support research.Many American companies, for example, could benefit from programs aimed at the development of generic technologies with broad commercial relevance. Examples include: applied research in microelectronic devices; combustion processes and automobile safety; disciplines such as engineering design; the science base for manufacturing; common technical concerns such as lubrication and wear or structural integrity. They could also benefit from improved mechanisms for the diffusion of such technologies domestically. To fill R&D gaps on both a technology-specific and an industry-specific basis, the existing system — small in scale and largely experimental — of government-supported centers for generic and cooperative R&D could be broadened and strengthened. The U.S. Government could also provide partial support for technology extension services run by State Governments.  相似文献   

As the economies in Central Europe have commenced their transformation from centrally planned to market-led economies, each country has implemented a new legal framework for accounting and auditing. This provides a unique opportunity to research the implementation of aspects of accounting and auditing well known to Western market economies into different economic contexts. In particular, it provides an opportunity to revisit the role of the independent audit. This paper contributes to the research on the developing of auditing in Central Europe by analysing the role of the audit in the Czech Republic. It covers aspects of both regulation and practice and, in order to gain more understanding of how the audit role is developing in the Czech Republic, focuses on three areas: influences on the Czech audit legislation; the position of the audit report and perceptions of the objectives of the audit in the Czech Republic. After a brief review of the published literature on accounting and audit in the Czech Republic, the paper studies some of the country's recent economic and legislative developments in relation to auditing. These developments are put into the context of auditing before and after the ‘Velvet revolution’ of 1989. The paper then concentrates on the influences on the development of Czech audit legislation by comparing aspects of the Czech audit legislation with the German and UK equivalents. This comparison highlights some anomalies in the Czech legislation. The Czech audit legislation is then put into the local context based on a review of the contents of the audit report and its publication with interviews among a selection of users and preparers about how the audit is perceived.  相似文献   

文章从当前国有资本介入西江开发中存在的问题入手,对国有资本在西江开发中角色定位以及具体措施进行了初步的探讨。研究认为,国有资本在西江开发中发挥着不可替代的作用,国有资本应在西江开发起着调控者、服务者、监督者或引领者的重要作用,同时,须摆正国有资本自身的角色位置,加大国有资本在基础设施建设、重点产业与项目开发、园区建设等方面开发的力度,促进国有资本在推进西江开发中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

文章从林业与环境、林业建设与经济发展、林业建设与生态文明3个方面论述了林业发展对鹤庆县的重要意义,并结合实际总结了鹤庆林业发展的得失,提出了关于林业发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

软环境建设在城市经济发展中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者根据长春市的实践 ,从三个方面探讨软环境建设在城市经济发展中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the small transnational enterprises of recent Chinese entrepreneur immigrants to Vancouver, Canada. These enterprises are part of the globalization process and contribute to the economic and cultural integration of certain regions of Asia with large urban areas of Canada. The entrepreneurs are analyzed utilizing a transnationalism framework which is situated in the ethnic enterprise literature. The article explains how these transnational small Chinese businesses are different from the businesses of earlier Chinese in Canada. A detailed analysis of the Canadian Business Immigration Program illustrates how and why small Chinese transnational enterprises have emerged. The primary data comes from extensive in–depth interviews with 61 Chinese entrepreneur immigrants that allows for the delineation of three transnational business types: (1) Asian production–North American distribution, (2) retail chains and (3) import–export. Quantitative data illustrate the major differences between ‘transnational’ and ‘non–transnational’ enterprises along several variables. Other qualitative data provide insights on how family networks are interwoven with firm relations in small transnational businesses, how entrepreneurs perceive interethnic relations and the extent to which they experience barriers to mobility. Evidence is provided of extensive transmigration and, in contrast to the sojourner identity of earlier Chinese, the data here suggests the emergence of a new transnational and cosmopolitan identity amongst entrepreneur immigrants. Cet article étudie les petites entreprises transnationales des récents immigrants chinois de Vancouver (Canada). Celles–ci s’inscrivent dans le processus de mondialisation et contribuent à l’intégration économique et culturelle de certaines régions d’Asie dans d’importantes zones urbaines canadiennes. L’analyse de ces créateurs d’entreprise est faite à partir d’un cadre d’analyse transnationaliste qui se situe dans la littérature sur l’entreprise ethnique. L’article explique en quoi ces petites entreprises chinoises transnationales diffèrent de celles des Chinois arrivés plus tôt au Canada. Une étude détaillée du Programme canadien d’Immigration des Hommes d’affaires explique comment et pourquoi sont apparues ces petites entités transnationales. Les principales données, tirées d’entretiens approfondis avec 61 entrepreneurs chinois, permettent de définir trois types d’entreprises transnationales: production asiatique avec distribution nord–américaine, chaînes de détaillants, et import–export. Des données quantitatives illustrent les grandes différences entre les entreprises ‘transnationales’ et ‘non–transnationales’ en fonction de plusieurs variables. D’autres données quantitatives révèlent de quelle manière les réseaux familiaux s’entremêlent avec les relations professionnelles dans les petites entités transnationales, comment les chefs d’entreprise perçoivent les relations inter–ethniques et dans quelle mesure ils rencontrent des obstacles à leur mobilité. Une importante transmigration est mise en evidence et, par opposition au caractère temporaire du séjour des premiers Chinois, les données suggèrent ici l’émergence d’une nouvelle identité transnationale et cosmopolite chez les immigrants chefs d’entreprise.  相似文献   

This study identifies and analyzes factors that affect a learner's knowledge, comprehension, and application of economics by racial and gender grouping. A decomposition model is used to evaluate the impact of attitudinal effects and other exogenous variables on economic cognition. Preliminary findings suggest that the attitude of black students towards economics instruction differs from their white cohorts while no gender differences are found.  相似文献   

Halbesleben and Buckley's (2004) review of burnout research suggested a lingering need to examine the relationship between social support and burnout. We address that need by investigating Leader‐Member Exchange (LMX) and mentoring as sources of workplace social support. We used data from 422 employees in a health care setting to test three structural models investigating the direct and indirect effects of LMX, supervisory mentoring, and nonsupervisory mentoring on organizational socialization, role stress, and burnout. Results suggest that high‐LMX supervisors and nonsupervisory mentors serve as resources that minimize emotional exhaustion through increased socialization and decreased role stress. This study advances the literature on burnout by clarifying the effects of different types of social support in reducing burnout. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the offshore oil supply sector and shows how the entry barriers experienced by new supply firms are imposed not by other supply firms but by the oil companies. This is done to ensure product quality and reliability of service rather than the more general attention to price considerations. The range of entry barriers are discussed in relation to key characteristics of the oil industry. As a spin-off this experience appears to have generated a more responsive attitude towards technological and commercial change throughout Scottish industry.  相似文献   

文章介绍了企业家人力资本的产权特征,结合体制改革、效用变化分析了企业家人力资本定价的制度变迁,最后试图建立与产权相符的企业家人力资本定价制度。  相似文献   

Learning is one of the main goals of any training program. Much research has focused on how learning may be enhanced through effective training design. We compiled the extant literature exploring the efficacy of five common pre-training interventions in promoting learning. Meta-analytic results (k = 159; total N = 13,684) reveal consistent positive effects for the role of such interventions in learning. Attentional advice and goal orientation (as compared with meta-cognitive strategies, advance organizers and preparatory information) yielded the most consistent learning gains. Results suggest intervention format, implementation, and match to learning outcome are important considerations. Recommendations are provided for interventions which are useful in promoting cognitive, skill-based, and affective learning gains.  相似文献   

企业家对于国家经济社会发展的推动作用,已经是不争的事实。 计划经济时期,那些辛苦工作在工厂的领导们,如果用现代企业家的标准去衡量他们,大致也就是个”车间主任”而已。中国当代的企业家队伍,是与中国的市场经济相伴而生的。随着市场经济体制的建立和企业改革的深入,企业家越来越被重视,企业家的作用越来越得以彰显。这无疑是中国的一大进步。  相似文献   

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