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中国对外贸易外部区域结构失衡问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外贸易区域结构是时外贸易诸结构中的重要方面.入世后我国对外贸易迅速发展,贸易结构不断改善.通过实证分析看到我国的"市场多元化"战略已经取得了一定的成效,但是对外贸易外部区域结构仍然很不平衡,并且同三大贸易伙伴的进出口商品结构相似.建议继续实施市场多元化战略,全面优化对外贸易结构,进一步推进产业结构软化,积极推进区域经济一体化进程,扩大我国的出口市场.鼓励对外投资,以投资带动贸易.  相似文献   

论海外直接投资与贸易的关系   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
从理论上讲,对外直接投资与国际贸易的关系即存在互补性,也具有相互替代性,这要根据母国(或跨国公司)投资的动机、类型和发展阶段而定.本文回顾了发达国家和发展中国家在此方面的实践,并结合我国海外投资与贸易出口的实际,按几个行业分别分析了海外投资与贸易的互补或替代关系.论文认为,由于投资行业的特点和投资区域的不同,海外投资对我国对外贸易的影响要视具体的投资行业和投资区域而定.从目前看,政府应该给予具有贸易创造效应的海外投资在政策上的大力支持.  相似文献   

国内研究大多集中于外商直接投资与对外贸易的分析,而对于我国的对外直接投资与对外贸易关系的研究相对较少。本文利用协整理论、格兰杰因果检验实证考察1982年-2013年我国对外投资与出口之间的关系。结果表明,我国的对外直接投资具有贸易促进作用,出口是对外直接投资变化的原因。  相似文献   

我国产业内对外服务贸易以垂直型的产业内贸易为主,北部沿海地区等区域产业内贸易水平最高的是劳动密集型服务业,东部沿海地区等则是知识技术密集型服务业.对影响我国各区域的产业内对外服务贸易水平的因素和程度的面板数据的经验分析表明:区域人均收入水平、服务业外商直接投资、区域市场规模因素显著影响大部分区域的产业内对外服务贸易水平,但服务业外商直接投资、区域市场规模的影响程度非常小;区域对外开放度、货物贸易密集度仅对部分区域内少部分省市有显著影响;区域要素禀赋显著影响各区域的产业内对外服务贸易水平,其中,资金、技术等要素的影响更大.值得关注的是东部沿海地区的上海市出现水平型产业内对外服务贸易的萌芽,且其产业内贸易更多的体现为由产品差异推动而不是规模经济的推动,但推动程度较小.  相似文献   

传统研究认为,一国跨国公司的对外直接投资可能对母国的对外贸易产生两种影响:替代效应和互补效应。但大多数研究并未具体分析不同类型对外直接投资对母国对外贸易的影响有何不同。本文主要分析了自然资源导向型投资、市场导向型投资和效率导向型投资这三种类型对外直接投资,对母国进出口贸易所产生的影响,以期对今后的相关研究有所助益和启示。  相似文献   

文章在介绍了中国对外直接投资行业分布的现状基础上 ,分别从服务贸易性投资和非贸易性投资两大方面 ,运用定性和定量相结合的方法来分析对外直接投资在这两种行业范围内所产生的贸易效应。进而得出结论 :某一产业的对外直接投资无论是发展规模还是所占比例与其出口水平都是呈正相关关系的 ,也就是说对外直接投资和出口贸易相互促进、相互影响。  相似文献   

自2000年党中央确立实施“走出去”战略以来,我国“走出去”战略取得了巨大成就,对外直接投资的规模不断扩大.参与国际经济的广度和深度不断加大。通过对外直接投资,我们不仅可以抓住国际产业转移机遇提高我国在国际经济中的地位,还能够调节我国对外经济中日益突出的对外贸易不平衡.改善对外贸易结构。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的加深,越来越多的跨国公司通过对外直接投资向海外销售产品和服务的方式来获取收益。传统的贸易余额没有包含对外直接投资收入。本文指出与传统的贸易余额相比,加入对外直接投资净收入的贸易收入余额更能反映当今一国的对外贸易状况及国家间的经济利益,用贸易收入余额衡量的美国贸易逆差和中国贸易顺差将大幅减少,中美贸易收入逆差将使中美贸易逆差小幅下降。  相似文献   

对外直接投资与贸易的关系:互补或替代   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用2000-2004年我国进出口贸易和对外直接投资的数据资料,使用引力模型分析了我国对外直接投资和对外贸易之间的关系。结果表明:在我国,对外直接投资与出口贸易之间存在显著的互补性,即对外直接投资与出口相互促进。本文的研究结论对我国实施"走出去"战略具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

贸易型对外直接投资是我国"走出去"战略的重要内容,也是我国实现国际市场合理布局的重要保障。本文以交易治理与集聚理论为基础,研究我国贸易型对外直接投资的方式选择。研究表明:具有贸易集聚功能的贸易平台是一种更具效率的贸易载体。相对于分散交易,贸易平台具有显著的降低交易成本、扩大交易规模的效应,应是我国贸易型对外直接投资的主要方式。本文并对如何建立我国境外贸易平台提出具体建议。  相似文献   

本文利用中国制造业分行业数据,对影响FDI行业分布的原因进行了研究。除了分析行业自身因素的影响之外,本文还重点研究了FDI的行业集聚产生的FDI行业分布溢出。研究结果表明,行业的产品出口比重对吸收FDI有显著的正向影响,行业内的国有企业集聚对外资企业进入有显著的"壁垒"效应,而行业的工资水平、固定资产投资等对外资进入没有显著影响。此外,FDI的行业集聚对吸收FDI有正向的行业内溢出,而FDI的行业集聚产生的行业间分布溢出效应主要体现在后向溢出方面,但没有产生前向溢出。  相似文献   

本文利用VAR模型对中国服务业外商直接投资与服务贸易的关系进行了实证研究,结果表明,只存在服务出口、服务进口分别是服务业外商直接投资的单向Granger原因,服务业外商直接投资并不是服务出口和服务进口的Granger原因。从长期来看,服务业外商直接投资与服务出口、服务进口均是替代关系,短期来看,服务业外商直接投资与服务出口、服务进口是较弱的互补关系。  相似文献   

Export diversification has become a priority goal for the development of the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries. In this article, we aim at measuring both the effects of exports' diversification on growth in MENA countries and the way new exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) interact with each others in the process of growth. Although the effects of FDI on growth have been scrutinized by numerous studies up to now, the effects of diversification and discoveries in export have only very recently been assessed. But no one has made explicit the way FDI and export discoveries interact in the growth process. A model is estimated by the system-generalized method of moments and we provide robust evidence that export discovery and FDI stimulate gross domestic product (GDP) growth in our sample of countries, and that FDI does not necessarily have the same effect on growth according to the level of discovery of the country. We also show that the joint positive effect of new exports and of imports suggest that technological spillover from import but also from the integration to global value chains are likely to occur in our sample of countries.  相似文献   

FDI is one of the most important factors for China economy
China has achieved high economic growth for a prolonged period of time. Academic researchers have tried alternative explanations for this miraculous growth. It is found that both export and FDI have a strong and positive effect on economic growth. The results suggest that two policies adopted in China are useful for other developing and transitional economies: export promotion and adoption of world technology and business practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) on home country's export in Taiwan since the late 1980s. By pooling the time series and cross-section data in a modified gravity model, the study analyzes the effect of outward FDI, both country by country and host groups as a whole, on Taiwan's exports. It is concluded that outward FDI has a complementary effect on home country's export in Taiwan, most significantly evidenced in China-bound investment, which accounted for most FDIs after the 1990s.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of a firm's market-specific ownership linkages and trade complementarities on different dimensions of its exporting longevity. Unlike previous studies that were mostly based on country-product-level data, this paper uses transaction-level trade data on the population of firms in Slovenia in the 2002–11 period, matched with detailed origin/direction of inward/outward FDI information to determine a firm's integration in international production networks. Our results indicate that firm's bilateral inward and outward FDI flows with an export-destination country have a strong positive effect on a firm's export survival in that market. Importance of market-specific ownership linkages for export duration is exclusively driven by intermediate goods which suggests prolonged export duration through production network involvement. However, the perseverance effect of bilateral FDI ties on export spells has been weakened during the crisis period. We find pronounced market- and product-related trade complementarities as either exporting or importing experience with the relevant market/product substantially improves the chances of a product–market export spell continuing. Finally, the risk of exports termination is lower for a firm's core export products.  相似文献   

本文选取1984-2004年浙江省经济发展的相关数据,检验了FDI与进出口贸易之间的各种可能性关系。结果表明,FDI与进出口间存在着长期协整关系,短期内存在较强的误差修正机制,出口与FDI之间有相关性很弱的反向机制,出口并不必然带来FDI的流入,而进口则与FDI呈正向变化。  相似文献   

本文以我国1982-2007年的相关数据为样本,基于VAR模型的分析框架实证研究了我国进出口商品结构与对外直接投资的相关性。结果表明:进出口商品结构与对外直接投资存在长期均衡关系,其中初级产品出口、工业制成品出口分别与对外直接投资存在相互替代效应,初级产品进口、工业制成品出口分别与对外直接投资存在相互补充效应;进出口商品结构中各变量与对外直接投资均不存在短期因果关系,但共同构成了影响对外直接投资变化的短期因素。  相似文献   

Foreign direct investments (FDI) are supposed to bring into the host countries indirect benefits, usually referred as productivity spillover effects. However, an emerging literature analyses the effect with regard to the export performance of local firms finding inconclusive results. This literature is affected by two main shortcomings: firstly, the role played by FDI motivations is largely disregarded and, secondly, it is difficult to generalise results valid across countries. For these reasons, the aim of the paper is that of testing the effects of U.S. FDI on export intensity at the sectoral level in 16 OECD countries over the period 1990–2001 by bringing together international economics and international business perspective on FDI motivations. Through our data, we disentangle asset seeking and asset exploiting FDI motivations distinguishing also the channels through which the effect is going to occur. The findings show that asset exploiting motivations, and in particular market seeking FDI, are those that affect export intensity to a greater extent.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a pendulum gravity model of outward FDI and export. Outward FDI and export can be complementary or substitute, depending on the development stages of outward FDI. The development of outward FDI is accompanied by advancements in productivity, technology and favorable transformations in factor endowment differences, which can be reflected in the ratio of export to outward FDI. At early stages of outward FDI undertakings, the ratio of export to outward FDI is greater or much greater than the world’s average, outward FDI and export are conjectured to be complementary with our analytical framework. As outward FDI matures, the pendulum swings to the other side, i.e., the ratio of export to outward FDI becomes smaller than the world’s average. Outward FDI and export turn into substitute then. Empirical results and findings from examining two panel data sets support our conjecture and the proposed model, which integrate the two seemingly opposing sets of literature.  相似文献   

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