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Regulation of Internet market attracts more and more scholars and governments' attention as the Internet's commercial potential is displayed worldwide. Key characteristics of Internet market prove there are also market failures in Internet market, so regulation is an avoidable issue for the Internet market. Policy approaches relating to competition, intellectual property, and information privacy are three key areas of regulation that the paper emphasizes. The paper also analyzes the current regulation practices carried by some developed countries and calls for countries to cooperate and coordinate thus build a legal and fair environment for the Internet market.  相似文献   

共享经济时代,互联网金融发展是一个新命题.由于互联网金融与共享经济相融相通的特性,决定了互联网金融是受共享经济影响最大的行业之一.共享经济向互联网金融行业的深入渗透、全面融合及再次创新,对互联网金融企业的发展提出了更高的要求.如何合规健康的发展,是目前亟待解决的问题.本文首先对共享经济与互联网金融的关系进行了分析与探讨.其次,总结了共享经济时代我国互联网金融企业发展面临的时代机遇,具体表现为经济发展进入新常态,社会融资需求强烈,需求带动成长;监管体系日益完善,合规发展的基调确定,为共享经济发展提供了体系保障;理财需要和消费升级,推动行业持续变革.最后,为促进互联网金融的有序发展,指出我国互联网金融发展的监管方向.  相似文献   

会计政策是企业会计信息生成的基础。市场的不完全性、代理成本的存在、信息不对称以及影响非契约方的外部性,决定了会计政策选择管制的必要性和重要性。20世纪30年代以来,由于对上市公司会计政策选择管制的程度不断强化,上市公司会计政策选择管制的理论和实务研究即成为会计理论研究的重点领域。  相似文献   

物联网被称为第三次信息技术革命,政府的政策工具选择对物联网发展具有重要意义。我国政府高度重视物联网产业,先后出台多项政策措施促进物联网产业的发展。从政策工具角度,采用统计分析等方法具体分析我国物联网产业发展的政策特点,发现现有政策工具存在结构性问题:环境型政策工具应用过溢,需求型政策工具不足,政策工具内部结构性问题以及政策缺乏系统性和针对性。为此应进行政策工具的整体优化,注重政策的系统性、针对性和配套性。  相似文献   

土地政策在房地产调控中的政策效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2003年以来,土地政策被确定为与传统的货币政策、财政政策并列的重要工具参与宏观调控,但土地政策在房地产调控中的成效一直备受争议.本文利用国家统计局、中国经济信息网2002~2010年间的季度数据,实证分析了土地政策及其不同手段对房地产市场的影响,认为土地政策只对房地产供应方面的作用较为显著,且存在滞后性,而对房价的作用较小,因此,土地政策整体上在房地产调控中的作用有限,需要与其他政策组合起来进行运用.  相似文献   

We consider a signaling model in which adults possess information about the dominant social norm. Children want to conform to whatever norm is dominant but, lacking accurate information, take the observed behavior of their parents as representative. We show that this causes a signaling distortion in adult behavior, even in the absence of conflicts of interest. Parents adopt attitudes that encourage their children to behave in a socially safe way (i.e., the way that would be optimal under maximum uncertainty about the prevailing social norm). We discuss applications to sexual attitudes, collective reputation, and trust.  相似文献   

Demand estimation and market definition for broadband Internet services   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyses residential demand for Internet access in Austria with a focus on broadband Internet connections. Austria has cable network coverage of about 50% and is, therefore, a good candidate to analyse the elasticity of demand for DSL where cable is available and where it is not. We also include mobile broadband via UMTS or HSDPA in our analysis and estimate various nested logit models to derive conclusions for market definition. The estimation results suggest that demand for DSL is elastic and that cable networks are likely to be in the same market as DSL connections both at the retail and at the wholesale level. We discuss possible implications for the regulation of wholesale broadband access markets. All views expressed are solely the authors’ and do not bind RTR or the Telekom-Control-Kommission (TKK) in any way nor are they official position of RTR or TKK.  相似文献   

商业银行规则导向监管与原则导向监管的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐捷 《财经科学》2010,(2):18-25
2007年的金融海啸以及由此引发的经济危机,引发人们对欧美以及其他发达国家金融监管部门监管方式的质疑。本文通过介绍国外主要的监管方式,即规则导向监管和原则导向监管,比较两种监管方式的特点、优点、缺点,并提出将两种监管方式相结合,为我国商业银行监管提供借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

The Internet has evolved from a “hierarchy”—in which interconnection was achieved by having Internet Service Providers (ISPs) purchase transit services from top-level backbones and top-level backbone providers engage in direct settlement-free peering—to a “mesh” in which peering occurs among a much larger number of participants and some peering arrangements involve payments from one peer to another. In this new environment, backbone providers, ISPs, and suppliers of content have a far wider array of interconnection alternatives, both technical and financial, than they did only a short time ago. As is often the case, the introduction of new alternatives and contractual arrangements has led to calls to regulate which alternatives and arrangements are acceptable. In this paper, we explain why such regulation would be harmful, as it would (i) reduce the incentives of industry participants to minimize total costs; (ii) lead to higher access prices to end users; (iii) result in prices that do not adequately reflect costs; and (iv) create regulatory inefficiencies. We also explain why the alternative interconnection arrangements to which Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) (and their content provider clients) and ISPs generally have access already impose limits on the exercise of market power, thus obviating any need for regulation.  相似文献   

以2006—2018年中国(内地)30个省区市面板数据为样本,基于企业家创业精神和创新精神两个维度测度区域企业家精神水平,并从互联网资源量和互联网普及度双重视角,全面探究互联网发展对企业家精神的影响。结果表明:互联网资源和互联网普及不仅能够显著推动企业家精神水平提升,而且有利于缩小区域之间的企业家精神差距,互联网可以成为新时代下激发企业家精神的新动能。由面板门槛模型进一步研究发现,互联网发展对企业家精神的影响具有显著非线性门槛特征且存在明显空间异质性。其中,互联网资源对企业家精神的作用呈现正向边际效率递增规律,具有网络效应;互联网普及与企业家精神之间呈现倒U型关系,存在高水平陷阱。据此,提出具有针对性的“互联网+企业家精神”融合策略。  相似文献   

Abstract ** : This paper proposes an internal management perspective of the company, as a complement to longstanding principal‐agency theory, for understanding the interchange between regulator and company. It draws from a longitudinal research project on understanding the implications of regulation policy incentives for strategic control in the management of UK monopoly network utilities and the management implications of regulatory policy making. This paper reports on how two utility companies have managed regulatory objectives alongside organizational ones in electricity distribution and gas transportation and suggests a new integrative model of strategic control for understanding utility management. It concludes if regulation policies are to be effective then regulators should understand the internal management of the companies if performance targets are to be attained .  相似文献   

对2010-2017年技术标准规制领域的文献进行了系统汇集、整理、分类和分析。首先,基于规制主体视角,将技术标准形成过程中的规制划分为政府规制(G)、联盟/协会规制(A)和法律规制(L)3条路径;其次,对3条路径的构成维度进行分解;最后,阐述每一维度下各种要素对技术标准形成的作用,以期为该领域的理论研究提供更坚实的基础,并对我国自主技术标准实践提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

政府社会性管制理论的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
当前,我国各种假冒伪劣商品、坑蒙诈骗、损害职工的健康和生命安全以及破坏环境的不良行为并未得到有效遏制.本文对国外在1970年代发展起来的社会性管制的市场失灵理论、行政管制与市场和私法的替代关系理论,以及管制过程中各利益相关者的博弈关系理论进行了比较研究,并从中引出若干对我国社会性管制有益的启示.  相似文献   

Internet信息质量的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了迅猛发展的Internet信息存在着质量上的问题,并对如何评价Internet信息质量进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

网上商店——现代商业新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网上商店是Internet进入商业应用以来产生的现代商业新模式。本文介绍了网上商店和网上商店的类型 ,分析了网上商店与传统商业相比具有的优势性 ,最后指出网上商店面临的问题及应采取的对策  相似文献   

在国家推动互联网与实体经济深度融合的关键时期,以政府研发资助为切入点,剖析政府应如何更好地支持企业践行“互联网+”创新战略。在阐释政府研发资助影响“互联网+”企业创新内在机制的基础上,基于2006-2018年中国省级面板数据及门槛回归模型进行实证检验。研究发现:“互联网+”显著推动企业创新效率改善,而政府研发资助有助于强化这种积极影响;企业层面的“互联网+”创新溢出存在明显的政府研发资助三重门槛效应,只有当政府研发资助强度超越一定门槛条件时,才能最大限度地释放“互联网+”的创新溢出;政府研发资助调节下的“互联网+”创新溢出效应具有显著空间异质性特征,在不同空间层面上显现出差异化和动态化调节影响;现阶段政府研发资助对“互联网+”企业创新的正向调节溢出还相对有限,且实际调节效果具有差异化特征,表现为中部地区最为显著、东部地区次之、西部地区最弱的阶梯状分布。研究结论可为新时代下构建时空分异的政府研发资助策略,进一步加快释放“互联网+”企业创新的溢出红利提供一定启示。  相似文献   

Using data from the Spanish Survey on Equipment and Use of ICTs in Households for 2007–2011, this paper evaluates the effect of employment status on the diffusion of the Internet among the labor force. We use a bivariate probit with sample selection model to account for a potential selection bias that arises because online usage is only observed for Internet users. Our results show that, controlling for income, employment influences online adoption and usage, and we find evidence of a digital divide in adoption and usage by education and age among the labor force. Employed individuals are more likely to have accessed the Internet and used it more frequently than the unemployed and for different activities. However, conditional on adoption, they do not use the Internet for more personal activities. These findings suggest that firms promote and subsidize Internet access, but this sponsored access does not translate into more personal use.  相似文献   

The power to tax and the power to regulate are often analyzed separately. We argue that, when in the hands of a single authority, the power to tax may act as a check on the power to regulate, thereby discouraging regulations that adversely affect GDP, and promoting regulations that enhance GDP. This effect will be stronger the higher are (marginal) taxes. This argument is used both to suggest an explanation for the observed positive correlation between high taxes and economic freedom, and to warn against the granting of regulatory but not fiscal powers at the European level.
Hartmut KliemtEmail:

国有企业中的薪酬管制与在职消费   总被引:179,自引:8,他引:179  
本文从我国国有企业中存在薪酬管制这一特殊制度背景出发,对上市公司高管人员在职消费行为进行理论分析,并对在职消费的主要影响因素与薪酬管制的经济后果进行了实证检验。经验证据表明,我国上市公司在职消费主要受企业租金、绝对薪酬和企业规模等因素的影响;由于薪酬管制的存在,在职消费成为国有企业管理人员的替代性选择,说明在职消费内生于国有企业面临的薪酬管制约束;与民营企业中内生于公司的薪酬契约相比,国有企业中受到管制的外生薪酬安排缺乏应有的激励效率。  相似文献   

对物联网产业技术标准化过程的发展阶段、参与主体和网络属性进行了分析,发现战略性新兴产业技术标准化过程被分割成多个子阶段,在环环相扣、同步上升的子阶段中建立技术标准化子目标和微观运作机制,子目标和微观运作机制产生于多方参与主体的互动中。战略性新兴产业技术标准化过程中的参与主体呈现出数量多、类型多、产业链覆盖面广的发展趋势,基于众多参与主体互动,战略性新兴产业技术标准化具有节点多、强弱地位各有不同、存在多种网络结构和结构洞等网络属性。  相似文献   

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